Unauthorised access to Email Settings Google API - google-api

I am using both GAM and the Google API PHP client library to integrate with Google for Work.
I am using a service account and I have authorized the Client ID in the Admin console to access the following two scopes:
I have also enabled the Drive API and Admin SDK in the Developers Console. There is no Email Settings API that I can see.
I have followed this page and granted GAM access to all scopes during testing - which does include the Email Settings scope.
I can successfully use GAM and the PHP client library to access the Google Drive API. However, I always get a 403 - Unauthorised when trying to do any of the Email Settings API functions detailed in https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/email-settings/
I am fairly confident that I have the authorised the right Client ID in the Admin Console. When I remove the scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive from the Admin Console it blocks my access to Google Drive from both GAM and the PHP client library.
Any suggestions on what to try?

GAM does not use service accounts for email settings API, it uses standard OAuth 2.0 for installed apps. Be sure you used a super administrator to authorize GAM access to the email settings API. If you didn't, run
gam oauth revoke
And then another command like:
gam all users show imap
And this time make sure you are logged in as a super admin.

Jay's post led me to the answer - namely that I should be logged in as a super admin when accessing the Email Settings API.
I therefore created a super admin account and authenticated GAM using that. That gave GAM access.
In order to get the PHP client library working, I had to impersonate the super admin account when I created the OAuth2 token. The code to impersonate the admin account is below:
$credentials = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
'notasecret', // Default P12 password
'http://oauth.net/grant_type/jwt/1.0/bearer', // Default grant type
$service_account_email is the email address of the service account created in the Developer's console - not the super admin account.
$scopes is an array of the API URLs that you need to access
$private_key is the contents of the P12 certificate created from the Developer's console.
$admin_email is the email of the super admin account.
Hope this helps someone else.


PayPal Developer Sandbox API Credentials do not provide username, password and signature

Trying to setup an app with a sandbox account on PayPal. I already had a Business account with PayPal and have created a new application under the Sandbox.
I am provided with 3 credentials by PayPal:
Sandbox account which has the appearance of an email address
Client ID
However, using Omnipay with Laravel and it asks me for Username, Password and Signature in the config/env. I have some legacy prod credentials which look nothing like those provided by PayPal above, so can't even make an educated guess.
Thank you in advance.
Client ID/Secret are API credentials from a REST App (which if for sandbox mode will be tied to a particular sandbox account when the app is created)
For the old classic NVP/SOAP API Username/Password/Signature credentials, go directly to the sandbox account list and in manage accounts (...) select View/Edit account, second tab.

Office365 Exchange REST API errors, endpoints and permissions issues

I am trying to understand the API's that #Microsoft provides. Its just so messy. My goal is to use the Exchange API to edit settings.
So, I have an APP, Access tokens and subscriptions.
When trying to login to https://outlook.office365.com/ I get the following error:
Your subscription is no longer active. Please contact your admin to activate your subscription.
X-ClientId: 05A0A74F610C432EA1AD48C77829580B
request-id 3088673c-f523-4e26-824f-1d0f7cb0a219
X-OWA-Error Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.TenantAccessBlockedException
X-OWA-Version 15.20.2451.30
X-FEServer HE1PR05CA0360
X-BEServer HE1P190MB0508
Date:18/11/2019 09:11:34
But as you can see, I have a subscription:
What I understand is that I have to login to outlook.office365.com before using the API.
Ok, so I can now login to https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox. It took a while............. But;
1) I can request: https://outlook.office365.com/api/beta/users/********************************/. It will return the specified user.
2) I can NOT https://outlook.office365.com/api/beta/users/********************************/mailfolders. I tells me 'access denied'. While my app has all Exchange, Office365 permissions. But delegate and application permissions.
The "Grant admin consent for your tenant" feature seems to have been updated yesterday.
However, something is wrong with the new "Grant admin consent for your tenant" feature based on my test.
If you use it to grant admin consent, it will probably not take effect on the back end although admin consent has been successfully completed on Azure Portal.
Currently you could grant admin consent through a URL request.
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{your tenant}/oauth2/authorize?client_id={app id of your Azure AD app}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={redirect uri of your Azure AD app}&nonce=1234&resource=https://outlook.office365.com/&prompt=admin_consent
Please note that you need to create a new Azure AD App currently because if you have used admin consent on Azure Portal, granting admin consent through a URL request will not take effect.

Directory API / Gmail API

is there any way to manage gmail user settings (https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/python) for all userids within a gsuite domain? The boilerplate works great for userid 'me' but I would like to to do it my whole list of gmail accounts.
I tried to enable delegation from directory API (https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/guides/delegation) but how do I link the right with the gmail API ?
Do I still have to go throught restricted oauth2 so I cannot do it without the users consent?
I found my solution it is called GAM which is a great helper tool to set your directory API keys and provides cli to manage the gmail settings of the users

send emails from MY gmail account with OAuth2 and nodemailer

I want to send emails from my gmail address through my own server. I'm using nodemailer and using account credentials is flaky, and often times doesn't work and leads to this thread
I've implemented everything on that thread many times, and still it's flaky, and also I know OAuth2 is the way to go.
I have a project with cliendID and clientSecret in google developer console, as you can see:
But how do I get an access token WITHOUT any browser interaction?
I seem to be missing something trivial here ...
I've went through all google tutorials and docs I could find about OAuth2, tokens, and APIs, but all guides go through the browser in one point.
Go to the OAuth Playground, click the cog on the top right, check the Use your own OAuth credentials and insert your clientID and clientSecret.
Then select the Gmail API v1 scopes you want in the list to the left and follow the outlined steps and you will get an access_token and a refresh_token.
Google Oauth2 actually all Oauth2 implementations I am aware of require that a user grant an application access via a web browser.
There is an alternative type called service accounts this is more like oauth1 service accounts are preauthorized. You can grant a service account access to your google drive by sharing folders and files with the service account like you would any other user. Because they are preauthorized there is no browser window pop up with service accounts.
You can only user service accounts with Gmail if you have a Google domains account Gsuite. The admin can go in and grant the service account access to the Gmail account in question. Perform G Suite Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority
If this is a normal user Gmail account you cant use a service account. You will have to use Oauth2 popup the request and save the refresh token so that you can gain access at a later date.

Activation of Google Email Migration API

My organization is in the process of switching to Google Apps for Education. I have successfully used Google Email Uploader to migrate my emails (as an admin of the domain). However, when I attempt to upload another users email, I encounter the following error:
Username or password not accepted
This domain does not allow users to access the Email Migration API.
Error 403
API Access has been enabled in the User Settings for our domain. Does this take some time to activate? Are there other steps I must take prior to migration? Thanks.
Administrators of Google Apps for Business/EDU domains always have the ability to migrate mail. However in order for users to be able to migrate mail to their own account, it must be enabled in the Control Panel. See Google's instructions for enabling user email migration.
