Set VM's $PATH via Puppet config.yaml or Vagrantfile? - vagrant

I would like to add an additional path to my VM's $PATH environment variable through use of my puppet config.yaml or Vagrant file (or some other VM external mechanism that I don't know).
Is this possible? If so, how?

In Vagrant you can easilly provision stuff with a shell script. So first, create a script (in the same folder than your Vagrantfile) that add additional path to $PATH. By exemple, create a file called with this content :
export PATH=$PATH:/foo/bar
# Or if you want it for all users :
echo 'PATH=$PATH:/foo/bar' >> /etc/profile
Then in your Vagrantfile, add this line to execute this script when the VM is booted :
config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""

This approach is partway there, but if for some reason you re-run provisioning on your Vagrant box, you'll end up with one of those lines in there for each time you run the provisioning. To avoid that:
grep -s -E "PATH=\$PATH:/foo/bar" /etc/profile || echo 'PATH=\$PATH:/foo/bar' >> /etc/profile
I don't know much about Chef, but Salt does a great job of creating a managed section in such files and then dealing with it on it's own. I'd be surprised if Chef doesn't do the same thing.


Automating tasks after vagrant ssh

Wondering if it is possible to automatically run a script or execute a command ONLY after vagrant ssh into the box? I understand that Ansible can provide beforehand installation and set up. But it failed to allow doing things automatically after entering the machine.
I am currently create a file The file will be provided to the vagrant via Ansible. After I vagrant ssh into the box, I do bash to run the script. Is there better way?
Any suggestion would be more appreciated.
Two ways to achieve this,
Say assume your script is in vagrant home directory like,
1) Run command along with ssh
1a) vagrant ssh -- -t '/home/vagrant/; /bin/bash'
1b) vagrant ssh -c '/home/vagrant/; /bin/bash'
2) Append complete script path in ~/.bashrc file (this should be in vagrant home directory if you are login as user vagrant)
:~$echo '. /home/vagrant/' >> ~/.bashrc

Is it possible to send multiple commands to vagrant ssh via a shell script?

I'm on a Windows host using Git Bash to run the .sh files.
There are 4 components to my current project. To start up it on localhost, I have to:
webdriver-manager start since I'm the QA and need that running anyway
vagrant up in the project's parent folder, then close out that window (or just start the VM myself via VirtualBox UI)
vagrant ssh cd /vagrant cd "component's folder" docker-compose up x 4
grunt serve
Right now, I have a .sh file each for 1, 2, and 4, but I cannot find how to pass along multiple commands to vagrant ssh, especially since docker-compose up needs to be constantly running.
Is there a way to pass along those cds and the docker-compose?
I found the ssh documentation from vagrant which mentions something about needing to do fancy things to get it running background processes, but I have no idea what it's doing or how to implement that in a .sh file since the wording is so wishy-washy.
Also, I'm new to shell scripts in general, so if there's a smarter way to go about this to solve the issue, I'd appreciate it, too. These scripts aren't necessary, I just don't want to have to type it repeatedly every day when I'm running my tests locally.
From your Vagrantfile, have something like this
$script = <<SCRIPT
echo "running script in the VM"
cd /vagrant
cd "component's folder"
docker-compose up
cd "component's folder 2"
docker-compose up
# and add all other commands you would run from the VM
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $script
Note: this will run the commands as sudo (from your VM) if you want to run them as your vagrant user, just do
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $script, privileged: "false"
If the commands needs to be invoked on vagrant up, you can provide provisioning script available on the host machine by:
config.vm.provision "shell", path: '/vagrant/scripts/'
so Vagrant will then upload this script into the guest and execute it (using URL instead of path would also work),
Alternatively you may use inline shell syntax:
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo Hello, World"
Or to run the script within VM, then try:
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: %Q(/usr/bin/env VAR=1 bash /vagrant/
To run one-time off commands in VM, you may use vagrant ssh command for that, for example:
vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant && echo Hello, World"

why doesn't vagrant provisioner modify ~/.bashrc?

How can I make the Vagrantfile append the contents of a file to the ~/.bashrc file ?
In my Vagrantfile, I am trying to append the contents of a file /vagrant/dev_env_config to the ~/.bashrc file.
When I run vagrant up it outputs the echo statement AND it outputs the expected contents of the ~/.bashrc file.... so I know it's reading the file dev_env_config and APPEARS to be appending it.
However, when I then run vagrant ssh and then cat ~/.bashrc the ~/.bashrc file is unmodified, it's the default ~/.bashrc file
In other words the mods to ~/.bashrc file are lost somewhere between when the vagrant provison runs and when I run vagrant ssh
# Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
... various cmds to set box and network...
$install_user_vars = <<SCRIPT
sudo cat /vagrant/dev_env_config >> ~/.bashrc
echo "*** here is the .bashrc file:"
cat ~/.bashrc
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $install_user_vars
I think what's happening is the provisioning script is run as root (or sudo), so the "~" home location is actually /root rather than the default user home location /home/vagrant.
I can think of a couple ways to solve this:
First (and probably easiest) is to be explicit about the .bashrc path, like:
# Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
... various cmds to set box and network...
$install_user_vars = <<SCRIPT
sudo cat /vagrant/dev_env_config >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
echo "*** here is the .bashrc file:"
cat /home/vagrant/.bashrc
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $install_user_vars
The second option could be to run this part of the provisioning script as a non-privileged user. See the 'privileged' option on the Shell Scripts docs page.
A primitive solution is to set the path to .bashrc explicitly. As a rule default username of a SSH user (which will be used for vagrant ssh action) is vagrant so:
$install_user_vars = <<SCRIPT
sudo cat /vagrant/dev_env_config >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
echo "*** here is the .bashrc file:"
cat /home/vagrant/.bashrc
Also I'm not sure that it's a necessary to use a sudo command (in sudo cat ...). Probably you don't need it, but it depends on which user is used to run a provision script. I guess it's also vagrant.
So if it's really a vagrant you could leave the path to .bashrc unmodified (~/.bashrc), but have to remove sudo cat ... command and use simple cat ... instead. And it's a more clean solution in my opinion. Because actually we shouldn't use sudo (root) permissions without need.

Can I get vagrant to execute a series of commands where I get shell access and the webserver launches?

Everytime I launch vagrant for one of our projects I go through the following incantation:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo su deploy
supervisorctl stop local
workon odoo-8.0
/home/deploy/odoo/build/8.0/openerp-server -c /home/deploy/odoo/local/odoo_serverrc
This runs the server in a way that lets me see the terminal output. Is there a way I could package this all up so I can do say; vagrant dev or some such?
You can use shell provisioner.
In your vagrantfile, you can do things like this:
$script = <<SCRIPT
echo I am provisioning...
date > /etc/vagrant_provisioned_at
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $script
You can replace
echo I am provisioning...
date > /etc/vagrant_provisioned_at
with your own commands.
On the first 'vagrant up' that creates the environment, provisioning is run. If the environment was already created and the up is just resuming a machine or booting it up, they won't run unless the --provision flag is explicitly provided.
There are many more good ways to provision, I would also recommend using Ansible. Here is the doc you can read:
First, create a shell script with your commands in them:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo su deploy
supervisorctl stop local
workon odoo-8.0
/home/deploy/odoo/build/8.0/openerp-server -c /home/deploy/odoo/local/odoo_serverrc
Put it somewhere in your guest with ansible. Next, copy the /home/vagrant/.bashrc file into yoour ansible files/ folder. Add the line
bash /path/to/
to the .bashrc and make sure ansible copies it into your guest.
After that, the shell script should be executed every time you log into the guest.

Automatically chdir to vagrant directory upon "vagrant ssh"

So, I've got a bunch of vagrant VMs running some flavor of Linux (centos, ubuntu, whatever). I would like to automatically ensure that a "vagrant ssh" will also "cd /vagrant" so that no-one has to remember to do that whenever they log in.
I've figured out (duh!) that echo "\n\ncd /vagrant" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc will do the trick. What I don't know is how to ensure that this only happens if the cd command isn't already there. I'm not a shell expert, so I'm completely confused here. :)
You can do this by using the config.ssh.extra_args setting in your Vagrantfile:
config.ssh.extra_args = ["-t", "cd /vagrant; bash --login"]
Then anytime you run vagrant ssh you will be in the /vagrant directory.
I put
echo "cd /vagrant_projects/my-project" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc
in my, and it works like a charm.
cd is a Bash shell built-in, as long as a shell is installed it should be there.
Also, be aware that ~/.bash_profile is for interactive login shell, if you add cd /vagrant in ~vagrant/.bashrc, it may NOT work.
Because distros like Ubuntu does NOT have this file -> ~/.bash_profile by default and instead use ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile
If someone creates a ~/.bash_profile for vagrant user on Ubuntu, ~vagrant/.bashrc will not be read.
You need to add cd /vagrant to your .bashrc in the vm. The best way to do this is in your provisioner script.
If you don't have a provisioner script, make one by adding this line to your Vagrantfile before end:
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "scripts/vagrant/", privileged: false
Path is relative to the project root where the Vagrantfile is, and privileged depends on your project and what else is in your provisioner script which might need to be privileged. I use priveleged false and sudo explicitly when necessary.
And in the provisioner script:
if ! grep -q "cd /vagrant" ~/.bashrc ; then
echo "cd /vagrant" >> ~/.bashrc
This will add cd /vagrant to .bashrc, but only if it isn't there already. This is useful if you reprovision, as it will prevent your .bashrc from getting cluttered.
Some answers mention a conflict with .bash_profile. If the above code doesn't work, you can try the same line with .bash_profile or .profile instead of .bashrc. However, I've been using vagrant with ubuntu guests. My Laravel/homestead box based on Ubuntu has a .bash_profile and a .profile but having cd /vagrant in .bashrc did work for me when using vagrant ssh without changing or deleting the other files.
You can add cd /vagrant to your .bashrc and it will run the command when you ssh. The /bashrc you want is in /home/vagrant (the user you login as when you vagrant ssh.) You can just stick the new line at the bottom of the file.
You can also do it this way:
vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant && bash"
And you could include it in a script to launch it (like ./vagrant-ssh).
May be this can help. Edit the Vagrantfile as replace your username with vagrant
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
s.inline = <<-SHELL
# Change directory automatically on ssh login
if ! grep -qF "cd /home/vagrant/ansible" /home/vagrant/.bashrc ;
then echo "cd /home/vagrant/ansible" >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc ; fi
chown vagrant. /home/vagrant/.bashrc
Ideally we just want to alter the vagrant ssh behaviour.
In my case, I wanted something that didn't affect any other processes in the environment, so we can do something like this in the vagrant file-
config.ssh.extra_args = ["-t", "cd /vagrant; bash --login"]
You can use Ansible to assert that your .bashrc file contains cd /vagrant.
If you are not already using the Ansible provisioner for your VM, add the following lines to your Vagrantfile:
config.vm.provision "ansible_local" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "provisioning/playbook.yml"
And in your playbook, add the following task/play:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: chdir to vagrant directory
path: /home/vagrant/.bashrc
line: cd /vagrant
According to this Q&A, I would recommend to modify .bashrc instead of .profile or .bash_profile.
