How do I print the result of a command with 'echo'? - bash

How do print my full name with the following?
awk -F: '($1==U){print $5}' U=$LOGNAME /etc/passwd
Per example, but with the echo command with some words on sides:
For example,
Hello Diogo Saraiva, happy to see you again
Where Diogo Saraiva is my full name which I have in Ubuntu records.
I tried some things, but I have not accomplished that script...
Another thing: Why, when I issue awk -F: '($1==U){print $5}' U=$LOGNAME /etc/passwd, is Diogo Saraiva,,, shown instead of Diogo Saraiva?
This happens too with:
grep $USER /etc/passwd | awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" } { print $5 }'
I need for my script to declare a variable, "like", with the command, and then echo that variable "like" various times along my script.

To output the string you want you can use this command.
awk -F: -v U="$LOGNAME" '$1==U{print "Hello " $5 ", happy to see you again"}' /etc/passwd
If awk -F: -v U="$LOGNAME" '$1==U{print $5}' /etc/passwd is outputting Diogo Saraiva,,, then that is what is in your /etc/passwd file for that field.
To save the output from a command in a variable just use:
And remember to quote the variable when you use it:
echo "Hello $var, happy to see you again"


Why awk if conditional matching is wrong

In my project, I have two files.
The content userid is :
The content userpwinfo.txt is:
Now I want to print the username which id is in userid. I writed a bash shell like:
for i in $(cat userid)
#username=`awk -F: '{if($3=="$i") print $1}' /root/userpwinfo.txt`
#username=`awk -F: '$3=="$i" {print $1}' /root/userpwinfo.txt`
#username=`awk -F: '{if($3~/$i/) print $1}' /root/userpwinfo.txt`
username=`awk -F: '{if($3==$i) print $1}' /root/userpwinfo.txt`
echo $username
But unlucky, it shows nothing. The correct result should be:
I have tried in command line:
awk -F: '{if($3==4524) print $1}' /root/userpwinfo.txt
It is OK
Maybe if($3==$i) is wrong in shell, Who can help me?
Your $i is the shell variable, but it's inside the quotation mark ' so awk will try to interpret it instead of the shell.
Try this:
username=`awk -F: '{if($3=='$i') print $1}' /root/userpwinfo.txt`
Note that the $i is between ' marks, meaning it's outside of the block that will be interpreted by awk, meaning it should be interpreted by the shell.
Also note that if you have an empty line in the input file, your awk command would be if($3==) which is invalid and will yield an error.
I'd like to comment also that awk is meant to have a filter and an execution block. You shouldn't need to write an if inside a block, unless you want something unusual. Meaning, your command would be more appropriately written as:
username=`awk -F: '($3=='$i'){print $1}' /root/userpwinfo.txt`
Note that even this is not a very good solution, but you already have much to think about with only these changes. When you're more familiar with awk or getting more professional, come back and check the comments. ;)
If username is what you needed using the 2 files, you could try
$ cat userpwinfo.txt
$ cat userid.txt
$ awk -F":" ' { if( NR==FNR ) { a[$3]=$1; next } ; if(a[$1]) print a[$1] }' userpwinfo.txt userid.txt

AWK alias not printing

The below awk command (copied and pasted from stackoverflow) works fine from the command line but doesnt print anything when aliased
awk '/WORD/ {print $3}' log.log | awk 'BEGIN{c=0} length($0){a[c]=$0;c++}END{p5=(c/100*5); p5=p5%1?int(p5)+1:p5; print a[c-p5-1]}'
alias getperc="awk '/WORD/ {print \$3}' log.log | awk 'BEGIN{c=0} length(\$0){a[c]=$0;c++}END{p5=(c/100*5); p5=p5%1?int(p5)+1:p5; print a[c-p5-1]}'"
I am fairly new to using bash. What am I missing here?
Don't use aliases. They require an additional layer of quoting, which is troublesome (as here), and they prevent you from being able to usefully parameterize or add conditional logic to your code.
A simple transliteration to a function is:
getperc() { awk '/WORD/ {print $3}' log.log | awk 'BEGIN{c=0} length($0){a[c]=$0;c++}END{p5=(c/100*5); p5=p5%1?int(p5)+1:p5; print a[c-p5-1]}'; }
A slightly more capable one, which will still use log.log by default, but which will also let you provide an alternate input file name (as in getperc alternate.log) or pipe to your function (as in cat alternate.log | getperc):
getperc() {
[[ -t 0 || $1 ]] || set -- - # use "-" (stdin) as input file if not a TTY
# ...this will let you pipe to your function.
awk '/WORD/ {print $3}' "${1:-log.log}" | awk 'BEGIN{c=0} length($0){a[c]=$0;c++}END{p5=(c/100*5); p5=p5%1?int(p5)+1:p5; print a[c-p5-1]}'
I think there is confusion by bash regarding $3 and $0 it thinks they are argument of the alias. you can verify this by
try this in bash
alias ech="echo {print \$3}"
it will print just
{print }
but now try
alias ech="echo {print \$\3}"
it will print what you expected
{print $3}
Let me know if this solves your problem

how to pass in a variable to awk commandline

I'm having some trouble passing bash script variables into awk command-line.
Here is pseudocode:
for FILE in $INPUT_DIR/*.txt; do
filename=`echo $FILE | sed -n 's/^.*\(chr[0-9A-Z]*\).*.vcf$/\1/p'`
egrep -v "^#" $FILE | awk '{print $2,$4,$5}' > $OUTPUT_FILE
The final line where I awk the columns, I would like it to be flexible or user input. For example, the user could want columns 6,7,and 8 as well, or column 133 and 138, or column 245 through 248. So how do I custom this so I can have that 'print $2 .... $5' be a user input thing? For example the user would run this script like : bash input_dir output_dir [user inputs whatever string of columns], and then I would get those columns in the output. I tried passing it in, but I guess I'm not getting the syntax right.
With awk, you should declare the variable before use it. This is better than the escape method (awk '{print $'$var'}'):
awk -v var1="$col1" -v var2="$col2" 'BEGIN {print var1,var2 }'
Where $col1 and $col2 would be the input variables.
Maybe you can try an input variable as string with "$2,$4,$5" and print this variable to get the values (I am not sure if this works)
The following test works for me:
A="\$3" ; ls -l | awk "{ print $A }"

Using awk to print

I currently have a script that will query the ownership of the partition.dumodule and have it print out the information:
echo *Checking Partition Permission* Hostname=$(hostname) LastChecked=$(date)
ls -l /applications/utilities/Disk\ | grep Partition.dumodule | awk -v a=Username= -v b=DateModified= '{print a $3, b $6, $7, $8}'
It will print out like this:
*Checking Partition Permission* Hostname=<name> LastChecked=<date>
Username=<account> DateModified=<date>
Notice how the " Username= DateModified=" is on a separate line, this is the issue. I need it to all appear on the same line but I cannot figure out how to do this. I believe what needs to be done is have awk print out everything instead of running the "Hostname=$(hostname) LastChecked=$(date)" in the beginning, but how do I get awk to print out that information?
I have seen some forums and people say you can do something like this:
awk -v MYHOST=$(hostname) '{print MYHOST " " $4}'
However that gives me an error if you put the "MYHOST" variable to be printed. Any ideas?
Your echo statement is emitting a newline after it. Use -n to suppress the newline.
echo -n *Checking Partition Permission* Hostname=$(hostname) LastChecked=$(date)

Why does awk print the entire line instead of the first field?

I'm trying to learn to use awk but it's not behaving how I expect. Here's my trouble:
$ echo "Hello brave new world" | awk "{print $1}"
Hello brave new world
I expected to see "Hello", as this is the first field. Why don't the spaces count as field delimiters?
It's because Bash is interpreting $1 as referring to the first shell argument, so it replaces it with its value. Since, in your case, that parameter is unset, $1 just gets replaced with the empty string; so your AWK program is actually just {print }, which prints the whole line.
To prevent Bash from doing this, wrap your AWK program in single-quotes instead of double-quotes:
echo "Hello brave new world" | awk '{print $1}'
echo 'Hello brave new world' | awk '{print $1}'
echo "Hello brave new world" | awk '{print $1}'
Use single quotes around the awk program, otherwise $1 gets translated as the shell variable $1
To print the entire line, run this shell-command:
echo "Hi, this is my first answer on stackoverflow" | awk '{ print $0 }'
Hi, this is my first answer on stackoverflow
You can use $0 for full line.
$ cat <<EOF | head -1 | sed "s/\t/\n/g" | awk 'BEGIN { cont=0} { print ++cont " " $0}'
> First Name His/Her Phone Electronic mail address Acquaintance or Friend
Amelia 555-5553 F
Anthony 555-3412 A
Becky 555-7685 A
1 First Name
2 His/Her Phone
3 Electronic mail address
4 Acquaintance or Friend
Data comes from
but here is tab separated.
See also
