Missing Kernel.framework/Headers - macos

I'm attempting to build an internal project that requires libkern/OSAtomic.h and make (using clang) is complaining that it is not found.
I'm using the latest version of XCode (6.2). My coworker has the following folder on his system:
I do not have this folder. What do I need to do to make sure my system headers are available?

So sorry, I'm an idiot. I had not installed the CLT (command line tools) for XCode yet.


How to downgrade command line tools MacOS

I got a dynamic linker error with the __clock_gettime symbol so I did what this post said Missing symbol when installing ruby-2.3.0 on OS X 10.11.6 by RVM (i.e. xcode-select --install) and now I am getting loader errors that say that libraries were built for a newer OS version than the one I am currently running on, I dont want to upgrade my OS to the newer (Sierra) version though, is there a way you can downgrade the command line tools to an older version (10.11?)
It's unclear which version of Xcode you are using, although it is possible to have multiple versions of the command-line tools installed, which can be selected in Xcode Preferences.
Command Line tools come with Xcode. If you delete and downgrade Xcode it should do the trick. Once you delete Xcode from you applications, use "Previous versions of Xcode can also be downloaded here" link in https://developer.apple.com/support/xcode/.
SPOILER ALERT: You need to have/create an apple dev account for this
Can download command line tools without the complete Xcode application here: https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=command%20line%20tools

Can't see Toolchain option in Xcode 7.3.1

So. My mac running 10.11.5 El Capitan and I have latest Xcode. Also I have Latest Xcode 8 Bata 2.
As it is described here
I can switch between toolchains. But I have no option in Xcode>Preferences>Components. Am I missing something ?
Also there are no Toolchain folder neither in ~/Library/Developer/ and or /Libarary/Developer
I've found the answer myself. In case you wondering were is it Toolchain thing you should first dowload it from here
Trunk Development (master)
Choose one that you need. Download the .pkg file and install it. Restart Xcode and Toolchains will appear Preferences.

Where to get macos SDK 10.6 for Xcode?

I am having Xcode 4.4 on OS X Lion. I'd like to install the Mac 10.6 SDK - also known as macosx10.7 SDK - because I need to compile openFrameworks.
I found that I need to download additional tools from this site. However I didn't find any 10.6 SDK there. I also tried looking in Xcode Preferences -> Downloads -> Components, but there is no way.
I am wondering how can I install previous SDKs for Xcode?
Unfortunately, Apple tends to make this much harder than you'd like. You can't download SDKs by themselves. They come as part of specific versions of Xcode. So you have to download the right version of Xcode. Search for "10.6", and you'll see that you want Xcode 4.1.
Once you download that, you can install it (that version will go into /Developer, so it won't break your /Applications version), or you can open up the package and find the SDKs in it. If you don't know how to crack open these packages, just install it.
Once you do that, search for "MacOSX10.6.sdk". I forget exactly where it is in that particular version.
What I do at that point is copy the sdk into a /SDKs directory. That way I always have them all.
Now, you need to add it to your current version of Xcode. You can do that by making symlinks in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs. If you like, you can use my tiny link-sdks script for that.
UPDATE: In modern versions of Xcode (7.3+) to use older SDKs edit MinimumSDKVersion here:
All legacy MacOS SDKs can be found on GitHub -
If you search the openFrameworks forums, there are a few posts where people are providing download links from their public Dropbox folders, for example.
Somewhat off topic, but I hit a very similar problem trying to install Erlang using kerl.
Everything worked for me until the "kerl build ..." step. The build log showed the following error:
odbcserver.c:117:10: fatal error: 'sql.h' file not found #include "sql.h"
The problem is that the ODBC is no longer part of the Mavericks installation(i.e., MacOS 10.6 SDK isn't installed). Piecing together advice from a variety of sites, none of which worked by themselves, the following set of steps fixed the issue:
brew install unixodbc - installs the missing ODBC libraries and include files (e.g., sql.h).
Set CFLAGS to point to the include directory for the unixodbc installation as part of the kerl build command (e.g.,):
CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/Cellar/unixodbc/2.3.2/include" ./kerl build R15B R15B
This points the build to the ODBC include files.
My environment is Mavericks, the xcode command line tools, and xcode v5.1.1.
Some SDK(with Xcode) you can download from direct links. List here:
Some don't work, but something you can still download. For example:

CMake Xcode generator uses no longer supported options

I'm trying to make a Xcode project from the Insight Toolkit (ITK, itk.org). I issued the following command into the terminal:
ccmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/g++ -GXcode /<path to source>
When I try to generate the project it fails with this error:
CMake Error at /Applications/CMake 2.8-7.app/Contents/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:52 (MESSAGE):
The C compiler "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/gcc" is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
Change Dir: /<path to destination folder>/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command:/Applications/CMake\ 2.8-7.app/Contents/bin/cmakexbuild -project CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.xcode build -target cmTryCompileExec -buildstyle Development
xcodebuild: error: option '-buildstyle' is no longer supported
How can I configure the call to cmakexbuild? I haven't found a respective entry in the CMake configuration menu.
I have found similar problems from other users with other projects so I assume it's a problem with the CMake configuration.
I'm using Xcode 4.3 and CMake 2.8.7 on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3.
Thanks for your help,
It's a CMake bug and it seem to be been fixed in development version:
You can fix this by telling OSX which version of Xcode you want to use. If you installed 4.3, it has moved to the Apps folder, along with all the tools. Previously they were all in /Developer. Do the following and try again.
sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
You may also have to install the command-line tools. I already installed these so I don't know what will happen without them.
cmake 2.8.8 rc1 is out now. Perhaps try that. I think it has solved my problem. :)

Problem installing node on Mac OSX 10.6.7

I'm getting this error when I try and install node on my new mac
error: could not configure a cxx compiler!
The error always occurs when I get to the ./configure part of the installation
I found this problem which applies to a linux build with the same error, but the solution does not seem to apply in my case:
How to compile/install node.js(could not configure a cxx compiler!) (Ubuntu).
I also took a look at the troubleshoot guide on the node wiki here:
and tried this solution:
export PATH=/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH
ISYSROOT="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"
./configure --prefix=$HOME --without-ssl
But I get the same problem when I get to the ./configure step
Any advice, insights or help would be much appreciated here.
When you install Mac OS X Developer Tools (XCode, etc) ensure you have the Unix Tools option checked. I had to remember to install Developer Tools/Unix tools when I set up my new MBP and it resolved this error for me.
Optionally, you could remove and try installing with Homebrew. However, it still has the same requirements (XCode/Dev Tools) so ensure that you have those installed.
Hope this helps.
I had this problem too, I resolved this in a different way, as far as I know xcode 4.3.1 doesnt come with an Install Xcode.app file from the appstore, if you are under this case, just run xcode, go to preferences -> downloads and click on the Install button for the command line tools option. I did just that and all the errors on the .configure and make commands were gone :)
I had the same problem on OSX 10.7 with Xcode 4.2. I was trying to build node v0.4.7. I kept getting "unable to configure a c compiler" error. What finally worked for me is installing the GCC compiler seperately. I found a nice package for that here:
configure is currently broken for some versions of MacOS; for more details, see How to compile Node.js v0.4.2 on MacOS 10.5.8. The working approach cited there is as follows:
export PATH=/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH
ISYSROOT="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"
./configure --prefix=$HOME --without-ssl
This worked for me .
After installing XCode 4.3.2 (in Mac OS X Lion) I still had the error.
Open XCode, Preferences, Downloads and installed Command Line Tools.
After it gets installed ./configure runs ok.
