image display in codeigniter shows error - image

I am relatively new to Codeigniter, basically I choose CakePHP to develope applications. Now I am editing a Codeigniter Project, build in version 2. I have some images in my table and I need to disply it.
I have created a helper file general_helper.php in which I have a function
function image_url(){
return base_url().'uploads/';
So in view page , I tried to display image by
<img src="http://localhost/myapp/uploads/vendors/images/Desert.jpg" />
My directory structure is :
But its not showing the image ! When I tried to put the image path in the url, it shows 404 error :( whats wrong ?

Codeigniter base_url function requires folder path relative to site's base url passed as parameters. Please try use below code.
First in constructor, please load your library -
Then please pass your uploads directory as parameter to base_url
function image_url(){
return base_url('uploads/');
If images are not uploading please do check image type.
Also try use log_message('info','info_message') function to record base url.
Please refer


Blade template does not want to load from Laravel Package

I am loading the view in the package with
$this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'../../resources/views', 'admin');
But when I request the page I get an error
View [test] not found.
Interesting twist, when I put the complete path to the view folder in the loadViewsFrom method the template loads.
I load the blade template with the following code
public function showTest()
return view('admin::test');
Right above the loadViewsFrom method, I call loadRoutesFrom method
And this loads without any issue.
Any suggestions what could be the issue? The code of the package is very plain, load a blade template when a route is called.
The problem was solved by fixing the paths to view folder.
After verifying the exact location of my file by
I worked my way back to the correct path of the view folder, which was just one folder lower and not to.

display image from database in react in laravel

How can i display image form database ? in react ? i am using laravel as backend .this is my table with image
i am using {this.props.obj.image} and this is showing the file as shown below
as you can see it is showing the file it is not displying image .searched web but it says to import path but all the tutorial are importing statically
my image location is Assets/Admin/Image .
How can i resolve this
When you run a laravel project, you are already in the public folder so you don't have to specify the public folder in the path and "assets" is just a laravel-defined method for accessing the contents of the "public" directory so you shouldn't specify that in the path too.
So you should do something like this:
<img src="http://localhost:<your_port>/images/{this.props.obj.image}" alt="hello image" height="200" />
You are storing just the name of the file in the database, to load the image you need to complete the full path of the image.
If you are storing your files in:
Then you should do something like this (btw I know nothing about react but this should kinda work). I'm asuming you are running your server in localhost in the 8000 port:
<img src="http://localhost:8000/assets/images/{this.props.obj.image}" alt="hello image" height="200"/>
You can not have directly access to public/storage/images from react (front end side ) for that you have to use following method to generate the URL of image and then just return that url to react side while requesting and use that url in < img src={url} /> to display the picture

Dompdf Laravel Test

I am having problems resolving this issue. I want the user to be able to download a report when pressing the button. I keep on getting Action not defined, and if I change my route it will simply not load the app.
Any help would be appreciated.
<button>Download PDF</button>
public function pdf($id){
$pdf = PDF::loadView('', compact('report'));
return $pdf->download('server_report.pdf');
You need to have your action defined in a route.
For example:
Also, make sure that if ReportController has a resource route then the pdf route goes above it.

WordPress Ajax Get Request?

I have a page that includes a php file I have written like so
<div id="playlists_div_holder">
<?php include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/get_playlists.php'); ?>
I have created a button that will refresh the playlists , incase the user has uploaded (added/removed) anything, and I am trying to do so with an ajax request to get the file and include it back into that div, but I am receiving a 500 error.
I am doing this in WordPress so that may be an issue.
The Button
<span class="button-primary refresh-playlists" onclick="ReloadPlaylists()">Refresh Playlists</span>
Ajax Request
function ReloadPlaylists() {
jQuery.get('<?php echo plugins_url();?>/Player/includes/get_playlists.php', function(data) {
alert('Load was performed.');
Including it works but an ajax get throws a 500 error
It's pretty hard to guess the problem but some simple workarounds that you can use all the time:-
CAUTION! Please take backup of your WordPress before doing anything.
1st workaround:-
Download fresh WordPress copy
Delete every folder, except the wp-content folder.
Upload all the files and folders again, except the wp-content folder.
2nd workaround:-
Create a new folder:-
start copying each theme from themes-backup to themes one by one and see if the error is gone.
Now what you have done with the themes folder, do exactly with the plugins folder.
Based on your comment,
i'm getting call to undefined function get_option on line 8 , which is odd because it works when i include it the first time. Could it be because its calling the same file on the other and it has some sort of variable conflict?
This is because when the plugin in running as an include, all the wp-includes are laoded before your plugin code is execute. However when you make an AJAX call directly to that file, the wp-includes are no loaded hence your get_option() isn't working.
You can fix that by adding include_once("../../../wp-blog-header.php"); on top of your get_playlists.php file. That might break your plugin (not sure) so in that case its safe to use it inside a condition like this
if(stristr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], get_playlists.php))
However once you do that you will get an Error 404 when you make an AJAX request because that URL is not registered in Wordpress URL Rewrite. You can override that by using header() function.
if(stristr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], get_playlists.php)) {
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");

404 error when loading a image

I used ext js framework to build my web site. but there is alway a image that cannot be found, that means always return a 404 error. the image link is "http://localhost/undefined". I checked the HTML, and did not found any tag that its link is like this.
I wonder if I miss some steps when using the ext js framework, do any one know this issues?
have you try define the Ext blank image ??
try this :
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '../extjs/resources/images/default/s.gif';
//your code
if still not solve.. try update your question with your current code..
