notepad++ open textfile with selfdefined language via console - bash

Like said above I want to open a text-file with a User-Defined highlighting via bash-script.
notepad++ -n$1 -lmyLanguage myfile.dat
if I use prebuild lanuages like xml or bash it works fine like
notepad++ -n12 -lxml myfile.dat
but with my self-deffined language-set its not working. Is it due to where the languages are stored? do i have to move some files?
As far as I found out, its not possible in the conventional way (see answer below). If someone finds a workaround (i.e. maybe altering witht the xml-files) I would be a happy man!

You can definie what syntax should be used for an extension of a file. That can be done by lut in UserLang tag atrribute ext. Try to Look at sample Lang for example sas.

Its not possible yet.
User-Manual sais:
-llanguage short name
Language to set for each file opened. $$$ is a short identifier string,
of which the following are allowed:
normal, php, c, cpp, cs, objc, d, java, rc, html, xml, makefile,
pascal, batch, ini, nfo, asp, sql, vb, javascript, css, perl, python,
lua, tex, cobol, fortran, bash, actionscript, nsis, tcl, lisp, scheme,
asm, diff, props, postscript, ruby, smalltalk, vhdl, kix, autoit,
Gui4Cli, powershell, caml, ada, verilog, matlab, haskell, inno, cmake, yaml,r, jsp


xgettext with a custom input format

xgettext is capable of extracting strings for translation from a variety of source languages.
-L, --language=NAME
recognise the specified language (C, C++, ObjectiveC, PO,
Shell, Python, Lisp, EmacsLisp, librep, Scheme, Smalltalk,
Java, JavaProperties, C#, awk, YCP, Tcl, Perl, PHP, GCC-source,
NXStringTable, RST, Glade, Lua, JavaScript, Vala, Desktop)
(your exact list may vary by platform)
It also guesses the type based on the file extension, so:
$ xgettext -o out.pot in.php
will use the PHP parser without needing -L PHP.
However, I wish to translate files that aren't in any of those languages. Is it possible to submit a list of strings into xgettext directly? Or to teach it a new language?
For example, consider some Handlebars templates using a custom helper function __, like so:
<title>{{__ 'My Website'}}</title>
It's possible to extract all the strings from the files using grep:
$ grep '\{\{__ (.+?)\}\}' -Ero views
views/index.hbs:{{__ 'My Website'}}
But is there any way of feeding this information into xgettext to produce a valid pot file?
Note: while I'd appreciate a solution to this specific case, the question is really about the general case of an unknown language.

A List of Google Prettify Language Codes

I cannot find this anywhere and I swear I used to be able to very simply without much prying. Can anyone help me? Thanks. I would appreciate it. Also, does prettify support Batch?
I thought it would be helpful to have an actual list rather than just a link. I found it in the loader directory that #MikeSamuel linked to from Javascript code prettifier. As the readme states, the prettify.js comments are the authoritative source. However, What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? provided a better formatted list, so I will copy that below. Refer to the the links for the most up-to-date information.
If you are using the Prettify codes to markup Stack Overflow code, you use
<!-- language: lang-or-tag-here -->
your code
Language Codes:
Let Prettify interpret the code and guess.
Explicitly do not use any syntax highlighting.
Bash and other Shell scripting
lang-bash, lang-bsh, lang-csh, lang-sh
C, C++, et al
lang-c, lang-cc, lang-cpp, lang-cxx, lang-cyc, lang-m
lang-erl, lang-erlang
lang-js, lang-javascript
LaTeX and TeX
lang-latex, lang-tex
Lisp and Scheme
lang-cl, lang-el, lang-lisp, lang-lsp, lang-scm, lang-ss, lang-rkt
OCaml, SML, F#, et al
lang-fs, lang-ml
lang-pl, lang-perl
Protocol buffers
lang-py, lang-python, lang-cv
R and S
lang-r, lang-s
lang-rb, lang-ruby
lang-rc, lang-rs, lang-rust
lang-vhdl, lang-vhd
Visual Basic
lang-vb, lang-vbs
You can find a table in the FAQ, under the header For which languages does it work?:
The comments in prettify.js are authoritative but the lexer should work on a number of languages including C and friends, Java, Python, Bash, SQL, HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, Makefiles, and Rust. It works passably on Ruby, PHP, VB, and Awk and a decent subset of Perl and Ruby, but, because of commenting conventions, but doesn't work on Smalltalk.
Other languages are supported via extensions: ...
You can find the handlers, with their extensions in the loader directory
For the mapping from extensions to builtin languages, see the registerLangHandler calls in prettify.js

TeX compiler in ruby

I'm looking for a gem that allows to compile tex files (TeLaTeX or just LaTeX) into pdf. I don't need any templating or partial rendering, just simple compiler. Is there any bindings for latex2pdf or something.
Are you looking for a TeX-Compiler written in ruby or a ruby script, that calls LaTeX?
If you look for the 2nd one:
Defines a rake-task to generate a pdf, based on tex-sources. It checks, how many TeX-runs are needed, makeindex, bibtex... is done if required.
Supports splitindex, gloss...
Can be used with LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX...
Can't you just call the command line directly with backtick notation?
`latex2pdf <options>`
It shows that TeX's syntax is so horrible flexible, that you actually will need TeX or any of its variants to interpret TeX files in general.
So actually calling the command line pdflatex or xelatex (or any wrapper around this, like in peakxu's answer) is the best bet here.
I have no idea if someone packaged a TeX distribution (like TeX Live) into a Ruby Gem, I suppose not.

SWeave with non-R code chunks?

I often use Sweave to produce LaTeX documents where certain chunks are produced dynamically by executing R code. This works well - but is it also possible to have code chunks that are executed in different ways, e.g. by executing the code in the shell, or by running Perl, and so on? It would be helpful to be able to mix things up, so I could do things like run some shell commands to fetch some data, run some perl commands to pre-process it, and then run R commands to analyze it.
Of course I could use all R chunks and use system() as a poor-man's substitute, but that doesn't make for very pleasant reading in the document.
The new new thing (for multi-language, multi-format) docs may be which for example these guys at use as the backend.
Ana, who is behind dexy, is also giving a lot of talks about it so also look at the dexy blog.
It's not directly related to Sweave, but org-babel, which is part of Emacs org-mode, allows to mix code chunks of different languages in one file, pass data from one chunk to another, execute them, and generate LaTeX or HTML export from the output.
You can find more informations about org-mode here :
And to see how org-babel works :
There is certainly no easy way to do this other than through either foreign language interfaces from R (maybe through inline if it's supported), or system(). For what it's worth, I would just use system(); that should be easy enough.
You can see this previous question about having a Sweave equivalent for Python, where one of the respondents actually creates a separate interface. This can give you a sense what what it would take to embed other languages which may not already be supported. At a minimum, you have to do major hacking on the Sweave driver.
Do you know emacs" org-mode and, more specifically, Babel? If you already know Emacs or are willing to switch to Emacs, then org-mode and Babel are the answer to your question(s).
For instance, I am currently working on a document which contains some shell-scripts, does computations with R and creates flow charts with dot (graphviz). Org-mode can export a variety of formats, e.g. LaTeX (that's what I use).
There is the StatWeave project which uses java rather than R to do the weaving, but will run multiple programs instead of just R. I don't know how hard it would be to get it to do Perl or other programs like that, but the homepage indicates that it already works with R, SAS, Stata, and others:

Auto-completion in Textmate for Ruby?

I'm really used to auto-completion coming from Netbeans.
In Netbeans, when I type a 'string' and then hit a 'dot' it will print out a list of methods for the String class.
TextMate doesn't seem to have that function.
Is it something you could add?
Would save A LOT of time instead of using the ri/irb/online doc all the time.
Install the Ruby TextMate bundle, open a Ruby file and type alt+esc to get the autocompletion.
You have discovered the fundamental difference between a text editor and an IDE: a text editor edits text (duh!), i.e. an unstructured stream of characters. It doesn't know anything about objects, messages, methods, mixins, modules, classes, namespaces, types, strings, arrays, hashes, numbers, literals etc. This is great, because it means that you can edit anything with a text editor, but it also means that editing any particular thing is harder than it were with a specialized editor.
A Ruby IDE edits Ruby programs, i.e. a highly structured semantic graph of objects, methods, classes etc. This is great, because the IDE knows about the rules that make up legal Ruby programs and thus will e.g. make it impossible for you to write illegal Ruby programs and it can offer you automated transformations that guarantee that if you start out with a legal Ruby program, you end up with a legal Ruby program (e.g. automated refactorings). But it also means that you can only edit Ruby programs.
In short: it's simply impossible to do what you ask with a text editor. You need an IDE. (Note: you can of course build an IDE on top of a text editor. Emacs is a good example of this. But from what I have read, the TextMate plugin API is simply not powerful enough to do this. I could be wrong, though – since I don't have a Mac, I'm mostly dependent on hearsay.)
TM's "equivalent" is hitting escape, I believe.
You can make escape "go across files" for completion if you use the ruby amp TM bundle
