SockJS receive stomp messages from spring websocket out of order - stomp

I am trying to streaming time series data using Springframework SimpMessagingTemplate (default Stomp implementation) to broadcast messages to a topic that the SockJS client subscribed to. However, the messages is received out of order. The server is single thread and messages are sent in ascending order by their timestamps. The client somehow received the messages out of the order.
I am using the latest release version of both stompjs and springframework (4.1.6 release).

looks like there is a built in striped executor, so just enable it:
protected void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
// ...

Found the root cause of this issue. The messages were sending in "correct" order from the application implementation perspective (I.e, convertAndSend() are called in one thread or at least thread safe fashion"). However, Springframework web socket uses reactor-tcp implementation which will process the messages on clientOutboundChannel from the thread pool. Thus the messages can be written to the tcp socket in different order that they are arrived. When I configured the web socket to limit 1 thread for the clientOutboundChannel, the order is preserved.
This problem is not in the SocketJS but a limitation of current Spring web socket design.

It's Spring web socket design problem. To receive messages in valid order you have to set corePoolSize of websocket clients to 1.
public class WebSocketMessageBrokerConfiguration extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureClientOutboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {

Please see #Jason's answer. Spring 5.1 has a setPreservePublishOrder() to order the messages based on their client ID.
I experienced this issue as well. I don't like to limit my thread pool size to 1 for this will cause an overhead on my application. Instead, I used a StripedExecutorService to process messages coming in and out of my application. This type of executor service guarantees ordered processing of messages for tasks that have same stripe. For me, I use WebSocket session ID as stripe. Register this executor via ChannelRegistration.taskExecutor() on your inbound, broker, and outbound channel and this will guarantee ordered messages. Choose your stripe wisely.


is it possible to create a queue listener using web flux spring integration?

public class EventListener {
private final EventProcessingService eventProcessingService;
#JmsListener(destination = "inputQueue", constainerFactory = "myContainerFactory)
public void receiveMessage(Message message) {
eventProcessingService.doSome(message).subscribe(); // return Mono<Void>
public class EventProcessingService {
public Mono<Void> doSome(Message message) {
public class MqIntegration {
private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public Publisher<Message<String>> mqReactiveFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
I have some webflux application which interacts with ibm mq and a JmsListener which listens for messages from the queue when a message is received EventProcessingService makes requests to other services depending on the messages.
I would like to know how I can create a JmsListener that works with reactive threads using Spring Integration. In other words I want to know if it is possible to create an Integration flow which will receive messages from the queue and call the EvenProcessingService when the messages are received so that it does not have a negative effect on the threads inside webflux application
I think we need to clean up some points in your question.
WebFlux is not a project by itself. It is Spring Framework module about Web on top of reactive server:
The #JmsListener is a part of another Spring Framework module - spring-jms. And there is nothing relevant to threads used by reactive server for WebFlux layer.
Spring Integration is a separate project which implement EIP on top of Spring Framework dependency injection container. It indeed has its own WebFlux module for channel adapters on top of WebFlux API in Spring Framework: And it also has a JMS module on top of JMS module from Spring Framework: However there is nothing related to #JmsLisntener since its Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter() fully covers that functionality and from a big height it does it the same way - via MessageListenerContainer.
All of this is might not be relevant to the question, but it is better to have a clear context of what you are asking so we will feel that we are on the same page with you.
Now trying to answer to your concern.
As long as you don't deal with JMS from WebFlux layer (#RequestMapping or WebFlux.inboundGateway()), you don't effect those non-blocking thread. The JMS MessageListenerContainer spawns its own threads and perform pulling from the queue and message processing.
What you are explaining with your JMS configuration and service looks more like this:
public IntegrationFlow mqReactiveFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
There is really no reason to shift messages just after JMS into a QueueChannel since JMS listening is already an async operation.
We need that nullChannel in the end of your flow just because your service method returns Mono and framework knows nothing what to do with that. Starting with version 5.4.3 the NullChannel is able to subscribe to the Publisher payload of the message produced to it.
You could have though a FluxMessageChannel in between to really simulate a back-pressure for JMS listener, but that won't make to much different for your next service.
I think you are going to have to bypass #JmsListener as that is registering an on message, which although asynchronous isn't going to be reactive. JMS is essentially blocking, so patching a reactive layer on top, is going to be just a patch.
You will need to use the Publisher that you have created to generate the back pressure. I think you are going to have to define and instantiate your own listener bean which does something on the lines of :
public Flux<String> mqReactiveListener() {
return Flux.from(mqReactiveFlow())

Spring WebSockets ActiveMQ convertAndSendToUser

I have a Spring Boot app (Jhipster) that uses STOMP over WebSockets to communicate information from the server to users.
I recently added an ActiveMQ server to handle scaling the app horizontally, with an Amazon auto-scaling group / load-balancer.
I make use the convertAndSendToUser() method, which works on single instances of the app to locate the authenticated users' "individual queue" so only they receive the message.
However, when I launch the app behind the load balancer, I am finding that messages are only being sent to the user if the event is generated on the server that their websocket-proxy connection (to the broker) is established on?
How do I ensure the message goes through ActiveMQ to whichever instance of the app that the user is actually "connected too" regardless of which instance receives, say an HTTP Request that executes the convertAndSendToUser() event?
For reference here is my StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler:
public AbstractBrokerMessageHandler stompBrokerRelayMessageHandler() {
StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler handler = (StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler) super.stompBrokerRelayMessageHandler();
handler.setTcpClient(new Reactor2TcpClient<>(
new StompTcpFactory(orgProperties.getAws().getAmazonMq().getStompRelayHost(),
orgProperties.getAws().getAmazonMq().getStompRelayPort(), orgProperties.getAws().getAmazonMq
return handler;
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
config.enableStompBrokerRelay("/queue", "/topic")
I have found the name corresponding to the queue that is generated on ActiveMQ by examining the headers in the SessionSubscribeEvent, that is generated in the listener when a user subscribes to a user-queue, as simpSessionId.
public void onSessionSubscribeEvent(SessionSubscribeEvent event) {
log.debug("Session Subscribe Event:" +
"{}", event.getMessage().getHeaders().toString());
Corresponding queues' can be found in ActiveMQ, in the format: {simpDestination}-user{simpSessionId}
Could I save the sessionId in a key-value pair and just push messages onto that topic channel?
I also found some possibilities of setting ActiveMQ specific STOMP properties in the CONNECT/SUBSCRIBE frame to create durable subscribers if I set these properties will Spring than understand the routing?
client-id & subcriptionName
Modifying the MessageBrokerReigstry config resolved the issue:
config.enableStompBrokerRelay("/queue", "/topic")
Based on this paragraph in the documentation section 4.4.13:
In a multi-application server scenario a user destination may remain
unresolved because the user is connected to a different server. In
such cases you can configure a destination to broadcast unresolved
messages to so that other servers have a chance to try. This can be
done through the userDestinationBroadcast property of the
MessageBrokerRegistry in Java config and the
user-destination-broadcast attribute of the message-broker element in
I did not see any documentation on "why" /topic/registry.broadcast was the correct "topic" destination, but I am finding various iterations of it:
websocket sessions sample doesn't cluster.. spring-session-1.2.2
What is MultiServerUserRegistry in spring websocket?
Spring websocket - sendToUser from a cluster does not work from backup server

Spring STOMP over WebSockets not scheduling heartbeats

We have a Spring over WebSockets connection that we're passing a CONNECT frame:
Which the handler acknowledges, starts a new session, and than returns:
However, we want the heart-beats so we can keep the WebSocket open. We're not using SockJS.
I stepped through the Spring Message Handler:
StompHeaderAccessor [headers={simpMessageType=CONNECT, stompCommand=CONNECT, nativeHeaders={accept-version=[1.2], heart-beat=[5000,0]}, simpSessionAttributes={}, simpHeartbeat=[J#5eba717, simpSessionId=46e855c9}]
After it gets the heart-beat (native header), it sets what looks like a memory address simpHeartbeat=[J#5eba717, simpSessionId=46e855c9}]
Of note, after the broker authenticates:
Processing CONNECT session=46e855c9 (the sessionId here is different than simpSessionId)?
When running earlier TRACE debugging I saw a notice "Scheduling heartbeat..." or something to that effect...though I'm not seeing it now?
Any idea what's going on?
I have found the explanation in the documentation:
SockJS Task Scheduler stats from thread pool of the SockJS task
scheduler which is used to send heartbeats. Note that when heartbeats
are negotiated on the STOMP level the SockJS heartbeats are disabled.
Are SockJS heartbeats different than STOMP heart-beats?
Starting Spring 4.2 you can have full control, from the server side, of the heartbeat negotiation outcome using Stomp over SockJS with the built-in SimpleBroker:
public class WebSocketConfigurer extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler te = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
* Configure the value for the heartbeat settings. The first number
* represents how often the server will write or send a heartbeat.
* The second is how often the client should write. 0 means no heartbeats.
* <p>By default this is set to "0, 0" unless the {#link #setTaskScheduler
* taskScheduler} in which case the default becomes "10000,10000"
* (in milliseconds).
* #since 4.2
.setHeartbeatValue(new long[]{heartbeatServer, heartbeatClient})
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
Yes SockJS heartbeats are different. Fundamentally the same thing but their purpose in the SockJS protocol are to ensure that the connection doesn't look like it's "dead" in which case proxies can close it pro-actively. More generally a heartbeat allows each side to detect connectivity issues pro-actively and clean up resources.
When using STOMP and SockJS at the transport layer there is no need to have both which is why the SockJS heartbeats are turned off if STOMP heartbeats are in use. However you're not using SockJS here.
You're not showing any configuration but my guess is that you're using the built-in simple broker which does not automatically send heartbeats. When configuring it you will see an option to enable heartbeats and you also need to set a task scheduler.
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
// ...
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
We got same problem with Spring, Websockets, STOMP and Spring Sessions - no heartbeats and Spring session may expire while websocket doesn't receive messages on server side. We ended up with enable STOMP heartbeats from browser every 20000ms and add SimpMessageType.HEARTBEAT to Spring sessionRepositoryInterceptor matches to keep Spring session last access time updated on STOMP heartbeats without messages. We had to use AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer as a base to enable in-build Spring session and websocket session binding. Spring manual, second example. In official example Spring session is updated on inbound websocket CONNECT/MESSAGE/SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE messages, but not heartbeats, that's why we need to re-configure 2 things - enable at least inbound heartbeats and adjust Spring session to react to websocket heartbeats
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer<ExpiringSession> {
SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor sessionRepositoryInterceptor;
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
SimpMessageType.MESSAGE, SimpMessageType.SUBSCRIBE,
SimpMessageType.UNSUBSCRIBE, SimpMessageType.HEARTBEAT));
.setTaskScheduler(new DefaultManagedTaskScheduler())
.setHeartbeatValue(new long[]{0,20000});
Another way we tried is some re-implementing of SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor functionality to update Spring sessions last access time on outbound websocket messages plus maintain websocket session->Spring session map via listeners, but code above did the trick.

Spring Integration - Load Balance across multiple TCP outbound gateways

I have a (legacy) TCP service that has multiple processes. Each process runs on the same host, but on a different port. The service is single threaded, so the way to increase throughput is to round-robin each request across each of the ports.
I am providing an AMQP exposure to this legacy application. Its very simple - take a string off the AMQP queue, pass it to the application, and return the response string to the AMQP reply queue.
This works great on a single port. However, i'd like to fan out the requests across all the ports.
Spring Integration seems to only provide AbstractClientConnectionFactory implementations that either connect directly to a single host/port (TcpNetClientConnectionFactory) or maintain a pool of connections to a single host/port (CachingClientConnectionFactory). There arent any that pool connections between a single host and multiple ports.
I have attempted to write my own AbstractClientConnectionFactory that maintains a pool of AbstractClientConnectionFactory objects and round-robins between them. However, I have struck several issues to do with handing the TCP connections when the target service goes away or the network is interrupted that I have not been able to solve.
There is also the approach taken by this question: Spring Integration 4 - configuring a LoadBalancingStrategy in Java DSL but the solution to that was to hardcode the number of endpoints. In my case, the number of endpoints is only known at runtime and is a user-configurable setting.
So, basically I need to create a TcpOutboundGateway per port dynamically at runtime and somehow register it in my IntegrationFlow. I have attempted the following:
public IntegrationFlow xmlQueryWorkerIntegrationFlow() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer inboundQueue = getMessageListenerContainer();
DirectChannel rabbitReplyChannel =;
IntegrationFlowBuilder builder = IntegrationFlows
//I have tried:
.channel(handlerChannel()) //doesnt work, the gateways dont get started and the message doesnt get sent to the gateway
//and I have also tried:
.handle(gateway2) //doesnt work, it chains the handlers instead of round-robining between them
.transform(new ObjectToStringTransformer())
return builder.get();
//my attempt at dynamically adding handlers to the same channel and load balancing between them
public DirectChannel handlerChannel() {
DirectChannel channel = RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy()).get();
for (AbstractClientConnectionFactory factory : generateConnections()) {
return channel;
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem?
See the dynamic ftp sample - in essence each outbound gateway goes in its own application context and the dynamic router routes to the appropriate channel (for which the outbound adapter is created on demand if necessary).
Although the sample uses XML, you can do the same thing with java configuration, or even with the Java DSL.
See my answer to a similar question for multiple IMAP mail adapters using Java configuration and then a follow-up question.

How to stop consumers

I made a simple Jms project with 2 java files names are, for sending messages to Activemq:Queue and another for consuming messages from Activemq:Queue.Deployed this project in Apache Tomcat.following code was consumer code.
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory=new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("admin","admin","tcp://localhost:61617?jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1");
Connection connection=connectionFactory.createConnection();
final Session session=connection.createSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Queue queue=session.createQueue("ThermalMap");
javax.jms.MessageConsumer consumer=session.createConsumer(queue);
//anonymous class
MessageListener listener = new MessageListener() {
public void onMessage(Message msg) {
// My business code
Later If I want to change consumer code,I don't want to stop Tomcatbecause If I stop Tomcat entire jms project should not work. So clients can't able to sent messages to Activemq:Queue.So I don't want to follow this way.
I am thinking, If I stop consumers through Activemq console page.I don't need to stop Tomcat So clients can able to send messages normally.For this I check AMQ console page,I didn't seen any consumers.
Is it correct way to do this.
If it is correct way, How can I do this.
can anyone suggest me.
Call the .close() method on your MessageConsumer.
