Stop PhpStorm from aligning associative arrays - coding-style

How can I tell PhpStorm (using version 8.0.3) to keep the following array as is when clicking Cmd+Alt+L to reformat my code:
$array = [
'short' => 1, // I want this...
'veryVeryVeryIncrediblyLong' => 123456789,
Instead of doing this:
$array = [
'short' => 1, // Not this...
'veryVeryVeryIncrediblyLong' => 123456789,

Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | Code Style | PHP | Other | Array declaration style -> Align key-value pairs
Since PhpStorm 2017.x version it is now located at Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | Code Style | PHP | Wrapping and Braces --> Array initializer | Align key-value pairs

In Phpstorm 2017.3 & later , This setting is located at
File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | PHP | Wrapping and Braces | Array initializer | Align key-value pairs

Preferences → Editor → Code Style → PHP → Other → Align key-value pairs

PhpStorm 2019 and up: Settings -> editor -> PHP -> Wrapping and Braces -> Array initializer -> Align key-value pairs [*] (Linux OS)

In phpstorm 2019 it goes somewhere like this:
(settings > editor > php > Wrapping and Braces > Assignment statement > Align consecutive assignments)
PHPStorm 9 align assignments in PHP


Multiple let statements on the same line in F#

module Digits
type Digit = Unison | Semitone | Tone | MinorThird | MajorThird | PerfectFourth | AugmentedFourth | PerfectFifth | MinorSixth | MajorSixth | MinorSeventh | MajorSeventh type 'd GeneralizedDigit = SmallDigit of 'd | Octave type 't Number = EmptyNumber | CountedNumber of 't * 't Number
let swapOctave: Digit GeneralizedDigit -> Digit GeneralizedDigit = fun x -> match x with SmallDigit Unison -> Octave | Octave -> SmallDigit Unison | g -> g
let limitLength: 'r Number -> Digit = fun a -> match a with EmptyNumber -> Unison | CountedNumber(_,EmptyNumber) -> Semitone | CountedNumber(_,CountedNumber(_,EmptyNumber)) -> Tone | CountedNumber(_,CountedNumber(_,CountedNumber(_,EmptyNumber))) -> MinorThird | _ -> MajorSeventh
In F# I can put multiple type definitions on the same line without semicolons without any problems, but when I remove the newline between the let statements I get the error FS0010. I know that in Haskell statements can be separated by a single semicolon but in F# neither a single semicolon nor a double semicolon will work. How do I have multiple let statements on the same line?
You can do this with the let .. in syntax like so:
let f () = let a = 1 in let b = 2 in a + b
f () // gives 3 as a result
But I would really recommend against doing multiple single-line definitions like this. It's hard for people to read.
If you want multiple let bindings to bound values to variables, then you also can use the "tuple syntax".
let x,y,z = 1, "Hi", 3.0
As explained by Phillip, the let .. in .. construct allows you to define a local variable as part of a one-line expression.
However, your example seems to be trying to define multiple top-level definitions in a module, which is something you cannot achieve with let .. in ...
As far as I can tell, you can actually do this by separating the definitions with two semicolons, i.e. ;;. If I save the following as test.fs and load it using #load, I get no errors:
module Digits
type Digit = Unison | Semitone | Tone | MinorThird | MajorThird | PerfectFourth | AugmentedFourth | PerfectFifth | MinorSixth | MajorSixth | MinorSeventh | MajorSeventh type 'd GeneralizedDigit = SmallDigit of 'd | Octave type 't Number = EmptyNumber | CountedNumber of 't * 't Number
let swapOctave: Digit GeneralizedDigit -> Digit GeneralizedDigit = fun x -> match x with SmallDigit Unison -> Octave | Octave -> SmallDigit Unison | g -> g;; let limitLength: 'r Number -> Digit = fun a -> match a with EmptyNumber -> Unison | CountedNumber(_,EmptyNumber) -> Semitone | CountedNumber(_,CountedNumber(_,EmptyNumber)) -> Tone | CountedNumber(_,CountedNumber(_,CountedNumber(_,EmptyNumber))) -> MinorThird | _ -> MajorSeventh
I tested this in F# 5.0. It may be the case that this has changed in F# 6 which removed deprecated features like #light "off". The removal of ;; is not discussed in the post, but it may have been a related change. If that is the case, you may report it as a regression - but it is likely support for ;; should also be removed!
As mentioned by Phillip, I do not see any reason for actually trying to do this.

I cannot get my honeycomb panel in Sumo Logic to display the correct colors

I have the following search:
_sourceCategory="/api/SQLWatch" AND "'checktype':'AGDetails'"
| parse "'synchronization_pair':''" as synchronization_pair
| parse "'Database_Name':''" as Database_Name
| parse "'synchronization_health_desc':''" as synchronization_health_desc
| parse "'AG_Name':''" as AG_Name
| parse "'DAG':'*'" as DAG
| IF (synchronization_health_desc = "HEALTHY", 1, 0) as isHealthy
| first(_messagetime) group by synchronization_pair, Database_Name, synchronization_health_desc, AG_Name, DAG, isHealthy
which produces results like this:
synchronization_pair Database_Name synchronization_health_desc AG_Name DAG Healthy
ServerA-ServerB DB1 HEALTHY AG1 No 1
ServerC-ServerD DB2 UNHEALTHY AG2 Yes 0
When I add a honeycomb panel to my dashboard with this search all the honeycombs are blue.
I add the following settings to my Visual Settings and they are still blue.
1 to 1 GREEN
0 to 0 RED
Please help.
i figured it out!
the column in the first() is the value used for the visual settings
i changed the last line to the following and it works now!!!
| first(isHealthy) group by synchronization_pair, Database_Name, synchronization_health_desc, AG_Name, DAG //, isHealthy

How to reference/name specific part of a shape?

I want to reference a specific part of a shape. For example: From Best Apple to Basket 1, instead of apple_node to Basket 1.
The below image will better explain what I wish to achieve.
This is my graphviz code and what I have achieved so far:
digraph fruits {
node [shape=record]
apple_node [label="Apple | {{Best Apple} | {Worst Apple}}"];
banana_node [label="Banana | {{Best Banana} | {Worst Banana}}"];
basket1_node [label="basket1|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"];
basket2_node [label="basket2|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"];
apple_node -> basket1_node;
banana_node -> basket2_node;
Since you are using record-based nodes, you can add field id's to the label and use them as portnames which indicate where to attach an edge to (see also the official documentation about record-based nodes).
examplenode [shape=record; label="<fieldid1> one|<fieldid2> two"];
examplenode:fieldid1 -> othernode;
Your apple-banana example:
digraph fruits {
node [shape=record]
apple_node [label="Apple | {{<bestapple>Best Apple} | {<worstapple>Worst Apple}}"];
banana_node [label="Banana | {{Best Banana} | {<worstbanana>Worst Banana}}"];
basket1_node [label="basket1|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"];
basket2_node [label="basket2|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"];
apple_node:bestapple -> basket1_node;
apple_node:worstapple -> basket1_node;
banana_node:worstbanana -> basket2_node;

DOORS Compound Filter Dilemma

DOORS Version:
I'll try to break this down as simple as I can. First, I'll start with the data. Assume I have a module, Module, in DOORS. Module is comprised of:
Tree Structure
Assume that Object Text for headings and sub-headings are blank, and assume Object Text for the remaining Level 3 objects is the same as the name of the object itself. For example, Object Heading is blank for Object_1.1.0-1, but its Object Text is "Object_1.1.0-1".
- Module
- 1 Heading1 // Object Heading: "Heading1" ; Object Number: 1
| - 1.1 Sub-Heading1.1 // Object Heading: "Sub-Heading1.1" ; Object Number: 1.1
| | + Object_1.1.0-1 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 1.1.0-1
| | + Object_1.1.0-2 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 1.1.0-2
| | | .
| | | .
| | | .
| | + Object_1.1.0-A // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 1.1.0-A
| |
| - 1.2 Sub-Heading1.2 // Object Heading: "Sub-Heading1.2" ; Object Number: 1.2
| + Object_1.2.0-1 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 1.2.0-1
| + Object_1.2.0-2 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 1.2.0-2
| | .
| | .
| | .
| + Object_1.2.0-B // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 1.2.0-B
- 2 Heading2 // Object Heading: "Heading2" ; Object Number: 2
- 2.1 Sub-Heading2.1 // Object Heading: "Sub-Heading2.1" ; Object Number: 2.1
| + Object_2.1.0-1 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 2.1.0-1
| + Object_2.1.0-2 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 2.1.0-2
| | .
| | .
| | .
| + Object_2.1.0-C // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 2.1.0-C
- 2.2 Sub-Heading2.1 // Object Heading: "Sub-Heading2.1" ; Object Number 2.2
+ Object_2.2.0-1 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 2.2.0-1
+ Object_2.2.0-2 // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 2.2.0-2
| .
| .
| .
+ Object_2.2.0-D // Object Heading: "" ; Object Number: 2.2.0-D
And so on and so forth . . .
*Object Heading and Text*, Version, Data
Object Heading and Text seems to be a DOORS thing, so I won't explain that here. Data here is generic (and, in reality, represents more than one attribute). Some data is applicable to some versions while other data is applicable to other versions. The data for different versions may intersect while some data for other versions are mutually exclusive. Version is a single string that delimits the different versions by new lines, "\n". So, let's assume that Version is:
v1\nv2\nv3 . . . v\nvX
or, in a more readable format:
What's more, Version for one object may be (comma-separated here for readability) v1, v2, v3, . . ., vX while for another it might be v1, v3 and for another perhaps just v2. Any combination of available versions, really.
The Problem
What I'm attempting to do seems to me like it should be easy. A no-brainer. Just to pick an example, let's say I want to apply a filter whereby I view only Sub-Heading1.2 and its children, and that only for Version v3. I've tried many variations on the theme, but I can only seem to accomplish one or the other. Either I successfully isolate data for a single section or a single version, but I cannot get both. When I apply a filter for a single section, say Sub-Heading1.2 and its children, and then AND that with "includes v3"; I will get that section, but it refuses to show only that section only for v3.
In any programming language, a and b and c evaluates to true IF AND ONLY IF a and b and c. What I'm seeing in DOORS seems to me to be more like (a and b) or c.
With a DOORS database described as above, how can I view only the objects in a given range (or an object and its descendants) only for a given version? I know DXL exists as a potential solution, but a GUI solution is preferable.
Your issue is Include Descendants. This options specifically ignores the filter. What it is really saying is, "Show me everything that matches my filter, and all of their descendants".
Using your example above, what you want for a filter is:
Object Number >= 1.2
Object Number < 2 (or maybe 1.3 depending on how you want it)
Version includes v3
This will give you what you are looking for. Be sure NOT to Include Descendants as this will negate the second rule in the filter.
Good luck!

Pretty Printing a tree data structure in Ruby

I am working on a building a compiler and within that I generate a tree that represents the source program that is passed in. I want to display this is a tree like fashion so I can display the structure of the program to anyone interested.
Right now I just have the tree printing on a single line like this:
ProgramNode -> 'Math' BlockNode -> DeclarationNode -> ConstantDeclarationNode -> const ConstantListNode -> [m := 7, ConstantANode -> [n := StringLiteralNode -> ""TEST"" ]] ;
What I would like is something like this:
/ \
'Math' BlockNode
ConstantDeclarationNode ------------------------------
/ \ |
const ConstantListNode |
/ | \ \ |
m := 7 ConstantANode |
/ | \ |
n := StringLiteralNode |
/ | \ |
" TEST " ;
I haven't really worked with trees in Ruby, how are they usually represented?
Any help would be appreciated.
This kind of pretty printing requires quite a bit of math. Besides, it's unclear what should happen if the tree grows too wide for the console window. I don't know of any existing libraries that'll do this. I personally use awesome_print.
tree = {'ConstantDeclarationNode' => ['const',
'ConstantListNode' => ['m', ':=', '7']]}
require 'awesome_print'
ap tree
# >> {
# >> "ConstantDeclarationNode" => [
# >> [0] "const",
# >> [1] {
# >> "ConstantListNode" => [
# >> [0] "m",
# >> [1] ":=",
# >> [2] "7"
# >> ]
# >> }
# >> ]
# >> }
It has tons of options, check it out!
You need to check out the Graph gem. It is amazing and remarkably simple to work with. You can choose the direction of your tree and the shape of the nodes, as well as colors and so much more. I first found out about it at Rubyconf last year and was blown away.
It is as simple as:
digraph do
edge "Programnode", "Blocknode"
edge "Programnode", "Math"
edge "Blocknode", "DeclarationNode"
Obviously you would want to programmatically enter the edges :)
Here is a link to a pdf of the talk which will give more information on it:
There is also a video of the talk on Confreaks if you are interested.
