Custom Sort Multiple Files - bash

I have 10 files (1Gb each). The contents of the files are as follows:
head -10 part-r-00000
a a a c b 1
a a a dumbbell 1
a a a f a 1
a a a general i 2
a a a glory 2
a a a h d 1
a a a h o 4
a a a h z 1
a a a hem hem 1
a a a k 3
I need to sort the file based on the last column of each line (descending order), which is of variable length. If there is a match on the numerical value then sort alphabetically by the 2nd last column. The following BASH command works on small datasets (not complete files) and takes 3 second to sort only 10 lines from one file.
cat part-r-00000 | awk '{print $NF,$0}' | sort -nr | cut -f2- -d' ' > FILE
I want the output in a separate FILE. Can someone help me out to speed up the process?

No, once you get rid of the UUOC that's as fast as it's going to get. Obviously you need to add the 2nd-last field to everything too, e.g. something like:
awk '{print $NF,$(NF-1),$0}' part-r-00000 | sort -k1,1nr -k2,2 | cut -f3- -d' '
Check the sort args, I always get mixed up with those..

Reverse order, sort and reverse order:
awk '{for (i=NF;i>0;i--){printf "%s ",$i};printf "\n"}' file | sort -nr | awk '{for (i=NF;i>0;i--){printf "%s ",$i};printf "\n"}'
a a a h o 4
a a a k 3
a a a general i 2
a a a glory 2
a a a h z 1
a a a hem hem 1
a a a dumbbell 1
a a a h d 1
a a a c b 1
a a a f a 1

You can use a Schwartzian transform to accomplish your task,
awk '{print -$NF, $(NF-1), $0}' input_file | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f3-
The awk command prepends each record with the negative of the last field and the second last field.
The sort -n command sorts the record stream in the required order because we used the negative of the last field.
The cut command splits on spaces and cuts the first two fields, i.e., the ones we used to normalize the sort
$ echo 'a a a c b 1
a a a dumbbell 1
a a a f a 1
a a a general i 2
a a a glory 2
a a a h d 1
a a a h o 4
a a a h z 1
a a a hem hem 1
a a a k 3' | awk '{print -$NF, $(NF-1), $0}' | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f3-
a a a h o 4
a a a k 3
a a a glory 2
a a a general i 2
a a a f a 1
a a a c b 1
a a a h d 1
a a a dumbbell 1
a a a hem hem 1
a a a h z 1


How to sum up on a column

I have a file that looks like this :
A B C 128 D
Z F R 18 -
M W A 1 -
T B D 21 P
Z F R 11 -
L W A 10 D
I am looking for a way to sum up the column 4 ( for the lines witch column 5 look like D) here in this example will be: 128 + 10 = 138 .
I managed to sum up all the 4th column with this command :
cat file.txt |awk '{total+= $4} END {print total}'
You just omitted the pattern to select which lines your action applies to.
awk '$5 == "D" {total += $4} END {print total}' file.txt
In awk, the pattern is applied to each line of input, and if the pattern matches, the action is applied. If there is no pattern (as in your attempt), the line is unconditionally processed.
A solution with datamash and sort:
cat file.txt | sort -k5 | datamash -W -g5 sum 4
sort -k5 for sorting according the 5 column.
datamash uses -W to specify that whitespace is the separator, -g5 to group by 5th column, and finally sum 4 to get sum of 4th column.
It gives this output:
- 30
D 138
P 21

unix sort groups by their associated maximum value?

Let's say I have this input file 49142202.txt:
A 5
B 6
C 3
A 4
B 2
C 1
Is it possible to sort the groups in column 1 by the value in column 2? The desired output is as follows:
B 6 <-- B group at the top, because 6 is larger than 5 and 3
B 2 <-- 2 less than 6
A 5 <-- A group in the middle, because 5 is smaller than 6 and larger than 3
A 4 <-- 4 less than 5
C 3 <-- C group at the bottom, because 3 is smaller than 6 and 5
C 1 <-- 1 less than 3
Here is my solution:
join -t$'\t' -1 2 -2 1 \
<(cat 49142202.txt | sort -k2nr,2 | sort --stable -k1,1 -u | sort -k2nr,2 \
| cut -f1 | nl | tr -d " " | sort -k2,2) \
<(cat 49142202.txt | sort -k1,1 -k2nr,2) \
| sort --stable -k2n,2 | cut -f1,3
The first input to join sorted by column 2 is this:
2 A
1 B
3 C
The second input to join sorted by column 1 is this:
A 5
A 4
B 6
B 2
C 3
C 1
The output of join is:
A 2 5
A 2 4
B 1 6
B 1 2
C 3 3
C 3 1
Which is then sorted by the nl line number in column 2 and then the original input columns 1 and 3 are kept with cut.
I know it can be done a lot easier with for example groupby of pandas of Python, but is there a more elegant way of doing it, while sticking to the use of GNU Coreutils such as sort, join, cut, tr and nl? Preferably I want to avoid a memory inefficient awk solution, but please share those as well. Thanks!
As explained in the comment my solution tries to reduce the number of pipes, unnecessary cat commands and more especially the number of pipeline sort operations since sorting is a complex/time consuming operation:
I reached the following solution where f_grp_sort is the input file:
for elem in $(sort -k2nr f_grp_sort | awk '!seen[$1]++{print $1}')
grep $elem <(sort -k2nr f_grp_sort)
B 6
B 2
A 5
A 4
C 3
C 1
sort -k2nr f_grp_sort will generate the following output:
B 6
A 5
A 4
C 3
B 2
C 1
and sort -k2nr f_grp_sort | awk '!seen[$1]++{print $1}' will generate the output:
the awk will just generate in the same order 1 unique element of the first column of the temporary output.
Then the for elem in $(...)do grep $elem <(sort -k2nr f_grp_sort); done
will grep for lines containing B then A, then C what will provide the required output.
Now as enhancement, you can use a temporary file to avoid doing sort -k2nr f_grp_sort operation twice:
$ sort -k2nr f_grp_sort > tmp_sorted_file && for elem in $(awk '!seen[$1]++{print $1}' tmp_sorted_file); do grep $elem tmp_sorted_file; done && rm tmp_sorted_file
So, this won't work for all cases, but if the values in your first column can be turned into bash variables, we can use dynamically named arrays to do this instead of a bunch of joins. It should be pretty fast.
The first while block reads in the contents of the file, getting the first two space separated strings and putting them into col1 and col2. We then create a series of arrays named like ARR_A and ARR_B where A and B are the values from column 1 (but only if $col1 only contains characters that can be used in bash variable names). The array contains the column 2 values associated with these column 1 values.
I use your fancy sort chain to get the order we want column 1 values to print out in, we just loop through them, then for each column 1 array we sort the values and echo out column 1 and column 2.
The dynamc variable bits can be hard to follow, but for the right values in column 1 it will work. Again, if there's any characters that can't be part of a bash variable name in column 1, this solution will not work.
while read col1 col2 extra
if [[ "$col1" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ ]]
eval 'ARR_'${col1}'+=("'${col2}'")'
echo "Bad character detected in Column 1: '$col1'"
exit 1
done < "$file"
sort -k2nr,2 "$file" | sort --stable -k1,1 -u | sort -k2nr,2 | while read col1 extra
for col2 in $(eval 'printf "%s\n" "${ARR_'${col1}'[#]}"' | sort -r)
echo $col1 $col2
This was my test, a little more complex than your provided example:
$ cat 49142202.txt
A 4
B 6
C 3
A 5
B 2
C 1
C 0
$ ./run
B 6
B 2
A 5
A 4
C 3
C 1
C 0
Thanks a lot #JeffBreadner and #Allan! I came up with yet another solution, which is very similar to my first one, but gives a bit more control, because it allows for easier nesting with for loops:
for x in $(sort -k2nr,2 $file | sort --stable -k1,1 -u | sort -k2nr,2 | cut -f1); do
awk -v x=$x '$1==x' $file | sort -k2nr,2
Do you mind, if I don't accept either of your answers, until I have time to evaluate the time and memory performance of your solutions? Otherwise I would probably just go for the awk solution by #Allan.

awk insert rows of one file as new columns to every nth rows of another file

Let's keep n=3 here, and say I have two files:
a b c row1
d e f row2
g h i row3
j k l row4
m n o row5
o q r row6
s t u row7
v w x row8
y z Z row9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
I would like to merge the two files into a new_file.txt:
a b c 2 3
d e f 2 3
g h i 2 3
j k l 5 6
m n o 5 6
o q r 5 6
s t u 8 9
v w x 8 9
y z Z 8 9
Currently I do this as follows (there are also slow bash for or while loop solutions, of course): awk '1;1;1' file2.txt > tmp2.txt and then something like awk 'FNR==NR{a[FNR]=$2" "$3;next};{$NF=a[FNR]};1' tmp2.txt file1.txt > new_file.txt for the case listed in my question.
Or put these in one line: awk '1;1;1' file2.txt | awk 'FNR==NR{a[FNR]=$2" "$3;next};{$NF=a[FNR]};1' - file1.txt > new_file.txt. But these do not look elegant at all...
I am looking for a more elegant one liner (perhaps awk) that can effectively do this.
In the real case, let's say for example I have 9 million rows in input file1.txt and 3 million rows in input file2.txt and I would like to append columns 2 and 3 of the first row of file2.txt as the new last columns of the first 3 rows of file1.txt, columns 2 and 3 of the second row of file2.txt as the same new last columns of the next 3 rows of file1.txt, etc, etc.
Try this, see mywiki.wooledge - Process Substitution for details on <() syntax
$ # transforming file2
$ cut -d' ' -f2-3 file2.txt | sed 'p;p'
2 3
2 3
2 3
5 6
5 6
5 6
8 9
8 9
8 9
$ # then paste it together with required fields from file1
$ paste -d' ' <(cut -d' ' -f1-3 file1.txt) <(cut -d' ' -f2-3 file2.txt | sed 'p;p')
a b c 2 3
d e f 2 3
g h i 2 3
j k l 5 6
m n o 5 6
o q r 5 6
s t u 8 9
v w x 8 9
y z Z 8 9
Speed comparison, time shown for two consecutive runs
$ perl -0777 -ne 'print $_ x 1000000' file1.txt > f1
$ perl -0777 -ne 'print $_ x 1000000' file2.txt > f2
$ du -h f1 f2
95M f1
18M f2
$ time paste -d' ' <(cut -d' ' -f1-3 f1) <(cut -d' ' -f2-3 f2 | sed 'p;p') > t1
real 0m1.362s
real 0m1.154s
$ time awk '1;1;1' f2 | awk 'FNR==NR{a[FNR]=$2" "$3;next};{$NF=a[FNR]};1' - f1 > t2
real 0m12.088s
real 0m13.028s
$ time awk '{
if (c==3) c=0;
printf "%s %s %s ",$1,$2,$3;
if (!c++){ getline < "f2"; f4=$2; f5=$3 }
printf "%s %s\n",f4,f5
}' f1 > t3
real 0m13.629s
real 0m13.380s
$ time awk '{
if (c==3) c=0;
main_fields=$1 OFS $2 OFS $3;
if (!c++){ getline < "f2"; f4=$2; f5=$3 }
printf "%s %s %s\n", main_fields, f4, f5
}' f1 > t4
real 0m13.265s
real 0m13.896s
$ diff -s t1 t2
Files t1 and t2 are identical
$ diff -s t1 t3
Files t1 and t3 are identical
$ diff -s t1 t4
Files t1 and t4 are identical
Awk solution:
awk '{
if (c==3) c=0;
main_fields=$1 OFS $2 OFS $3;
if (!c++){ getline < "file2.txt"; f4=$2; f5=$3 }
printf "%s %s %s\n", main_fields, f4, f5
}' file1.txt
c - variable reflecting nth coefficient
getline < file - reads the next record from file
f4=$2; f5=$3 - contain the values of the 2nd and 3rd fields from currently read record of file2.txt
The output:
a b c 2 3
d e f 2 3
g h i 2 3
j k l 5 6
m n o 5 6
o q r 5 6
s t u 8 9
v w x 8 9
y z Z 8 9
This is still a lot slower than Sundeep's cut&paste code on the 100,000 lines test (8s vs 21s on my laptop) but perhaps easier to understand than the other Awk solution. (I had to play around for a bit before getting the indexing right, though.)
awk 'NR==FNR { a[FNR] = $2 " " $3; next }
{ print $1, $2, $3, a[1+int((FNR-1)/3)] }' file2.txt file1.txt
This simply keeps (the pertinent part of) file2.txt in memory and then reads file1.txt and writes out the combined lines. That also means it is limited by available memory, whereas Roman's solution will scale to basically arbitrarily large files (as long as each line fits in memory!) but slightly faster (I get 28s real time for Roman's script with Sundeep's 100k test data).

Sorting lines in one file given the order in another file

Given a file1:
13 a b c d
5 f a c d
7 d c g a
14 a v s d
and a file2:
7 x
5 c
14 a
13 i
I would like to sort file1 considering the same order of the first column in file2, so that the output should be:
7 d c g a
5 f a c d
14 a v s d
13 a b c d
Is it possible to do this in bash or should I use some "higher" language like python?
Use awk to put the line number from file2 as an extra column in front of file1. Sort the result by that column. Then remove that prefix column
awk 'FNR == NR { lineno[$1] = NR; next}
{print lineno[$1], $0;}' file2 file1 | sort -k 1,1n | cut -d' ' -f2-
Simple solution
for S in $(cat file2 | awk '{print $1}'); do grep $S file1; done

Using bash to sort data horizontally

I have a file full of data in columns
sarah mark john
10 20 5
x y z
I want to sort the data so the columns stay intact but the second row is in increasing order so it looks like this:
john sarah mark
5 10 20
z x y
I've been looking at the sort command but have only been able to find vertical sorting, not horizontal. I'm happy to use any tool, any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
Let's create a function to transpose a file (make rows become columns, and columns become rows):
transpose () {
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) a[i,NR]=$i; max=(max<NF?NF:max)}
END {for (i=1; i<=max; i++)
{for (j=1; j<=NR; j++)
printf "%s%s", a[i,j], (j<NR?OFS:ORS)
This just loads all the data into a bidimensional array a[line,column] and then prints it back as a[column,line], so that it transposes the given input. The wrapper transpose () { } is used to store it as a bash function. You just need to copy paste it in your shell (or in ~/.bashrc if you want it to be a permanent function, available any time you open a session).
Then, by using it, we can easily solve the problem by using sort -n -k2: sort numerically based on column 2. Then, transpose back.
$ cat a | transpose | sort -n -k2 | transpose
john sarah mark
5 10 20
z x y
In case you want to have a nice format as final output, just pipe to column like this:
$ cat a | transpose | sort -n -k2 | transpose | column -t
john sarah mark
5 10 20
z x y
Step by step:
$ cat a | transpose
sarah 10 x
mark 20 y
john 5 z
$ cat a | transpose | sort -n -k2
john 5 z
sarah 10 x
mark 20 y
$ cat a | transpose | sort -n -k2 | transpose
john sarah mark
5 10 20
z x y
Coming from a duplicate question, this would sort the columns by the first row:
order=$((for i in $(head -1 $input); do echo $i; done) | nl | sort -k2 | cut -f1)
grep ^ $input | (while read line
read -a columns <<< "${line%"${line##*[![:space:]]}"}"
for i in ${order[#]}
orderedline+=("${columns[$i - 1]}")
line=$(printf "\t%s" "${orderedline[#]}")
echo ${line:1}
To sort by second row, replace head -1 $input with head -2 $input | tail -1. If the sort should be numeric, put in sort -n -k2 instead of sort -k2.
Good one-liner gets the job done:
perl -ane '$,=" "; print sort #F; print "\n";' file
I found it here:
