Program to track customizations/versions of multiple application instances - controls

We are a small software company who have a unique installation of the software for each of our customers - we call it an instance.
Each instance can be a slightly different version and can have dozens of customizations.
We have a number of staff who make changes to these instances and we would like to be able to track these changes:
See the version history of the application
See the history of each customization, including notes about any changes to files/settings
Track changes to our Windows environment, including dates of hotfixes and updates etc
Can anyone recommend a tool with a GUI that might assist with documenting this information?
Traditional Version Control software doesn't seem appropriate for this.


Creating a Windows installer using C# Winforms instead of Installer tool [closed]

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I have used InstallAware and InstallShield before, and they are pretty difficult to work with and when something goes wrong it is very difficult to find and resolved the issue.
My question is why can't we use a Windows application written using C# to do this.
I understand that .Net framework may not be installed on the destination computer, so I wonder why no one has ever used this architecture:
I will create a simple installer using IntallSiheld(or any other similar tool) to just install .Net Framework and after that extracts and runs my own Windows application which I have written using C# in elevated mode. My application will run a Wizard with Back and Next button and I will take care of everything in it (copying files, creating and starting Windows Services, adding registry values, creating firewall extensions etc.)
Has anyone ever done this, and is there anything that prevents people from doing this?
In essence: don't try to re-invent the wheel. Use an existing deployment tool and stay with your day job :-). There are many such tools available. See links below.
And below, prolonged, repetitive musing:
Redux: IMHO and with all due respect, if I may say so, making your own installer software is reinventing the wheel for absolutely no gain whatsoever I am afraid. I believe you will "re-discover" the complexities found by others who have walked the path that is involved in deployment as you create your own installer software and find that software can be quick to make, but very hard to perfect. In the process you will expend lots of effort trying to wrap things up - and "the last meter is very long" as you curse yourself dealing with trifles that take up your time at the expense of what would otherwise pay the bills. Sorting out the bugs in any toolkit for whatever technical feature, can take years or even decades. And no, I am not making it up. It is what all deployment software vendors deal with.
Many Existing Tools: there are many existing tools that implement such deployment functionality already - which are not based on Windows Installer (Inno Setup, NSIS, DeployMaster and heaps of other less known efforts):
There is a list of non-MSI installer software here.
There is another list of MSI-capable software here.
My 2 cents - if you do not like MSI, choose one of the free, non-MSI deployment tools. How to create windows installer.
Corporate Deployment: The really important point (for me) is that corporate deployment relies on standardized packaging formats - such as MSI - to allow reliable, remote management of your software's deployment. Making your own installer will not impress any system administrators or corporate deployment specialists (at least until you sort out years of bugs and deficiencies). They want standardized format that they know how to handle (that does not imply that they are that impressed with existing deployment technology). Doing your deployment with standardized deployment formats can get you corporate approval for your software. If you make a weird deployment format that does unusual things on install that can't be easily captured and deployed on a large scale your software is head-first out of any large corporation. No mercy - for real. These are busy environments and you will face little understanding for your unusual solution.
"File-Pushers": Those of us who push files around for a living know that the field of deployment is riddled with silly problems that quickly kill your productiveness in other endeavors - the ones that make you stand out in your field - your day job. Deployment is a high profile, low status endeavor - and we are not complaining. It is just what it is: a necessity that is harder to deal with than you might think. Just spend your time more wisely is what I would conclude.
Complexity: Maybe skim the section "The Complexity of Deployment" here: Windows Installer and the creation of WiX. It is astonishing to deal with all the silly bugs that happen in deployment. It is not just a file copy, though it might be easy to think it is. And if it happens to be just a file copy, then there are existing tools that do the job. Free ones too. See links above. And if you think deployment is only file-copy in general, then please skim this list of tasks a deployment task should be capable of supporting: What is the benefit and real purpose of program installation?
Will your home-grown package handle the following? (just some random thoughts)
A malware-infected terminal server PC in Korea with Unicode characters in the path?
Symbolic links and NTFS junction points paths?
A laptop which shuts itself off in the middle of your file copy because it is out of battery?
Out of disk space situations? What about disk errors? And copy timeouts?
What about reboot requirements? For in-use files or some other reason. How are they to be handled? What if the system is in a reboot pending state and you need to detect it before kicking off your install?
How will you reliably install, configure and start and stop services?
How will you support uninstall and cleanup for your application?
Security software which flags your unknown, unrecognized, non-standard package a security threat and quarantines it? How would you begin to deal with this? Who do you contact to get into the good graces of a "recognized binary" for elevation?
Non-standard NTFS permissioning (ACLs) and NT Privileges? How do you detect it and degrade gracefully when you get permission denied? (for whatever reason).
Deployment of necessary runtimes for your application to work? (has been done by many others before). Download of the lastest runtimes if your embedded ones are out of date? Etc...
Provide a standardized way to extract files from your installation binary?
Provide help and support for your setup binaries for users who try to use them?
Etc... This was just a random list of whatever came to mind quickly. There are obviously many issues.
This was a bit over the top for what you asked, but don't be fooled to think deployment is something you can sort out a solution for in a few hours. And definitely don't take the job promising to do so - if that is what you are being asked. Just my two cents.
The above issues, and many others, are what people discover they have to handle when creating deployment software - for all but the most trivial deployments. Don't waste your time - use some established tool.
Transaction: If you are working in a corporation and just need your files to your testers, you can deploy using batch files for that matter - if you would like to. But you have to support it, and I guarantee you it will take a lot of your time. What do you do when the batch file failed half-way through due to a network error, and your testers are testing files that are inconsistent? Future deployment technologies may be better for such light-weight tasks. Perhaps the biggest feature of a deployment tool is to report whether the deployment completed successfully or not, and to log the errors and to roll the machine back to a stable state if something failed. Windows Installer does a lot of this work for you.
Distribution: A lot of people feel they can "just replicate my build folder to the user's computers". The complexities involved here are many. There is network involved, and network can never be assumed to be reliable, you need lots of error handling here. Then there is the issue of transactions: when do you know when the computer is in a stable state and should stop replicating. How often do you replicate, only on demand? How do you deal with the few computers that failed to replicate. How do you tell the users? These are distribution issues. Corporations have huge tools such as SCCM to deal with all these error conditions. Trying to re-implement all these checks, logging and features will take a long time. In the end you will have re-created an existing distribution system. Full circle. And how do you do inventory of your computers when there is no product registered as installed since only a batch file or script ran? And if you start replicating a lot of packages, how many times do you scan each file to determine if they are up to date? How much network traffic do you want to create? Where does it end? The answer: I guess transactions must be implemented with full logging and error tracking and rollback. Then you are full circle to a distribution system like I mentioned above and a supported package format as well.
This "just replicate my build folder to my users" ideas somehow remind me of this list: Not a 100% match, but the issues are reminiscent. When networking is involved, things start to become very unpredictable and you need logging, error control, transactions, rollback, network communication, etc... We have re-discovered large scale deployment - the beast that it is.
Network: and let's say you want to replicate your build folder to 10000 desktop machines in your enterprise. How do you kick off the replication? Do you start all replications at once and take down the trading floor of the bank as file replication takes over the whole network like a DDOS attack? Sorry - it is getting out of hand - please pardon the lunacy - but it really is upsetting that this replication approach is seen as viable for large scale deployment with current technology approaches. Built-in Windows features could help, but still need to be tested properly. You need scheduling, queuing, caching, regional distribution shares, logging, reporting / inventory, and God knows what else that a packaging / deployment system gives you already. And re-implementing it will be a pain train of brand new bugs to deal with.
Maybe we one day will see automatic output folder replication based on automatic package generation which really works via an intelligent and transacted distribution system. Many corporate teams are trying, and by using existing tools they get closer with standard package formats used. I guess current cloud deployment systems are moving in this direction with online repositories and easy, interactive installation, but we still need to package our software intelligently. It will be interesting to see what the future holds and what new problems result for packaging and distribution in the age of the cloud.
As we pull files directly from online repositories on-demand we will see a bunch of new problems? Malware, spoofing and injection? (already problematic, but could get worse). Remote files deleted without warning (to get rid of vulnerable releases that should no longer be used - leaving users stranded)? Certificate and signature problems? Firewalls & proxy issues? Auto-magic updates with unfortunate bugs hitting everyone immediately and unexpectedly? And the fallacies of the network and other factors as linked to above. Beats me. We will see.
OK, it became a rant as usual - and that last paragraph is heading over board with speculation (and some of the issues already apply to current deployment). Sorry about that. But do try to get management approval to use an existing packaging & deployment solution is my only advice.
Stefan Kruger's twitter feed:
Choosing a deployment tool:
How to create windows installer
What installation product to use? InstallShield, WiX, Wise, Advanced Installer, etc
Windows Installer and the creation of WiX
WiX quick start tips
More on dark.exe (a bit down the page)

Azure: What if a guest OS update breaks my application?

We are investigating the option of shifting our small company's infrastructure to Azure PaaS (Websites, Cloud Services, SQL) as we do not have the resources to maintain our infrastructure at scale and it takes a lot of developer time to keep our current servers maintained.
The last problem we have with moving the Azure PaaS is that the control over updates seems somewhat limited according to this article Azure enforces that you remain within two patch versions of the guest OS that Microsoft rolls out.
Aside from the fact that that places a testing burden on us (we would have to test that software works with new OS releases forced upon us) there is nothing about what can be done if an Azure update DOES break one of our applications...and it has happens before with Windows Updates.
How is this supposed to be delt with? Has no one else had this problem?
This is typically dealt with by updating your applications and/or fixing your custom code to work with newer patches and/or updates.
There's really very little else you can do. I've worked at places that didn't, and seen the results of blocking an incompatible update long-term (or turning off updates altogether), and it's far worse than just maintaining your whatever. Failure to do so is how you end up paying a group of consultants thousands of dollars an hour to troubleshoot a code base or application that isn't compatible with anything made in the last decade.
I would like to add that you may want to have your whole deployment replicated, but always running on the latest available patch.
This way you could test updates with weeks in advance before updating your production environment.

VB6 app - move server

I am supporting a vb6 application. I am trying to transfer the executable and DLL to a new server and I am prompted with component not registered errors. I have got round this by manually registering the components on the new server.
I have found two files with file extensions of 000 and 001 that have registry commands in them (registering components) Can anyone explain how these files are generated? I have experience creating installation files in to a certain extent.
Repackaging and redeployment is not a developer issue and really doesn't belong here. Such issues are more appropriate for someplace like ServerFault.
It is one thing to have lost all of the source code of an application, but even worse in some ways to have lost the deployment package. Sadly some shops fail to archive either of these.
However it was also common enough for shops to see RAD tools like VB6, Delphi, PowerBuilder, etc. as things to shove off on the worst of the worst of their developers. These poor slobs seldom got official Microsoft training that should have emphasized the importance of creating proper installers. For that matter even those courses tended to marginalize the topic. It doesn't help that the Web is full of "Mort teaching Mort" half-baked development even today, or that the pioneers who wrote many of the early serious VB programming books tended to be loose cannons and contrarians who didn't really believe deployment was a serious concern.
The end result is that lots of shops have machines with VB6 programs shoehorned onto them in a half-baked way. Often when deadlines loomed they let Old Mort install VB6 right onto the production server and let him hack away right there! So it's no wonder people get into trouble once a server needs to be replaced or its OS updated.
Those REG files with .000, .001, etc. extensions aren't anything normal that I'm aware of. For all I know they've fallen out of REGMON runs or some 3rd party packaging tool. Manual registry exports created using REGEDIT would normally have .REG extensions.
If you are actually "supporting" this application it implies that you have the source code, VB6 compiler, developer install packages for any 3rd party controls, and a writeup describing any special packaging and installation requirements (target machine DCOM/COM+ configuration, system requirements such as IIS or MSMQ or 3rd party DBMS Providers and Drivers, special folder requirements, software firewall rules, etc.).
From those it ought to be possible to compile a clean new copy of the EXE, DLLs, etc. and create a clean deployment package - even if some configuration still needs to be done manually before and after running the installer.
Without those you are a computer janitor and your question belongs over at ServerFault. It is no fun, I know. I've had to take part in such janitorial services myself all too often.

Real Time Version Control Software

There's no shortage of traditional version control software, but I'm looking for something that doesn't require me to constantly commit. In other words, I am searching for background software that automatically keeps a history of all files in a directory. If possible, I would also like to be able to add commit notes myself for benchmarks later on.
I have no preference on whether or not the solution is a web service or a local service that I host myself, as long as it is free or has a reasonable one-time fee (no subscriptions please). Performance and Hard Drive Usage are not issues.
I hope that I'm not being too specific with my request. I searched the web for solutions, but I could not find any software that does what I want. For compatibility, I have Windows 7 64-bit and an AMD processor.
You should consider Dropbox. It's not strictly version control software, but it runs in the background and syncs your files to the cloud.
They give you 2GB of storage for free (more if you pay a subscription), and from their website, you can view the different versions of the files in your Dropbox folder.
I don't know of any software or services that do this.
I did come up with a quick idea though
This idea seems like a bit of a hack and it is right off the top of my head (so issues may come up in implementing).
Create an app/service that uses the FileSystemWatcher to detect changes/creation/deletion to the location(s) that you want to version.
When a detection is made, do [bat/cmd/powershell/code/ect] that uses the command line (or other) interface of [insert version control software here] to do a commit.
I think it's fairly straight forward. I think it's easy to implement, but that's the danger of 'top of the head' ideas. A direction to look for rolling your if nothing else. :)
I don't know of any stock solutions, but depending on your IDE/Make system, you should be able to create a postbuild event that commits the files to your "regular" version control system after a successful build (the version control system will need an external API or CLI for this to work). You can then add commit notes, etc. in the version control system at your leisure.

How do you create multiple versions of an ActiveX control?

Hopefully this is a straightforward question, but googling has proved fruitless (and frustrating, to say the least). Links to good documentation would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the problem. We have a web application with an associated ActiveX control. (The control wraps a crufty old MFC application if it matters.) Moving forward, we expect to release multiple versions of this application, and each will have a corresponding version of the control.
If someone accesses two versions of the web application, then that user should end up with two different versions of the control on his system. (The controls should play nice and not clobber each other.) In addition, I want to automate this process. Our system has a global version number that applies to all components. If we change the version number, the next build should produce a new version of the control.
What's the best way to do this?
If your ActiveX control is exactly the same for all versions of your application, you shouldn’t change control’s version to avoid annoying installation process for end users. AX version is needed for automatic update if it is necessary.
If control differs for each version, I would use different CLSIDs for controls.
