Identifying Spring MVC architecture pattern - spring

I'm working through a spring mvc video series and loving it!
I'd like to learn more about the specifics of the exact architecture being used and am having trouble identifying the proper name - so that I can read further.
For example, I understand that the presentation layer is MVC, but not really sure how you would more specifically describe the pattern to account for the use of service and resource objects - as opposed to choosing to use service, DAO and Domain objects.
Any clues to help me better focus my search on understanding the layout below?
Nathan Hughes comment clarified my confusion with the nomenclature and SirKometa connected the architectural dots that I was not grasping. Thanks guys.

As far as I can tell the layout you have mentioned represents the application which communicates with the world through REST services.
core package represents all the classes (domain, services, repositories) which are not related to view.
model package - Assuming you are aiming for the typical application you do have a model/domain/entity package which represents your data For example:
repository package - Since you are using Spring you will most likely use also since spring-data or even spring-data-jpa with Hibernate as your ORM Library. It will most likely lead you to use Repository interfaces (author of videos you watch for some reason decided not to use it though). Anyway it will be your layer to access database, for example:
service package will be your package to manipulate data. It's not the best example but this layer doesn't access your database directly, it will use Repositories to do it, but it might also do other things - it will be your API to manipulate data in you application. Let's say you want to have a fancy calculation on your wallet before you save it to DB, or like here you want to make sure that the Blog you try to create doesn't exist yet.
controllers package contain all classes which will be used by DispacherServlet to take care of the requests. You will read "input" from the request, process it (use your Services here) and send your responses.
resource_assemblers package in this case is framework specific (Hateoas). As far as I can tell it's just a DTO for your json responses (for example you might want to store password in your Account but exposing it through json won't be a good idea, and it would happen if you didn't use DTO).
Please let me know if that is the answer you were looking for.

This question may be of interest to you as well as this explanation.
You are mostly talking about the same things in each case, Spring just uses annotations so that when it scans them it knows what type of object you are creating or instantiating.
Basically everything request flows through the controller annotated with #Controller. Each method process the request and (if needed) calls a specific service class to process the business logic. These classes are annotated with #Service. The controller can instantiate these classes by autowiring them in #Autowire or resourcing them #Resource.
public class MyController {
#Resource private MyServiceLayer myServiceLayer;
public String retrieveMain() {
String listOfSomething = myServiceLayer.getListOfSomethings();
return listOfSomething;
The service classes then perform their business logic and if needed, retrieve data from a repository class annotated with #Repository. The service layer instantiate these classes the same way, either by autowiring them in #Autowire or resourcing them #Resource.
public class MyServiceLayer implements MyServiceLayerService {
#Resource private MyDaoLayer myDaoLayer;
public String getListOfSomethings() {
List<String> listOfSomething = myDaoLayer.getListOfSomethings();
// Business Logic
return listOfSomething;
The repository classes make up the DAO, Spring uses the #Repository annotation on them. The entities are the individual class objects that are received by the #Repository layer.
public class MyDaoLayer implements MyDaoLayerInterface {
#Resource private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public List<String> getListOfSomethings() {
// retrieve list from database, process with row mapper, object mapper, etc.
return listOfSomething;
#Repository, #Service, and #Controller are specific instances of #Component. All of these layers could be annotated with #Component, it's just better to call it what it actually is.
So to answer your question, they mean the same thing, they are just annotated to let Spring know what type of object it is instantiating and/or how to include another class.

I guess the architectural pattern you are looking for is Representational State Transfer (REST). You can read up on it here:
Within REST the data passed around is referred to as resources:
Identification of resources:
Individual resources are identified in requests, for example using URIs in web-based REST systems. The resources themselves are conceptually separate from the representations that are returned to the client. For example, the server may send data from its database as HTML, XML or JSON, none of which are the server's internal representation, and it is the same one resource regardless.


Why do we need to call Service layer using Interface instead of direct service class from controller in spring

When spring was introduced its advice to use an interface between different layers like Controller,Service,DAO instead of directly calling them using actual class reference.
In new age of Spring 5.x and Spring Boot 2.x do we need to still use interface between Controller and Service class. In my case I am developing a REST application with single GET method which call DB and do some business logic. So In my service I have only one method in this case still I do need to use ServiceInterface to call my actual ServiceImpl? what is best practice and is there any specific advantage of using ServiceInterface in this scenario?
Below is Sample code without ServiceInterface
public class MyTestController{
private MyTestServiceImpl myTestServiceImpl;
public MyTestController(MyTestServiceImpl myTestServiceImpl){
this.myTestServiceImpl = myTestServiceImpl;
public String getTestString(){
public class MyTestServiceImpl(){
private MyTestRepository myTestRepository;
//Service method impl
In very small applications, it doesn't really matter, because it is still very easy to keep track of all the classes and what classes do what. In a large scale enterprise application it can quickly become a cluttered mess. For example, if you have a rest endpoint/controller that has 100 methods, and it in turn calls 50 methods in your DAO. If you at some point decide to change the DAO methods, you will now have to change all 100 methods in the controller/endpoint. Whereas if you have a service layer in between to bridge the DAO and rest controller you only have to change the service methods.
Another point as #p.streef has mentioned is the seperation of classes and their functions. You can have a modular application wherein the service layer handles all the business logic and rules, the DAO is only responsible for database operations and the controller's only job is to send and receive data. The S in S.O.L.I.D stands for Single responsibility principle, so instead of the service layer is supposed to handle only receiving and transmitting data, and not business logic.
However, if you are building a very very small application then it shouldn't matter.

How to avoid the vulnerability created by using entities at a requestMapping method?

I have a controller with a method like
public String addToReadingList(#PathVariable("reader") String reader, Book book) {
return "redirect:/readingList/{reader}";
When I run a static code analysis with Sonarqube I get a vulnerability report stating that
Replace this persistent entity with a simple POJO or DTO object
But if I use a DTO (which has exactly the same fields as the entity class, then I get another error:
1 duplicated blocks of code must be removed
What should be the right solution?
Thanks in advance.
You should build a new separate class which represents your Entity ("Book" ) as Plain Old Java Object (POJO) or Data Transfer Object (DTO). If you use JSF or other stateful technology this rule is important. If your entity is stateful there might be open JPA sessions etc. which may modify your database (e.g. if you call a setter in JSF on a stateful bean).
For my projects I ignore this Sonar rule because of two reasons:
I alway you REST and REST will map my Java Class into JSON which can be seen as a DTO.
REST is stateless (no server session) so no database transaction will be open after the transformation to JSON
Information obtained from sonarsource official documentation.
On one side, Spring MVC automatically bind request parameters to beans
declared as arguments of methods annotated with #RequestMapping.
Because of this automatic binding feature, it’s possible to feed some
unexpected fields on the arguments of the #RequestMapping annotated
On the other end, persistent objects (#Entity or #Document) are linked
to the underlying database and updated automatically by a persistence
framework, such as Hibernate, JPA or Spring Data MongoDB.
These two facts combined together can lead to malicious attack: if a
persistent object is used as an argument of a method annotated with
#RequestMapping, it’s possible from a specially crafted user input, to
change the content of unexpected fields into the database.
For this reason, using #Entity or #Document objects as arguments of
methods annotated with #RequestMapping should be avoided.
In addition to #RequestMapping, this rule also considers the
annotations introduced in Spring Framework 4.3: #GetMapping,
#PostMapping, #PutMapping, #DeleteMapping, #PatchMapping.
See More Here

Autowire two Neo4j GraphRepository in Spring

I'm new to using Spring with Neo4j and I have a question about #Autowire for a GraphRepository.
Most examples I've seen use one #Autowire per Controller, but I have two Nodes I need to modify at the same time when a particular method is called in the controller. Should I simply #Autowire the repositories for both nodes (eg per the code below)? Is there any impact if I do this in a second controller with the same repositories as well (so if I had a ChatSessionController which also #Autowired ChatMessageService and ChatSessionService)?
public class ChatMessageController {
private ChatMessageService chatMessageService;
private ChatSessionService chatSessionService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/message/add/{chatSessionId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void addMessage(#RequestBody ChatMessagePack chatMessagePack,
#PathVariable("chatSessionId") Long chatSessionId) {
ChatMessage chatMessage = new ChatMessage(chatMessagePack);;
// TODO: Make some modifications to the ChatSession as well
Any help would be much appreciated! I've been googling and looking through Stackoverflow to understand this better but I haven't found anything yet. Any pointers in the right directions would be great.
Another underlying question is, should I be (and can I?) modifying other Nodes in a GraphRepository that handles a particular node? Eg Should my GraphRepository be able to modify my GraphRespository?
I'm not convinced that this is a SO question, it's not really a Neo4J or Spring question either, it is more about the architecture of your application. However assuming that you understand the negatives of class fan out, and how to use the #Transactional annotation to achieve what you want then the answer to your question is that it is just fine to have many Repositories (Neo4J or otherwise, autowired or otherwise) in your class and in as many classes as you want.
Neo4J transactions default to Isolation level READ_COMMITTED and if you need anything else, you need to add the guards/locks yourself. Nested transactions are consideredd tobe the same transaction. The Spring #Transactional annotation relies on proxies that you should be aware of as they have implications when calling methods from within the same class.
I would go through this tuotorial over at Spring Data and get your head around how real world vs domain vs node models differ, there will be cases where one repository impacts another node type but I would think it is often transparent to you (i.e adding relationships). You can do what you like in each repository (the generic nature of them is largely confined to all of the built in CRUD and queries derived from finder-method names (see documentation ) using the #Query annotation, and some queries have side effects, but largely you should avoid it.
As you start adding multiple repositories to multiple controllers I think that your code will begin to smell bad and that you should consider encapsulating this business logic off on its own somewhere, neatly unit tested. I also wouldn't tie myself to one controller per data object, it would be fine to have a single ChatController with a POST/chat/ to create a new session and POST /chat/{sessionId} to add a message. Intersting questions on Programmers:
How accurate is "Business logic should be in a service, not in a model?"
Best Practices for MVC Architecture
MVC Architecture — How many Controllers do I need?

How to manage transactions with JAX-RS, Spring and JPA

I'm using JAX-RS to provide an HTTP-based interface to manage a data model. The data model is stored in a database and interacted with via JPA.
This allows me to modify the interface to the data model to suit REST clients and mostly seems to work quite well. However, I'm not sure how to handle the scenario where a method provided by a JAX-RS resource requires a transaction, which affects the JPA get, update, commit-on-tx-end pattern, because there is only a transaction wrapping the get operation, so the update is never committed. I can see the same problem occurring if a single REST operation requires multiple JPA operations.
As I'm using Spring's transaction support, the obvious thing to do is to apply #Transactional to these methods in the JAX-RS resources. However, in order for this to work, Spring needs to manage the lifecycle of the JAX-RS resources, and the useage examples I'm aware of have resources being created via `new' when needed, which makes me a little nervous anyway.
I can think of the following solutions:
update my JPA methods to provide a transaction-managed version of everything I want to do from my REST interface atomically. Should work, keeps transactions out of the JAX-RS layer, but prevents the get, update, commit-on-tx-end pattern and means I need to create a very granular JPA interface.
Inject Resource objects; but they are typically stateful holding at least the ID of the object being interacted with
Ditch the hierarchy of resources and inject big, stateless super resources at the root that manage the entire hierarchy from that root; not cohesive, big services
Have a hierarchy of injected, stateless, transaction-supporting helper objects that 'shadow' the actual resources; the resources are instantiated and hold ths state but delegate method invocations to the helper objects
Anyone got any suggestions? It's quite possible I've missed some key point somewhere.
Update - to work around the lack of a transaction around the get, update, commit-on-tx-close flow, I can expose the EntityManager merge(object) method and call it manually. Not neat and doesn't solve the larger problem though.
Update 2 #skaffman
Code example:
In JPA service layer, injected, annotations work
public class MyEntityJPAService {
#Transactional(readOnly=true) // do in transaction
public MyEntity getMyEntity(final String id) {
return em.find(MyEntity.class, id);
In JAX-RS resource, created by new, no transactions
public class MyEntityResource {
private MyEntityJPAService jpa;
#Transactional // not injected so not effective
public void updateMyEntity(final String id, final MyEntityRepresentation rep) {
MyEntity entity = jpa.getMyEntity(id);
// no transaction commit, change not saved...
I have a few suggestions
Introduce a layer between your JPA and JAX-RS layers. This layer would consist of Spring-managed #Transactional beans, and would compose the various business-level operations from their component JPA calls. This is somewhat similar to your (1), but keeps the JPA layer simple.
Replace JAX-RS with Spring-MVC, which provides the same (or similar) functionality, including #PathVariable, #ResponseBody, etc.
Programmatically wrap your JAX-RS objects in transactional proxies using TransactionProxyFactorybean. This would detct your #Transactional annotations and generate a proxy that honours them.
Use #Configurable and AspectJ LTW to allow Spring to honour #Transactional even if you create the object using `new. See 8.8.1 Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring

Confused about Spring-Data DDD repository pattern

I don't know so much about DDD repository pattern but the implementation in Spring is confusion me.
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Long> { … }
As the interface extends JpaRepository (or MongoDBRepository...), if you change from one db to another, you have to change the interface as well.
For me an interface is there to provide some abstraction, but here it's not so much abstract...
Do you know why Spring-Data works like that?
You are right, an Interface is an abstraction about something that works equals for all implementing classes, from an outside point of view.
And that is exactly what happens here:
JpaRepository is a common view of all your JPA Repositories (for all the different Entities), while MongoDBRepository is the same for all MongoDB Entities.
But JpaRepository and MongoDBRepository have nothing in common, except the stuff that is defined in there common super Interfaces:
So for me it looks normal.
If you use the classes that implement your Repository then use PagingAndSortingRepository or Repository if you want to be able to switch from an JPA implementation to an Document based implementation (sorry but I can not imagine such a use case - anyway). And of course your Repository implementation should implement the correct interface (JpaRepository, MongoDBRepository) depending on what it is.
The reasoning behind this is pretty clearly stated in this blog post
Defining this interface serves two purposes: First, by extending JpaRepository we get a bunch of generic CRUD methods into our type that allows saving Accounts, deleting them and so on. Second, this will allow the Spring Data JPA repository infrastructure to scan the classpath for this interface and create a Spring bean for it.
If you do not trust sources so close to the source (pun intended) it might be a good idea to read this post as well
What I did not need to code is an implementation of the PersonRepository interface. Spring will create an implementation of this interface and make a PersonRepository bean available to be autowired into my Service class. The PersonRepository bean will have all the standard CRUD methods (which will be transactional) and return Person objects or collection of Person objects. So by using Spring Data JPA, I've saved writing my own implementation class.
Until M2 of Spring Data we required users to extend JpaRepository due to the following reasons:
The classpath scanning infrastructure only picked up interfaces extending that interface as one might use Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Mongo in parallel and have both of them pointed to the very same package it would not be clear which store to create the proxy for. However since RC1 we simply leave that burden to the developer as we think it's a rather exotic case and the benefit of just using Repository, CrudRepository or the like outweights the effort you have to take in the just described corner case. You can use exclude and include elements in the namespace to gain finer-grained control over this.
Until M2 we had transactionality applied to the CRUD methods by redeclaring the CRUD methods and annotating them with #Transactional. This decision in turn was driven by the algorithm AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource uses to find transaction configuration. As we wanted to provide the user with the possibility to reconfigure transactions by just redeclaring a CRUD method in the concrete repository interface and applying #Transactional on it. For RC1 we decided to implement a custom TransactionAttributeSource to be able to move the annotations back to the repository CRUD implementation.
Long story short, here's what it boils down to:
As of RC1 there's no need to extend the store specific repository interface anymore, except you want to…
Use List-based access to findAll(…) instead of the Iterable-based one in the more core repository interfaces (allthough you could simply redeclare the relevant methods in a common base interface to return Lists as well)
You want to make use of the JPA-specific methods like saveAndFlush(…) and so on.
Generally you are much more flexible regarding the exposure of CRUD methods since RC1 as you can even only extend the Repository marker interface and selectively add the CRUD methods you want to expose. As the backing implementation will still implement all of the methods of PagingAndSortingRepository we can still route the calls to the instance:
public interface MyBaseRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> extends Repository<T, ID> {
List<T> findAll();
T findOne(ID id);
public interface UserRepository extends MyBaseRepository<User, Long> {
List<T> findByUsername(String username);
In that example we define MyBaseRepository to only expose findAll() and findOne(…) (which will be routed into the instance implementing the CRUD methods) and the concrete repository adding a finder method to the two CRUD ones.
For more details on that topic please consult the reference documentation.
