How can I monitor a router with a intern ssl certificate in Nagios? - https

This ist my current setup:
Host config:
define host{
use generic-host ; Inherit default values from a template
host_name A+A ; The name we're giving to this host
alias A+A Objektausstattung Router ; A longer name associated with the host
address ; IP address of the host
hostgroups Router ; Host groups this host is associated with
Service config:
define service{
use generic-service ; Inherit default values from a template
host_name A+A
service_description HTTP
check_command check_http
I´ll get this error from Nagios:
check_icmp: Failed to resolve
What am I doing wrong here ?

Nagios tries to resolve to ip-address and port. Try ip-address only.
address ; IP address of the host

Your host definition should only specify an IP address for the 'address'. The URL is not an attribute of the host, but of the HTTP check your want to perform.
The Service definition specifies the check_command, which is in turn defined in the checkcommands.cfg file. This will specify exactly what command is to be run, possibly using additional parameters passed.
You will probably want to pass the port number as a parameter, and that you are to use HTTPS. How to do this will depend on your settings. For example, you could use this in your checkcommands.cfg:
define command{
command_name check_https
command_line $USER1$/check_http -t 12 -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -f ok --ssl=1 -u "$ARG1$" -p "$ARG2$" -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$
Then you could configure your service with a checkcommand thus:
check_command check_https!/!444!1!5
This would check for the url, giving a warning if it takes over 1s and a critical if it takes over 5s to complete. TLSv1 would be used (else you might get a false positive on web servers with Poodle protection).


Restrict access to router VPN client to a single IP address

I have setup openvpn client on a asus router, it is running padavan firmware, which is similar to tomato and other.
The VPN client works, but I would like to limits it's use to one or 2 ips on my LAN (i.e. AppleTV) and all other clients bypass the VPN connection.
The padavan vpn client has a custom script that is executed with the interface goes up and down on tun0 which is the interface.
I have attempted to route the IP address of the client that I want to use, but it does not prevent access via all of the other clients:
### Custom user script
### Called after internal VPN client connected/disconnected to remote VPN server
### $1 - action (up/down)
### $IFNAME - tunnel interface name (e.g. ppp5 or tun0)
### $IPLOCAL - tunnel local IP address
### $IPREMOTE - tunnel remote IP address
### $DNS1 - peer DNS1
### $DNS2 - peer DNS2
# private LAN subnet behind a remote server (example)
### example: add static route to private LAN subnet behind a remote server
# route add -net $peer_lan netmask $peer_msk gw $IPREMOTE dev $IFNAME
# route add -net $peer_lan gw $IPREMOTE dev $IFNAME
route add default dev tun0 table 200
rule add from table 200
return 0
# route del -net $peer_lan netmask $peer_msk gw $IPREMOTE dev $IFNAME
return 0
logger -t vpnc-script "$IFNAME $1"
case "$1" in
I realise that this is very specific to the padavan firmware, but I think that the commands that are executed when it goes up should be universal, and my routing skills are very limited !
Maybe I need to block / allow using ip tables instead?
Any suggestions or help gratefully appreciated !

Exclude localhost from bind redirect

I'm using WFPSampler to redirect all traffic to a specific interface by using command:
WFPSampler.exe -s PROXY -l FWPM_LAYER_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V4 -pla -v -in
This works just fine, traffic from all of the processes is redirected as expected. The only problem is that it binds to as well and then some applications fail to connect.
For example, I've created simple Python HTTP server on and I can not access it over the browser using this address.
I know that on FWPM_LAYER_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V4 it is only possible to filter by local address, but I have somehow to filter by remote address at this point to avoid binding localhost to
You could redirect the outgoing traffic from to at the same time, with the command like:
WFPSampler.exe -s PROXY -l FWPM_LAYER_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V4 -ipra -pra -v -in
The comments of this answer has metioned it.

Setup Nagios dependencies to monitor a service on a Windows host

I'm having difficulties setting up nagios dependencies so I only receive notifications if the host is up (Pingable).
My host cfg file is as follow:
# Configuration file /etc/nagios/adagios/hosts/dp-front.cfg
# Edited by PyNag on Wed Nov 11 16:38:15 2015
define host {
alias Ditmas Park Front Desk
use windows-server
host_name dp-front
max_check_attempts 2
check_command check-host-alive
check_period workhours
notification_period workhours
define service{
use generic-service
host_name dp-front
service_description Medical Records
check_command check_nt!PROCSTATE!-d SHOWALL -l Robocopy.exe
notification_interval 0
max_check_attempts 1
define servicedependency{
host_name localhost
service_description PING
dependent_host_name localhost
dependent_service_description PING
execution_failure_criteria c
notification_failure_criteria w,u,c
Nagios is monitoring the service correctly and I receive notifications all the time when the service go down. I'm just not sure how to setup the "servicedependency" section of it.
I'd really appreciate your help as always.
Probably you need to setup below perameter in your host configuration file
notification_options d u r
Add to your host template 'windows-server' a notification_option option
notification_options: This directive is used to determine when
notifications for the host should be sent out. Valid options are a
combination of one or more of the following: d = send notifications on
a DOWN state, u = send notifications on an UNREACHABLE state, r = send
notifications on recoveries (OK state), f = send notifications when
the host starts and stops flapping, and s = send notifications when
scheduled downtime starts and ends. If you specify n (none) as an
option, no host notifications will be sent out. If you do not specify
any notification options, Nagios will assume that you want
notifications to be sent out for all possible states. Example: If you
specify d,r in this field, notifications will only be sent out when
the host goes DOWN and when it recovers from a DOWN state.

Remove EC2's entry from resolv.conf

I have private DNS servers and I want to write them to resolv.conf with resolvconf on Debian on AWS/EC2.
There is a problem in the order of nameserver entries.
In my resolv.conf, EC2's default nameserver is always written at first line like so:
# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
search ap-northeast-1.compute.internal is EC2's default nameserver and others are mine.
How to remove EC2 entry? Or, how to move EC2 entry to third?
Here I have an interface file:
% ls -l /etc/resolvconf/run/interface/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 62 Jun 7 23:35 eth0
It seems that the file eth0 is automatically generated by dhcp so can't remove it permanently.
% cat /etc/resolvconf/run/interface/eth0
search ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
My private DNS entry is here:
% cat /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
Please help.
I think I just solved a very similar problem. I was bothered by Amazon EC2's crappy internal DNS servers so I wanted to run a local caching dnsmasq daemon and use that in /etc/resolv.conf. At first I just did echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf but then I realized that my change would eventually be overwritten by the DHCP client after a reboot or DHCP lease refresh.
What I've now done instead is to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and uncomment the line prepend domain-name-servers;. You should be able to use the prepend directive in a very similar way.
Update: These instructions are based on Ubuntu Linux but I imagine the general concept applies on other systems as well, even other DHCP clients must have similar configuration options.
I'm approaching this problem from the other direction (wanting the internal nameservers), much of what I've learned may be of interest.
There are several options to control name resolution in the VPC management console.
VPC -> DHCP option sets -> Create dhcp option set
You can specify your own name servers there.
Be sure to attach this dhcp option set to your VPC to get it to take effect.
Alternatively (I found this out by mistake) local dns servers are not set if the following settings are disabled in VPC settings:
Settings can also be overridden locally (which you'll notice if you move instances between vpcs). /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
The following line might be of interest:
prepend domain-name-servers
Changes, of course, take effect on dhclient start.
How do I assign a static DNS server to a private Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu, RHEL, or Amazon Linux?
Short Description
Default behavior for an EC2 instance associated with a virtual private cloud (VPC) is to request a DNS server address at startup using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). The VPC responds to DHCP requests with the address of an internal DNS server. The DNS server addresses returned in the DHCP response are written to the local /etc/resolv.conf file and are used for DNS name resolution requests. Any manual modifications to the resolv.conf file are overwritten when the instance is restarted.
To configure an EC2 instance running Linux to use static DNS server entries, use a text editor such as vim to edit the file /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and add the following line to the end of the file:
supersede domain-name-servers,;
Ubuntu - dhclient.conf - DHCP client configuration file 
The supersede statement
supersede [ option declaration ] ;
If for some option the client should always use a locally-configured value or values
rather than whatever is supplied by the server, these values can be defined in the
supersede statement.
The prepend statement
prepend [ option declaration ] ;
If for some set of options the client should use a value you supply, and then use the
values supplied by the server, if any, these values can be defined in the prepend
statement. The prepend statement can only be used for options which allow more than one
value to be given. This restriction is not enforced - if you ignore it, the behaviour
will be unpredictable.
The append statement
append [ option declaration ] ;
If for some set of options the client should first use the values supplied by the server,
if any, and then use values you supply, these values can be defined in the append
statement. The append statement can only be used for options which allow more than one
value to be given. This restriction is not enforced - if you ignore it, the behaviour
will be unpredictable.
In here someone come with solution that basically replaces the file on boot using rc.local
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to say PEERDNS=no
Create a file called /etc/resolv.backup with what you want
Add the following 2 lines to /etc/rc.local:
rm -f /etc/resolv.conf cp /etc/resolv.backup /etc/resolv.conf
This is what we are doing for our servers in the environment.
interface "eth0"
prepend domain-name-servers 10.x.x.x;
supersede host-name "{Hostname}";
append domain-search "domain";
supersede domain-name "DOMAIN";
Hope this helps.
The following worked in a Debian stretch on AWS EC2.
Just create /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/nodnsupdate:
Then you can modify /etc/resolv.conf and it will persist your changes across restarts.
Setup in crontab as
#reboot cp -r /home/.../resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

snmptrap SNMPv3 with selected client ip address

I would like to send trap and specify clientaddress
As I search there is two ways:
edit /etc/snmp/snmp.conf and set: clientaddr [IP_OF_DEVICE]
specify IP as parameter: --clientAddr="[IP_OF_DEVICE]"
When i try to issue command:
snmptrap -v 3 -l noAuthNoPriv -u SomeUser -n "" AGENT_IP . . 5
It gives an error
getaddrinfo(AGENT_IP, NULL, ...): Address family for hostname not supported
When I not specify clientadress it works as expected but it use IP of the machine where I issed a command as a client IP
To get rid of this I have to:
Define virtual interface for ip of device which you want to simulate
Specify protocol of agent ( by default when I set clientaddr in /etc/snmp/snmp.conf it looks like it tried to use IPv6 for agent )
snmptrap -v 3 -l noAuthNoPriv -u SomeUser -n "" udp:AGENT_IP ...
