Inverting a hash value (that's an array) into new individual keys - ruby

I have the following:
lumpy_hash = { 1 => ["A", "B"] }
then if I invoke Hash#invert on this hash, I'd like to get:
lumpy_hash = {"A" => 1, "B" => 1}
I don't get that from using Hash#invert. Any ideas on doing this? I'm not sure if I should try Hash#map or Hash#invert.

There are many ways to do this. Here is one:
Hash[ { |k,v| v.product([k]) }.first]
#=> {"A"=>1, "B"=>1}
I don't think the method Hash#invert is useful here.
The steps:
enum =
#=> #<Enumerator: {1=>["A", "B"]}:map>
k,v =
#=> [1, ["A", "B"]]
k #=> 1
v #=> ["A", "B"]
a = v.product([k])
#=> ["A", "B"].product([1])
#=> [["A", 1], ["B", 1]]
#=> {"A"=>1, "B"=>1}
Here's another way that makes use of a hash's default value. This one is rather interesting:
key,value = lumpy_hash.to_a.first
#=> [1, ["A","B"]] { |h,k| h[k]=key }.tap { |h| h.values_at(*value) }
#=> {"A"=>1,"B"=>1}
Object#tap passes an empty hash to its block, assigning it to the block variable h. The block returns h after adding three key-value pairs, each having a value equal to the hash's default value. It adds the pairs merely by computing the values of keys the hash doesn't have!

Here's another, more pedestrian, method:
lumpy_hash.flat_map{|k,vs|{|v| {v => k}}}.reduce(&:merge)
=> {"A"=>1, "B"=>1}


Reduce hash with key, value and index as block parameters

h = { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 }
Is there a way to reduce a hash and have the key, value and index as block parameters?
As a starting point I can iterate over a hash getting key, value and index:
h.each_with_index { |(k,v), i| puts [k,v,i].inspect }
# => ["a", 1, 0]
# => ["b", 2, 1]
However when I add reduce I seem to loose the ability to have the key and value as separate values and instead they are provided as a two element array:
h.each_with_index.reduce([]) { |memo, (kv,i)| puts [kv,i].inspect }
# => [["a", 1], 0]
# => [["b", 2], 1]
This is okay, I can in the block do kv[0] and kv[1], but I'd like something like this:
h.each_with_index.reduce([]) { |memo, (k,v), i| puts [k,v,i].inspect }
I'd like to do this without monkey-patching.
Maybe something like this?:
h.each_with_index.reduce([]) { |memo, ((k,v), i)| puts [k,v,i].inspect }
#=> ["a", 1, 0]
#=> ["b", 2, 1]
#=> nil
All you need is scoping: ((k,v), i).
Keeping in mind with reduce, we always have to return the object at the end of block. Which is kind of an extra overhead unless last operation isn't on the memo object which returns the object itself.Otherwise it won't return the desired result.
Same thing can be achieved with each_with_index chained with with_object like so:
h.each_with_index.with_object([]) { |((k,v), i), memo| memo << [k,v,i].inspect }
#=> ["a", 1, 0]
#=> ["b", 2, 1]
#=> []
See the array at last line of output? That's our memo object, which isn't same as reduce that we used above.
When in doubt what the block arguments are, create an instance of an Enumerator and call #next on it:
▶ h = {a: 1, b: 2}
#⇒ {:a=>1, :b=>2}
▶ enum = h.each.with_index.with_object([])
#⇒ #<Enumerator: ...>
#⇒ [[[:a, 1], 0], []]
The returned value consists of:
array of key and value, joined into:
array with an index, joined into:
array with an accumulator (for reduce it’d go in front, if reduce returned an enumerator when called without a block—credits to #Stefan for nitpicking.)
Hence, the proper parentheses for decomposing it would be:
# ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓
# [ [ [:a, 1], 0 ], [] ]
{ | ( (k, v), idx ), memo| ...
Enumerable#each_with_index yields two values into the block: the item and its index. When it is invoked for a Hash, the item is an array that contains two elements: the key and the associated value.
When you declare the block arguments |(k,v), i| you, in fact, deconstruct the first block argument (the item) into its two components: the key and the value. Without a block h.each_with_index produces an Enumerator that yields both arguments of the previously used block wrapped into an array.
This array is the second argument of Enumerator#reduce.
You can tell this by running:
irb> h.each_with_index.reduce([]) { |memo, j| p j }
[["a", 1], 0]
[["b", 2], 1]
Now, the answer to your question is easy: just deconstruct j and you get:
irb> h.each_with_index.reduce([]) { |memo, ((k,v), i)| puts [k,v,i].inspect }
["a", 1, 0]
["b", 2, 1]
Of course, you should memo << [k,v,i] or put the values in memo using other other rules and return memo to get your final desired result.

Sum of same values in ruby hash

I have hash for example
{-2=>"a", -1=>"c", 1=>"a", 3=>"a", 49=>"a", -43=>"ab", 5=>"ab"}
There can be equal values. My task is to sum keys where values are equal. Result:
{51=>"a", -1=>"c", -38=>"ab"}
How can I do this?
hash.group_by{|key,val| val}
Gives awful result.
hash = {-2=>"a", -1=>"c", 1=>"a", 3=>"a", 49=>"a", -43=>"ab", 5=>"ab"}
hash.reduce({}) do |memo, (k,v)|
memo[v] ||= 0
memo[v] += k
# => {51=>"a", -1=>"c", -38=>"ab"}
reduce - lets you build up a new value by iterating over the values of a collection, in this case hash. See the docs for more.
invert - swaps the keys and values of a hash. See the docs for more.
Other ways to do this:
hash.reduce( { |memo, (k,v)| memo[v] += k; memo }.invert
h = {-2=>"a", -1=>"c", 1=>"a", 3=>"a", 49=>"a", -43=>"ab", 5=>"ab"}
h.group_by(&:last).each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[] = k }
#=> {51=>"a", -1=>"c", -38=>"ab"}
but that would be crazy as it relies on the sums being unique. (Recall that hashes have unique keys.) Suppose
h = {-54=>"a", -1=>"c", 1=>"a", 3=>"a", 49=>"a", -43=>"ab", 5=>"ab"}
h.group_by(&:last).each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[] = k }
#=> {-1=>"c", -38=>"ab"}
as -1=>"a" is overwritten by -1=<"c". I doubt that this is wanted.
It would be better to save the contents of h in an array:
a = [[-2, "a"], [-1, "c"], [-1, "a"], [49, "a"], [-43, "ab"], [5, "ab"]]
(as it permits duplicate values of the integers--here -1) and then compute
a.group_by(&:last).each_with_object({}) { |(e,ar),h| h[e] = }
#=> {"a"=>46, "c"=>-1, "ab"=>-38}
Note that (for the original value of h)
#=> {"a"=>[[-2, "a"], [1, "a"], [3, "a"], [49, "a"]],
# "c"=>[[-1, "c"]], "ab"=>[[-43, "ab"], [5, "ab"]]}
and could be replaced with
v.reduce(0) { |t,(n,_)| t+n }

Swap hash keys with values and convert keys to symbols in Ruby?

This is the input hash:
p Score.periods #{"q1"=>0, "q2"=>1, "q3"=>2, "q4"=>3, "h1"=>4, "h2"=>5}
This is my current code to exchange the keys with the values, while converting the keys to symbols:
periods = Score.periods.inject({}) do |hsh,(k,v)|
hsh[v] = k.to_sym
Here is the result:
p periods #{0=>:q1, 1=>:q2, 2=>:q3, 3=>:q4, 4=>:h1, 5=>:h2}
It just seems like my code is clunky and it shouldn't take 4 lines to do what I'm doing here. Is there a cleaner way to write this?
You can do this:
Or if you're using a version of Ruby where to_h is available for arrays, you can do this:
What the two examples above do is make arrays of the keys and values of the original hash. Note that the string keys of the hash are mapped to symbols by passing to_sym to map as a Proc:
# => [:q1, :q2, :q3, :q4, :h1, :h2]
# => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Then it zips them up into an array of [value, key] pairs, where each corresponding elements of values is matched with its corresponding key in keys:
# => [[0, :q1], [1, :q2], [2, :q3], [3, :q4], [4, :h1], [5, :h2]]
Then that array can be converted back into a hash using Hash[array] or array.to_h.
The simplest way is:
data = {"q1"=>0, "q2"=>1, "q3"=>2, "q4"=>3, "h1"=>4, "h2"=>5}
Hash[data.invert.collect { |k, v| [ k, v.to_sym ] }]
The Hash[] method converts an array of key/value pairs into an actual Hash. Quite handy for situations like this.
If you're using Ruby on Rails this could be even easier:
h = {"q1"=>0, "q2"=>1, "q3"=>2, "q4"=>3, "h1"=>4, "h2"=>5}
h.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),g| g[v] = k.to_sym }
#=> {0=>:q1, 1=>:q2, 2=>:q3, 3=>:q4, 4=>:h1, 5=>:h2}
The steps are as follows (for the benefit of Ruby newbies).
enum = h.each_with_object({})
#=> #<Enumerator: {0=>"q1", 1=>"q2", 2=>"q3", 3=>"q4",
# 4=>"h1", 5=>"h2"}:each_with_object({})>
The elements that will be generated by the enumerator and passed to the block can be seen by converting the enumerator to an array, using Enumerable#entries or Enumerable#to_a.
#=> [[["q1", 0], {}], [["q2", 1], {}], [["q3", 2], {}],
# [["q4", 3], {}], [["h1", 4], {}], [["h2", 5], {}]]
enum.each { |(k,v),g| g[v] = k.to_sym }
#=> {0=>:q1, 1=>:q2, 2=>:q3, 3=>:q4, 4=>:h1, 5=>:h2}
In the last step, Enumerator#each passes the first element generated by enum to the block and assigns the three block variables. Consider the first element of enum that is passed to the block and the associated calculation of values for the three block variables. (I must first execute enum.rewind to reinitialize enum, as each above took the enumerator to its end. See Enumerator#rewind).
(k, v), g =
#=> [["q1", 0], {}]
k #=> "q1"
v #=> 0
g #=> {}
See Enumerator#next. The block calculation is therefore
g[v] = k.to_sym
#=> :q1
g #=> {0=>:q1}
The next element of enum is passed to the block and similar calculations are performed.
(k, v), g =
#=> [["q2", 1], {0=>:q1}]
k #=> "q2"
v #=> 1
g #=> {0=>:q1}
g[v] = k.to_sym
#=> :q2
g #=> {0=>:q1, 1=>:q2}
The remaining calculations are similar.

Is there a more efficient way to turn an array into a hash?

I think that my method is a little clumsy, and that there is likely to be a one-liner that I'm missing. Ideas?
def _to_hash
hsh = {}
self.each_slice(2){|v| hsh[v[0]] = v[1]}
1.9.3-p0 :003 > ["a", 1, "b", 2]._to_hash
"a" => 1,
"b" => 2
#phiggy's method is correct, but also remember that you can use a splat operator:
a = ["a", 1, "b", 2]
Hash[*a] #=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
You want Hash's .[] operator:
> Hash["a", 1, "b", 2]
=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}

Converting an array of keys and an array of values into a hash in Ruby

I have two arrays like this:
keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
values = [1, 2, 3]
Is there a simple way in Ruby to convert those arrays into the following hash?
{ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3 }
Here is my way of doing it, but I feel like there should be a built-in method to easily do this.
def arrays2hash(keys, values)
hash = {}
0.upto(keys.length - 1) do |i|
hash[keys[i]] = values[i]
The following works in 1.8.7:
keys = ["a", "b", "c"]
values = [1, 2, 3]
zipped =
=> [["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]]
=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
This appears not to work in older versions of Ruby (1.8.6). The following should be backwards compatible:
Another way is to use each_with_index:
hash = {}
keys.each_with_index { |key, index| hash[key] = values[index] }
hash # => {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
The same can be done using Array#transpose method. If you are using Ruby version >= 2.1, you can take the advantage of the method Array#to_h, otherwise use your old friend, Hash::[]
keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
values = [1, 2, 3]
[keys, values].transpose.to_h
# => {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
Hash[[keys, values].transpose]
# => {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
Try this, this way the latter one d will overwrite the former one c
irb(main):001:0> hash = Hash[[[1,2,3,3], ['a','b','c','d']].transpose]
=> {1=>"a", 2=>"b", 3=>"d"}
