One password prompt for bash script including SCP and SSH - bash

Printing documents from printer connected to internet is really slow at my university. Therefore I'm writing a script that sends a file to a remote computer with SCP, sends a series of commands over SSH to print the document from the remote computer (which has better connection with the printer) and then delete the file on the remote computer.
It works like a charm but the annoying part is that it prompts for the password two times, one time when it sends the file with SCP and one time when it sends commands over SSH. How can this be solved? I read that you can use a identity file? The thing is though that multiple users will use it and many has very limited experience with bash programming so the script must do everything including creating the file.
Users will mostly use Mac and the remote computer uses Red Hat. Here's the code so far:
# checks if second argument is set, else prompt for it
if [ -z ${PRINTER:+x} ]; then
printf "Printer: ";
# prompt for username
printf "CID: "
read CID
ssh -t $CID#adress bash -c "'

You don't need to copy the file at all; you can simply send it to lpr via standard input.
ssh -t $CID#adress lpr -P "$PRINTER" < "$FILENAME"
(ssh reads from $FILENAME and forwards it to the remote command.)

start an ssh-agent and add your key to it:
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add # here you will be prompted
scp "$FILENAME" "$CID#adress:$FILENAME"
ssh -t "$CID#adress" bash -c <<END
ssh-agent -k # kill the agent


Authenticating with user/password *once* for multiple commands? (session multiplexing)

I got this trick from Solaris documentation, for copying ssh public keys to remote hosts.
note: ssh-copy-id isn't available on Solaris
$ cat some_data_file | ssh user#host "cat >/tmp/some_data_file; some_shell_cmd"
I wanted to adapt it to do more involved things.
Specifically I wanted some_shell_command to be a script sent from the local host to execute on the remote host... a script would interact with the local keyboard (e.g. prompt user when the script was running on the remote host).
I experimented with ways of sending multiple things over stdin from multiple sources. But certain things that work in in local shell don't work over ssh, and some things, such as the following, didn't do what I wanted at all:
$ echo "abc" | cat <(echo "def") # echoes: def (I wanted abc\ndef)
$ echo "abc" | cat < <(echo "def") # echoes: def (I wanted abc\ndef)
$ echo "abc" | cat <<-EOF
> echo $(</dev/stdin) #echoes: echo abc (I wanted: abc)
# messed with eval for the above but that was a problem too.
#chepner concluded it's not feasible to do all of that in a single ssh command. He suggested a theoretical alternative that didn't work as hoped, but I got it working after some research and tweaking and documented the results of that and posted it as an answer to this question.
Without that solution, having to run multiple ssh, and scp commands by default entails being prompted for password multiple times, which is a major drag.
I can't expect all the users of a script I write in a multi-user environment to configure public key authorization, nor expect they will put up with having to enter a password over and over.
OpenSSH Session Multiplexing
    This solution works even when using earlier versions of OpenSSH where the
    ControlPersistoption isn't available. (Working bash example at end of this answer)
Note: OpenSSH 3.9 introduced Session Multiplexing over a "control master connection" (in 2005), However, the ControlPersist option wasn't introduced until OpenSSH 5.6 (released in 2010).
ssh session multiplexing allows a script to authenticate once and do multiple ssh transactions over the authenticated connection. For example, if you have a script that runs several distinct tasks using ssh, scp, or sftp, each transaction can be carried out over OpenSSH 'control master session' that refers to location of its named-socket in the filesystem.
The following one-time-password authentication is useful when running a script that has to perform multiple ssh operations and one wants to avoid users having to password authenticate more than once, and is especially useful in cases where public key authentication isn't viable - e.g. not permitted, or at least not configured.
Most solutions I've seen entail using ControlPersist to tell ssh to keep the control master connection open, either indefinitely, or for some specific number of seconds.
Unfortunately, systems with OpenSSH prior to 5.6 don't have that option (wherein upgrading them might not be feasible). Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much documentation or discussion about that limitation online.
Reading through old release docs I discovered ControlPersist arrived late in the game for ssh session multiplexing scene. implying there may have been an alternative way to configure session multiplexing without relying on the ControlPersist option prior to it.
Initially trying to configure persistent-sessions from command line options rather than the config parameter, I ran into the problem of the ssh session terminating prematurely, closing control connection client sessions with it, or, alternatively, the connection was held open (kept ssh control master alive), terminal I/O was blocked, and the script would hang.
The following clarifies how to accomplish it.
OpenSSH option ssh flag Purpose
------------------- --------- -----------------------------
-o ControlMaster=yes -M Establishes sharable connection
-o ControlPath=path -S path Specifies path of connection's named socket
-o ControlPersist=600 Keep shareable connection open 10 min.
-o ControlPersist=yes Keep shareable connection open indefinitely
-N Don't create shell or run a command
-f Go into background after authenticating
-O exit Closes persistent connection
ControlPersist form Equivalent Purpose
------------------- ---------------- -------------------------
-o ControlPersist=yes ssh -Nf Keep control connection open indefinitely
-o ControlPersist=300 ssh -f sleep 300 Keep control connection open 5 min.
Note: scp and sftp implement -S flag differently, and -M flag not at all, so, for those commands, the -o option form is always required.
Sketchy Overview of Operations:
Note: This incomplete example doesn't execute as shown.
ctl=<path to dir to store named socket>
ssh -fNMS $ctl user#host # open control master connection
ssh -S $ctl … # example of ssh over connection
scp -o ControlPath=$ctl … # example of scp over connection
sftp -o ControlPath=$ctl … # example of sftp over connection
ssh -S $ctl -O exit # close control master connection
Session Multiplexing Demo
(Try it. You'll like it. Working example - authenticates only once):
Running this script will probably help you understand it quicker than reading it, and it is fascinating.
Note: If you lack access to remote host, just enter localhost at the "Host...?" prompt if you want to try this demo script
#!/bin/bash # This script demonstrates ssh session multiplexing
trap "[ -z "$ctl" ] || ssh -S $ctl -O exit $user#$host" EXIT # closes conn, deletes fifo
read -p "Host to connect to? " host
read -p "User to login with? " user
BOLD="\n$(tput bold)"; NORMAL="$(tput sgr0)"
echo -e "${BOLD}Create authenticated persistent control master connection:${NORMAL}"
[ -d $sshfifos ] || mkdir -p $sshfifos; chmod 755 $sshfifos
ctl=$sshfifos/$user#$host:22 # ssh stores named socket ctrl conn here
ssh -fNMS $ctl $user#$host # Control Master: Prompts passwd then persists in background
lcldir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/XXXX)
echo -e "\nLocal dir: $lcldir"
rmtdir=$(ssh -S $ctl $user#$host "mktemp -d /tmp/XXXX")
echo "Remote dir: $rmtdir"
echo -e "${BOLD}Copy self to remote with scp:${NORMAL}"
scp -o ControlPath=$ctl ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} $user#$host:$rmtdir
echo -e "${BOLD}Display 4 lines of remote script, with ssh:${NORMAL}"
echo "====================================================================="
echo $rmtdir | ssh -S $ctl $user#$host "dir=$(</dev/stdin); head -4 \$dir/*"
echo "====================================================================="
echo -e "${BOLD}Do some pointless things with sftp:${NORMAL}"
sftp -o ControlPath=$ctl $user#$host:$rmtdir <<EOF
lcd $lcldir
get *
Using a master control socket, you can use multiple processes without having to authenticate more than once. This is just a simple example; see man ssh_config under ControlPath for advice on using a more secure socket.
It's not quite clear what you mean by sourcing somecommand locally; I'm going to assume it is a local script that you want copied over to the remote host. The simplest thing to do is just copy it over to run it.
# Copy the first file, and tell ssh to keep the connection open
# in the background after scp completes
$ scp -o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPersist=yes -o ControlPath=%C somefile user#host:/tmp/somefile
# Copy the script on the same connection
$ scp -o ControlPath=%C somecommand user#host:
# Run the script on the same connection
$ ssh -o ControlPath=%C user#host somecommand
# Close the connection
$ ssh -o ControlPath=%C -O exit user#host
Of course, the user could use public key authentication to avoid entering their credentials at all, but ssh would still go through the authentication process each time. Here, the authentication process is only done once, by the command using ControlMaster=yes. The other two processes reuse that connection. The last commmand, with -O exit, doesn't actually connect; it just tells the local connection to close itself.
$ echo "abc" | cat <(echo "def")
The expression <(echo "def") expands to a file name, typically something like /dev/fd/63, that names a (virtual) file containing the text "def". So lets's simplify it a bit:
$ echo "def" > def.txt
$ echo "abc" | cat def.txt
This will also prints just def.
The pipe does feed the line abc to the standard input of the cat command. But because cat is given a file name on its command line, it doesn't read from its standard input. The abc is just quietly ignored, and the cat command prints the contents of the named file -- which is exactly what you told it to do.
The problem with echo abc | cat <(echo def) is that the <() wins the "providing the input" race. Luckily, bash will allow you to supply many inputs using mulitple <() constructs. So the trick is, how do you get the output of your echo abc into the <()?
How about:
$ echo abc | cat <(echo def) <(cat)
If you need to handle the input from the pipe first, just switch the order:
$ echo abc | cat <(cat) <(echo def)

ssh bash receive variable from a remote file

I need to read the variable from a remote file over SSH and compare it. But I get a variable in the wrong format. how to do it correctly?
#not work## No such file or directory# write=$(sshpass -p $ovhpass ssh -t $user echo "$IP" > $path)
sshpass -p $pass ssh -t $user << EOF
echo "$IP" > $path
my_var=$(sshpass -p $pass ssh -t $user "cd /sys_ovh; ./serv.bash")
echo mystart-"$my_var"-myend
read=$(sshpass -p $pass ssh -t $user cat $path)
echo start-"$read"-end
echo start-"$IP"-end
if [ "$read" == "$IP" ]; then
echo "run"
Connection to closed.
Connection to closed.
Where I make a mistake? How to take data from the SSH?
The vars my_var and read are filled with a string ending with '\r', telling echo to go back to the first column. I think this is a problem with your local script. You can correct that with
tr -d "\r" < myfile > myfile2
Your fundamental problem comes from using unquoted here documents for the commands. You should properly understand in which order the shell interprets these contructs.
ssh remote cmd >file
executes cmd remotely, but first redirects the output from the ssh command to the local file.
ssh remote "cmd >’$file'"
The quotes cause the redirection to be part of the remote command line. The variable file is interpreted first, by the local shell, though.
ssh remote 'cmd >"$file"`
The single quotes prevent the local shell from modifying the command before sending it. Thus, he variable interpolation and the redirection are both handled by the remote shell, in this order.
So your commented-out "not work" command could easily be fixed with proper quoting. However, it will be much more elegant and efficient to use a single remote session, and execute all the commands in one go. Mixing the local variable IP with remote variables calls for some rather elaborate escaping, though. A major simplification would be to pass the value on standard input, so that the entire remote script can be single quoted.
result=$(echo "$IP" |
sshpass -p "$pass" ssh -t "$user" '
cat > "$path"
cd /sys_ovh
cat "$path"')
echo mystart-"${result%$'\n'*}"-myend
echo start-"${result#*$'\n'}"-end
echo start-"$IP"-end
if [ "${result#*$'\n'}" == "$IP" ]; then
echo "run"
The output from the remote shell is two lines; we pick it apart by using the shell's prefix and suffix substitution operators.

Bash script to pass commands remotely via SSH

i'm just starting out with bash & am trying to write a script to search specific files in a server remotely based on: (a)device name and (b) string. my goal is to get all output containing 'string' for the device specified. when i tried the script below just hangs. however, when i run the command directly on the server("grep -i "router1" /var/log/router.log | grep -i "UPDOWN"), it works. any ideas?any ideas?
read -p "Enter username: " user
read -p "Enter device name: " dev
read -p "Enter string: " str
while read /home/user1/syslogs
ssh "$user"#server1234 'grep -i "$dev" /var/log/"$syslogs" 2> /dev/null | grep -i "$str"'
You seem to be mis-using the read command. You don't specify the file to read from as an argument; read always reads from standard input. It's not clear what you want to do with the value you read from the file as a result, but you want something like this:
read -p "Enter username: " user
read -p "Enter device name: " dev
read -p "Enter string: " str
while read fileName; do
# Also: I'm borrowing sputnick's solution to the nested quote problem.
ssh $user#server1234 <<EOF
grep -i "$dev" /var/log/$fileName 2>/dev/null | grep -i "$str"
done < /home/user1/syslogs
The message Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal is due to the fact that the stdin of the remote host's shell is being redirected from a here document and that there is no command specified for the remote host to execute, i. e. the remote host first assumes there will be a need to allocate a pseudo-terminal for an interactive login session due to the lacking command (see the synopsis of the ssh man page: ssh ... [user#]hostname [command]), but then realizes that the stdin of its shell is not a terminal since it is redirected from a here document. The result is that the remote host refuses to allocate a pseudo-terminal.
The solution in the given case would be to just specify a shell as a command for the remote host to execute the commands given in the here document.
As an alternative to specifying a shell as a command the remote host could be told in advance that there is no need for the allocation of a pseudo-terminal using the -T switch.
The -t switch, on the other hand, would be necessary only if a specified command expects an interactive login shell session on the remote host (such as top or vim).
- ssh $user#server1234 <<EOF ...
+ ssh $user#server1234 /bin/sh <<EOF ...
+ ssh -T $user#server1234 <<EOF ...

Temporarily remove the ssh private key password in a shell scriptI

I am required to deploy some files from server A to server B. I connect to server A via SSH and from there, connect via ssh to server B, using a private key stored on server A, the public key of which resides in server B's authorized_keys file. The connection from A to B happens within a Bash shell script that resides on server A.
This all works fine, nice and simple, until a security-conscious admin pointed out that my SSH private key stored on server A is not passphrase protected, so that anyone who might conceivably hack into my account on server A would also have access to server B, as well as C, D, E, F, and G. He has a point, I guess.
He suggests a complicated scenario under which I would add a passphrase, then modify my shell script to add a a line at the beginning in which I would call
ssh-keygen -p -f {private key file}
answer the prompt for my old passphrase with the passphrase and the (two) prompts for my new passphrasw with just return which gets rid of the passphrase, and then at the end, after my scp command
ssh-keygen -p -f {private key file}
again, to put the passphrase back
To which I say "Yecch!".
Well I can improve that a little by first reading the passphrase ONCE in the script with
then supplying it as needed using the -N and -P parameters of ssh-keygen.
It's almost usable, but I hate interactive prompts in shell scripts. I'd like to get this down to one interactive prompt, but the part that's killing me is the part where I have to press enter twice to get rid of the passphrase
This works from the command line:
ssh-keygen -p -f {private key file} -P {pass phrase} -N ''
but not from the shell script. There, it seems I must remove the -N parameter and accept the need to type two returns.
That is the best I am able to do. Can anyone improve this? Or is there a better way to handle this? I can't believe there isn't.
Best would be some way of handling this securely without ever having to type in the passphrase but that may be asking too much. I would settle for once per script invocation.
Here is a simplified version the whole script in skeleton form
#! /bin/sh
unset_passphrase() {
# params
# oldpassword keyfile
echo "unset_key_password()"
cmd="ssh-keygen -p -P $1 -N '' -f $2"
echo "$cmd"
reset_passphrase() {
# params
# oldpassword keyfile
echo "reset_key_password()"
cmd="ssh-keygen -p -N '$1' -f $2"
echo "$cmd"
echo "Enter passphrase:"
unset_passphrase $PASSPHRASE $KEYFILE
# do something with ssh
reset_passphrase $PASSPHRASE $KEYFILE
Check out ssh-agent. It caches the passphrase so you can use the keyfile during a certain period regardless of how many sessions you have.
Here are more details about ssh-agent.
OpenSSH supports what's called a "control master" mode, where you can connect once, leave it running in the background, and then have other ssh instances (including scp, rsync, git, etc.) reuse that existing connection. This makes it possible to only type the password once (when setting up the control master) but execute multiple ssh commands to the same destination.
Search for ControlMaster in man ssh_config for details.
Advantages over ssh-agent:
You don't have to remember to run ssh-agent
You don't have to generate an ssh public/private key pair, which is important if the script will be run by many users (most people don't understand ssh keys, so getting a large group of people to generate them is a tiring exercise)
Depending on how it is configured, ssh-agent might time out your keys part-way through the script; this won't
Only one TCP session is started, so it is much faster if you're connecting over and over again (e.g., copying many small files one at a time)
Example usage (forgive Stack Overflow's broken syntax highlighting):
log() { printf '%s\n' "$*"; }
error() { log "ERROR: $*" >&2; }
fatal() { error "$*"; exit 1; }
try() { "$#" || fatal "'$#' failed"; }
controlmaster_start() {
CONTROLPATH=/tmp/$(basename "$0").$$.%l_%h_%p_%r
# same as CONTROLPATH but with special characters (quotes,
# spaces) escaped in a way that rsync understands
printf '%s\n' "${CONTROLPATH}" |
sed -e 's/'\''/"'\''"/g' -e 's/"/'\''"'\''/g' -e 's/ /" "/g'
log "Starting ssh control master..."
ssh -f -M -N -S "${CONTROLPATH}" "${REMOTE_HOST}" \
|| fatal "couldn't start ssh control master"
# automatically close the control master at exit, even if
# killed or interrupted with ctrl-c
trap 'controlmaster_stop' 0
trap 'exit 1' HUP INT QUIT TERM
controlmaster_stop() {
log "Closing ssh control master..."
ssh -O exit -S "${CONTROLPATH}" "${REMOTE_HOST}" >/dev/null \
|| fatal "couldn't close ssh control master"
try ssh -S "${CONTROLPATH}" "${REMOTE_HOST}" some_command
try scp -o ControlPath="${CONTROLPATH}" \
some_file "${REMOTE_HOST}":some_path
try rsync -e "ssh -S ${CONTROLPATH_E}" -avz \
some_dir "${REMOTE_HOST}":some_path
# the control master will automatically close once the script exits
I could point out an alternative solution for this. Instead of having the key stored on server A I would keep the key locally. Now I would create a local port forward to server B on port 4000.
ssh -L 4000:B:22 usernam#A
And then in a new terminal connect through the tunnel to server B.
ssh -p 4000 -i key_copied_from_a user_on_b#localhost
I don't know how feasible this is to you though.
Building up commands as a string is tricky, as you've discovered. Much more robust to use arrays:
cmd=( ssh-keygen -p -P "$1" -N "" -f "$2" )
echo "${cmd[#]}"
Or even use the positional parameters
set -- ssh-keygen -p -P "$passphrase" -N "" -f "$keyfile"
echo "$#"
The empty argument won't be echoed surrounded by quotes, but it's there

A script to ssh into a remote folder and check all files?

I have a public/private key pair set up so I can ssh to a remote server without having to log in. I'm trying to write a shell script that will list all the folders in a particular directory on the remote server. My question is: how do I specify the remote location? Here's what I've got:
for file in*
if [ -d "$file" ]
echo $file;
Try this:
for file in `ssh 'ls -d dir/*/'`
echo $file;
Or simply:
ssh 'ls -d dir/*/'
The ssh command accepts an optional command after the hostname and, if a command is provided, it executes that command on login instead of the login shell; ssh then simply passes on the stdout from the command as its own stdout. Here we are simply passing the ls command.
ls -d dir/*/ is a trick to make ls skip regular files and list out only the directories.
