Session expiring in Yii2 despite user activity - session

I have started using Yii2 and need to store more information about user in identity. I already know that in Yii2, this should be done using sessions like
Yii::$app->session->set('user.company_id', '121');
This works fine as I am able to get these values later in project using:
. However, these session values are getting wiped up despite user activity on same pages. So after 5-10 minutes, the same user sees some fields based on session value, however, after 1 minute if I refresh the session values go away which should actually happen on session close or user logout.
Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?

First check your app\config\main.php or main-local.php if it contains:
'user' => [
'enableAutoLogin' => true,
Second check if you have a proper assignment to the value assigned to the variable:
See here for more.


Understanding Laravel Session Handler

I am trying to understand Laravels session handler and can't find anything online. At the moment, in session.php I am doing
'lifetime' => 10,
I have the session driver set to file. So from what I have read, this sets the idle timeout of the session to 10 minutes.
So what does idle mean in this case? I am assuming it means if no request is sent to the server within 10 minutes it will expire. Is this correct?
Also, how can it tell if no request has been sent within 10 minutes? I have taken a look at the session file within storage, and I do not see any timestamp.
So how exactly does all of this work?
Yes you are correct: if you don't send any request after the lifetime config value the session will be destroyed.
The Illuminate\Session\FileSessionHandler class has a gc() function, it is a garbage collector function that has a probability to be called on every request, you can control the chances with the session.lottery config value. This function destroy each session file that has a modified timestamp older than now - lifetime.
You can find the Illuminate\Session\FileSessionHandler class in the file vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/FileSessionHandler.php if you want to take a look at the source code.

I want if user register successfully then user will come next time the registration will not be show for that user

Can you read my question let me know the solution on that.
I want if user register successfully then user will come next time the registration will not be show for that user.
Please help me to solve this issue.
Thank you.
In the config/session.php file you you may specify the number of minutes that you wish the session to be allowed to remain idle before it expires.
'lifetime' => 120, // change this to the desired number of minutes
'expire_on_close' => false,
One more thing you can do is implement the remember me feature that comes out of the box with a brand new installation of laravel. more info here:

Drupal 7 ignoring $_SESSION in template

I'm working on a simple script in a custom theme in Drupal 7 that is supposed to just rotate through different background image each time a user loads the page. This is my code in [view].tpl.php that picks which image to use.
$img_index = (!isset($_SESSION["img_index"]) || is_null($_SESSION["img_index"])) ? 1 : $_SESSION["img_index"] + 1;
if ($img_index > 2) {
$img_index = 0;
$_SESSION["img_index"] = $img_index;
Pretty simple stuff, and it works fine as long as Drupal starts up a session. However, if I delete my session cookie, then always shows the same image, a session is never started.
I'm assuming that since this code is in the view file that the view code is being cached for anonymous users and hence the session is never started, but I can't figure out how to otherwise do what I want.
Don't mess with session like /u/maiznieks mentioned on Reddit. It's going to affect performance.
I've had to do something similar in the past and went with an approach like /u/maiznieks mentions. It's something like this,
Return all the URLs in an array via JS on Drupal.settings.
Check if a cookie is set.
If it's not, set it and set it's value to 0.
If it's set, get the value, increase the value by one, save it to the cookie.
With that value, now you have an index.
Check if image[index] exists
If it does, show that to the user.
If it doesn't, reset index to 0 and show that. Save 0 to the cookie.
You keep caching. You keep showing the user new images on every page load.
You could set your current view to do a random sort every 5 mins. You would then only have to update the logic above to replace that image. That way you can keep something similar working for users with no JS but still keep this functionality for the rest.
You can replace cookies above with HTML5 local storage if you'd like.
#hobberwickey, I will suggest to create a custom module and implement hook_boot() in module. As per drupal bootstrap process session layer will call after cache layer everytime. hook_boot can be called in cache pages and before bootstrap process also. You can take more information here.

CAKEPHP Reset cookieTimeout on activity

I have problem to make my application is not logged out user on activity
I have code like the picture above
as we know, modify the cakephp session is able by that code
"timeout" values is used to set how long session will be expired in a minutes. and the "autoRegenerate" value is used to renew the timeout value
and the last is "cookieTimeout" is used to set how long activity allowed
the crux of my question is how to auto regenerated the cookieTimeout cakephp in core.php (like renew "timeout" value with "autoRegenerate" => true)
Thanks in advance

Codeigniter output cache: what parts of the called controller function get executed?

One of the main purposes of caching is to save resources and not do things like hit your database every request. In light of this, I'm confused by what all Codeigniter does in a controller when it encounters a cache() statement.
For example:
$this->load->view("main/index", $data);
I realize that the cached main/index html file will show for the next 5 minutes, but during these 5 minutes will the controller still execute the get_data_from_database() step? Or will it just skip it?
Note: the Codeigniter documentation says you can put the cache() statement anywhere in the controller function, which confuses me even more about whats getting executed.
I can answer my own question. NOTHING in the controller function other than the cached output gets executed during the time in which the cache is set.
To test this yourself, do a database INSERT or something that would be logged somehow (e.g. write to a blank file).
I added the following code below my cache() statement and it only inserted into the some_table table the first time I loaded the controller function and not the 2nd time (within the 5 minute span).
$this->db->insert('some_table', array('field_name' => 'value1') );
I think this can be verified enabling the Profiler in your controller and check if any query is done. Make sure this is enabled only for your IP if you're using it in Production environment.
-- EDIT 1 --
This will be visible only once. Soon after the cached page is stored, the profiles result won't be visible again (so you might wanna delete the file and refresh the page).
-- EDIT 2 --
You might also use:
log_message('info', 'message');
inside your model, then change in config.php, $config['log_threshold'] to 3 and check the log file.
-- EDIT 3 --
For sure the selection will be done unless you have enabled the database cache. In this case, in the cache folder you'll see the database selection cached.
