Classes from required Eclipse plugins are missing when building with Maven - maven

I want to do the simplest Maven build with Tycho, but couldn't get it working. My project has only one pom.xml file, there are no parent or sibling POMs.
When I run mvn clean install I get lots of compilation errors which entries such as:
[ERROR] /dir/[8,33] package org.eclipse.core.commands does not exist
This is how my POM file looks like:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Maven stuff</description>
This is how my manifest file looks like:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: pluginname
Bundle-SymbolicName: pluginname;singleton:=true
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
Bundle-Activator: com.mygroup.pluginname.ui.Activator
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui,
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Bundle-ClassPath: .
I don't really know what I am missing here.

Your project doesn't specify a packaging type, so it defaults to jar. For jar projects, Tycho doesn't do anything, so all your otherwise correct configuration has no effect.
To activate Tycho, you need to add the configuration
Then, Tycho will resolve the build class path according to the dependencies you have declared in the OSGi manifest.
Note that Tycho doesn't use the maven-compiler-plugin, so after activating Tycho this configuration has no effect. Also, I have no experience with the maven-eclipse-plugin in combination with Tycho. Instead of that plugin, I would recommend to use M2Eclipse for importing the project in Eclipse.

You need to add a dependency for the set of libraries you are using in your source code.
Maven isn't being told to obtain or manage them, so Eclipse doesn't know they exist. When you are trying to import them in your source code and compile, it's generating the error you are seeing.
See the eclipse repository for the info required for other libraries.
EDIT: To fix your SWT compilation error, follow the steps shown on the SWT-repo project's webpage. An example for the win32 Intel x86/x64 architecture:
Change yours based on your platform.


OSGi Code coverage - Jacoco + Easymock

I'm currently working on a Java OSGi project(based on Apache felix runtime) with a project setup like the one below:
pkg | parent maven project
persistence | real plugin
persistence.tests | test plugin (indeed a Fragment project with fragment host the persistence plugin above )
... others like the ones above
Basically I use maven + tycho to manage the lifecycle of the project. the whole stuff flows through a continuos integration pipeline which involves jenkins for building, testing, deploying and forwarding code analysis to a Sonarqube server. Just like mentioned above, tests are implemented through Fragment projects pointing OSGi bundles to be tested. In these tests I make use of EasyMock library to generate mocked OSGi bundles.
In order to make Sonarqube aware of tests coverage I had to add Jacoco (maven plugin) into my sets of tools. After a few adjustments to the configuration of my parent pom.xml file I ended up with something that is working partially: jacoco code coverage is only working for classes included in test plugins (the fragment projects). As you may guess - though better than nothing - this result is far from being useful. I need to evalute test coverage on real OSGi bundles. After some googling I understood that the problem could be linked to the usage of EasyMock library, since this alterate original classes during execution causing a mismatch between test classes and real classes. According to my understanding, to solve I need to disable jacoco on-the-fly instrumentation and use offline instrumentation instead.
Nevertheless I'm not able to understand :
what does this really means
how to do it
Can someone kindly revert on this ?
This is the maven command i'm running to generate jacoco report
mvn -f com.mycompany.osgi.myproject.pkg/pom.xml clean test
Below my current parent pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- Sonar-JaCoCo properties -->
As suggested by #Godin, my problems were solved using the following jacoco plugin configurations
and this project configuration to instruct sonarqube to read expected resources
<!-- Sonar-JaCoCo properties -->

Creating P2 Repository via tycho does not add dependency into resulting repository

I have a separate project which contains:
a larger number of dependencies and the following part in my pom file:
I'm using tycho 0.24.0. So I can build this project and results in a zip file a p2artifacts.xml and p2content.xml which contain the dependencies. So far so good.
But now I add two other dependencies:
I have checked if those two artifacts contain OSGi information in their MANIFEST.MF. Furthermore they will be downloaded during the build of the project which means maven coordinates are correct etc.
But in the end they will not being packaged into the zip nor they occur in the p2artifacts.xml neither in the p2content.xml.
Does someone has an idea what I'm doing wrong?
I simply forgot to add the dependencies to the category.xml.

Unresolveable build extension: Plugin org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-maven

I am using 'Tycho'(Maven) for eclipse plugin project build .
I am getting the error :
Unresolveable build extension: Plugin org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-maven-plugin:0.22.0 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-maven-plugin:jar:0.22.0: Could not transfer artifact org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-maven-plugin:pom:0.22.0 from/to central ( connect timed out -> [Help 2]
POM.xml file looks like
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- add Mars repository to resolve dependencies -->
<!-- enable tycho build extension -->
I am sure your problem is solved. However, for others who have the same error,the solution is :
Include the tag <pluginManagement> in parent pom.xml file. <pluginManagement> is only a way to share the same plugin configuration across all your project modules.Here is sample parent pom.xml file
This can't be solved by adding
It's simply because the eclipse m2e connector can't download these plugins from a repo.
Open your Maven Console and see if it prints something after you saved your pom.xml
it probably will tell you, that it couldn't acces the repo or no maven settings.xml is assigned to the m2e connector.
Find the full Solution here:
Maven: unresolvable build extension cannot find org.junit

I'm trying to run jUnit tests for an Eclipse RCP application with Tycho.
For that I created a simple jUnit test, that runs when I click on Run as > jUnit-Test. But when I want to run it with mvn test, it doesn't find jUnit.
I read in the Internet that I have to add jUnit to the Build-Path. -> I already did that. Furthermore I read that I have to add jUnit as a require-bundle in my file. But there is the problem!! I get the error: Bundle 'org.junit' canot be resolved.
My MANIFEST.MF file looks like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Tests
Bundle-SymbolicName: myPackageName
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Bundle-Vendor: myCompany
Fragment-Host: thePackageWhereTestesPluginIs
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6
Require-Bundle: org.junit
Where is my mistake? When I take org.junit4 it cannot be resolved either...
Thank you!
Now I use instead of require-bundle:
Import-package: org.junit4
(or org.junit, its' behavior is the same) and it can be resolved in the file. But when I run it, I get the following error:
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.InternalErrorException: Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Bundle myTestBundle cannot be resolved
Resolution errors:
Bundle myTestBundle - Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.junit4; version="0.0.0"
How can I solve this?
Thank you!!
My pom file of the test bundle:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
The parent pom:
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- configure p2 repository to resolve against -->
I think I resolved the problem!
I added jUnit to my p2 Update sites and now I don't get any errors!
I fixed my problem by adding jUnit as a p2 Update site and used it in the as:
Require-Bundle: org.junit; bundle-version = "4.11.0"

Maven/Tycho takes the wrong bundle-version

I'm trying to build my eclipse-plugin using tycho.
My package com.mycompany.math requires org.apache.commons.math-1.2.0, which is installed in my p2-repository.
The dependency is defined in the MANIFEST.MF of org.mycompany.math:
Require-Bundle: org.apache.commons.math;bundle-version="1.2.0",
During my build, i get the error-message that the org.apache.commons.math-classes could not resolved.
Before the build start's, maven/tycho downloaded the 2.1.0-version.
So, my question is, why maven/tycho download's 2.1.0, when i defined in the MANIFEST.MF that i use 1.2.0.
You can see in my parent pom.xml that i defined three p2-repository's. The last one, contains my required 1.2.0-version.
My parent pom.xml:
<description>Parent POM for full builds</description>
<!-- my modules -->
<!-- configure p2 repository to resolve against -->
<repository> <-- CONTAINS ORG.APACHE.COMMONS.MATH-1.2.0 !
<!-- enable tycho build extension -->
And my pom.xml
The problem is that your Require-Bundle statement is too general:
With Require-Bundle: org.apache.commons.math;bundle-version="1.2.0" you actually specify that you need the math bundle in version 1.2.0 or any later version.
You should specify that you only want 1.2.0 or compatible versions. This can be done with Require-Bundle: org.apache.commons.math;bundle-version="[1.2.0,2.0.0)". This statement prevents that your bundle will be wired against the (apparently incompatible) 2.1 version of the math bundle at runtime (which is also important!), and it will probably also fix your build problem.
Tycho may still resolve against a higher 1.x version of the math bundle for building, if such a version is present in the target platform (i.e. in your case any of the configured p2 repository or amongst the POM dependencies). If this is the case, but you want to enforce that the 1.2 version is used in the build, you need to control the content of your target platform. (The Maven <dependencyManagement> is not enough, because it doesn't have an effect on the p2 repositories you configured.) You can do this by specifying filters in Tycho's target platform configuration:
