How to build specific version of CKEditor with build/wizard tool? - ckeditor

CKEditor has a build tool here
Is there way to specify the version you want? In my case I have a compressed version of 4.4.1 and want to upload the build-config.js to download the source for easier debugging. When I upload the build-config.js file it configures it like it was before but using the latest version which is 4.4.7. Maybe there is a version option I can put into the build-config.js?


How to specify a pre-release package dependency in Xcode?

How do you configure Xcode (13.2) to add a dependency on a pre-release version of a package?
For example, right now Sparkle has a 2.1.0-beta.2 release which I would like to test in my app.
More accurately stated, I would like to accept 2.1.0-beta.x up to and including the full release of 2.1.0 and I'd like Xcode's "Update to latest package versions" to find the new releases for me without me changing anything in the configuration (eg like you can do with npm).
I can't find any obvious way to achieve this using the Xcode UI. If indeed you can't, is there a way to specify this version range by editing a config directly?
As mentioned here, 2.1.0-beta.2 < 2.1.0, which is why I have tried 2.0.0 in the screenshot.

OSGI plugin development with Domino Designer 10

Up to date I was using IBM Domino Designer V9.0.1 FP8 to develop an OSGI plugin. With this version everything was working as intended. I've created a plugin project, a feature project and an update site project. Selecting "Build all" in the update site project created all the the corresponding jar files.
Today I've installed IBM (HCL) Domino Desinger V10 FP2 (fresh install i.e. I've deinstalled V9.0.1 and deleted the old "workspace" directory in NotesData, but I kept the NotesData itself).
Now if I open my plugin projects, I can edit the plugin, save the Java classes without any errors. Up to this point everything is working as usual. But now, if I use "Build all" in the update site project I see a screen with "generating ant script" and then the build process is finished, but no jar files are generated.
Any ideas why this is happening? Am I missing some files? Am I missing some configurations?
BTW: if I use standard eclipse to build the plugin all jar files are generated.
Domino Designer is a customised version of Eclipse. 9.0.1 FP9 and lower is a very old version of Eclipse, 9.0.1 FP10+ is a much newer version, so not comparable to what was happening before. It's possible there are differences in the customisation of Eclipse that are affecting it. But every Domino OSGi plugin developer I'm aware of uses standard Eclipse.
Follow the steps for setting up your environment here In the documentation there I've tried to document why steps are done and what they achieve, as well as just the steps themselves. The intention is to pass on understanding to a broader set of developers, for future proofing.

are there other possible ways to use groovy in Eclipse except plugin

I am using eclipse Mars 4.5.0 IDE and I would like to do some Groovy project.Adding groovy as a plugin is not working, because I am not able to connect to In fact even simple update are not working. There is always some connection time out like connection to
However I do have groovy installed on my system. Is there anyway I could tell the IDE to use the system groovy? Or is it possible to download the plugin and manually add it to the IDE? I am using windows 7
The groovy compiler delivered by the plugin is patched and therefore I don't think it is possible to use an external groovy compiler.
If you're behind a proxy, try to configure eclipse with manual proxy settings.
At least the 4.6 and 4.7 snapshot update site works well for me ATM, but when i had access problems, I downloaded the last working build from the ci server mentioned in the wiki:
e.g. E45 build and publish -> #393 -> Artifacts -> Zipped Update Site
and used it as an update site (add.. -> archive).

Is there a reason to install Gradle instead of using gradlew?

The recommended way to use Gradle is through the Gradle Wrapper, (gradlew), which is checked into version control of the project.
My question is: is there any reason to install Gradle myself from instead of using the wrapper everywhere? (and copying the wrapper to new projects from an older project)
If You work with gradle occasionally (not with one particular project (or a set of projects)) it's very useful to have gradle installed on command line. Then You can easily create a script and check if it works fine. With gradle installed on CL it's very easy and fast (no need to download the whole distribution every time). Beside this one particular use case nothing else comes to my head.
P.S. There's a great tool for gradle (and other tools) version management: GVM.

How to replace files in Xcode under version control

What's the best way to update some open source classes that are under subversion in Xcode?
For example, I'm using Appirater from github in my project and I want to replace my version of it with the latest version.
In the past when I've just imported the new files and deleted the old ones, Xcode/svn has gotten confused and given me error messages about missing files and such.
I'm using Xcode 5.0.1 and allowing it to interface with my local svn repository.
