Query very slow after a few execution - oracle

I'm new of oracle and now I'm becoming crazy with the following situation. I'm working on a oracle 11g database and many times is happening that I run a query with sql developer and this is correctly executed in 5/6 seconds, others time instead the same query take 300/400 second to be executed. There is some tools to debug what is happening when the query employs 300/400 second?
Update 1
This is my sql developer screenshot the problem seems be direct path read temp
Update 2
Update 3
Any suggestion?

Try setting a trace. User being whatever user is experiencing the delay
As sys:
As the user executing the trace:
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';
Produce the error/issue, then as the user testing:
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context off';
As system find out where the trace files are kept:
show parameter background_dump_dest;
Go to that directory and look for .trc/.trm files containing MY_TEST_SESSION. For example ORCL_ora_29772_MY_TEST_SESSION.trc.
After that tkprof those files. In linux:
tkprof ORCL_ora_29772_MY_TEST_SESSION.trc output=ORCL_ora_29772_MY_TEST_SESSION.tkprof explain=user/password sys=no
Read the tkprof file and it will will show you wait times on given statements.
For more info on TKPROF read this. For more info on enabling/disabling a trace read this.

The best tool is Real-Time SQL Monitoring. It does not require changing code or access to the operating system. The only downside is it requires licensing the Tuning Pack.
Compare this single line of code with the trace steps in the other answer. Also, the output looks much nicer.
select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor(sql_id => 'your sql id', type => 'text') from dual;
There's almost never a need to use trace in 11g and beyond.

This behaviour can be caused by cardinality feedback bugs / issues in 11gR2. I had a similar issue. You can test if this is the case by turning off this feature with _optimizer_use_feedback=false
Also try applying the latest updates.


generating sql trace file from sql developer in Oracle Database

How can I generate trace file from within SQL developer in Oracle? I know how to generate explain plan but I want to know how to generate a trace (.trc) file.
There’s several ways you can do it, one is
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
End it with
alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
Then grab the file - you can look up the path by checking the session’s process in v$process. If you’re on a modern version of Oracle you can read it directly from v$diag_trace_file_contents , Jonathan Lewis has a really useful view that you can set up as SYS to make this simple and safe https://jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/2019/10/03/trace-files-2/

tracing all SQL queries which have executed when application fire an order

I need to collect all the SQL queries (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT) which have been used by the application when any order is processed through the application.
If I can get all SQL's for atleast 50 orders processed through the application then I can check that which SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE statements are frequently in use and which tables are being frequently used by the application after finding these information.
I can get to conclusion that on which table I can use partitioning as if I get the whole SQL's with the WHERE clause I can also get to know that which type of partitioning will be better for any particular table and the partitioning.
However it seems to be a hectic exercise as there could be lots of SQL's which the application use but it helps me understand the application and also after this exercise i will be having a scrutiny report of my application behavior with database which can be used by the later employees.
For this till now i have used the DBMS_adivsor package which gives me some tables of my database to be partitioned and when i check the EXPLAIN PLAN of SQL which i used in the DBMS_ADVISOR then it occur to me that tables which are being full table scan in EXPLAIN PLAN the DBMS_ADVISOR told me to partition them.
The thing is that i can not partition the tables based on this information as its a application level partitioning and also my manager will be not convinced by this little information. so i have come up with the ABOVE plan:(
I need to do this to find out the tables where i can perform table partitioning and other performance tuning things like creating index's as i can get the where clause with filter so its like a database tuning and i want to do this as it will help me grow my career in database development.
Please help me out with this scenario.
Will this query give me required information !
select st.command
where st.hash_value = s.hash_value
and parsing_schema_name = 'NETSERVICOS2CM'
and s.module = 'JDBC THIN CLIENT';
Tracing for non-dba USER's ----
To get the SID and SERAIL#
Then on DBA user execute this --
EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_SQL_TRACE_IN_SESSION (sid=>3002, serial#=>31833,sql_trace=> true);
on no-dba user i am using --
EXEC DBMS_SESSION.set_sql_trace(sql_trace => TRUE);
Trigger to trace a session for a particular user ----
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set statistics_level=ALL';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set events ''10046 trace name context forever, level 12''';
After that to stop trace i am using
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context off';
ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context off';
As suggested by Derek.
After this you may have multiple trace files to make a consolidate trace file we can use TRCSESS utility --
trcsess output=net1cm_trcsess.trc module="JDBC Thin Client" *net1cm.trc
It will create a single trace file net1cm_trcsess.trc for all trace file generated in my case (with trace file identifier net1cm).
Now we can use TKPROF utility to generate a report which is in human readable form using below command for example ---
tkprof net1cm_trcsess.trc OUTPUT=net1cm_trcsess.txt EXPLAIN=netservicos1cm/netservicos1 SYS=NO
So here is my advise.
You can use several different traces for application context actions, such as INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT, or even all actions.
Say you have a PL/SQL program run by an application, or have an OCI call to the database. You would have this oracle code at the module/stored proc level:
before you execute the entire code. (After the BEGIN in the code).
before you do an update SQL statement.
To turn off application context, you would use (before the END;):
Then when you execute the module or run the update statement you would like to trace in the module you would make sure you did this prior to and after the module runs
service_name => '<service_name>', -
module_name => '<module_name>', -
action_name => DBMS_MONITOR.ALL_ACTIONS, -
waits => TRUE, -
binds => TRUE);
All actions would be traced and you would know exactly where the statement ran and what action was executed.
To turn it off:
service_name => '<service_name>', -
module_name => '<module_name>', -
To do this at the session level, you would do the following when 9 is the serial number and 100 is the Sid, for example. (check the syntax).
To turn it off:
At the database level, (You have to be very careful with this because it will generate a trace for the entire database and can fill up your diagnostic directory on your oracle database. Disclaimer: USE WITH CAUTION).
execute DBMS_MONITOR.DATABASE_TRACE_ENABLE(waits=>TRUE, binds=>TRUE, instance_name=>'<Instance_name>');
execute DBMS_MONITOR.DATABASE_TRACE_DISABLE(instance_name=>'<instance_name>');
You can leverage v$sqltext_with_newlines ,V$SESSION and v$session_longops. You can google with these words and see if these can be useful for your requirements.

NHibernate + Oracle: speed problems when querying data

We have an WCF application which uses NHibernate to query data from the database. After installing the application into a new test environment we're facing some performance problems with queries. Our old and new environment use different Oracle-servers but both of the databases have the same data.
We have went through our NHibernate logs and identified the problematic part:
2010-12-02 07:14:22,673 NHibernate.SQL - SELECT this_.CC...
2010-12-02 07:14:22,688 NHibernate.Loader.Loader - processing result set
2010-12-02 07:14:27,235 NHibernate.Loader.Loader - result set row: 0
In this case the query returned one row. But it seems that in our new environment the "processing result set" is taking much longer (5 seconds vs 0.5 seconds) than in our other environment. Is there some way to find out exactly what inside the "processing result set" is taking so long?
Note. Executing the same exact query directly into the DB with Toad doesn't reproduce the problem. With Toad, both database server are equally fast.
We are using DetachedCriteria to create the query and then it is executed like this:
Dim criteria As ICriteria = crit.GetExecutableCriteria(GetSession())
Return New Generic.List(Of T)(criteria.List(Of T))
The version of NHibernate is and we're using ActiveRecord 2.1.0 to create the mappings. Oracle servers are of version 10g.
So in our case we have two environments that have the same version of the application with identical configuration files and are querying against identical databases, but which have different application and oracle servers. In one environment querying through the NHibernate takes around 5.5 seconds and in the another 0.5 seconds. The results are consistent and the same query has been executed around 50 times to both environments.
Is there something in the Oracle configuration which could cause it to misbehave with NHiberate? And is there a way to get more detailed logging out from NHibernate so that the exact problem inside the "processing result set" could be found?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
We were able to fix our problem by switching the database drivers from Microsoft's to Oracle's ODP.net. Now, both servers are equally fast and even our previously fast server executes the queries much more rapidly. We don't know what setting in our new server made the Microsoft's Oracle driver so slow.
And it seems that Microsoft is nowadays recommending everyone to use something else than their own Oracle-drivers. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2009/06/15/system-data-oracleclient-update.aspx
Do a sql trace on both environments by adding this statement to your session:
alter session set timed_statistics=true;
alter session set max_dump_file_size=unlimited;
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 8' ;
-- your query goes here
select * from mytable where x= 1;
alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
then use tkprof to examine the trace file ( goto the user_dump_dest usually a directory with udump in the name and tkprof outputfile.log inputtracefilename.trc )
type tkprof
by itself to see help screen and command options
Check that you are using the same settings in the INIT.ORA for things like CURSOR_SHARING=
in both databases

Oracle AUTOTRACE alternative

I need collect statistics for my long SQL-scripts. Script files generated by Java application and execute by third-party fast DB-driver.
In this way I can't use AUTOTRACE, because it`s not SQLPlus. But for perfomance reasons I need to know stat information about every statement in script.
Can you advice approaches or best practices?
I look in the direction of STATSPACK and secondarily tkproof.
1. STATSPACK looks like machine that breaks a butterfly on a wheel. Isn`t it?
2. tkproof needs kind of privileges and I worry that the Java application user does not have such privileges.
Is there something else?
You can get some statistics from v$sql:
FROM v$session s
, v$sql q
WHERE s.sql_address = q.address
AND s.sql_hash_value = q.hash_value
AND s.sid = :SID
There is also v$session_longops which shows all operations which run for more than 6 seconds.
The only escalated privilege an Oracle user needs to generate a trace file is ALTER SESSION. You may not even need that if your user has execute on SYS.DBMS_MONITOR, as the SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE and SESSION_TRACE_DISABLE allow instantiation of tracing.
On the other hand, retrieving the trace file requires either the assistance of the DBA or the DBA to perform configuration to allow trace files to be public (a bad idea on production). Dion Cho has an excellent example of how to enable Oracle trace files to be queried here.

Sql vs Oracle - profiler [duplicate]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i work with sql server, but i must migrate to an application with Oracle DB.
for trace my application queries, in Sql Server i use wonderful Profiler tool. is there something of equivalent for Oracle?
I found an easy solution
Step1. connect to DB with an admin user using PLSQL or sqldeveloper or any other query interface
Step2. run the script bellow; in the S.SQL_TEXT column, you will see the executed queries
AND UPPER(U.USERNAME) IN ('oracle user name here')
The only issue with this is that I can't find a way to show the input parameters values(for function calls), but at least we can see what is ran in Oracle and the order of it without using a specific tool.
You can use The Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor the active sessions, with the query that is being executed, its execution plan, locks, some statistics and even a progress bar for the longer tasks.
See: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/em.920/a96674/db_admin.htm#1013955
Go to Instance -> sessions and watch the SQL Tab of each session.
There are other ways. Enterprise manager just puts with pretty colors what is already available in specials views like those documented here:
And, of course you can also use Explain PLAN FOR, TRACE tool and tons of other ways of instrumentalization. There are some reports in the enterprise manager for the top most expensive SQL Queries. You can also search recent queries kept on the cache.
alter system set timed_statistics=true
alter session set timed_statistics=true --if want to trace your own session
-- must be big enough:
select value from v$parameter p
where name='max_dump_file_size'
-- Find out sid and serial# of session you interested in:
select sid, serial# from v$session
where ...your_search_params...
--you can begin tracing with 10046 event, the fourth parameter sets the trace level(12 is the biggest):
sys.dbms_system.set_ev(sid, serial#, 10046, 12, '');
--turn off tracing with setting zero level:
sys.dbms_system.set_ev(sid, serial#, 10046, 0, '');
/*possible levels:
0 - turned off
1 - minimal level. Much like set sql_trace=true
4 - bind variables values are added to trace file
8 - waits are added
12 - both bind variable values and wait events are added
--same if you want to trace your own session with bigger level:
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
--turn off:
alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
--file with raw trace information will be located:
select value from v$parameter p
where name='user_dump_dest'
--name of the file(*.trc) will contain spid:
select p.spid from v$session s, v$process p
where s.paddr=p.addr
and ...your_search_params...
--also you can set the name by yourself:
alter session set tracefile_identifier='UniqueString';
--finally, use TKPROF to make trace file more readable:
C:\ORACLE\admin\databaseSID\udump>tkprof my_trace_file.trc output=my_file.prf
TKPROF: Release - Production on Wed Sep 22 18:05:00 2004
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
--to view state of trace file use:
set serveroutput on size 30000;
ALevel binary_integer;
SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.Read_Ev(10046, ALevel);
if ALevel = 0 then
DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line('sql_trace is off');
DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line('sql_trace is on');
end if;
Just kind of translated http://www.sql.ru/faq/faq_topic.aspx?fid=389 Original is fuller, but anyway this is better than what others posted IMHO
GI Oracle Profiler v1.2
It's a Tools for Oracle to capture queries executed similar to the SQL Server Profiler.
Indispensable tool for the maintenance of applications that use this database server.
you can download it from the official site iacosoft.com
Try PL/SQL Developer it has a nice user friendly GUI interface to the profiler. It's pretty nice give the trial a try. I swear by this tool when working on Oracle databases.
Seeing as I've just voted a recent question as a duplicate and pointed in this direction . . .
A couple more - in SQL*Plus - SET AUTOTRACE ON - will give explain plan and statistics for each statement executed.
TOAD also allows for client side profiling.
The disadvantage of both of these is that they only tell you the execution plan for the statement, but not how the optimiser arrived at that plan - for that you will need lower level server side tracing.
Another important one to understand is Statspack snapshots - they are a good way for looking at the performance of the database as a whole. Explain plan, etc, are good at finding individual SQL statements that are bottlenecks. Statspack is good at identifying the fact your problem is that a simple statement with a good execution plan is being called 1 million times in a minute.
The Catch is Capture all SQL run between two points in time. Like the way SQL Server also does.
There are situations where it is useful to capture the SQL that a particular user is running in the database. Usually you would simply enable session tracing for that user, but there are two potential problems with that approach.
The first is that many web based applications maintain a pool of persistent database connections which are shared amongst multiple users.
The second is that some applications connect, run some SQL and disconnect very quickly, making it tricky to enable session tracing at all (you could of course use a logon trigger to enable session tracing in this case).
A quick and dirty solution to the problem is to capture all SQL statements that are run between two points in time.
The following procedure will create two tables, each containing a snapshot of the database at a particular point. The tables will then be queried to produce a list of all SQL run during that period.
If possible, you should do this on a quiet development system - otherwise you risk getting way too much data back.
Take the first snapshot
Run the following sql to create the first snapshot:
create table sql_exec_before as
select executions,hash_value
from v$sqlarea
Get the user to perform their task within the application.
Take the second snapshot.
create table sql_exec_after as
select executions, hash_value
from v$sqlarea
Check the results
Now that you have captured the SQL it is time to query the results.
This first query will list all query hashes that have been executed:
select aft.hash_value
from sql_exec_after aft
left outer join sql_exec_before bef
on aft.hash_value = bef.hash_value
where aft.executions > bef.executions
or bef.executions is null;
This one will display the hash and the SQL itself:
set pages 999 lines 100
break on hash_value
select hash_value, sql_text
from v$sqltext
where hash_value in (
select aft.hash_value
from sql_exec_after aft
left outer join sql_exec_before bef
on aft.hash_value = bef.hash_value
where aft.executions > bef.executions
or bef.executions is null;
order by
hash_value, piece
Tidy up Don't forget to remove the snapshot tables once you've finished:
drop table sql_exec_before
drop table sql_exec_after
Oracle, along with other databases, analyzes a given query to create an execution plan. This plan is the most efficient way of retrieving the data.
Oracle provides the 'explain plan' statement which analyzes the query but doesn't run it, instead populating a special table that you can query (the plan table).
The syntax (simple version, there are other options such as to mark the rows in the plan table with a special ID, or use a different plan table) is:
explain plan for <sql query>
The analysis of that data is left for another question, or your further research.
There is a commercial tool FlexTracer which can be used to trace Oracle SQL queries
This is an Oracle doc explaining how to trace SQL queries, including a couple of tools (SQL Trace and tkprof)
Apparently there is no small simple cheap utility that would help performing this task. There is however 101 way to do it in a complicated and inconvenient manner.
Following article describes several. There are probably dozens more...
