React-boostrap popover dismissal on content hover - react-bootstrap

I have OverlayTrigger with trigger='hover'. Expected behaviour here would be hiding popover when I moved cursor out of it. However, library hides popover when I move cursor out of button, i.e.
<OverlayTrigger trigger='hover' placement='left' overlay={
... content ...
<Button bsStyle='default'>name</Button>
So, when cursor out of button on popover content (if I want to click on link there for instance) it disappears.
Any solutions for this?

I am just starting to learn React. My solution to this is to set trigger option as "manual", and add onMouseOver={fn} and onMouseOut={fn} to manually show and hide the PopOver content. Here is my sample code:
var popOver_timer;
var Pop = React.createClass({
mixins: [TimerMixin],
mouseOverhandler: function() {
mouseOuthandler: function() {
popOver_timer = this.setTimeout(
()=> {this.refs.pop.hide();},
render: function() {
return (
<div onMouseOver={this.mouseOverhandler} onMouseOut={this.mouseOuthandler}>
<OverlayTrigger ref="pop" placement="bottom" trigger="manual" container={document.body} overlay={
<Popover onMouseOver={this.mouseOverhandler} onMouseOut={this.mouseOuthandler}>
This Page
<a href={this.props.popUsrUrl}>
Besides react-boostrap, I also require react-time-mixin and use the react-setTimeout. It is because when your mouse moves from the button to the popover content, the onMouseOut will be triggered first, then the onMouseOver. Therefore, a time delay for onMouseOut should be set. I set it to 50 ms. Hope it helps.


Make filters sidebar disappear

I would like to give users the ability to hide the filters sidebar so that it appears and disappears at the push of a button. Is this possible?
By default, this feature is not included in the PrestaShop, but you can create it.
Add the new button for example to the themes/classic/templates/catalog/_partials/category-header.tpl
<button class="btn" id="show_hide_filter">Show/hide filters</button>
and with manipulate the DOM with jQuery
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
$('#show_hide_filter').click(function () {

How to find selected tab on KendoTabStrip on page load?

I am using Kendo UI MVC and i have a kendoTabStrip on acshtml page. By default I am selecting the first tab on page load. All other tabs are loaded dynamically using AJAX.
Issue: I am trying to find the selected tab so i can find its children?
one way to find active tab is by calling select() method without parameter, or anotherway is by checking classname 'k-state-active' however both methods doesnt work
<section class="tpt-tabstrip">
.Items(items =>
foreach (var revision in Model.MyCollection)
.LoadContentFrom("MyActionMethod", "MyController", Model.ID);
<script src="~/Scripts/MyScript.js"></script>
Note that above in cshtml that the script tag is at the end of the page.
Below is the script code
var tabStrip = $("#MyTabStrip").getKendoTabStrip();
if (tabStrip != null && tabStrip.tabGroup.length > 0) {; // this line is getting executed for sure
// the line below returns -1 here why?????
var index =;
// another way to find active tab is by checkikng class name 'k-state-active' however it didnt work either.
// jQuery couldnt find any element with class 'k-state-active'
The activate event of tabstrip would not work for me because it get fired each time i select tab. I need an event which gets fired only once. Ultimately i want to find NumericTextBox controls on selected tab and attach 'change' event handlers to those controls. like below
var tabStrip = $('#MyTabStrip').data("kendoTabStrip");
tabStrip.bind('activate', function (e) {
here the change event handler will get attach to NumericTextBox everytime i select the tab
$('.k-state-active') works fine it will return the two elements from DOM. You are trying to select element in $(document).ready that's the reason you are not getting element as tab control is not rendered yet.
Try to write your code onActivate event of kendo tab strip control.
OnActivate event is triggered after a tab is being made visible and its animation complete. Before Q2 2014 this event was invoked after tab show, but before the end of the animation. This event is triggered only for tabs with associated content.
See more at
1st Tab name
<li class="k-item k-state-default k-first k-tab-on-top k-state-active" role="tab" aria-controls="RoleTabs-1" style="" aria-selected="true">
<span class="k-loading k-complete k-progress"></span>
<a class="k-link">Tab Name</a>
2nd Tab Content
<div class="k-content k-state-active" id="RoleTabs-1" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: auto; opacity: 1;" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true">

Bootstrap Popover Keep HTML

How to save popover contents upon re-initializing? Here is my code and the popup contains a form. I want to keep the form values if user comes back to after filling some info...
html: true,
trigger: 'manual',
placement: 'bottom',
content: function () {
var $contents = $('#popover_template').html();
return $contents;
I don't want any modal window etc. Is there a way to keep the contents of a form even if the popover is reopen.
You can use the "hidden" event to detect when your popover closes, then set its content back to your #popover_template div.
// your initialization code
.on("hidden", function(e) {
How to attach a function to popover dismiss event (Twitter Bootstrap)
Bootstrap modal popover hide on close
Bootstrap Popover - Save HTML on close

.wrap() jQuery-Created Button in jQuery-Created <div>

I am currently using the following script to create a button to show/hide comments on WordPress. However, I would like to wrap the <button> the code generates in a <div>, but I cannot seem to get that portion of the code working properly. Here's the code:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Get #comment-section div
var commentsDiv = jQuery('#comment-section');
// Only do this work if that div isn't empty
if (commentsDiv.length) {
// Hide #comment-section div by default
// Append a link to show/hide
.attr('class', 'toggle-comments')
.attr('href', '#')
.html('Show Comments <span class="icon_comment"></span>')
// Encase button in #toggle-comments-container div
.attr('id', 'toggle-comments-container')
// When show/hide is clicked
jQuery('.toggle-comments').on('click', function(e) {
// Show/hide the div using jQuery's toggle()
jQuery(commentsDiv).toggle('slow', function() {
// change the text of the anchor
var anchor = jQuery('.toggle-comments');
var anchorText = anchor.html() == 'Show Comments <span class="icon_comment"></span>' ? 'Hide Comments <span class="icon_comment"></span>' : 'Show Comments <span class="icon_comment"></span>';
} // End of commentsDiv.length
The code generates the button as expected, but does not wrap it in the <div> as intended.
I think you got the wrap() function wrong
jQuery('.toggle-comments').wrap(jQuery('<div/>', {
id: 'toggle-comments-container'
You need to call the wrap() function on the elements which has to be wrapped(in this case toggle-comments), then pass the element which has to wrap the elements as the argument(in this case the div)

How Do I Reselect A KendoUI TabStrip After AJAX Postback in UpdatePanel

I've got a Telerik Kendo UI TabStrip with multiple tabs inside of an UpdatePanel...
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="DataDetails_Panel" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<div id="ABIOptions_TabContainer">
<li>Parent Data Changing</li>
...which I then wire up in javascript later...
var optionTabContainer = $("#ABIOptions_TabContainer").kendoTabStrip({
animation: {
open: {
effects: "fadeIn"
select: onMainTabSelect
The users will click on the various tabs and inside of each tab are settings for our portal. When they are in a tab and they make a change to a setting, the expectation is that they'll click on the 'Save' button, which will perform a postback to the server via ajax, because it is in the update panel.
Current Behavior
After the post back happens and the ul content comes back, I reapply the kendoTabStrip setup function call, which makes none of the tabs selected. This appears to the user like the page is now empty, when it just had content.
Desired Result
What I want to do, is after the partial postback happens and the UpdatePanel sends back the ul, I want to reselect the tab that the user previously selected.
What Already Works
I already have a way to preserve the tab that the user clicked on:
var onMainTabSelect = function (e) {
tabToSelect = e.item;
console.log("onTabSelect --> ", e.item.textContent);
and a function to reset the selected tab whenever it is called:
function setMainTab() {
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(tabToSelect)) {
var tabStrip = $('#ABIOptions_TabContainer').data("kendoTabStrip");
console.log("Attempt to set tab to ", tabToSelect.textContent);;
} else {
console.log("tabToSelect was empty");
What Doesn't Work
My hypothesis is that the Kendo TabStrip says, "Hey, that tab is already selected" when I call the setMainTab after my postback:
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
prm.add_endRequest(function () {
...and therefore, doesn't set my tab back. If I click on the tab, then Poof, all my content is there just like I expect.
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?
I ended up changing the onMainTabSelect method to:
var onMainTabSelect = function (e) {
tabToSelect = $(e.item).data("tabindex");
which gets me the data-tabindex value for each li in my ul. I couldn't get the tab index from kendo, so I had to role my own. Once I got that value, then I was able to set the selected tab via an index rather than the tab object reference itself.
