YUI on IE8: Argument not valid on dom-style.js - internet-explorer-8

I have asked this everywhere but still not getting any feedback and is getting me crazy. We are using some Alloy UI widgets on the portal im working with (Liferay 6.2) and everything works fine in all the browsers but IE8. For some reason im getting an error message regarding an invalid argument in one of the YUI core files functions regarding setStyle (what you use to add styles to a node in YUI). I have realized that IE8 is not happy with this (here's the whole YUI function) :
setStyle: function(node, att, val, style) {
style = style || node.style;
if (style) {
if (val === null || val === '') { // normalize unsetting
val = '';
} else if (!isNaN(new Number(val)) && re_unit.test(att)) { // number values may need a unit
if (att in CUSTOM_STYLES) {
if (CUSTOM_STYLES[att].set) {
CUSTOM_STYLES[att].set(node, val, style);
return; // NOTE: return
} else if (typeof CUSTOM_STYLES[att] === 'string') {
att = CUSTOM_STYLES[att];
} else if (att === '') { // unset inline styles
att = 'cssText';
val = '';
style[att] = val;
What is causing IE8 to report the error is this line:
style[att] = val;
apparently because of
val =' ';
What i don't understand is why the other browsers don't have any problem with that declaration and just IE8 complains about it. Since this is part of the dom-style.js which is a core file for YUI in Liferay i really don't want to mess with that code. I will REALLY appreciate any help since i have been dealing with this for the whole week and still can't get a solution and / or information on the www about a similar issue.

Ok this is WAY more simple than i thought. For some reason all the modern browsers (including IE9) don't have any problems when you initialize Alloy UI with :
YUI({ lang: 'ca-ES' }).use(
function(Y) {...
But IE8 (of course) will give you a series of really weird console errors and will make your widgets work bad if you dont use AUI insted of YUI, so that was it i replaced YUI by AUI in all the parts of my code and now is working fine in IE8 too. If somebody can give a proper explanation will be really appreciated since is hard for me to understand why IE8 is not ok with using YUI to initialize Alloy UI widgets or use YUI.
Im still doing some research on that but it seems that the reason this is happening is because im using YUI on a .JS file, still have to find a proper explanation tho.


why does this code fail in ie8?

List.FeaturedItem = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: "#featuredItem-template",
tagName: "li",
attributes: function () {
var attribs = {};
attribs = {class: this.model.escape("id").toLowerCase() + " featuredImage"};
return attribs;
Why does the above code fail in ie8? It works fine everywhere else. It says "expected indentifier, string or number is missing" and drops the cursor in the middle of the world "class" from the above bit of code.
BTW, I am trying to create a backbone.js/marionette.js application. I dropped back to jquery 1.9.1 since that is the bestie8 can handle. This works beautifully everywhere but ie8 and unfortunately that is a requirement for this application.
The correct solution for this little bit of code really is to put quotes around the word "class". As silly as that is, ie8 does seem to require it. thank you rayweb_on.

Dynamically generated Select List not populating in IE <9

I have a select drop down dynamically populated by an AJAX call. It is working correctly in all browsers besides IE 8 and below. The browser isn't rendering the elements within the tag. The following is the set up of the list:
for (var Id in Options.items) {
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = Id;
option.textContent = Options.items[Id];
if (Options.defaultId === Id) {
option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
return select.outerHTML;
Is any of this code incompatible with older versions of IE? Search results have mentioned "setAttribute" can cause problems, so I did try switching that line to 'option.Selected="Selected"', to no effect. I have a feeling my issue lies with how I append the options to the list with appendChild or return the outer HTML, but not sure where to start. Do those tend to create issues with IE? Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
you are using .textContent and it is not supported IE8 and below. Change it to innerHTML and it should work.
See .textContent
for (var Id in Options.items) {
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = Id;
option.innerHTML = Options.items[Id]; //<--here
if (Options.defaultId === Id) {
option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
From your explanation I understand your problem is that the browser does not highlights (selects) the proper option... if that´s correct, instead of:
option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
select.value = Id;
as far as I know that works in all browsers.

ckeditor how to allow for .insertHtml("<customTag myAttr='value'"></customTag>")

var currentDialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();
currentDialog._.editor.insertHtml("<customTag myAttr='var'></customTag>");
Throws an error, TypeError: Cannot read property 'isBlock' of undefined
If I try .insertHtml("<span>hello</span>") it works just fine.
How can I change ckeditor to allow me to specify my own custom html tags via .insertHtml()? I'd love to just change it to be something like <span class='custom'... or something like that, but I'm having to deal with legacy CMS articles. Using latest ckeditor. Thanks.
You need to modify CKEDITOR.dtd object so editor will know this tag and correctly parse HTML and process DOM:
CKEDITOR.dtd.customtag = { em:1 }; // List of tag names it can contain.
CKEDITOR.dtd.$block.customtag = 1; // Choose $block or $inline.
CKEDITOR.dtd.body.customtag = 1; // Body may contain customtag.
You need to allow for this tag and its styles/attrs/classes in Advanced Content Filter:
editor.filter.allow( 'customtag[myattr]', 'myfeature' );
Unfortunately, due to some caching, in certain situations you cannot modify DTD object after CKEditor is loaded - you need to modify it when it is created. So to do that:
Clone the CKEditor repository or CKEditor presets repository.
Modify core/dtd.js code.
And build your minified package following instructions in README.md - the only requirements are Java (sorry - Google Closure Compiler :P) and Bash.
PS. That error should not be thrown when unknown element is inserted, so I reported http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/10339 and to solve this inconvenience http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/10340.
I worked around this issue with a combination of createFromHtml() and insertElement()
CKEDITOR.replace('summary', { ... });
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.summary;
editor.on('key', function(ev) {
if (ev.data.keyCode == 9) { // TAB
var tabHtml = '<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>';
var tabElement = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(tabHtml, editor.document);

Force context menu to appear for form inputs

I'm trying to develop a ff addon that allows a user to right-click on a form element and perform a task associated with it.
Unfortunately somebody decided that the context menu shouldn't appear for form inputs in ff and despite long discussions https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=433168, they still don't appear for checkboxes, radios or selects.
I did find this: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Offering_a_context_menu_for_form_controls but I cannot think how to translate the code to work with the new add-on SDK.
I tried dumping the javascript shown into a content script and also via the observer-service but to no avail.
I also cannot find the source for the recommended extension https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/form-control-context-menu/ which considering it was 'created specifically to demonstrate how to do this' is pretty frustrating.
This seems like very basic addon functionality, any help or links to easier documentation would be greatly appreciated.
** UPDATE **
I have added the following code in a file, required from main, that seems to do the trick.
var {WindowTracker} = require("window-utils");
var tracker = WindowTracker({
onTrack: function(window){
if (window.location.href == "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul") {
// This is a browser window, replace
// window.nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget function
window.setTargetOriginal = window.nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget;
window.nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget = function(aNode, aRangeParent, aRangeOffset) {
window.setTargetOriginal.apply(this, arguments);
this.shouldDisplay = true;
, onUntrack: function(window) {
if (window.location.href == "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul") {
// In case we were called because the extension is uninstalled - restore
// original window.nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget function
window.nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget = window.setTargetOriginal;
Unfortunately this still does not bring up a context menu for disabled inputs, but this is not a show-stopper for me.
Many Thanks
The important piece of code in this extension can be seen here. It is very simple - it replaces nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget function in each browser window and makes sure that it sets shouldDisplay flag for form controls.
The only problem translating this to Add-on SDK is that the high-level modules don't give you direct access to browser windows. You have to use the deprecated window-utils module. Something like this should work:
var {WindowTracker} = require("sdk/deprecated/window-utils");
var tracker = WindowTracker({
onTrack: function(window)
if (window.location.href == "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul")
// This is a browser window, replace
// window.nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget function
onUntrack: function(window)
if (window.location.href == "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul")
// In case we were called because the extension is uninstalled - restore
// original window.nsContextMenu.prototype.setTarget function
Note that WindowTracker is supposed to be replaced in some future SDK version. Also, for reference: nsContextMenu implementation

Is There an Editable File in Cognos For Importing Stylesheets or Javascript?

I have recently asked where global stylesheets are for editing Cognos 10 styles (Here).
After some discussions with our team we would like to find the CGI or base imported file that Cognos uses to construct it's report viewer pages and dashboard widget holders.
The reason we want to do this is so that we can include all our custom style and javascript in one location. When/If we upgrade Cognos we can be sure of one point of failure with our reports. This would solve our problem of having to re-edit multiple stylesheets (and javascript).
I'm normally familiar with ASP.NET and not CGI-BIN. Is there something akin to a Master page where styles and basic imports are done for a Cognos page? Ideally editing this file would allow us to continue our customizations.
Can this be done? Or are we just insane? We understand the risks concerning upgrades, but are OK with the risks (unless someone can provide a good example of how this technique would not be replicated via version changes).
I think it's fairly common that BI professionals with more traditional web development backgrounds like me and you have no qualms with making changes to the global CSS files and bringing in more JS.
I've explained to you how I run JS in a report - I'd love to add jQuery to our global libraries, but I haven't drummed up enough support for it yet. I can help with the CSS portion though.
In 8.4.1, there's a ton of CSS files referenced by the report viewer. If I were you, I'd render a sample report with the default styling and use Firebug or similar to trace the CSS files being called. You'll find that server/cognos8/schemas/GlobalReportStyles.css is commonly referenced, with some help from server/cognos8/skins/corporate/viewer/QSRVCommon.css - there's also some other files in there that are imported.
I'd imagine you could grep -R '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../schemas/GlobalReportStyles.css\"> in the COGNOS directory to see where the file is being called, and either edit that file directly, or create a link to your own JS. Personally, I'd just backup the existing stylesheet and modify the one that is already there.
I'd imagine you could do something similar for the JS - find where it's being called in the template (using grep) and just create a new reference to the file you'd like to create. In my case, I'd do a backflip if I could get jQuery loaded into every report.
Just realized this is a year old. :-( Sorry, first time here. I'll leave it in case anyone is still interested in the topic.
Here is the documentation on customizing Cognos on several levels:
We used an alternative to modifying the system files. We have a shared component "report" containing an HTML object with our particular CSS overrides on it, and/or a link to a custom stylesheet. We then add this on each report with a "Layout Component Reference" from the toolbox. If we want a global change, just change the one item in the component report or custom stylesheet. This works very well for us.
I up-voted both the previous answers to this question. I'll admit I kind of forgot about this question till someone put some activity on it.
We ended up doing a combination of the above techniques. I was able to find the global stylesheets as suggested. What I ended up doing was copying out all the styles that were in that stylesheet and created a new sheet suffixed with *_SystemSytles.css*. I created a second sheet and suffixed it with *_Custom.css*. Then in the original sheet I placed two imports, first importing the system styles and then the custom styles.
For certain reports we have a custom object that is dropped on that brings in its own styles (and JavaScript). This utilizes a similar technique to the second question.
However, what I had to do for import the JavaScript for general use within the entire Cognos site was difficult.
In the core webcontent folder I created a js folder that contained the jQuery and our custom JavaScript files. Then in a series of JavaScript files I included code similar to the following:
function loadjscssfile(filename, filetype, id) {
if (filetype == "js") { //if filename is a external JavaScript file
var fileref = document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript")
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
if (id)
fileref.setAttribute("OurCompanyNameAsAnID", id)
else if (filetype == "css") { //if filename is an external CSS file
var fileref = document.createElement("link")
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css")
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename)
if (typeof fileref != "undefined") {
var headTag = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
function _PortalLoadJS() {
if (!window._PortalScriptsLoaded) {
var pathParams = [];
var path = location.href;
(function () {
var e,
r = /([^/]+)[/]?/g,
p = path;
while (e = r.exec(p)) {
var baseURL = location.protocol + '//';
for(var i = 1; i < pathParams.length; i++) {
if(pathParams[i] == 'cgi-bin')
baseURL += pathParams[i] + '/';
loadjscssfile(baseURL + "js/jquery-1.6.1.min.js", "js");
loadjscssfile(baseURL + "js/Custom.js?pageType=COGNOS_CONNECTION", "js", "SumTotalUtil");
window._PortalScriptsLoaded = true;
if(!window.$CustomGlobal) {
window.$CustomGlobal= function(func) {
if (!window.$A) {
if (!window.__CustomExecStack) {
window.__CustomExecStack= new Array();
try {
// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
// browser event has already occurred.
if (document.readyState === "complete") {
// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
setTimeout(_PortalLoadJS, 10);
// Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
if (document.addEventListener) {
// Use the handy event callback
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { _PortalLoadJS(); }, false);
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.addEventListener("load", _PortalLoadJS, false);
// If IE event model is used
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
// ensure firing before onload,
// maybe late but safe also for iframes
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() { _PortalLoadJS(); });
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.attachEvent("onload", _PortalLoadJS);
catch (ex) { }
The $A item is an item that I create when the Custom.js file is loaded.
Here are the list of files that I've included this code (at the vary end of the JavaScript):
These files should cover the Cognos Connection, Report Viewer, and the Dashboards area. If any more are found please let me know and I can update this list.
When linking to the Custom.js file I put a query string on the external resource that the Custom.js file picks up: pageType=COGNOS_CONNECTION. This allows me to do specific load code for the Cognos Connection, Report Viewer, or the Dashboards.
Here is the code in the Custom.js class that inits the $A object:
function _CustomUtilInit() {
try {
if (!window.$j) {
window.setTimeout(_CustomUtilInit, 1);
var jScriptTags = $j('SCRIPT[' + Analytics.SCRIPT_ATTR_NAME + '= ' + Analytics.SCRIPT_ATTR_VALUE + ']');
jScriptTags.each( function(i, scriptElem) {
var tag = $j(scriptElem);
var scriptURL = new URI(tag.attr('src'));
var analyticsPageType = scriptURL.getQueryStringValue(Analytics.PAGE_TYPE_QUERY_KEY, Analytics.PageType.REPORT_VIEWER);
if(!window.$A) {
window.$A = new Analytics();
tag.attr(Analytics.LOADED_SCRIPT_KEY, 'true');
} catch (e) {
Of course this expects that the jQuery libraries were included before the Custom.js files in each of the previously mentioned JavaScript files.
The URI class is something that I've found on the internet and tweaked for our use. If you have any questions regarding the custom JavaScript loading please leave a comment and I'll do my best to elaborate some more.
