How to provide a messageConverterClass to http source - spring-xd

What is the best way to publish a class that can be used as messageConverterClass in http source?
I have implemented one but I am not able to let the http source see the class. I get ClassNotFoundException.
I had a look at this and changed the servers.yml.

You'll need to add a jar containing the class to the source's /lib directory or to xd/lib.


How to remove context-root from generated swagger

I have am application that has a context-root set (property: quarkus.http.root-path).
Using quarkus-resteasy-reactive-jackson, a resource was created with a #Path annotation.
Now I want to generate OpenAPI documentation for my resource.
As I want to deploy this into a API gateway, I require a server property with a context root in the swagger.
I added a server entry using the mp.openapi.servers property.
The problem now appears that when there is a root-path property, the generated swagger resource path includes this root path, e.g.
Resource annotated with #Path("resource")
It seems that the resource path includes the root-path.
So importing this swagger into the API gateway (or just clicking on the Try button), results in a url of http://localhost:8080/sample/sample/resource being attempted which ofc does not exist.
Is there a way to not to add the root-path to the resource endpoint in swagger? (I tried using mp.openapi.extensions.application-path.disable=true, but this had no effect)
I managed to get past this by doing the following:
dont set quarkus.http.root-path
So just want to know if anyone know of a better way of doing this?

Swagger not generating paths in yaml/json file when code is compiled

Trying to generate API documentation for a spring boot application using swagger. Using swagger-maven-plugin to generate yaml documentation from code. After compiling, the generated yaml/json file does not contain any path. However the controller class where the APIs are defined is getting scanned. But none of the APIs defined there are showing up in documentation. However accessing http://localhost:8080/api-docs shows a json and that is listing all the APIs as expected. What could be the issue? I have made sure of the following:
controller is annotated with #Api
tag value is set to false in pom.xml
basepath is the same across pom and controller class
All API paths are of the form http://localhost:8080/{id}/
Got my problem resolved. The Controller class methods were not declared public and hence was not showing up in swagger.yaml and json files even though the api-docs were listing them.
Try mapping your controller into a path.
Eg:- #Controller #RequestMapping(value = "/api")
For further clarification you can refer this article:

Thymeleaf: can't load js and css when direct access the page

Updated: to describe the question more clearly
I create a web applicaiton with spring boot and thymeleaf, everything works fine if I open the login page, then login, then head for the management module or reports module sequently.
The proleam occurs when I type the url locahost:8080/send/kf/index(needs to authenticate, but I have open access to all in customized filter) in the browser, the page loads without js and css. In debug mode, I saw /send/kf was unexpectly put into the path like the following. I can get the resource if I access localhost:8080/assets/avatars/avatar.png.
The following is the folder structure I put my static resources. How could /send/kf automatically added into the url, please help me solve this problem. Thanks!
you can use spring.resources.static-locations in your file
this is taken form documentation
Note:Static resources, like JavaScript or CSS, can easily be served from your Spring Boot application just be dropping them into the right place in the source code. By default Spring Boot serves static content from resources in the classpath at "/static" (or "/public")
Using /assets/ instead of assets/ fixes the issue, as otherwise it's a relative url that's supposed to get added to the end of existing url.
I find a solution for this question. I don't know how /send/kf is put into the url for the static resources, but I think if I put the controller mapping under the root path, this problem should avoid. As I think, the url is correct and resources can load successfully.
public class ManualMessageController {
private MsgTemplateRepository msgTemplateRepository;
public String manualMsg(Model model){
model.addAttribute("msgTemplateList", msgTemplateRepository.findByStatus(1));
return "manualMessage";
The right solution is to use absolute path rather than relative path in the project. So change assets/css to /assets/css works.

Read Properties File in Karaf From Another Bundle

In Karaf, is there a way for a bundle to read a properties file from another bundle?
I have bundle1, which contains some classes that bundle2 uses (bundle1 exports the package containing those classes in its maven pom via maven-bundle-plugin and bundle2 imports it). But bundle2 also needs to use a properties file from bundle1. Is there a way that in addition to classes, bundle2 can access a file from bundle1?
From what I've read, one option is to deploy the properties to the karaf etc folder via the features file and then it can be accessed from bundle2 via blueprint. I would like to avoid that if possible, as bundle1 is currently not deployed as a feature. So hoping for an alternate approach.
The nicest way is to wrap the access through a class of bundle1. Assume bundle1 contains a class named MyClass. Inside this class you can do this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(path). The path is relative to the package of the class.
So a method of this class could return an Inputstream for the properties file or allow access to the actual properties.
In fact you can also access the properties file from bundle2. Simply use MyClass.getResourceAsStream(path) from a class in bundle2. This works as each class is by default loaded by the classloader of the bundle it resides in.

Spring namespaces and placeholder in springs.schemas

Spring-namespaces allows you to define your own structure how spring beans could be configured. Very cool.
I have to use a 3rd party software (Assentis Docbase) which defines in its spring.schemas the following (example below simplified)
Meaning: If user defines in its spring-xml with schema-location: "http://com.apress.prospring2/ch07/custom.xsd" spring will validate this file against custom.xsd.
custDir is a directory OUTSIDE the provided jar. Does anyone have an idea how I can set this custDir to point to a valid path during junit test? I already tried -DcustDir=/pathToXsd/ but it did not work.
If I remove custDir than everything works as expected, but I can not remove it from provided spring.schemas since it is 3rd party software.
Maybe this is an issue how property-files are handled in java but I have no idea.
You may be able to "override" this entry by providing your own custom spring.schemas file with the same entry but with a location to your custom xsd file. The catch is that this is highly dependent on the order in which the spring.schemas are loaded up, but could be worth a try.
Since custDir is not a place holder, you cannot replace it the way you are doing it, I am surprised that the third party schema location is outside of the classpath.
The syntax of spring.schemas I provided in my question is a properitary definition of 3.rd party software. They implemented there own EntityResolver which manually reacts on "custDir:" and starts some magic algorithm. So I came to the following workaround.
You have to create your own my_spring.schemas which must be live in META-INF/. Than you have to make sure that spring loads my_spring.schemas and NOT spring.schemas.
I achieved it with implementing my own TestingContext which is a subclass of ClassPathXmlApplicationContext. In TestingContext I overwrote method protected void loadBeanDefinitions(DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws IOException and filled it with implementation from The only change I made was to line beanDefinitionReader.setEntityResolver(new ResourceEntityResolver(this)) to beanDefinitionReader.setEntityResolver(new PluggableSchemaResolver(getClassLoader(), "META-INF/my_spring.schemas). And voila if I use TestingContext my own my_spring.schemas is loaded.
Drawback with this solution is that you have to provide all xsd in your jar because the default name, where spring looks up definitions has been changed.
