Can't browse local domains without a network connection - firefox

I have a few different PHP sites running on local domains (i.e. domains set to in /etc/hosts) so I can work on them without any network delay.
I'd like to be able to work on these sites when I have no connection at all (e.g. on the bus or in the park) but my browser (Firefox on LinuxMint) can't load the local pages when there's no network connection (it doesn't have to have Internet access, but it must have a working network connection). Note that it can load a site via local IP addresses or "localhost", but not using any other local domain name.
I'd like to create some kind of local network that makes the Network Manager show a valid connection even when there is no LAN adapter present. Or alternatively a way to make Firefox work with the local domains without needing the network would be just as good.
Reproduce this problem as follows:
- Run a local web-server such as micro_httpd and serve a test site
- Set up some other names for in addition to localhost in your /etc/hosts file such as
- Test that your site works from localhost and from
- Unplug your network cable
- Test again, only localhost works, not
- Test with wget, both work fine

I have the same issue. Either of these work for me, in Firefox go to about:config and click I'll be careful, I promise!, search for network.dns then either:
Set network.dns.disableIPv6 to false
Add your local domain names to network.dns.localDomains
I think the latter is probably the better of the two options, but either works for me.

Adding a little to Lee Kowalkowski answer:
I have modified below at admin:config in my firefox developer edition 61.0b3 (64-bit)
network.dns.localDomains added localhost as I bind my local sites with localhost

I haven't needed this functionality for a couple years and noticed now as of Firefox 60 that there is no problem any more.
This old Bugzilla thread mentions the issue and says it was resolved by adding the about:config key network.dns.offline-localhost, perhaps that's set to true by default now which is why it works?


/etc/hosts doesn't work for localhost only

What I need:
Localhost points to the IP of my other PC on the local network.
What I tried:
I added "IP localhost" to the /etc/hosts file.
Command ran: "ipconfig /flushdns"
Browser: Edge/Chrome/Internet Explorer
This doesn't work, but if I name it anything else than "localhost" it does actually work.
I know it is something about the DNS, but I read online that the hosts file should overwrite it.
Partly solution
Google OAuth only accepts localhost or as redirect URL. Not being able to use localhost on a different PC for testing, I solved this by using on both the local PC and the second PC. I added the following to the hosts file:
Local PC:
You can then use URL This isn't supported by Microsoft OAuth though (I guess I will only use Google Login for developing). Any ideas on how to solve this for Microsoft OAuth are welcome :)
Are you using Chrome?
Chrome has it's own DNS, if you use another browser then it's likely it will work as you expect.
Edit: Confirmed that this is still possible in Safari today on a Mac (26/12/2021). However, browsers appear to be clamping down on this - and are making an effort to make sure that localhost and *.localhost will only ever point to your local machine.

Can't access

I can't figure out when this started to happen, but the result is - is not working on any port from anywhere (for example, browser says Unable to connect). Here are the results of my research:
localhost, COMPUTER_NAME and actual IP address all work fine
there is nothing special in my hosts file
ping to and tracert do work fine
all the programs that have hardcoded are not working (this point makes me disappointed the most, because I can't do anything in this case )
What else can I do to identify the source of problem and fix it?
UPDATE: as soon as Redis does work on and both IIS and AzureStorageEmulator don't work I assume this is HTTP only issue.
Just one command did the work
netsh http add iplisten
If it's a DNS problem, you could try:
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
If this doesn't fix it, you could try editing the hosts file located here:
And ensure that this line (and no other line referencing localhost) is in there: localhost
In windows first check under services if world wide web publishing services is running. If not start it.
If you cannot find it switch on IIS features of windows: In 7,8,10
it is under control panel , "turn windows features on or off".
Internet Information Services
World Wide web services and
Internet information Services Hostable Core are required.
Not sure if there is another way to get it going on windows, but this worked for me for all browsers.
You might need to add localhost or http:/ to the trusted websites also under IE settings.
I had a similar issue. Check your listen port.
A mistake I made ealier was
app.listen(() => console.log(APP_NAME} is listening on port ${PORT}`))
Make sure you include the port as shown below
app.listen(PORT, () =>{
console.log(`${APP_NAME} is listening on port ${PORT}`)
This answer may seem overly obvious, but in most cases it is sufficient to simply remove the "localhost" entry in the "Host Name" field:
In the end for us, it was IE11 that was blocking for - after adding it to the exceptions list, it loaded the page.

Local URL IP redirect via port

I do a lot of custom web development and I am looking for a solution to a problem with testing.
I have a local development server that I run sandboxed environments on. When I need to test something I sometimes will edit my host file to make the domain point at my local IP
In my host file I would have.
What I would rather be able to setup is if I added a port to a URL:
That would then redirect to my local IP
Something like this *:7777
Is this a pipe dream or doable in someway?
You can use Firefox Extension Server Switcher
This firefox extension is a tool for web developers and allows switching between sites on your development and live servers; it helps you to see difference immediately.
It's more easy in use than host file.

How to trace a webrequest created in code sent to a local address

This issue is occurring in a C#, .NET 4.0 environment. I tried using Fiddler but it doesn't show up. After searching around, the suggested solution was to change the address of the request from localhost to the machine-name.
This worked on my local machine: after changing the call from localhost to my-machine, fiddler picked it up. The real issue is on a client's staging environment with production code. I can not modify the code there to take this change.
Note, as far as I know, on the client site it should be making the request out to the host name and not localhost anyways.
Also, on my local machine I actually hit localhost in my browser, and it seems to pick those up fine. Just not the request built in code. Why is that?
It sounds like you're saying: "This works fine on the client's PC but not on my dev PC when using Localhost." Is that correct?
In IE9, I changed WinINET to enable Fiddler to capture loopback traffic from the browser. Sadly, the .NET Framework hasn't yet adopted support for the <-loopback> token, which means that traffic sent to or localhost bypasses the proxy.

Switch firefox to use a different DNS than what is in the file

For example, I have a development site on a different server but I'm trying to copy content over from the live site so it'd be handy to have the live site in IE and the dev site in FF.
I tried FoxyProxy but I can't seem to get it to work.
I use this to override system's DNS with localserver
in about:config
change this value:
with IP address of local DNS server (for exsample
Sorry for my english
It's now possible, with the DNS over HTTPS function:
Open Options, General, scroll to very bottom and open Network Settings,
On the very bottom, you can find DNS over HTTPS:
You had to use about:config before to change this setting, here's for documentation:
Type about:config in firefox address bar.
search for:
You can use one of the DNS servers below:
Secure DNS EU:
Quad 9:
And set network.trr.mode to 1
Hijacked from here:
It appears from your question that you already have a second set of DNS servers available that reference the development site instead of the live site.
I would suggest that you simply run a standard SOCKS proxy either on that DNS server system or on a low-end spare system and have that system configured to use the development DNS server. You can then tell Firefox to use that proxy instead of downloading pages directly.
Doing it this way, the actual DNS lookups will be done on the proxy machine and not on the machine that's running the web browser.
DNS resolving is usually done at the system level and not at the application level, so you can't normally have one program use one dns and another program use a different dns. I'm not aware of any firefox extensions that allow you to use a different dns.
What about having different names for your dev and prod servers? That should avoid any confusions and you'd not have to edit the hosts file every time.
I am using the SwitchHost extension exactly for this problem:
It is easy to configure, and even more easy to switch hosts.
I wonder if you could write a custom rule for Fiddler to do what you want? IE uses no proxy, Firefox points to Fiddler, Fiddler uses custom rule to direct requests to the dev server...
Since http proxy protocol is similar to raw http protocol, you can redirect desired traffic to your development server by telling firefox it's a proxy server.
two limitations:
A. this won't let you use https connections.
B. some frameworks (e,g: wordpress) don't like this method and redirect the request the wrong way
just copy the following code into a .pac file (enter your site domain and IP address, of course), and switch development/production just by changing proxy configuration.
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
var prox4site = {
return prox4site[host] || "DIRECT";
Go to options->Advanced->Network->Settings->Automatic proxy configuration url and enter All you Mozilla traffic uses Google dns now.
