Q: Neo4j-wrapper.conf. Can I put more information into the Wrapper configuration files? - windows

I'm working on updating the Neo4j windows installation process into Powershell and I was thinking that perhaps it could read/write neo4j windows service information from the neo4j-wrapper.conf configuration file.
The Windows wrapper conf has very little information that is related the windows service itself (in fact I think it has no information that is used in the creation, management and removal process!)
My intention is to have the relevant windows service information in the configuration file and then when calls such as Install or Stop are made, then the Service Name can be retrieved from there instead of via command line arguments.
My questions are;
If I put more information into that configuration file, will it affect the linux wrapper?
Is there any reason why I shouldn't put more settings into the configuration file (but only related to a Windows Service)?
Note - My changes would also support this PR;

I think the answer is, in principle, yes. Putting extra stuff in that file wouldn't hurt anything.
But it's not ideal to have a single file that's used for different purposes on different platforms (I see the presence there of Linux-specific service stuff as a problem rather than something to copied).
The real solution, I think, is for each package build to provide its own copy of that file (or one derived from a common starting point).


Ship Golang binary with dynamic(config.toml) configuration file

I have a simple go server that works, and gets most of its configuration settings from a toml file.
The current process involves restarting the go build source every time the settings are changed.
What is the correct/most preferred/tested and working way to ship only binary and the config.toml file?
I am still a newbie when it comes to compiling, and i have been reading a lot of texts and still not having a clear understanding on this issue.
Any useful comments will be appreciated.
Config files aren't meant to be embedded in executables. It'd be better to have them reside alongside executables. Since I couldn't get your point on rebuilding complete app just for reloading configuration, I made up my former sentences presuming you're hardcoding.
If we get to the “reloading” topic, I would surely restart my program or send a signal to re-load the configuration. You don't have to do this, because there is a nice library doing this: https://github.com/spf13/viper. It is easy to use and supports live watching for changes on config file. Besides supporting JSON, YAML, TOML and HCL, it can read from environment variables, remote config systems (like Consul and etcd). It's trusted and used by big projects, such as Kubernetes.

Standard location of system-wide configuration files of an app?

Since Windows Vista, our friends from Redmond are putting an end to the habit of storing configuration files in C:\Program Files\<AppName>\config.ini. Ok, they introduced Registry Virtualisation, but it's always better to fix your stuff, right?
I'm planning to fix a pre-Vista app which runs as a service, and which needs to maintain a machine-wide configuration file.
Where do I store the config file? And what would be the most portable/future-proof way of obtaining the path to that location?
You could store the values in the registry in something inheriting from \HKLM\ directly, which would give portability.
If there are a large number of values, or a complex structure to them, then you could store a file location in the registry, and store your configuration at that destination.
After improving my Google-fu starting from a related question, I think I've found the definitive answer in this microsoft blog post which actually describes much more than what I originally wanted to know.

Can WebSphere Liberty servers use their own extension folder?

I have the following WebSphere Liberty file layout (with a few choice directories and files show) which uses a custom usr dir of wlp-usr.
The file wlp8554/etc/server.env contains
I want to get the servers (there will be more than 2) using their own extension folders, rather than the default wlp-usr/extension/lib.
The documentation on Liberty directory locations and properties suggests that usr.extension.dir is what I want. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.nd.doc/ae/rwlp_dirs.html?cp=SSAW57_8.5.5%2F1-3-11-0-2-3
I have tried setting this in bootstrap.properties and jvm.options, but without success. I am wondering if this is a read only property or if it is something that I can actually set. Has anyone used separate extension directories before? Is this even possible? If so then some guidance on how would be most appreciated.
Cheers, Steve
The usr/extension directory is per-user-directory, so it is effectively read-only from a server perspective (all the variables on that page are derived and cannot be changed except wlp.user.dir, which can be set by WLP_USER_DIR, and server.output.dir, which is derived from WLP_OUTPUT_DIR). That is, it is not possible to have per-server extensions. If you really need that capability for some reason, then I would recommend opening an RFE.
That said, usr/extension is really intended for convenience during feature development (or perhaps for minor deployment scenarios). Product extensions are really intended to be applied to an entire installation, so they should probably be used for any sophisticated environments. Since individual servers are unaffected by extension features unless they enable them, there should not be much reason to have per-server extensions anyway.

log4j writing to a windows share

I have a java application running on windows machines.
Long story short, we have a convention for where we place log files per machine:
So I configured my Java app to startup with -Dmachine.name="%COMPUTERNAME%", and then in my log4j.properties file I specify
log4j.appender.R.File = \\${machine.name}\Logs\MyVerySpecialApplicationName\log.log
But I'm not seeing that directory / file show up when I run my application (the first thing the app does is log a startup message).
So my guess is that log4j / java can't process that windows specific UNC path.
Anyone else run into this issue and figure out a way around it?
I looked at Log4j's source code. It appears to use java.io.File to hold a reference to the filename you specify.
Also, the Javadocs for java.io.File state that UNC paths are supported for the constructor of File (which Log4J uses).
So, on the surface, there's no reason why your configuration won't work; but — and that's the important point to note — Java has a long history of problems with file I/O over SMB (which is pretty much what you're trying to do).
My advice:
Start your application by specifying -Dlog4j.debug=true. The system property will make Log4J spit lots of debug information to help you track the problem.
Attempt using the same configuration, except that, instead of referring to the file with a UNC prefix, simply map the drives (I understand that you're running on Windows). If things work with mapped drives, it means that something in using the UNC prefix is the source of the problem (although I'd doubt it).
You need to put two backlash for each one like in this configuration below
I hope this help you.

Registry vs. INI file for storing user configurable application settings [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm a new Windows programmer and I'm not sure where I should store user configurable application settings. I understand the need to provide a user friendly means for the user to change application settings, like an Edit | Settings form or similar. But where should I store the values after the user hits the Apply button on that form?
What are the pros and cons of storing settings in the Windows registry vs. storing them in a local INI file or config file or similar?
Pros of config file:
Easy to do. Don't need to know any Windows API calls. You just need to know the file I/O interface of your programming language.
Portable. If you port your application to another OS, you don't need to change your settings format.
User-editable. The user can edit the config file outside of the program executing.
Pros of registry:
Secure. The user can't accidentally delete the config file or corrupt the data unless he/she knows about regedit. And then the user is just asking for trouble.
I'm no expert Windows programmer, but I'm sure that using the registry makes it easier to do other Windows-specific things (user-specific settings, network administration stuff like group policy, or whatever else).
If you just need a simple way to store config information, I would recommend a config file, using INI or XML as the format. I suggest using the registry only if there is something specific you want to get out of using the registry.
Jeff Atwood has a great article about Windows' registry and why is better to use .INI files instead.
My life would be a heck of a lot easier if per-application settings were stored in a place I could easily see them, manipulate them, and back them up. Like, say... in INI files.
The registry is a single point of failure. That's why every single registry editing tip you'll ever find starts with a big fat screaming disclaimer about how you can break your computer with regedit.
The registry is opaque and binary. As much as I dislike the angle bracket tax, at least XML config files are reasonably human-readable, and they allow as many comments as you see fit.
The registry has to be in sync with the filesystem. Delete an application without "uninstalling" it and you're left with stale registry cruft. Or if an app has a poorly written uninstaller. The filesystem is no longer the statement of record-- it has to be kept in sync with the registry somehow. It's a total violation of the DRY principle.
The registry is monolithic. Let's say you wanted to move an application to a different path on your machine, or even to a different machine altogether. Good luck extracting the relevant settings for that one particular application from the giant registry tarball. A given application typically has dozens of settings strewn all over the registry.
There's one more advantage to using an INI file over the registry which I haven't seen mentioned:
If the user is using some sort of volume/file based encryption, they can get the INI file to be encrypted pretty easily. With the registry it will probably be more problematic.
According to the documentation for GetPrivateProfileString, you should use the registry for storing initialisation information.
However, in so saying, if you still want to use .ini files, and use the standard profile APIs (GetPrivateProfileString, WritePrivateProfileString, and the like) for accessing them, they provide built-in ways to automatically provide "virtual .ini files" backed by the registry. Win-win!
There's a similar question here that covers some of the pros and cons.
I would suggest not using the registry unless your application absolutely needs it. From my understanding, Microsoft is trying to discourage the use of the registry due to the flexibility of settings files. Also, I wouldn't recommend using .ini files, but instead using some of the built-in functionality to .Net for saving user/app settings.
Use of an ini file, in the same directory as the application, makes it possible to back it up with the application. So after you reload your OS, you simply restore the application directory, and you have your configuration the way you want it.
I agree with Daniel. If it's a large application I think I'd do things in the registry. If it's a small application and you want to have aspects of it user-configurable without making a configuration form, go for a quick INI file.
I usually do the parsing like this (if the format in the .ini file is option = value, 1 per line, comments starting with #):
static void Parse()
StreamReader tr = new StreamReader("config.ini");
string line;
Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string>();
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
// Allow for comments and empty lines.
if (line == "" || line.StartsWith("#"))
string[] kvPair = line.Split('=');
// Format must be option = value.
if (kvPair.Length != 2)
// If the option already exists, it's overwritten.
config[kvPair[0].Trim()] = kvPair[1].Trim();
Edit: Sorry, I thought you had specified the language. The implementation above is in C#.
As Daniel indicated, storing configuration data in the registry gives you the option to use Admin Templates. That is, you can define an Admin Template, use it in a Group Policy and administer the configuration of your application network-wide. Depending on the nature of the application, this can be a big boon.
The existing answers cover a lot of ground but I thought I would mention one other point.
I use the registry to store system-wide settings. That is, when 2 or more programs need the exact same setting. In other words, a setting shared by several programs.
In all other cases I use a local config file that sits either in the same path as the executable or one level down (in a Configuration directory). The reasons are already covered in other answers (portable, can be edited with a text editor etc).
Why put system-wide settings into the registry? Well, I found that if a setting is shared but you use local config files you end up duplicating settings. This may mean you end up needing to change a setting in multiple places.
For example, say Program A and Program B both point to the same database. You can have a "system-wide" registry setting for the connection string. If you want to point to a different database, you can change the connection string in one place, and both programs will now run against the other database.
Note - there is no point in using the registry in this way if two or more programs don't need to use the same values. Such as, Program A and Program B both needing a database connection string that may be the same, but not always. For example, I want Program B to now use a test database but Program A should carry on using a production database.
With the above example, you could have some local configuration override system-wide settings but it may start getting overly complicated for simple tasks.
The registry is optimized for quick access and easy update, and it's the only way to do certain Windows-specific things like associating with an extension. And you can ignore the argument about deleting a single directory to uninstall your program - Windows Vista won't let you modify files in the Program Files directory, so your config will need to go in a different folder anyway.
There's a general guideline for Windows programming - do things the way Microsoft expects you to, and your life will be a lot easier.
That said, I can see the appeal of the INI file, and I wouldn't blame anyone for considering it.
There is one drawback to ini or config files and that is locating them if the user has the option to select where the program is installed.
Other disadvantage of using the registry is that it is a pain if you are working in a mixed environment of 32 and 64 bit applications, as the system call for accessing the registry will randomly(*) add \Wow6432Node\ to your registry path making you crazy while debugging.
(*of course not randomly, but very easy to get lost)
Replacement for a large number of configuration files.
Common administrative functions at a central point.
Almost any data can be saved by applications / drivers.
In contrast to configuration files, code sequences can even be saved.
Access faster than files because the database is indexed.
Access can be logged using the RegMon utility
Difficult to work with in the absence of graphical configuration programs.
Direct changes using the registry editor can create inconsistent states produce.
Incomplete uninstallers leave “reminiscences” in the registry Cause problems, e.g. with a new installation.
Installed applications are difficult to export to other PCs.
Chronically poorly documented.
Proprietary structure, therefore not suitable for standard DB access (e.g. SQL)
Computer-specific, therefore not portable to other computers.
Insufficient protection of the registry: depends on the configuration.
