I need to install flash builder in Ubuntu-14.04 what repository should i add? - flex4

I want to install flash builder-4 in Ubuntu-14.04-what repository should i add?
I tried in some sites like http://blog.int3ractive.com/2010/10/using-flash-builder-4-on-ubuntu.html , but i failed to get.

You can install flashbuilder in linux using wine. Here is a link with detailed instruction: https://gist.github.com/j-mcnally/708584c913e41dd208c1


How to install the USB drivers for ROS

i already installed the both cheese and gucv application for simple output from usb, but then i had trouble with installing the usbcam packages for ROS.
How can i install the usbcamera packages?
i tried to install the ros-fuerte-camera-umd, but it says that unable to locate that package.
Please refer to Create a ROS workspace
Then download the package and save it in your_working_space\src\
Later go back to your_working_space and run catkin make it will install the package.

install redmine on windows 10 have failed

hello there i'm trying to install redmine on windows 10 ,i have tried to install with bitnami and it have error on
installing gems any one will give me a solution on installing redmine
on windows 10. i prefer to use iis web server
,also i have tried "windows web platform installer" with "helicon zoo"
and had error on finding file , and i have tried to install it without
package manager http://coreboarder.com/blog/?p=465 and it failed on
step 4.3 so i skipped but again it failed on step 5.2 when executing
"ruby dk.rb install"
i haven't used ruby ever before am i missing something
thanks in advance
ps , i have added error snapshot in bellow
if you are installing Redmine in your local system which has OS Windows 10, you no need to install all the required set of Softwares separately, you can go and download the Bitnami Redmine here
the download is an installer you can easily install all the software includes Database aswell.
I think this will helps you.
I do not know why you are trying to install redmine the ways you quote usually first check if it is already installed via command prompt and write, gem list.
If not installed, gem install 'redmine' or gem update 'redmine'
I would do a check to see if redmine is actually still an active gem.

'pip install duckling' giving issue

I want to install duckling to work on Rasa nlu training but it is giving issue as mentioned in below image please help me to fix this.enter image description here
As a suitable alternative would you consider running Rasa NLU in docker. The rasa/rasa_nlu:latest-full docker image includes duckling. If you wanted to get started with it and you have docker installed you should be able to just run
docker run rasa/rasa_nlu:latest-full
Then you can interact with Rasa over it's HTTP API https://github.com/RasaHQ/rasa_nlu#example-use
The docker file allow's more complicated setups like over writing the default config file and saving the logs/models/etc to a persistent disk
I had the same issue! This is basically the issue of jpype modules.
You need to first install the jpype in your environment.
you can use conda install -c conda-forge jpype1
For installing the jpype you can also refer to
official link for jpype installation.
On successful installation of jpype duckiling can be installed using
pip install duckling -U
I hope this would help!
You should download VC+ compiler for windows and then try the pip install.
You can download it here

How To Install GEOS for GeoDjango on Windows

I'm starting a GeoDjango project using Python 2.5, Django 1.2, MySQL and Apache. The project will be uploaded to a Linux server but the development will be on a Windows.
The problem is I just can't get passed installing GEOS, how is it done?
I follow the instructions in
For the instalation of GEOS library in windows i use this:
what I did is to install GDAL from this answer, Unable to install Python and GDAL (DLL load failed), and then add this line to settings.py,
GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH = 'C:/Program Files/GDAL/geos_c.dll'
then it is fine to use postgis.
Follow this tutorial it will Install GDAL complete library including GEOS.
Just did it yesterday worked fine

Is there any link to download ab Apache benchmark

Can anyone please provide me the direct to download the Ab.exe Apache benchmark utility?
On Ubuntu, I can install ab without installing all of Apache via the apache2-utils package. So:
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
Just download Apache (www.apache.org). It comes with it (in ApacheX.X/bin)
...Guessing (from one of your other questions) that you're using a Mac... there appear to be instructions here:
(if not, I can probably help with a Windows installation, but in general, Google is your friend!)
A list of mirrors for the windows binaries can be found here.
There are some basic instructions here:
...basically, install it, and the ab.exe will be in the 'bin' subdirectory of the installation
TMB nailed it with the link to XAMMP in the following question : How to install apache bench on windows 7?
For Windows Users there is no direct binary download.
One has do install the Apache server via the msi setup package, grab ab.exe from the Program Files/Apachge Group/bin folder and uninstall Apache again.
link to the msi package I used was once here:
but this is 404 as of today.
might help.
Download the Apache MSI-package (https://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi -> Binaries for the version you want -> win32 directory -> httpd-...-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi), open this .msi file with 7-Zip, find ab.exe, select it, and copy it to wherever you want.
I've just done that with http://.../httpd/binaries/win32/httpd-2.2.25-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi, and it works for me.
CentOS and Fedora users can find Apache Benchmark in package httpd-tools.
# CentOS
sudo yum install httpd-tools
# Fedora
sudo dnf install httpd-tools
Use installed Apache Benchmark binary as ab.
Get the .msi from archive site:
once installed, go to your Windows explorer to the installation path like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\ab.exe
