I'm trying to use BITMAPV5HEADER with CreateDIBSection to get a uint8[] in form of RGBA. I am doing this from ctypes but this isn't a ctypes question but I'll post the code so you can see it. The ctypes guys won't know whats up here it's a winapi thing.
I double checked my struct, function, and type declares but I keep getting GetLastError of 87 which is invalid parameter after calling CreateDIBSection. If I set the bv5Size to the size of BITMAPINFOHEADER which is 40 it works but is treated as BITMAPINFO header and the red,blue,green,alpha masks dont affect it, as I still get BGRA.
So I was wondering what is the size supposed to be for BITMAPV5HEADER on 32bit and 64bit please. For me I'm getting 124:
"ostypes.TYPE.BITMAPINFOHEADER.size:" 40
"ostypes.TYPE.BITMAPV5HEADER.size:" 124
This is my ctypes code just to show that everything is correct:
var bmi = ostypes.TYPE.BITMAPV5HEADER();
bmi.bV5Size = ostypes.TYPE.BITMAPV5HEADER.size;
bmi.bV5Width = nWidth; //w;
bmi.bV5Height = -1 * nHeight; //-1 * h; // top-down
bmi.bV5Planes = 1;
bmi.bV5BitCount = nBPP; //32;
bmi.bV5Compression = ostypes.CONST.BI_BITFIELDS;
bmi.bV5RedMask = ostypes.TYPE.DWORD('0x00FF0000');
bmi.bV5GreenMask = ostypes.TYPE.DWORD('0x0000FF00');
bmi.bV5BlueMask = ostypes.TYPE.DWORD('0x000000FF');
bmi.bV5AlphaMask = ostypes.TYPE.DWORD('0xFF000000'); // 0x00000000 for opaque, otherwise 0xff000000
var cBmi = ctypes.cast(bmi.address(), ostypes.TYPE.BITMAPINFO.ptr); // cBmi is now a pointer so no need to pass cBmi.address() to CreateDIBSection
var pixelBuffer = ostypes.TYPE.BYTE.ptr();
var hbmp = ostypes.API('CreateDIBSection')(hdcMemoryDC, cBmi, ostypes.CONST.DIB_RGB_COLORS, pixelBuffer.address(), null, 0);
This is ctypes so I don't have to memset bmi after creation as by default it is initialized memset 0.
The width and height of application Melon is 438 x 615 pixels and ::GetWindowRect() function grab it correctly.
However, ::PrintWindow() function draws smaller size which is 348 x 489 pixels, rest of them filled with black blank(may be draw nothing)
...may the one picture will be better than hundreds of discription.
here is result of the code
bool result = true;
HWND appHWnd = ::FindWindow(nullptr, TEXT("Melon"));
RECT appWindowRect; ::GetWindowRect(appHWnd, &appWindowRect);
HDC appDC = ::GetWindowDC(appHWnd);
// HDC appDC = ::GetDC(appHWnd); // same issue occured either
// HDC appDC = ::GetDC(nullptr);
HDC memoryDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(appDC);
HBITMAP capturedScreenBitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(
appWindowRect.right - appWindowRect.left,
appWindowRect.bottom - appWindowRect.top
HBITMAP memoryBitmap = static_cast<HBITMAP>(::SelectObject(memoryDC, capturedScreenBitmap));
result = ::PrintWindow(appHWnd, memoryDC, 0);
//copy to clipboard
SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, capturedScreenBitmap);
::SelectObject(memoryDC, memoryBitmap);
::ReleaseDC(appHWnd, appDC);
Strangely, C# version of the code works correctly. import same user32 library, use same of it and output different result? why?
It will be down to DPI awareness – David Heffernan
::GetWindowRect, which used to c# project and C++ console project in Visual Studio, aren't affected from the scaling by dpi awareness. but, what used to qt studio are affected from it.
here is my solution.
RECT appWindowRect; {
::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &appWindowRect);
POINT appWindowSize; {
qreal dotsPerInch = QApplication::screens().at(0)->logicalDotsPerInch();
appWindowSize.x = static_cast<LONG>((appWindowRect.right - appWindowRect.left) * 96 / dotsPerInch);
appWindowSize.y = static_cast<LONG>((appWindowRect.bottom - appWindowRect.top) * 96 / dotsPerInch);
For our student project I've been tinkering with an OBJ-loader in order to import models into our application.
It loads without issues, and drawing it kind of works without index (the model is obviously not represented correctly because I'm not using an index buffer)
However, drawing with DeviceContext->DrawIndexed shows nothing on screen.
Without indexed drawing
With indexed drawing
Buffer creation method:
void ObjectLoader::CreateBuffers()
//Index buffer
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC iBufferDesc;
memset(&iBufferDesc, 0, sizeof(iBufferDesc));
iBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
iBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
iBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(DWORD);
indexData.pSysMem = &ind;
pDevice->CreateBuffer(&iBufferDesc, &indexData, &pIndexBuffer);
//Vertex buffer
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc;
memset(&bufferDesc, 0, sizeof(bufferDesc));
bufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
bufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(TriangleVertex) * this->NumberOfVerts();
data.pSysMem = tva;
pDevice->CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc, &data, &pVertexBuffer);
Draw method:
void ObjectLoader::Draw()
if (pDevice == nullptr)
UINT32 vertexSize = sizeof(float) * 5;
UINT32 offset = 0;
pDeviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &pVertexBuffer, &vertexSize, &offset);
pDeviceContext->IASetIndexBuffer(this->pIndexBuffer, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0);
pDeviceContext->DrawIndexed(vIndex.size(),0 , 0);
//pDeviceContext->Draw(this->NumberOfVerts(), 0);
What the hell am I missing? I've looked at several books on indexed drawing and it seems pretty straight-forward. At first I thought the winding order was reversed but I checked this by simply reversing the index array; same result.
If you need more code let me know, but I feel this should suffice.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: OT: I never figured out how to get my code to be properly formatted so I apologize for that, feel free to share how that's done.
I want to convert a UINT16 monochrome image to a 8 bits image, in C++.
I have that image in a
char *buffer;
I'd like to give the new converted buffer to a QImage (Qt).
I'm trying with freeImagePlus
fipImage fimage;
if (fimage.loadfromMemory(...) == false)
loadfromMemory needs a fipMemoryIO adress:
loadfromMemory(fipMemoryIO &memIO, int flag = 0)
So I do
fipImage fimage;
BYTE *buf = (BYTE*)malloc(gimage.GetBufferLength() * sizeof(BYTE));
// 'buf' is empty, I have to fill it with 'buffer' content
// how can I do it?
fipMemoryIO memIO(buf, gimage.GetBufferLength());
if (fimage.convertTo8Bits() == true)
cout << "Good";
Then I would do something like
I don't understand what is a FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, which is the first argument to any of those two functions. I can't find information of those types in the freeImage documentation.
Then I'd finish with
imageQt = new QImage(destiny, dimX, dimY, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
How can I fill 'buf' with the content of the initial buffer?
And get the data from the fipImage to a uchar* data for a QImage?
The conversion is simple to do in plain old C++, no need for external libraries unless they are significantly faster and you care about such a speedup. Below is how I'd do the conversion, at least as a first cut. The data is converted inside of the input buffer, since the output is smaller than the input.
QImage from16Bit(void * buffer, int width, int height) {
int size = width*height*2; // length of data in buffer, in bytes
quint8 * output = reinterpret_cast<quint8*>(buffer);
const quint16 * input = reinterpret_cast<const quint16*>(buffer);
if (!size) return QImage;
do {
*output++ = *input++ >> 8;
} while (size -= 2);
return QImage(output, width, height, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
I have the following code, I use to Open a File Open Dialog using Win32 API. It works fine in 32bit, but fails when I use in a 64bit (In a DLL). What am I doing wrong?
char Filestring[256];
Filter = "OBJ files\0*.obj\0\0";
char* returnstring = NULL;
opf.hwndOwner = mainHWND;
opf.lpstrFilter = Filter;
opf.lpstrCustomFilter = 0;
opf.nMaxCustFilter = 0L;
opf.nFilterIndex = 1L;
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
opf.nMaxFile = 256;
opf.lpstrFileTitle = 0;
opf.lpstrInitialDir = Path;
opf.lpstrTitle = "Open Obj File";
opf.nFileOffset = 0;
opf.nFileExtension = 0;
opf.lpstrDefExt = "*.*";
opf.lpfnHook = NULL;
opf.lCustData = 0;
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
returnstring = opf.lpstrFile;
if (returnstring) {
result = returnstring;
EDIT: By failing, I meant that the Open File Dialog doesn't show up. The code still returns zero without any errors.
EDIT 2: I have called CommDlgExtendedError() and it returned 1. From the MSDN reference, does it mean the dialog has invalid lStructSize? I have checked the sizeof(OPENFILENAME) and it returned 140 bytes.
UPDATE: In my Project Settings, Under Code Generation the "Struct Member Alignment" is set to 4 Bytes(/Zp4). I changed this to default and it magically worked. Look for the answers and their comments below for more information.
You aren't initialising lpTemplateName and so it contains random stack noise. This in turn will lead to 'hInstance` being references which also contains stack noise.
When calling a function like this you should first of all zero out the struct and only fill in the fields that are non-zero. Something like this:
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.hwndOwner = mainHWND;
opf.lpstrFilter = Filter;
opf.nFilterIndex = 1L;
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
opf.nMaxFile = 256;
opf.lpstrInitialDir = Path;
opf.lpstrTitle = "Open Obj File";
opf.lpstrDefExt = "*.*";
There was no need to exclude OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT explicitly since you were not including it in the first place!
You state in a comment that this doesn't work. Calling CommDlgExtendedError is a good idea and should tell you why it fails.
You could also try to run the minimal possible GetOpenFileName which is this:
char Filestring[MAX_PATH] = "\0";
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
I have the very same problem and a partial solution :
+ the simple following simple example (proposed abobe) was not working in x64 mode.
+ I changed the complie option "struct Member Alignment" from 1byte /Zp1 to default which solved this problem (by introducing others !!!)
char Filestring[MAX_PATH] = "\0";
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
To find out more you should call CommDlgExtendedError to get the error code what went wrong. Besides this I would initialize all member of the struct to 0 with
ZeroMemory(&opf, sizeof(opf));
Since the file open dialog is in reality a COM component it could be worth to check out if your thread apartment state is different under 64 bit.
if( RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == CoInitialize(NULL) )
ASSERT(FALSE); // MTA Apartment found
Alois Kraus
As a note in Microsoft Office 2010 64-bit we gave up and used the internal wrappers as the structure turned into 140 bytes and we were not sure how to change alignment.
Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText, MultiSelect)
and Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFilename, FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText)
Needless to say we think all individuals with fairly heavy applications in Excel should start considering other options as maintaining future versions across multiple clients and platforms may just be... insane!
I managed to get around this problem by setting the packing appropriately before including the header file. That way, for the purpose of this one function, we were using the 'default' 16 byte alignment, but did not have to change the packing alignment for the rest of our program:
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma pack( push )
#pragma pack( 16 )
#include "Commdlg.h"
#pragma pack( pop )
#include "Commdlg.h"
#endif // _WIN64
I am creating a very big buffer (called buffer2 in the code) using CGDataProviderRef with the following code:
-(UIImage *) glToUIImage {
NSInteger myDataLength = 768 * 1024 * 4;
// allocate array and read pixels into it.
GLubyte *buffer = (GLubyte *) malloc(myDataLength);
glReadPixels(0, 0, 768, 1024, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);
// gl renders "upside down" so swap top to bottom into new array.
// there's gotta be a better way, but this works.
GLubyte *buffer2 = (GLubyte *) malloc(myDataLength);
for(int y = 0; y <1024; y++)
for(int x = 0; x <768 * 4; x++)
buffer2[(1023 - y) * 768 * 4 + x] = buffer[y * 4 * 768 + x];
// make data provider with data.
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, buffer2, myDataLength, &releaseBufferData);
// prep the ingredients
int bitsPerComponent = 8;
int bitsPerPixel = 32;
int bytesPerRow = 4 * 768;
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
CGColorRenderingIntent renderingIntent = kCGRenderingIntentDefault;
// make the cgimage
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(768, 1024, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow, colorSpaceRef, bitmapInfo, provider, NULL, NO, renderingIntent);
// then make the uiimage from that
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
//[provider autorelease];
return myImage;
I expect CGProvider to call back the releaseBufferData method when it is done with buffer2 so that I can free up the memory it's taken. The code for this method is:
static void releaseBufferData (void *info, const void *data, size_t size){
However, even though my callback method is called, the memory that data (buffer2) takes is never freed and hence it results in massive memory leaks. What am I doing wrong?
Have you ever CGDataProviderRelease your provider? The callback will not be called if you don't release the data provider.
For some peculiar reason this is not an issue anymore.
Just in case this helps someone else. I was having the same problem. It started working once I called
right before the
malloc isn't freed in a "release" callback when it allocates on one thread but the callback that deallocates it is executed on another. Wrap both your allocation and deallocation in this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// *malloc* and *free* go here; don't call &releaseCallBack or some such anywhere
A second thing to try is a completion block. Instead of returning an image in the traditional way (via a method return property), use a completion block. The UIImage will be freed as soon as the completion block is closed.
For example, if you're trying to save multiple images to the Photos library, but the malloc'd data isn't freeing after each image is created, then pass the image back via a completion block, making sure you create no new instance of the image that is passed back, and it will be gone as soon as it hits the };
A third thing is calloc instead of malloc:
GLubyte *buffer = (GLubyte *)calloc(myDataLength, sizeof(GLubyte));
That's what I use now where I once had malloc, which obviates the need for the prior two suggestions. I use OpenGL to populate a collection view consisting of a single row of cells, each with one frame from a video. To skim the video, you slide the collection view, if you see a frame you want to save as an image, you long press it; if you want to advance to that frame in the video, you tap it. As you know, even short videos have a lot of frames; the calloc solution knocks about 256 MB off total memory usage every call to the release callback, to which it builds when you scroll blurry fast.