PROLOG [hand computation] - prolog

I am trying to practice hand computations in prolog could you please explain to me and demonstrate a hand computation of this certain question so I can gain more of an understanding.
In a Prolog project involving text processing (not discussed here further) a predicate duplicate/2 has been implemented for duplicating every entry of a list.
Below is an example of what duplicate/2 does:
?- duplicate([w,o,r,d], D).
D = [w,w,o,o,r,r,d,d] .
?- duplicate([], D).
D = [].
below shows the definition of duplicate/2 . Write down hand computations for duplicate/2
duplicate(L, D) :- duplicate(L,[], D). % clause 0
duplicate([], Acc, D) :- reverse(Acc, D). % clause 1
duplicate([H|T], Acc, D) :- duplicate(T, [H, H|Acc], D). % clause 2
(involving the auxiliary predicate duplicate/3 ) such that each of the three
clauses (numbered 0, 1, 2), is performed in the hand computations.

If you allow the computer to help you in hand computation there are two classical approaches to do that:
1) Use a debugger: Most of the Prolog debuggers use the Byrd box model, means it only shows you a selected goal in the process of a resolution proof. Here is a run of a smaller query for a simpler program. Usually the debugger can be switched on by trace:
?- [user].
duplicate([], []).
duplicate([X|Y], [X,X|Z]) :- duplicate(Y,Z).
?- duplicate([w,o],X).
X = [w,w,o,o]
?- trace.
?- duplicate([w,o],X).
0 Call duplicate([w,o], X) ?
1 Call duplicate([o], _C) ?
2 Call duplicate([], _F) ?
2 Exit duplicate([], []) ?
1 Exit duplicate([o], [o,o]) ?
0 Exit duplicate([w,o], [w,w,o,o]) ?
X = [w,w,o,o] ;
0 Redo duplicate([w,o], [w,w,o,o]) ?
1 Redo duplicate([o], [o,o]) ?
2 Redo duplicate([], []) ?
2 Fail duplicate([], _F) ?
1 Fail duplicate([o], _C) ?
0 Fail duplicate([w,o], X) ?
2) Write a meta interpreter: You can write meta interpreters that deliver a trace, which can be inspected after a run and which give a certificate of the proof the Prolog system found:
This is the normal vanilla interpreter:
solve(true) :- !.
solve((A,B)) :- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) :- rule(A,B), solve(B).
Here is an interpreter that gives a trace of the applied
clauses, its implemented in DCG:
solve(true) --> [].
solve((A,B)) --> !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) --> {rule(A,B)}, [(A :- B)], solve(B).
Here is an example run for the simplified duplicate query and program again:
rule(duplicate([], []), true).
rule(duplicate([X|Y], [X,X|Z]), duplicate(Y,Z)).
?- solve(duplicate([w,o],X),L,[]).
X = [w,w,o,o],
L = [(duplicate([w,o],[w,w,o,o]) :- duplicate([o],[o,o])),
(duplicate([o],[o,o]) :- duplicate([],[])),
(duplicate([],[]) :- true)]

Well let's go for a reduced version of your example query duplicate([w], D).
. There's only one rule head, which takes two arguments: the one of clause 0, with L=[w] and D1=D.(1) The body tells us, we should derive duplicate([w],[],D) instead. The head of clause 1 does not match, because [] and [w] cannot be unified. This leaves clause 2: [w] = [H|T] unifies with H=w and T=[] (2), Acc = [] and D2=D. Now our new goal is duplicate([], [w,w], D), which only matches against clause 1 (3). Our goal there is reverse([w,w],D), which is the builtin reverse/2 predicate. It is true if D unifies with the reverse list of [w,w], therefore D=[w,w]. Now we don't have any goals to derive and have found a full derivation. Since we always renamed the rule's variables, the D is still the one from our original query, meaning that D = [w,w] is a correct answer substitution for the query.
I admit I was a bit lazy, with only one duplicated letter, the reversal of the accumulator Acc seems a little pointless. To see why it is necessary, you can try the same derivation for duplicate([x,y],D), where the accumulator should be [y,y,x,x] since the elements are always prepended.
Another interesting exercise is also duplicate(X,[w,w]) and to check why duplicate(X,[w]) fails (Hint: look at the unification problem [w] = [H,H|Acc] ). What's also not contained so far is backtracking: in the case of the query duplicate(X, Y), your goal matches multiple heads and you get more than one solution (actually an infinite number of them).
Have fun playing around!
(1) A rule is true independent of how exactly its variables are named. When we have two variables of the same name D from different rules, we need to rename the D in one of the rules to something else, say D1.
(2) You can check this on the prompt by entering the unification as a query:
1 ?- [w] = [H|T].
H = w,
T = [].
(3) The reason is that the list [H|T] has at least one element, whereas [] doesn't have one. You can again check this on the prompt:
2 ?- [] = [H|T].

duplicate(L, D) :- duplicate(L,[], D). % clause 0
duplicate([], Acc, D) :- reverse(Acc, D). % clause 1
duplicate([H|T], Acc, D) :- duplicate(T, [H, H|Acc], D). % clause 2
quick hand computation below for my understanding please correct me if im wrong and tell me if i am correct because i am new to prolog.
duplicate[w,o,r,d], D) clause 0 --> duplicate ([w,o,r,d],[].D).
clause 2 --> duplicate[w,o,r,d],Acc,D) --> clause 2 duplicate([o,r,d],[w,w],[],D),
i could keep going through clause 2 to keep duplicating the head of the list , i can do this till the list is empty []. then i can move to clause 1.
which i can then put my list in the accumulator then reverse it to produce [d,d,r,r,o,o,w,w]
below is the hand computation of clause 1.
clause 1 duplicate[w,w,o,o,r,r,d,d],D) ---> clause 1 reverse([w,w,o,o,r,r,d,d],D).
D = [d,d,r,r,o,o,w,w]


How is it that a clause that requires a ground term works, but that term isn't ground outside of the clause?

I'd like to test whether a term has only one solution.
(Understanding that this might be done in different ways) I've done the following and would like to understand why it doesn't work, if it can be made to work, and if not, what the appropriate implementation would be.
First, I have an "implies" operator (that has seemed to work elsewhere):
:- op(1050,xfy,'==>').
'==>'(A,B) :-·forall(call(A), call(B)).
next I have my singleSolution predicate:
singleSolution(G) :- copy_term(G,G2), (call(G), call(G2)) ==> (G = G2).
Here I'm trying to say: take a term G and make a copy of it, so I can solve them independently. Now if solving both independently implies they are equal, then there must be only one solution.
This works in some simple cases.
I have a predicate foo(X,Y,Z) (too large to share) which solves things properly, and for which singleSolution can answer correctly. However, X,Y,Z are not fully ground after singleSolution(foo(X,Y,Z)) is called, even though they would be after directly calling foo(X,Y,Z).
I don't understand that. (As a sanity test: I've verified that I get the same results under swi-prolog and gprolog.)
EDIT: Here is an example of where this fails.
increasing([X,Y|T]) :- X < Y, increasing([Y|T]).
increasingSublist(LL,L) :-·
length(L, Len),
Len > 1,
| ?- findall(L, singleSolution(increasingSublist([1,2],L)),R).
R = [_]
But we don't know what L is.
This seems to work, but I'm not sure if it's logically sound :)
It uses call_nth/2, a nonstandard but common predicate. It abuses throw to short-circuit the computation. Using bagof/3 instead of findall/3 lets us keep the Goal argument bound (and it will fail where findall/3 would succeed if it finds 0 solutions).
only_once(Goal) :-
catch(bagof(_, only_once_(Goal), _), too_many, fail).
only_once_(Goal) :-
call_nth(Goal, N),
( N > 1
-> throw(too_many)
; true
Testing it (on SWI):
?- only_once(member(X, [1])).
X = 1.
?- only_once(member(a, [a, b])).
?- only_once(member(X, [a, b])).
?- only_once(between(1,inf,X)).
Unfortunately, I don't think call_nth/2 is supported in GNU Prolog.
Another possible solution:
single_solution(G) :-
copy_term(G, H),
( ground(H)
-> true
; \+ ( call(H), G \= H ) % There is no H different from G
?- single_solution( p(X) ).
X = a.
?- single_solution( q(X) ).
?- single_solution( member(X, [a,a,a]) ).
X = a.
?- single_solution( member(X, [a,b,c]) ).
?- single_solution( repeat ).
?- single_solution( between(1,inf,X) ).
?- single_solution( between(1,inf,5) ).
Here is an another approach I came up with after #gusbro commented that forall/2 doesn't bind variables from the calling goal.
single_solution(G) :-·
% duplicate the goal so we can solve independently
% solve the first goal at least / at most once.
G, !,
% can we solve the duplicate differently?
% if so, cut & fail. Otherwise, succeed.
(G2, G2 \= G, !, fail; true).

Why does removing the cut operator in this Prolog recursion not matter?

Regardless of whether I use cut operators or not in the following code, I receive the same answer of Y = 2.
%% Operation 1
f([H|T], Y) :-
f(H, A),
f(T, B),
Y is A + B,
%% Operation 2
f(c, 1) :-
%% Operation 3
f(_, 0).
When I run the query f([c, [c], d], Y). and trace, I see the same steps are taken. I tried to remove the cut operator (!) from Operation 2 and saw no difference. After removing this, I also removed the cut operator from Operation 1 and saw no difference either. Why does using the cut operator not matter here? (Link to run code)
Your query f([c, [c], d], Y). first unifies with rule 1 and succeeds with Y = 2. But the last goal of that rule is a cut that commits to this derivation path (i.e. it prevents backtracking), leaving you with only that solution. You can find the missing answers by removing the cut in rule 1.
A minimal example of this phenomenon looks like this:
g(1) :-
The general query now has only one answer even though there are two:
?- g(X).
X = 1.
?- g(1).
?- g(2).
In other words, cut undermines the logical foundation of Prolog because the rule of generalisation ( P(t) → ∃x P(x) i.e. a predicate holds for an instance means it also holds for the predicate where the term is replace by a variable) does not hold anymore.

Predicates with =.. operator in Prolog

Last time I learnt about =.. that can translate a list to term and opposite.
I have 3 predicates to do, first one is the one that translates a list to a term. I came up with sth like this:
list_to_term(List, Functor, Term) :-
Term =.. [Functor | List].
Is it okey? Enough? Or I miss something?
The other predicate is count(A,T,N) for element A, in term T with number N that is true if N is a count of elements A in term T... Can anyone help me with this one or how to start?
?- count(a,f(a),N).
N = 1
?- count(a,f(a,g(b,a),N).
N = 2.
?- count(a,f(a,g(X,a),N).
N = 2.
Looking at the answer of this post you can reuse the predicate flatten_term/2, a little bit modified to handle free variables, to sove your problem. Here is the code for a basic solution:
Term =.. TermList,
A \== H,!,
A == H,!,
N1 is N+1,
?- count(a,f(a,g(X,a),d),T).
T = 2.
?- count(X,f(a,g(X,a),d),T).
T = 1
First of all you flatten the term using flatten_term/2. Then simply count the occurrences of the element you want to find using occurrences/4. You can, if you want, modify flatten_term/2 to avoid the usage of occurrences/4 and so scan the term (list) only one time... Something like: flatten_term(Term,Flatten,ElementToFind,Counter,Total).
Start by solving a more general problem of counting the terms in a list. Processing a term is processing a singleton list containing that term, after all:
count(A,T,N):- count(A, [T|Z],Z, 0,N).
count(_, [], [], C,N):- N is C, !.
count(A, [T|B],Z, C,N):- ?=(A,T), A=T, !, count(A, B,Z, C+1,N).
count(A, [T|B],Z, C,N):- ?=(A,T), T=..[_|S], !, append(S,Y,Z), count(A, B,Y, C,N).
count(A, [_|B],Z, C,N):- count(A, B,Z, C,N).
This opens up each head term in a list in succession and appends its argument terms to that list thus using it as a queue... thus processing the predicate's second argument T in a breadth-first manner.
This assumes A argument is an atom, and ?= is used to avoid instantiating the free variables we might encounter, and instead to skip over them, as your examples seem to indicate.
Is it okey? Enough? Or I miss something?
Prolog's =../2 predicate [swi-doc] can "pack" and "unpack" a list that contains the functor name and its arguments in a term and vice versa. So one can use this to construct a term, or to analyze a term. For example:
?- f(a,g(b,a)) =.. L.
L = [f, a, g(b, a)].
Here f is the functor name, and a and g(b, a) are the arguments. These arguments can be terms as well, and then we thus need to unpack these arguments further.
We can for example obtain all the subterms of a term with:
subterms(T, T) :-
\+ var(T).
subterms(T, ST) :-
\+ var(T),
T =.. [_|As],
member(A, As),
subterms(A, ST).
For example:
?- subterms(f(a,g(X,a)),N).
N = f(a, g(X, a)) ;
N = a ;
N = g(X, a) ;
N = a ;
Now that we obtained all (sub)terms, we can slightly rewrite the predicate to count the number of elements that match:
subterm_query(Q, T) :-
Q == T.
subterm_query(Q, T) :-
\+ var(T),
T =.. [_|As],
member(A, As),
subterm_query(Q, A).
so we obtain if we query for a:
?- subterm_query(a, f(a,g(X,a))).
true ;
true ;
If we can use the aggregate library, we can make use of the aggregate_all/3 predicate to count the number of times, the predicate was succesful:
?- aggregate_all(count, subterm_query(a, f(a,g(X,a))), Count).
Count = 2.
If not, you need to implement a mechanism that returns 1 for a match, and sums up recursively the matches of the child terms. I leave this as an exercise.

Understanding Prolog Lists

I am trying to understand Prolog lists, and how values are 'returned' / instantiated at the end of a recursive function.
I am looking at this simple example:
val_and_remainder(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|R]) :-
If I call val_and_remainder(X, [1,2,3], R). then I will get the following outputs:
X = 1, R = [2,3];
X = 2, R = [1,3];
X = 3, R = [1,2];
But I am confused as to why in the base case (val_and_remainder(X,[X|Xs],Xs).) Xs has to appear as it does.
If I was to call val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R). then it seems to me as though it would run through the program as:
% Initial call
val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R).
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R]) :- val_and_remainder(2, [2,3], R).
% Hits base case
val_and_remainder(2, [2|[3]], [3]).
If the above run through is correct then how does it get the correct value for R? As in the above case the value of R should be R = [1,3].
In Prolog, you need to think of predicates not as functions as you would normally in other languages. Predicates describe relationships which might include arguments that help define that relationship.
For example, let's take this simple case:
same_term(X, X).
This is a predicate that defines a relationship between two arguments. Through unification it is saying that the first and second arguments are the same if they are unified (and that definition is up to us, the writers of the predicate). Thus, same_term(a, a) will succeed, same_term(a, b) will fail, and same_term(a, X) will succeed with X = a.
You could also write this in a more explicit form:
same_term(X, Y) :-
X = Y. % X and Y are the same if they are unified
Now let's look at your example, val_and_remainder/3. First, what does it mean?
val_and_remainder(X, List, Rest)
This means that X is an element of List and Rest is a list consisting of all of the rest of the elements (without X). (NOTE: You didn't explain this meaning right off, but I'm determining this meaning from the implementation your example.)
Now we can write out to describe the rules. First, a simple base case:
This says that:
Xs is the remainder of list [X|Xs] without X.
This statement should be pretty obvious by the definition of the [X|Xs] syntax for a list in Prolog. You need all of these arguments because the third argument Xs must unify with the tail (rest) of list [X|Xs], which is then also Xs (variables of the same name are, by definition, unified). As before, you could write this out in more detail as:
val_and_remainder(X, [H|T], R) :-
X = H,
R = T.
But the short form is actually more clear.
Now the recursive clause says:
val_and_remainder(X, [Y|Ys], [Y|R]) :-
val_and_remainder(X, Ys, R).
So this means:
[Y|R] is the remainder of list [Y|Ys] without X if R is the remainder of list Ys without the element X.
You need to think about that rule to convince yourself that it is logically true. The Y is the same in second and third arguments because they are referring to the same element, so they must unify.
So these two predicate clauses form two rules that cover both cases. The first case is the simple case where X is the first element of the list. The second case is a recursive definition for when X is not the first element.
When you make a query, such as val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R). Prolog looks to see if it can unify the term val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R) with a fact or the head of one of your predicate clauses. It fails in its attempt to unify with val_and_remainder(X,[X|Xs],Xs) because it would need to unify X with 2, which means it would need to unify [1,2,3] with [2|Xs] which fails since the first element of [1,2,3] is 1, but the first element of [2|Xs] is 2.
So Prolog moves on and successfully unifies val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R) with val_and_remainder(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|R]) by unifying X with 2, Y with 1, Ys with [2,3], and R with [Y|R] (NOTE, this is important, the R variable in your call is NOT the same as the R variable in the predicate definition, so we should name this R1 to avoid that confusion). We'll name your R as R1 and say that R1 is unified with [Y|R].
When the body of the second clause is executed, it calls val_and_remainder(X,Ys,R). or, in other words, val_and_remainder(2, [2,3], R). This will unify now with the first clause and give you R = [3]. When you unwind all of that, you get, R1 = [Y|[3]], and recalling that Y was bound to 1, the result is R1 = [1,3].
Stepwise reproduction of Prolog's mechanism often leads to more confusion than it helps. You probably have notions like "returning" meaning something very specific—more appropriate to imperative languages.
Here are different approaches you can always use:
Ask the most general query
... and let Prolog explain you what the relation is about.
?- val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys).
Xs = [X|Ys]
; Xs = [_A,X|_B], Ys = [_A|_B]
; Xs = [_A,_B,X|_C], Ys = [_A,_B|_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,X|_D], Ys = [_A,_B,_C|_D]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D,X|_E], Ys = [_A,_B,_C,_D|_E]
; ... .
So Xs and Ys share a common list prefix, Xs has thereafter an X, followed by a common rest. This query would continue producing further answers. Sometimes, you want to see all answers, then you have to be more specific. But don't be too specific:
?- Xs = [_,_,_,_], val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys).
Xs = [X,_A,_B,_C], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; Xs = [_A,X,_B,_C], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,X,_C], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,X], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; false.
So here we got all possible answers for a four-element list. All of them.
Stick to ground goals when going through specific inferences
So instead of val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R). (which obviously got your head spinning) rather consider val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], [1,3]). and then
val_and_remainder(2, [2,3],[3]). From this side it should be obvious.
Read Prolog rules right-to-left
See Prolog rules as production rules. Thus, whenever everything holds on the right-hand side of a rule, you can conclude what is on the left. Thus, the :- is an early 1970s' representation of a ←
Later on, you may want to ponder more complex questions, too. Like
Functional dependencies
Does the first and second argument uniquely determine the last one? Does X, Xs → Ys hold?
Here is a sample query that asks for Ys and Ys2 being different for the same X and Xs.
?- val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys), val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys2), dif(Ys,Ys2).
Xs = [X,_A,X|_B], Ys = [_A,X|_B], Ys2 = [X,_A|_B], dif([_A,X|_B],[X,_A|_B])
; ... .
So apparently, there are different values for Ys for a given X and Xs. Here is a concrete instance:
?- val_and_remainder(x, [x,a,x], Ys).
Ys = [a,x]
; Ys = [x,a]
; false.
There is no classical returning here. It does not return once but twice. It's more of a yield.
Yet, there is in fact a functional dependency between the arguments! Can you find it? And can you Prolog-wise prove it (as much as Prolog can do a proof, indeed).
From comment:
How the result of R is correct, because if you look at my run-though
of a program call, the value of Xs isn't [1,3], which is what it
eventually outputs; it is instead [3] which unifies to R (clearly I am
missing something along the way, but I am unsure what that is).
This is correct:
% Initial call
val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R).
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R]) :- val_and_remainder(2, [2,3], R).
% Hits base case
val_and_remainder(2, [2|[3]], [3]).
however Prolog is not like other programming languages where you enter with input and exit with output at a return statement. In Prolog you move forward through the predicate statements unifying and continuing with predicates that are true, and upon backtracking also unifying the unbound variables. (That is not technically correct but it is easier to understand for some if you think of it that way.)
You did not take into consideration the the unbound variables that are now bound upon backtracking.
When you hit the base case Xs was bound to [3],
but when you backtrack you have look at
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R])
and in particular [1|R] for the third parameter.
Since Xs was unified with R in the call to the base case, i.e.
R now has [3].
Now the third parameter position in
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R])
is [1|R] which is [1|[3]] which as syntactic sugar is [1,3] and not just [3].
Now when the query
val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R).
was run, the third parameter of the query R was unified with the third parameter of the predicate
so R was unified with [Y|R] which unpon backtracking is [1,3]
and thus the value bound to the query variable R is [1,3]
I don't understand the name of your predicate. It is a distraction anyway. The non-uniform naming of the variables is a distraction as well. Let's use some neutral, short one-syllable names to focus on the code itself in its clearest form:
foo( H, [H | T], T). % 1st clause
foo( X, [H | T], [H | R]) :- foo( X, T, R). % 2nd clause
So it's the built-in select/3. Yay!..
Now you ask about the query foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) and how does R gets its value set correctly. The main thing missing from your rundown is the renaming of variables when a matching clause is selected. The resolution of the query goes like this:
|- foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) ? { }
%% SELECT -- 1st clause, with rename
|- ? { foo( H1, [H1|T1], T1) = foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) }
**FAIL** (2 = 1)
**BACKTRACK to the last SELECT**
%% SELECT -- 2nd clause, with rename
|- foo( X1, T1, R1) ?
{ foo( X1, [H1|T1], [H1|R1]) = foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) }
|- foo( X1, T1, R1) ?
{ X1=2, [H1|T1]=[1,2,3], [H1|R1]=R }
|- foo( 2, [2,3], R1) ? { R=[1|R1] }
%% SELECT -- 1st clause, with rename
|- ? { foo( H2, [H2|T2], T2) = foo( 2, [2,3], R1), R=[1|R1] }
** OK **
|- ? { H2=2, T2=[3], T2=R1, R=[1|R1] }
|- ? { R=[1,3] }
The goals between |- and ? are the resolvent, the equations inside { } are the substitution. The knowledge base (KB) is implicitly to the left of |- in its entirety.
On each step, the left-most goal in the resolvent is chosen, a clause with the matching head is chosen among the ones in the KB (while renaming all of the clause's variables in the consistent manner, such that no variable in the resolvent is used by the renamed clause, so there's no accidental variable capture), and the chosen goal is replaced in the resolvent with that clause's body, while the successful unification is added into the substitution. When the resolvent is empty, the query has been proven and what we see is the one successful and-branch in the whole and-or tree.
This is how a machine could be doing it. The "rewrite" steps are introduced here for ease of human comprehension.
So we can see here that the first successful clause selection results in the equation
R = [1 | R1 ]
, and the second, --
R1 = [3]
, which together entail
R = [1, 3]
This gradual top-down instantiation / fleshing-out of lists is a very characteristic Prolog's way of doing things.
In response to the bounty challenge, regarding functional dependency in the relation foo/3 (i.e. select/3): in foo(A,B,C), any two ground values for B and C uniquely determine the value of A (or its absence):
2 ?- foo( A, [0,1,2,1,3], [0,2,1,3]).
A = 1 ;
3 ?- foo( A, [0,1,2,1,3], [0,1,2,3]).
A = 1 ;
4 ?- foo( A, [0,1,2,1,3], [0,1,2,4]).
f ?- foo( A, [0,1,1], [0,1]).
A = 1 ;
A = 1 ;
Attempt to disprove it by a counterargument:
10 ?- dif(A1,A2), foo(A1,B,C), foo(A2,B,C).
Action (h for help) ? abort
% Execution Aborted
Prolog fails to find a counterargument.
Tying to see more closely what's going on, with iterative deepening:
28 ?- length(BB,NN), foo(AA,BB,CC), XX=[AA,BB,CC], numbervars(XX),
writeln(XX), (NN>3, !, fail).
29 ?- length(BB,NN), foo(AA,BB,CC), foo(AA2,BB,CC),
XX=[AA,AA2,BB,CC], numbervars(XX), writeln(XX), (NN>3, !, fail).
AA and AA2 are always instantiated to the same variable.
There's nothing special about the number 3, so it is safe to conjecture by generalization that it will always be so, for any length tried.
Another attempt at Prolog-wise proof:
findall(N, between(1,LEN,N), NS),
maplist( \A^member(A,NS), L).
bcs(N, BCS):-
bagof(B-C, A^(ground_list(N,B),ground_list(N,C),foo(A,B,C)), BCS).
as(N, AS):-
bagof(A, B^C^(ground_list(N,B),ground_list(N,C),foo(A,B,C)), AS).
as(N,AS), bcs(N,BCS),
length(AS,N1), length(BCS, N2), N1 =:= N2.
This compares the number of successful B-C combinations overall with the number of As they produce. Equality means one-to-one correspondence.
And so we have,
2 ?- proof(2).
3 ?- proof(3).
4 ?- proof(4).
5 ?- proof(5).
And so for any N it holds. Getting slower and slower. A general, unlimited query is trivial to write, but the slowdown seems exponential.

Prolog - count occurrence of number

I want to write predicate which can count all encountered number:
count(1, [1,0,0,1,0], X).
X = 2.
I tried to write it like:
count(_, [], 0).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- count(Num, T, X1), Num = H, X is X1 + 1.
Why doesn't work it?
Why doesn't work it?
Prolog is a programming language that often can answer such question directly. Look how I tried out your definition starting with your failing query:
?- count(1, [1,0,0,1,0], X).
?- count(1, Xs, X).
Xs = [], X = 0
; Xs = [1], X = 1
; Xs = [1,1], X = 2
; Xs = [1,1,1], X = 3
; ... .
?- Xs = [_,_,_], count(1, Xs, X).
Xs = [1,1,1], X = 3.
So first I realized that the query does not work at all, then I generalized the query. I replaced the big list by a variable Xs and said: Prolog, fill in the blanks for me! And Prolog did this and reveals us precisely the cases when it will succeed.
In fact, it only succeeds with lists of 1s only. That is odd. Your definition is too restricted - it correctly counts the 1s in lists where there are only ones, but all other lists are rejected. #coder showed you how to extend your definition.
Here is another one using library(reif) for
SICStus|SWI. Alternatively, see tfilter/3.
count(X, Xs, N) :-
tfilter(=(X), Xs, Ys),
length(Ys, N).
A definition more in the style of the other definitions:
count(_, [], 0).
count(E, [X|Xs], N0) :-
if_(E = X, C = 1, C = 0),
count(E, Xs, N1),
N0 is N1+C.
And now for some more general uses:
How does a four element list look like that has 3 times a 1 in it?
?- length(L, 4), count(1, L, 3).
L = [1,1,1,_A], dif(1,_A)
; L = [1,1,_A,1], dif(1,_A)
; L = [1,_A,1,1], dif(1,_A)
; L = [_A,1,1,1], dif(1,_A)
; false.
So the remaining element must be something different from 1.
That's the fine generality Prolog offers us.
The problem is that as stated by #lurker if condition (or better unification) fails then the predicate will fail. You could make another clause for this purpose, using dif/2 which is pure and defined in the iso:
count(_, [], 0).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- dif(Num,H), count(Num, T, X).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- Num = H, count(Num, T, X1), X is X1 + 1.
The above is not the most efficient solution since it leaves many choice points but it is a quick and correct solution.
You simply let the predicate fail at the unification Num = X. Basically, it's like you don't accept terms which are different from the only one you are counting.
I propose to you this simple solution which uses tail recursion and scans the list in linear time. Despite the length, it's very efficient and elegant, it exploits declarative programming techniques and the backtracking of the Prolog engine.
count(C, L, R) :-
count(C, L, 0, R).
count(_, [], Acc, Acc).
count(C, [C|Xr], Acc, R) :-
IncAcc is Acc + 1,
count(C, Xr, IncAcc, R).
count(C, [X|Xr], Acc, R) :-
dif(X, C),
count(C, Xr, Acc, R).
count/3 is the launcher predicate. It takes the term to count, the list and gives to you the result value.
The first count/4 is the basic case of the recursion.
The second count/4 is executed when the head of the list is unified with the term you are looking for.
The third count/4 is reached upon backtracking: If the term doesn’t match, the unification fails, you won't need to increment the accumulator.
Acc allows you to scan the entire list propagating the partial result of the recursive processing. At the end you simply have to return it.
I solved it myself:
count(_, [], 0).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- Num \= H, count(Num, T, X).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- Num = H, count(Num, T, X1), X is X1 + 1.
I have decided to add my solution to the list here.
Other solutions here use either explicit unification/failure to unify, or libraries/other functions, but mine uses cuts and implicit unification instead. Note my solution is similar to Ilario's solution but simplifies this using cuts.
count(_, [], 0) :- !.
count(Value, [Value|Tail],Occurrences) :- !,
Occurrences is TailOcc+1.
count(Value, [_|Tail], Occurrences) :- count(Value,Tail,Occurrences).
How does this work? And how did you code it?
It is often useful to equate solving a problem like this to solving a proof by induction, with a base case, and then a inductive step which shows how to reduce the problem down.
Line 1 - base case
Line 1 (count(_, [], 0) :- !.) handles the "base case".
As we are working on a list, and have to look at each element, the simplest case is zero elements ([]). Therefore, we want a list with zero elements to have no instances of the Value we are looking for.
Note I have replaced Value in the final code with _ - this is because we do not care what value we are looking for if there are no values in the list anyway! Therefore, to avoid a singleton variable we negate it here.
I also added a ! (a cut) after this - as there is only one correct value for the number of occurrences we do not want Prolog to backtrack and fail - therefore we tell Prolog we found the correct value by adding this cut.
Lines 2/3 - inductive step
Lines 2 and 3 handle the "inductive step". This should handle if we have one or more elements in the list we are given. In Prolog we can only directly look at the head of the list, therefore let us look at one element at a time. Therefore, we have two cases - either the value at the head of the list is the Value we are looking for, or it is not.
Line 2
Line 2 (count(Value, [Value|Tail],Occurrences) :- !, count(Value,Tail,TailOcc), Occurrences is TailOcc+1.) handles if the head of our list and the value we are looking for match. Therefore, we simply use the same variable name so Prolog will unify them.
A cut is used as the first step in our solution (which makes each case mutually exclusive, and makes our solution last-call-optimised, by telling Prolog not to try any other rules).
Then, we find out how many instances of our term there are in the rest of the list (call it TailOcc). We don't know how many terms there are in the list we have at the moment, but we know it is one more than there are in the rest of the list (as we have a match).
Once we know how many instances there are in the rest of the list (call this Tail), we can take this value and add 1 to it, then return this as the last value in our count function (call this Occurences).
Line 3
Line 3 (count(Value, [_|Tail], Occurrences) :- count(Value,Tail,Occurrences).) handles if the head of our list and the value we are looking for do not match.
As we used a cut in line 2, this line will only be tried if line 2 fails (i.e. there is no match).
We simply take the number of instances in the rest of the list (the tail) and return this same value without editing it.
