How to get ckeditor to format entire text, no selection? - ckeditor

We have simple formatting requirements and want to use ckeditor to format a single line of text. I've disabled ENTER so only a single line can be entered. But how do I get the formatting to apply to the entire text entered and disallow the user from selecting text?


unwanted space being added to email field views drupal 7

I am in the process of changing a php site over to a drupal. I am having an issue with rewriting an email field. I want all the buttons to say "EMAIL", but then I want the buttons to link to the individuals actual email address. So here's what I've done in views:
I set the email field up as a text field (when I tried setting it up
as an email field it added unnecessary characters %40)
then I rewrote the results
added text field "EMAIL"
outputted the field as a link using replacement patterns
"mailto:[field_email] clicked apply and save
Now when I hover over the email button it shows the correct email only it is adding unwanted space between mailto: and (mailto: between
I need to remove the unnecessary white space between the mailto: and info
In order to remove the extra spaces being added between the "mailto:" and "" in views you need to disable "Use Field Templates" under the Style Section (while editing the individual field).

script to select and change font color in a filemaker field on specific records

I am trying to create a script in Filemaker, so that when one field contains a specific value it will go to another field, select the text and change that field text color, just on that specific record. Is there an applescript method to change selected text from one color to another?
(I run a small B&B and am trying to get fields to change to red when the reservation cancelled field is selected.)
You can do this by applying Conditional Formatting to the text field when in Layout mode; no script required.

evaluate HTML content from item in region Oracle APEX

In the database table I have a CLOB column that stores content with html markup. To display the content, I have a "Hidden" item called P4_DESCRIPTION and in the region that I want to display the value of the item, I use &P4_DESCRIPTION. .
Unfortunatelly it is not evaluating the HTML markup and displays the content as it is stored in the DB.
I also tried to change the P4_DESCRIPTION from "Hidden" to "Display Only" but I have the same problem. A workaround that I found is that if I have the P4_DESCRIPTION as "Display Only" and in the region I keep the &P4_DESCRIPTION. then the &P4_DESCRIPTION. will evaluate the HTML code. In this case I have hide with CSS the item and I will have the result I want. But I suppose it's a dirty way of doing it.
What is the clean way of displaying the content of the column that contains HTML markup? (btw to create the content of that column I used the rich text editor field)
Set the item to Display Only and set Escape special characters on it to No.

Change the editor for editor form field for a specific view

I want to change the editor form field only for a specific form in a view to a certain editor, e.g. TinyMCE, but I don't want to change the default editor in the joomla configuration.
Is there a way to specify the editor for a certain editor field?
I found the hide and editor attributes for the field here, but I can't find an example or more documentation how to use them properly. Are those attributes helpful for my problem at all?
Simply use
this will give a list of precedence, if tinymce should not be available it will try none. I guess your editors list can be of any length. Separate editors with pipe "|"

SSRS 2008 partial string formatting

Say I have a data field (call it Results.MyString) that looks like this in a text box in my report:
Some text here for all to read.
Also, say that I have a data field (call it Results.MyParam) that has this value:
Is there a way to conditionally format the text box so that it would search Results.MyString for any matches to Results.MyParam and change the color of them?
The end result would have the word "here" be a different color (ie Red), but the rest of the text in the text box be Black.
Selected Text is what you are looking for.
Two parts to the answer. 1. Hook into the code window by opening the Report parameters Code tab. Place your functions in the code window. 2. You can make a textbox expression placeholder react to HTML tags by enabling that property on the expression placeholder. (You can Google 'ssrs placeholder expression' for specifics.)
Your function could parse the text, find target string, dynamically surround the target with the appropriate HTML color tags and return the expression to the textbox.
