error itms-90451 "CFBundleIdentifier Collision Error" - xcode

I uploaded a version of my app – this error pop ups and I dont have any changes from the Google Maps portion of my app. On my first upload, there was no problem.

Just remove the embed frameworks build phase from your extension.
Click on extension in target section -> Build phases -> remove the embed pods frameworks
See attached picture:

This issue is probably Apple's iTunesConnect side of the problem.
see my question:
ITMS-90451:CFBundleIdentifier Collision Error
I also encountered the same problem in the submission of the application using the Qt framework.
I have submitted a report in
Something I will even write if there is a reply from Apple.

I am wondering if iTunes Connect is having a temporary issue. I have the same exact error, now with a different third party library

I Solve the problem. I just deleted the 3rd party framework. Then add it again. I don't why it cause this but it works.

Frameworks Signing set to None and Don't Code Sign.
Build Phases - Copy Files - Code Sign On Copy Enabled

This issue is either iTunesConnect issue or Cocoapods.
When you archive and submit the App, you get this “CFBundleIdentifier Collision Error” because iTunesConnect is considering info.plist of one of pod dependency not your Watchkit App or its parent App.
In our case, it was considering Google Maps and Instabug's info.plist file.
Solution :
To solve this issue we deleted all the values of info.plist from our pod dependency. Clean archive and successfully submitted.
GoogleMap iOS SDK contains info.plist on following path : GoogleMapSDK -> Resources -> GoogleMaps.bundle -> info.plist
Screenshots of Errors :


ITMS 90433 Error for uploading app: Xcode 12.4

When I submit my app to App Store as TestFlight, my app goes invalid binary. Error message is give as follows:
ITMS-90433: Invalid Swift Support - The file
libswiftAVFoundation.dylib doesn’t have the correct code signature.
Make sure you’re using the correct signature, rebuild your app using
the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it. Don’t just
modify the code signature of libswiftAVFoundation.dylib.
Would you please recommend any practices for library version checking or others if any, to ensure my app submission contains valid binary ?
Updates :
I need to go to the company and rebuild my iOS app using Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries -> YES, no issues
Thank you very much
Go to your project target and then -> Build Settings -> Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries and switch to "NO". (this is if you dont use swift in your project).
On the other hand i've seen this more of an issue that has to do with cleaning your project folder.
Having a physical device connected to xcode while building the app solved it on my site. Note: I use flavors in my flutter project.
For some reason, the command line tools was not set in Xcode preferences. So in my case I opened:
Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations
and set Command Line Tools field to match the current version of Xcode, in my case
Xcode 12.4(12D4e)
Then Archive and upload new binary.

Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'GoogleMobileAds' after swift 2 conversion

Good day everyone. So i just migrated to swift 2.0 and am facing this problem as titled: Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'GoogleMobileAds'. 21 occurrences. What I have done so far:
I removed every item on my pod file and reinstalled one at a time. Just before adding the GoogleMobileAds, everything would work and deploy to the simulator. Once I add it in, I see all these errors.
I have tried:
"Allow non-modular Includes in Framework Modules" to "Yes".
I added the "post_install" script for
the pod file.
Strange thing was it did work for half a day on the simulator. When i was ready to deploy to device, it stopped working. I decided to reinstall the pods and it doesnt work even on simulator again.
Please help.
Attached some screen shots:
I have faced a similar situation as yours.
In my case, the following steps solved the issue.
Re-installed AdMob SDK after removing it once using command 'pod install'.
*This step may not be needed. I'm not sure.
Added the following line to my bridging-Header file.
#import <GoogleMobileAds/GoogleMobileAds.h>
You might have to create the file into your project manually if you don't have it. The file's name is [Your project name]-Bridging-Header.h for example, MyApp-Bridging-Header.h
You may also need to add the path of the file to your settings of "Objective-C Bridging Header" in "Build Settings" -> "Swift Compiler - Code Generation" like
The path is relative from your project root as with your Info.plist File's path in your settings.

Error when trying to submit app: No matching provisional profiles found

I am trying to submit my app to the App Store however I am having issues with Provisioning Profiles.
When I click Submit after having archived the app, I receive the error:
No matching provisional profiles found - None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specific entitlements: applications-identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups.
Here is my settings (I have the both the same settings in build settings in both the project and the target):
How can I fix this?
I was able to fix this problem by changing the Architectures setting. I assume this was just a problem with Architectures/Valid Architectures being incompatible with one another.
For me, the issue was that a tool I was using for image resize got into the images resources that the app was bundling up. So, whilst it happily build and archived all the .png's and this rogue .app the app store barfed on it.
In the end, looking at the console log gave me the clue I needed. As soon as that file was taken out the warnings about applications-identifier, beta-reports-active and keychain-access-groups.

Embedded Binary

error: Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code sign settings match the parent app's.
Also, why does my profile keep getting replaced with a XC wildcard profile?
Solved the issue. I followed this steps to solve.
go to my Build setting and changed all Code Signing Identify to iOS Distribution.
Compile m Project
XCode throws error message that Signing identity is wrong with an option to fix it. I clicked Fix it button.
It happened twice.
Now XCode change it back to IOS Developer.
Now it is working.
For code sign issue please check if this works
For auto profile creation,
You must disable automatic management for all targets in your app.

Generic archive created when updating an existing Mac app?

I've made an update to my existing Mac app and went to archive it.
In Organizer it came up as a new entry and not under the previous releases I had. This new entry appears generic, ie. no app icon, no version or identifier info, just the name of the app came through. What happened? How do I troubleshoot?
In the update I added a UTI and also copied a plug-in into my bundle. Could those things have something to do with it?
Got it. My problem was related to dependency targets. Here's the solution:
(Excerpt added 2012-12-18; see blog post for screenshots and background info)
… Select dependent project(s) in the Project Navigator
Find “Skip Install” and set to YES.
If you have more dependent project, repeat these steps for all of them (i.e. at static library projects).
The app is expected to be deployed so do not change the Skip Install’s No to YES there. Change at the dependent projects only.
