Bootstrap images not aligning properly in Explorer, Firefox - image

My Boostrap framework is working fine on Chrome and Safari. It also is mostly on Explorer and Firefox. However, in Explorer and Firefox, a couple of images on interior pages appear to have an offset applied. The issue will be apparent when viewing the pages:
I have been unable to find anyone else who has encountered the same issue. And I realize a manual fix won't be all that difficult, but I would like to keep the images in the framework and figure out what is happening in case it occurs again in the future.
After attempting to fix this issue manually, I have realized it is NOT a Bootstrap issue. Firefox and Explorer are pushing the first piece of content following the page label to the right. It did so even when coding outside of the Bootstrap framework. I tried putting a piece of text as the first item and got the same result.

I've found the solution to this problem: There was a difference in the bottom margin being applied to the title in Explorer and Firefox, pushing the content to the right of the title div.


Toolbar buttons stacking in tinymce on ie8

I have a problem with a tinymce editor in a Internet Explorer 8 application we build at work here. It works fine in chrome and firefox but those are the browsers developpers use. In IE8, the buttons are all stacked and i have no clue where to start with to fix the problem.
Here is the image:
PS: Please dont tell me to change browser, i can't overrule technical department for 900 users. It's sad that i'm still stuck with supporting IE8, but thats life!
Found the problem, it was the document mode. I added a meta to force document mode following this QA: Force document mode=IE8 Standards

Google Chrome and drag to scroll

I am developing a website:
It's basically a div 5x as big as the window inside window sized div, with other divs within the large div, using the overscroll and scrollTo plugins to navigate.
The website works perfectly fine in Safari and Firefox for OS/X. But I am having serious trouble making it work in Chrome. I'm not sure if it's an Chrome OS/X only problem, but whenever I scroll over one of the inner divs within the large div, the whole browser slows down, this only happens in Chrome...
If I disable overscroll and use the scrollbars it works 100% fine, but I really want to use the overscroll drag to scroll plugin.
I am no good at coding so any help would be greatly appreciated.
All of the plugins / browsers are on the latest version.
Okay, well I posted an answer to a similar question that I think this might be related too. I could be wrong though, but you could test it.
See the full question and my full answer here: Chrome slow scrolling with fixed position elements
Problem and How to Monitor It
The reason for this is because Chrome for some reasons decides it needs to redecode and resize any images when a fixed panel goes over it. You can see this particularly well with
► Right Click Page -> Inspect Element -> Timeline -> Frames
► Hit Record on bottom
► Go back to the page and drag scrollbar up and down
This seems to just be a problem with the method Chrome is using to determine if a lower element needs to be repainted.
To make matters worse, you can't even get around the issue by creating a div above a scrollable div to avoid using the position:fixed attribute. This will actually cause the same effect. Pretty much Chrome says if anything on the page has to be drawn over an image (even in an iframe, div or whatever it might be), repaint that image. So despite what div/frame you are scrolling it, the problem persists.
The Easy Hack Solution
But I did find one hack to get around this issue that seems to have no downside as of now. By adding
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
To your fixed panel, putting that div in its own compositing layer.

IMG disappearing in firefox only?

I have built the following page a while ago:
However, the ID card (images/id-card.png) disappears in Firefox, although behaves as intended in Chrome, Safari and Opera. It was working in Firefox some time ago, and I have not edited the files or code since, yet this bug has appeared...
Can anybody shed any light as to what might be the cause, particularly if you cannot replicate it?
NOTE: The image reappears if you hover over it, but disappears on mouseout. There is no CSS/JS affecting this (as far as I can see).
I can't replicate the problem. I think it's working fine. Maybe a caching issue.
Anyway have a look. This is what i see when the page loads:
and this is when i hover the id card:
It seems it works well. By the way, nice website.

firefox addon, transparent floating panel

I'm developing a firefox addon and would like to have a fixed position (relative to the browser) semitransparent panel with 3 icons shown at the corner of every browser content area. These buttons will have to be able to communicate with a site that is not the site shown.
I know it would be possible to inject a fixed position div to html but I want the buttons to communicate with external site when pressed and also query information when they are loaded so I think that would violate same origin policy. This wouldn't work with image or other direct media urls either.
What would be the easiest way to create the floating icon panel?
After about of week of work I found it. Here is the answer, I hope this helps someone else:
The above adds the panel, transparency is not working (at least not in linux what I work with) because of the following bug. Sigh... opened in 2007 and not closed in 2012.
edit2: I ended inserting html data to the body of the document using files from extension folder. Works very well including transparency.
edit3: If anyone is interested how this works in my plugin, check my live site at

CSS3 Bugs - Issues when using transform:rotate rules (Safari + Firefox)

I've got a Wordpress site with some CSS3 rules applied to some images that rotate the images and have a hover effect on rollover too. Problems are showing up in Safari & Firefox when you hover on and then off these images and I can't seem to locate any similar issues by people on the Interwebs.
See and hover on and then off the images (the slightly rotated ones):
Member name goes blurry and then back to normal (Firefox)
Member image border becomes jagged (Firefox)
A big black line displays to the side of the member images sometimes when you hover back and forth between two member images (Safari)
If I disable the transform:rotate rules, it's all fine. So seems to be an issue with that rule. Just can't work out how to get around it.
Anybody got some ideas on how I could get around these or what might be causing it?
Thanks for any ideas you might have!
Bit old of a question but that problem is related with rendering on browser (from what I understood). It cannot be fixed on CSS/HTML side. It must be fixed on user side.
More information about problem: CSS3 rotate - rendering problems in Firefox and Safari
