Laravel - Eloquent - Polymorphic relationships with namespaces - laravel

I have 2 tables related by a polimorphic relationship:
The Store table:
id | name | ...
15 | my_store | ...
And the Tag table, that is connected to the Store table through the related_id key and the type.
id | related_id | tag | created | type
1 | 15 | test | 00:00:00 | store
2 | 15 | dummy | 00:00:00 | product
So, in that example, the Store "my_store" only has the tag "test" ("dummy" is a tag for a product, not a Store, besides it has the same related_id).
I have the Store model defined in my code as follows:
class Store extends Model {
protected $table = 'store';
public function tags()
return $this->morphMany('App\Tag', 'related', 'type');
And the tag model:
class Tag extends Model {
protected $table = 'tags';
public function related()
return $this->morphTo();
But when I try to run
I saw that the query that Laravel is trying to run is:
SQL: select * from `mwp_tags` where `mwp_tags`.`related_id` = 46
and `mwp_tags`.`related_id` is not null
and `mwp_tags`.`type` = App\Store)
The query is looking for App\Store instead of store
I cannot change the value in DB and I wouldn't like to use the
protected $morphClass = 'store';
inside the Store model as I don't know if a would have to create another morphMany relationship, probably with another type name.
Somebody knows how to skip this issue? Thanks!

You could try something like this:
public function tags()
$default_morph_class = $this->morphClass ?: null;
$this->morphClass = 'store';
$morph_many_query = $this->morphMany('App\Tag', 'related', 'type');
$this->morphClass = $default_morph_class;
return $morph_many_query;
The idea being you change the morphClass on the fly and set it back. That allows you to use a different morphClass for a different relationship.


belongsToMany in v7 returns an empty array

My client has an old site built on 4.x that I'm trying to get to work with 7.4. I have most of it working, but am stuck on a belongsToMany relationship
I have a Manufacturer class that has a many-to-many relationship with Subcategories, through a table named membercategory. However, the subcategories property always returns an empty array. What am I missing?
| ID | FKManufacturerID | FKSubCategoryID |
| 3203 | 24 | 301 |
| 3202 | 24 | 292 |
| 3201 | 24 | 295 |
and my Manufacturer class
class Manufacturer extends Model {
public function subcategories() {
# have tried swapping the two FK parameters, same result
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Subcategory','membercategory','FKSubCategoryID','FKManufacturerID');
I'm testing it in my controller using this
where $manufacturers[0] returns the object for Manufacturer ID=24
According to the documentation, your code should look like this:
class Manufacturer extends Model {
public function subcategories() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Subcategory','membercategory','FKManufacturerID','FKSubCategoryID');
Looking at the belongsToMany signature:
public function belongsToMany(
$table = null,
$foreignPivotKey = null,
$relatedPivotKey = null,
$parentKey = null,
$relatedKey = null,
$relation = null) {}
You will see that you need to have the related column in the 4th param and the foreign one in the 3rd.
Make sure the types of columns in the model tables and the pivot table match.
Furthermore, according to the belongsToMany signature, you should add the parentKey and relatedKey params if they are not the default: id ( ID != id )
Here is a list of eloquent model conventions in Laravel 7.x and you can see:
Eloquent will also assume that each table has a primary key column named id. You may define a protected $primaryKey property to override this convention:
That means that provided both your model tables have the primary key columns named "ID" ( as you showed you do in the chat ) your code should look like this:
class Manufacturer extends Model {
public function subcategories() {
return $this->belongsToMany(
Just replace the positions of third and fourth columns like this:
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Subcategory', 'membercategory', 'FKManufacturerID', 'FKSubCategoryID');

How to query a table based on criteria of another table in Laravel?

In my laravel project I have an inventory and a medicine table which the formats are as the following:
Inventory Table
id | medicine_id | expiry_date
1 | 1 | 13-11-2021
2 | 2 | 01-01-2020
3 | 2 | 23-05-2024
Medicine Table
id | name | category
1 | Hemophine | Syringe
2 | andrenalin | Tablet
3 | aspirin | Capsule
The models are set as below:
Inventory Model
class Inventory extends Model
public $incrementing = false;
public function medicine(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Medicine', 'medicine_id');
Medicine Model
class Medicine extends Model
public $incrementing = false;
public function inventory(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Inventory', 'medicine_id');
For retrieving all the inventories with a specific category such as Syringe, I tried eager loading, but couldn't figure out the flaws. Here is what I did to get all the inventories with a Syringe category, but it didn't work.
public function index()
$medicines = Inventory::where('medicine_id'->category, "Syringe")->get();
foreach($medicines as $medicine){
echo $medicine->medicine->name ." ".$medicine->expiry_date;
echo "<br>";
Now, Is there anyway to get all the inventory items based on their categories they are in? in this case in "Syringe" category?
Your syntax is a bit wrong, in order to load the medicine for each inventory you need to use with and the where function is where('column', value)
So change it to this:
$medicines = Inventory::with([
'medicine' => function($query) {
$query->where('category', "Syringe");
or even better the other way around:
$medicines = Medicine::with('inventory')->where('category', 'Syringe')->get();

How to combine models and order by model two data in Laravel 5.4

I would like to be able to output leaders in a section by their position in a group. I'm thinking of combining these tables through a pivot table ordered by position from the groups table.
These are the three class I have relationships established
class Leader extends Model
public function groups()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Group');
class Group extends Model
public function leaders()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Leader');
class GroupLeader extends Model
// Maybe some function here?
I would like to be able to get the groups in the controller and pass them individually kinda like this.
$group1 = Leader::where('group', '=', 'group1_name')->orderBy('position', 'asc');
$group2 = Leader::where('group', '=', 'group2_name')->orderBy('position', 'asc');
return view('page.leadership')->with([
'group1' => $group1,
'group2' => $group2,
Then I would pass the variables to include files which would loop through them in order.
Here is my table structure
| id
| first_name
| last_name
| deceased
| id
| group
| title
| position
| id
| group_id
| leader_id
Try it
$groups = Leader::whereIn('group', ['group1_name', 'group2_name'])
->orderBy('position', 'asc')
->groupBy('group', 'id')
->get(['group', 'id']);

Joining pivot table to access data

I am trying to access data from a database query which I think will need a join. I have users that can be apart of many groups. I am using a belongsToMany
relationship. My Models are like so
class User extends Model
protected $table = 'users';
protected $guarded = [];
public function group()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Group', 'users_user_groups')->withPivot('user_id', 'group_id');
class Group extends Model
protected $table = 'user_groups';
protected $guarded = [];
use SoftDeletes;
public function user()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'users_user_groups')->withPivot('user_id', 'group_id');
When I run everything I need too, I might get data like the following.
| id | name |
| 1 | John Doe |
| id | name | description |
| 1 | Group AA | Something |
| 2 | Group BB | Something |
| id | user_id | group_id |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 |
So I know user with the id 1 belongs to the user_groups with ids of 1 and 2. What I am trying to do is grab all the users within my database who
belong to a user_group with the name admin. So I am trying something like this
->join('user_groups', 'users_user_groups')
->where('name', '=', 'admin')->get();
This I know is all wrong, how can I get all users within a group when using belongsToMany and a pivot table?
Eloquent uses relations, not the query builder.
You can achieve what you're aiming for by doing something like this:
$group = Group::where('name', 'admin')->first();
$users = $group->users; // Where users is the name of your relationship (At the moment you have user)
Under the hood that will do two SQL statements and map them together in eloquent objects, rather than a join. The statements will look something like this:
select * from user_groups where name = ? and deleted_at is not null limit 1
select * from users where id in (?, ?)
When you have an instance Group you execute the relationship by calling it as if it was a property. So after that $users will contain a collection of User instances, so you can just loop through them:
foreach ($users as $user) {
// Do something with $user

laravel 4 model events updating a record on softdelete

[Help] I need when deleting a record it will also create a deleted_by value.
[company table]
| name | created_by | updated_by | deleted_by | created_at | updated_at | deleted_at |
public static function boot()
$company->created_by = Auth::user()->id;
This will fill created by with the user id when we creating record.
But when I use this when delete record ( using soft delete )
public static function boot()
$company->deleted_by = Auth::user()->id;
this method is doesn't work, deleted_by column is not update.
How to fill deleted_by with user id when we delete a record ?
Thanks before
At the moment, Laravel's delete() method does not take other attribute changes into consideration when it creates the relevant UPDATE query. Here's a snippet from Eloquent\Model::performDeleteOnModel():
$query = $this->newQuery()->where($this->getKeyName(), $this->getKey());
if ($this->softDelete)
$this->{static::DELETED_AT} = $time = $this->freshTimestamp();
$query->update(array(static::DELETED_AT => $this->fromDateTime($time)));
Because of the newQuery(), no changes made to the object are taken into consideration when building the actual DB query.
You could extend the Model class and add in your own functionality to accept any changed attributes, or you can simply toss $company->save() in your static::deleting() closure. It will perform two queries, but will take you mere seconds to implement, compared to the first option. Your choice!
