Oracle Apex - Using Multiple tabs with the same session state - session

I am currently providing support to an existing Oracle Apex 4.2.5 application. One of the pages (Page 1003) contains a process that submits information from the Page 1003 page items (e.g. P1003_ITEM1) to our database tables. The contents of these page items are associated with a primary key (Assessment ID) in the database table to which the page items are submitted. Of a few dozen or so page item variables, the primary key is one of only three variables that are passed in through the URL. The URL is as follows:
We have encountered an issue that occurs when our users load Page 1003 in multiple tabs in their browser for different Assessment#'s. Every time a new Page 1003 is loaded in a new tab, the session variables from the previous tab are overwritten. Regardless of which tab the user submits first, the only variables submitted to the database are the ones from the last tab that was loaded by the user. I've seen a few examples online of how to handle similar issues with other programming languages, but I'd like to know if there is an APEX specific solution that I might have overlooked that can handle this situation.
We'd prefer to pass as few variables as possible in to the page through the URL. In fact, some variable are calculated after the page loads and cannot be passed in through the URL.


Automated tests with Laravel

I am new to PHP laravel framework.
My application is very basic:
User first log-in with login and password (html form)
The user can add items in a mysql table. This are numeric values. There are 2 controllers: One to see all rows and another to add/edit row
Another Controller computes statistics (sum, average, etc.) on the numeric values stored in the table.
What i want do to is to test this application.
I want to write a test that:
Creates an empty database
Creates a user
Log-in this user on my application
Creates entries in my table throw my application (not directly in mysql)
Check in the listing page if each entry has been created properly
And i want to check if the statistics are good (check good values displayed on the webpage.
I have read about Testing section on Laravel's website documentation.
Here are my questions:
I do not se how i can automated database initialization
I do not see how i can check if a span or div contains a specific value (i only can test http response code and if webpage contains a given string).
I have worked with phpunit.
Thanks a lot

Magento 2: Generating Customer Session Based Caching Pages

In an integration in Magento 2 with Full Caching.
We have two types of customers Type 1 and Type 2. Both these types of customers are saved under same Customer Group we are distinguishing the customers based on a customer type attribute.
Customer of type 1 can belong to different departments (1 to many). When he first visits the site after login, he is redirected to select his department.
This value is saved in customer session, on run time customer can change his department that value is updated in the existing customer session.
When we access a new page we get the updated session, but if we access a page that was accessed earlier, we get the old data from session.
Options tried:
We tried to load the data from customer session factory instead of customer session, but still we are facing the issue. Our understanding is that data which is saved in customer object is loaded as new, but since our data is saved under customer session it is not returning the latest data.
For some section of the page we have used sections to load the data, but in that scenario also, if a page is accessed earlier the correct data is not loaded in first refresh, in second refresh the data is loaded properly.
We also tried to update the session data from AJAX, but that was also not much useful since that data is not getting loaded on the pages.
We also tried to use context variables, but when we log the data while saving the context variable the correct data is logged but when we try to fetch the context data, no data was returned. Also even if different context variable is set for each department, the page seems to be rendered from cache.
We can’t use Cookie since this is sensitive data, this will be the last option.
In Magento 1 we had an option to generate new Cache key by extending app\code\local\Enterprise\PageCache\Model\Processor.php,
{ $uri .= '_' .
Is there any similar option available in Magento 2. If yes, please share some reference links to integrate the same.

What are the steps in order to create a wizard in Oracle APEX 5.1

How can I create a 2 page wizard based on 2 database tables with a foreign key from Table 1 to Table 2?
Client Table:
Client_ID, Client_Name
Subscription Plan Table:
Plan_Name, Client_ID
Wizard Page 1:
Enter Client name then click next
Wizard Page 2:
Client name visible with value from page 1 as display only
Select Plan Name
Submit > Action should save all the above info in the 2 DB tables
I'm still in the beginning of learning Oracle APEX so please be patient with my ignorance.
I already have the wizard with 2 pages each page with the required forms for table 1 & 2 but can't understand how to pass the data from page 1 to page 2 then submit all at the end.
Usuallly, in a wizard you don't want to commit data to the actual tables until you have clicked something like 'Finish' somewhere at the end of the wizard. So, be careful of that. You most likely do not want an automated row processing occuring on submit of page 1 and 2.
To store data temporarily you don't have to do any extra work. The keyword is session state here (and you'll deal with it a lot).
In your example you'd have page 1 and page 2 each with 1 page item on them. When you go from page 1 to page 2, you should set it up so clicking the 'Next' button on page 1 will submit the page. You can then branch to page 2 in one of the processing points.
Submitting the page will submit the value of the page items on that page to the session state. This session state of the item is retained in the user's session for as long as it exists and isn't cleared.
This means that when being on page 2 and page 3 you can still access the value of the page item on page 1. For example, by using :P1_CLIENT in a PLSQL process on page 3.
This is ideal for your wizard as you can simply let the user go through each step while at the end simply using the session state of the items on previous pages to process these to the database.
Alternatively, people have been known to put everything in apex collections, which are the alternative to global temporary tables from sql in apex's session state context. I wouldn't use those for single row storage, but if you ever need a multi-line storage in a wizard, these will serve the purpose.
You Need to Go through Sample Database Application's Order Process

How to allow people to edit multiple posts at the same time without overwriting each one?

I have a site where people can create posts and submit them (like on Stackoverflow and Facebook).
One thing that the user can do is attach a photo before submitting the post. So as soon as the photo is attached (using AJAX), a new PostID is created in the backend database table for the post that's being worked on and stored in the user's SESSION scope e.g. SESSION.LoggedIn.PostID = rsInsertedPost.PostID.
The same things happens even if a photo isn't attached except that it will create the PostID on the final submission of the post instead.
The reason I store it in the SESSION scope is because the PostID that's just been created is used in multiple other areas in the backend application (CFC component in my case). For example, it will insert tags that the user associated with his post into a seperate table dbo.PostTags like such:
PostID | Tag
44 ColdFusion
44 Programming
44 SQL
After it has finished processing the form submission, it will remove the PostID from the user's SESSION.
The problem that I am about to encounter is when a user opens up multiple browser windows and decides to start working on multiple posts at the same time. The SESSION's PostID value will keep being overwritten by the newly created one which means that if they decided to go back to a different browser tab and submit their post it would end up affecting the last created Post.
What would be a good way to overcome this issue of keeping a track of PostIDs that people are currently working on per window. Is there some other unique attribute I could store in the SESSION alongside the PostID so that only that one will be affected per browser window thats open?
I like to use UUIDs. Then I'm sure to never use the same ID twice, not even across database tables.
So instead of setting the PostID to a number (typically 1 + the last id in the database table), use #createUUID()#.

can we store viewstate in masterpage?

I have a gridview having multiple customers.
When a user clicks on the customer link then the CustomerId is stored in the Session "CustomerId".
if i open multiple customer details on multiple tabs then the Session "CustomerId" is overwritten.
so it does not make sense to store customerid in the Session.
I just want to store customerids for different tabs
Is there a way by which i can store the customerid in the viewstate of the masterpage?
(Assuming there is a single master page and multiple content pages.)
I usually try to use the URL for page-specific state info. Using session or some other shared storage can easily get messy. If the amount of state data is a bit much for being passed around in the URL, one way could be to rework the way you store the info in the session. by creating a class for holding the needed data, store several such objects in the session and identifying them by some generated request id. This request id can then be passed in the url to allow the page to pick up the correct state info from the session object.
No. The master page does not "live" between requests to different pages, you will have the same effect as storing the value in the page's viewstate.
I would normally use the querystring for this kind of thing, primarily so that the pages are bookmarkable (if you use sessionstate or form values instead, it's impossible to bookmark the page). As you say in your comment to Fredrik's answer, this does mean that users can manipulate the URL to view different customers, but this isn't a problem provided you're checking that the user is allowed to access the specified customer.
If you really don't want to use the querystring, I'd go with hidden form fields to pass the ID around. You should still be checking whether the user is allowed to see the customer though, rather than just blindly assuming that all's fine.
