Unable to get exact steps as shown on Google fit app - google-api

I tried all sources listed in Datasource api of google fit.
However, I was unable to get exact match for number of steps shown on fit app.
The response returned by APIs is cumbersome to use. Could have been more specific as in which API to be used when. Also, i walked 91 steps 15 mins before. However, still I am not able to get that data after making API request. It just shows stale data. Not sure if it supports realtime. I am having excellent wifi connection, but seems data has not yet been uploaded to google cloud. Fit app does how 91 steps though.
Following is my api request:
GET /fitness/v1/users/me/dataSources/derived:com.google.step_count.delta:com.google.android.gms:estimated_steps/datasets/1429848000000000000-1429906530000000000 HTTP/1.1
Summation of the result does not match data displayed for todays steps on Google Fit App

In google doc. said
To record fitness data, use the Recording API to create a subscription for each data type you want to record.
Use Fitness.RecordingApi.subscribe to subscribe data. Then use Fitness.HistoryApi.readData or Fitness.HistoryApi.readDailyTotal to read.
Or you can use Sensor API to monitor step change.

I had the same issue and ended up solving it by implementing in this way.


Google Analytics Data API: missing flag for identifying `golden` data

I've been using such API for generating reports over Google Analytics:
This API has result field isDataGolden:
Indicates if response to this request is golden or not. Data is golden when the exact same request will not produce any new results if asked at a later point in time.
Currently Google Analytics has new API for generating such reports:
But there is no analogue of isDataGolden field in this API
Is such flag will be added to new API, or maybe there is another instrument to get only golden data from new API?
I need to use this new API, since old one does not support new analytics properties without Universal Analytics view_id
The Google analytics data api is used for extracting data from google analytics ga4 accounts. The reporting api is used for extracting data from Universal analytics accounts. These are two different systems and should not be compared. You can not use the Google analytics data api to extract data from universal analytics accounts with view ids.
If you check the documentation for RunReportResponse which is the response returned from running a reporting in google analytics data. You will find that there is no is golden property or any property of that nature.
Remember this api is still in beta the team is still working on it. One may appear in the future. You will need to wait to find out if google will add any field like this in the future as anyone who would know is probably under NDA and cant tell you.

Is it possible to dynamically query Google APIs to see how much of the limit/quota you've used?

For a given Google API, is there any way to dynamically check usage against any of the current limits for that API?
For example, this page https://developers.google.com/classroom/limits?hl=en shows that I can query the Classrooms API 4,000,000 times per client per day. At midday, without going to the API Console, how could I know that I've already hit 3 million queries?
I'm hoping that there's a billing or usage API that covers this, but can't see it.
Note: I'm not having any issue right now with a specific call, just anticipating that my usage will scale up significantly in the next few months, so am looking for a solution for monitoring rather than advice on not hitting the limits at all. My specific use-case is for Google Classrooms, but reading wider around this I can't see a general solution either.
No, dynamically you can't retrieve this information.
Feature Request:
You can however let Google know that this is a feature that is important for the Google Workspace APIs to have, and that you would like to request they implement it.
The page to file a Feature Request for the Google Classroom API is here, as there is no specific component for Google Workspace APIs in general I would suggest filing it here instead.
You can use Google's Cloud Monitoring API to achieve this. This is the documentation page for APIs-
This is the documentation page for concerned metrics-

How to debug Google Fit data?

I've been sending a ton of data to the Google Fit API for a workout being performed by the user, but none of the data is showing up in the app anywhere and I'm not sure how to tell what is wrong. The data is accepted by the API, but none of it is showing up in the user's profile in the app. Does anyone have a strategy for telling if all the different data sets are being connected correctly?
I've been trying for over a year to find someone who works with the Google Fit team to help answer some questions, but I have not been able to find anyone. It seems like the app only wants to show steps, so all the actual workout data that I'm sending it might just be ignored?

How to get place description using Google API or any other API?

I am using Google API to get the place information and store it into database. Using Google API I am able to get address, opening hours, rating and reviews as shown in below image.
But, I am not able to get place description which is highlighted in below image in red circle. ("Quaint Italian mainstay for deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza, calzones, pastas & hot dogs.")
I want that information in my application. I think google is taking those information from
Freebase https://developers.google.com/freebase/guide/basic_concepts
Wikipedia https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_contribute
But I am not sure.
Can any one help me suggest me that how I can get that information or any other API that I can use to get that information based on google place_id.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Accordingly to the documentation and #xomena, currently you cannot obtain this data via Places API. There is a feature request in Google issue tracker to make the detailed business type available in Places API, however Google doesn't expose any ETA (estimation time of arrival:
Feel free to star this feature request to express your interest and subscribe to notification from Google.
To my knowledge it is not possible to get this information from the Google Places API. The API documentation does not display the venue description. Try to have a look here: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/details (it might be that Google does not share all information from their platform with other developers..).
I would suggest you to do one of the following (or perhaps both):
Scrape Google the old school way; i.e. by getting the information from the HTML. There is a quite decent guide for doing that here (you would of course have to adjust the example to scraping Google instead): https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-scrape-websites-with-python-and-beautifulsoup-5946935d93fe.
What I would recommend and which probably is the fastest: enrich your current data with other data. You could e.g. use Foursquare and search for the places you get from Google. It should be possible to get the description for each place on Foursquare. See here: https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/api/venues/details. If you have problems with matching the places after your query has returned, because the venue names are not exactly the same - but close, then you could use an algorithm to match strings that are close; perhaps using the levenstein distance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance).

Extending YouTube API Quota with limited funds

With a simple java program, I send GET requests using YouTube Data API specifically videos.list, in order to get the public metadata of a video and store it as .json files.
For my universities research, we have to do this with all available YouTube video IDs provided in the Youtube-8M Database.
Therefore, I would like to know if there is a way to extend the available quota for requests (I already know about the billing option, but I am a student and my university is small).
I have read the YouTube API terms, which states that only one project per client may be used to send such requests with the necessary API Key.
If I understand it correctly, even my simple java code is such a client.
In some other Stack Overflow questions about extending ones daily quota with API Keys, some suggested creating multiple accounts or projects.
Is this a legal option or not? Or is there another possibility to get a higher quota for simple requests used in research like I do right now?
If you go to the Google Developer console where you enabled the YouTube API. the second tab is called quota
Click the pencil next to which ever quota it is that you are blowing out. A new window will pop up with a link called apply for higher quota.
Fill out the form to apply. To my knowledge you do not have to pay for additional YouTube quota but it can take time to get approved. Make sure you comply with everything on the form.
I have never heard of the one project per client term. Technically you can run your application using different API Keys it should work fine. Technically there is nothing wrong with creating additional projects on Google Developer console. You don't need to go as far as creating another Google account.
