Cross-platform command line script (e.g. .bat and .sh) - bash

I noticed that Windows 7 enables to execute .sh files as if they were .bat files. That got me wondering whether it is possible to write a .sh file such that it can be executed in Windows and Linux (let's say bash).
The first thing that comes to my mind is to fabricate an if-statement such that Windows and Ubuntu can deal with it and jump into the according block to execute plattform-specific commands. How could this be done?
Note: I know this is not good practice. I also know that scripting languages like Python are far better suited to solve this problem than a mixed-syntax command line script would be. I'm just curious...

You could use this:
rem(){ :;};rem '
#goto b
';echo sh;exit
#echo batch
It's valid shell script and batch, and will execute different blocks depending on how it's run.
Modify the echo and #echo lines to do what you want.

AFAIK, you can't directly run .sh files from Windows' cmd.exe. For that you'll need a *nix emulation layer to run the shell. Check out Cygwin or Msys/MinGW


How to write/store output of commands in a variable in Windows Command Line?

I want to set a directory path to variable using Windows Command Line without any user-interaction. So, like we do in Ubuntu OS:
Here, output of pwd will get stored in my_path.
How to do this kind of task in Windows Command Line?
Actually, the more natural way in bash would have been
Taking over this idea to Windows batch language, it would become
SET my_path=%CD%
The main difference is, that in Windows, my_path would end up in the environment automatically, while in bash, you would have to do this manually.

Perl: Why do I get error "The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."

I am trying to run the below perl code from Windows batch file but getting error The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
The script ran fine in eclipse.My ultimate goal is to run this perl script periodically using windows task scheduler, hence running it from a batch file.
Is there any other ways with which we can achieve my goal of running perl script on windows periodically?
I want my script to be functional across platforms, coz I have plans to run it from a mac as well.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Find::Rule;
my $basedir="G:\/My_Workspaces";
my #exclude_dirs= qw(.foo);
#Fetching all the workspaces under base dir excluding the ones in #exclude_dirs
my #subdirs =
#Formating list of workspaces by removing the full path
s{^\Q$basedir\E/}{} for #subdirs;
If that is exactly the contents of your file, then you're asking Windows' command interpreter to process Perl source code, which it can't do
If you really need to create a batch file that has your Perl code embedded in it, then take a look at the pl2bat utility, which will do exactly that
A command like
will create a file myperl.bat that will run on the Windows command line and has your Perl source code embedded inside it. But that file is non-portable because it uses Windows commands that aren't recognised on a Mac or Linux platform
Either something doesn't know how to execute your Perl script, or your Perl script is being interpreted by something other than perl.
This could due to a problem with your file associations (or a lack thereof). Determining the exact cause would require more information.
In any case, executing perl with your script as a parameter rather than executing the script directly should solve the problem.
In other words, execute
instead of

Is it possible to override hashbang/shebang path behavior

I have a bunch of scripts (which can't be modified) written on Windows. Windows allows relative paths in its #! commands. We are trying to run these scripts on Unix but Bash only seems to respect absolute paths in its #! directives. I've looked around but haven't been able to locate an option in Bash or a program designed to replace and interpreter name. Is it possible to override that functionality -- perhaps even by using a different shell?
Typically you can just specify the binary to execute the script, which will cause the #! to be ignored. So, if you have a Python script that looks like:
# code would be here.
On Unix/Linux you can just say:
prompt$ python2.6 <scriptfile>
And it'll execute using the command line binary. I view the hashbang line as one which asks the operating system to use the binary specified on the line, but you can override it by not executing the script as a normal executable.
Worst case you could write some wrapper scripts that would explicitly tell the interpreter to execute the code in the script file for all the platforms that you'd be using.

Preprocessor to add functionality to Windows's CMD?

I need to do a fair bit of scripting in my job as a SQL Server DBA. Sometimes, I need to deploy a fix script to a very restricted environment, where the only option for scripting may be DOS Batch. In one such environment, even VBScript/WSH isn't a possibility, let alone PowerShell. Anyone who has written enough batch files on DOS and Windows knows that it's very limited and a huge PIA when you need to do anything too complicated. This is especially true for folks who have worked with Unix shell scripting, Perl, Tcl, Python, Ruby, etc.
A possible solution to this would be a CMD preprocessor that would add some of the useful functionality from more capable scripting languages. I've tried to find such a utility, but so far I've had no luck.
Which finally leads to my question: is anyone aware of a such a CMD preprocessor? If not, what functionality would you like to see in one?
If you're unfamiliar with the idea of a preprocessor see this Wikipedia entry.
To clarify, I'm thinking of a tool that would add features like:
Backtick (`) ala Unix shell
...and possibly others. Those are two features I've wished CMD had and can think of a way to implement them with a CMD preprocessor. Functions could be implemented with env vars and GOTO/labels; backticks by piping to a temp file and using set /p =< to read in the result to an env var.
You can already achieve these same ends, but it gets to be very tedious and verbose- which is how I came to the idea of having a preprocessor handle the boilerplate for features like those.
Using the example of backticks, here is an example of unprocessed code from my hypothetical Batch++ and processed vanilla batch script, ready to be run by CMD.exe:
Batch++ Source (test.batpp)
copy `dir /b /s c:\ | find "CADR-README.htm"` \\srv01\users
Run it through the preprocessor
bpp test.batpp > post_test.bat
Resulting CMD/BAT code (post_test.bat)
dir /b /s c:\ | find "CADR-README.htm" > _bt001.tmp
set /p _BT001 =< _bt001.tmp
copy %_BT001% \\srv01\users
set _BT001=
del _bt001.tmp
I am not sure to interpret correctly your question. If you run in a controlled environment that doesn't allow you to run any scripting extension, how are you going to access such a preprocessor?
However, and in regard of the two features you request, you are OK with .BATs. Both features are supported by BAT processing in current Windows versions.
Functions: you have the extended CALL syntax, that supports parameter passing thru argument references %1 .. %9, and enhanced with expansion substitution using %~ syntax. Read HELP CALL.
Backtick: not sure what you want but, in the FOR /F command you may pass a backticked string to be run and its output captured. Read HELP FOR.

Send commands to other command-line programs

Is there a way, to send commands to another command-line program?
'Cause i have a special command-line program, but I can't send commands to it using syntax like program.exe something_to_do
the program executes something like this: ("here syntax" is where i want to input text to and also enter to start)
Version 1.1
Give an option: "here syntax"
the program in code looks something like this:
echo TheWhateverCommandLineProgram
echo Version 1.1
Set opt=
set /p opt=Give an option:
if %opt%==command1 goto com1
if %opt%==command2 goto com2
Well, i guess so cause it wasnt me who made it (btw: off course its not called TheWhateverCommandLineProgram)
If you just want to give keyboard input to a commandline program you can just use echo and pipe it:
echo some text | program.exe
If you need more lines, then write them to a file and use input redirection:
echo one line > file
echo second line >> file
program.exe < file
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're looking for. Here's two options:
You have two windows, each running a batch program. Let's say they are called myscript1.bat and myscript2.bat. You want to send a set of commands from myscript1.bat to be executed by myscript2.bat
You have a single batch script named myscript.bat, which executes a single program named program.exe. You want program.exe to execute some commands, or do some something.
Are either of these what you're looking for? Here's some idea:
Make myscript1.bat create a third file, mycommands.bat. Once myscript2.bat sees the file mycommands.bat exists, it will execute it and delete it. (Wow. Lame.)
Use Windows Scripting Host command (it's built in to Windows since Win2K) or Powershell (usually on most computers nowadays, if they have been updated). Either of these can send keystrokes to another program. Using those keystrokes, you can control the other program.
In what form does the other program take input? From the command prompt?
If the latter then I recommend Autohotkey:
You can use Autohotkey as a bridge and it will send the command as keypresses to the window of the other batch file.
You can ask for help in their forum. They are quite helpful.
