Fully removing Resharper Ultimate from Visual Studio 2013 - visual-studio-2013

I was running Visual Studio 2013 with Resharper 8, and everything was fine and dandy untill I tried to install Jetbrain's Dottrace trial version. It brought with it something called Resharper Ultimate, which in turn made sure none of my Intellisense or Resharper features worked.
So I uninstalled Resharper Ultimate using the Windows uninstall feature. But Visual Studio seems to still consider it installed, because its options appears in the program's preferences dialog. Not to mention the top menu choice.
I have also tried installing Resharper 8 anew, in hopes that it will cleanse my machine of Ultimate, but it detects no previous installs. So now, I'm getting options dialogs for both Resharper and Resharper Ultimate. And none of the features work.
Plus I'm getting this error message when opening a solution with Resharper active:
I have looked at the mentioned XML file, but am not sure of what to make of it.

The solution from ReSharper Support Site:
To completely remove new .NET tools from Visual Studio, please try the
Run ReSharper 9.x (new .NET Tools) installer once again - do you have
any products with status Repair? If so, please select Remove for them
and select Skip for others. If there are no items with Repair action,
please remove the following folder manually C:\Users{User
Name}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio{Visual Studio

I would try to clean the registry as per this article.
At the top of the blog post, there is a continuation of this story which describes fow to finalize the fix of the issue you experience by removing manifest and package definitions of your VS extensions.
Hope it helps


How can I fix PreEmptive Dotfuscator (VS2013)?

I have Visual Studio 2013 which included "PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics".
It's always worked fine for me until recently.
Suddenly it will not open from Visual Studio, icon or commandline.
Even when I manually open it, it does not show up in the task manager.
It simply does nothing.
There's nothing in the Event Viewer logs.
Visual Studio shows no error.
Basically, I can't even begin to find the problem.
I tried to find a download to attempt to reinstall it but all I've seen on the website for this version is that it's included in VS2013.
There's other sites in search results which claim to have the installer but none I trust.
Has anyone had this issue in the past?
It's Visual Studio 2013 Professional on Windows 8.1.
I'm not sure how to address this so I would greatly appreciate any possible input.
Thanks in advance!
You can try uninstalling, wiping the settings, and reinstalling. Dotfuscator Community Edition is uninstallable via the Windows control panel. Once uninstalled, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\PreEmptive Solutions. You may be able to reinstall it as a component via the Visual Studio installer. If not, it is actually a standalone installer, so if you have a Visual Studio disc or .iso, it will be in \packages\Dotfuscator.

Visual Studio thinks `Microsoft Web Developer Tools` is installed

Visual Studio syntax highlighter and Intellisense for Javascript and Razor views are not working.
There is no Web templates installed when creating a new project.
When I try to uninstall the web developer feature:
Add or remove Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 > Modify
Microsoft Web Developer Tools is always checked. Even when I uncheck it and uninstall it, then restart the computer; the next time I still see it's checked:
What I did to solve this:
Running devenv.exe \resetuserdata Command to reset the user data.
Running devenv.exe \installtemplates to install the templates.
Repairing the Visual Studio.
Trying to uninstall and re-install the Web Developer Tools feature through the Visual Studio installer.
None have worked so far.
What I guess
I think Visual Studio thinks this feature is installed (through some registry keys probably) but the files are actually not installed.
Because whenever I try to Modify the installation of Visual Studio, the Microsof Web Developer Tools check box is not checked for the first second, then it is checked again after 1 second.
Any suggestion on fixing this without uninstalling Visual Studio itself?
I was having the same problem and this is what worked for me:
Uninstall ASP.NET Web Tools from Control Panel
Download and install "Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools" extension from: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/c94a02e9-f2e9-4bad-a952-a63a967e3935
Try this (in order):
Find Microsoft ASP.NET 5 RC1 ... in control panel / programs &
select modify
Select repair
Run devenv.exe /installvstemplates as administrator
Run VS as administrator
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 2015. I tried several things, but simply updating Microsoft ASP.NET seemed to do the trick.
Install ASP.NET 5 RC1, restart, and the issue should be resolved.
I didn't know I had this problem until I opened an MVC project with Razor views and didn't have syntax highlighter and Intellisense. I was lucky to read your question because the symptoms are the same and so is the conclusion. And unfortunately none of the answers solves the problem. But it did help me to find the answer, or what worked for me.
What did the trick was installing .NET Core 1.0.0 (DotNetCore.1.0.0.RC2-Runtime-x64 and DotNetCore.1.0.0.RC2-VS2015Tools.Preview1). I am pretty sure that this is enough to solve the issue. But since I tried all kinds of things, it is possible that another action is required. In that case, continue reading below the images.
When I start a new project this opens the following dialog:
Selecting ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) opens the dialog with the projects I was looking for.
The syntax highlighter and Intellisense are also working for Razor views.
I do not know what caused the problem in the first place. Is the installation incomplete, is there a conflict with other software or did I do something that caused this?
Visual Studio 2012 is installed on my machine as well. I installed and uninstalled VS2015 (pro and community version) and then installed vs2015 Community on multiple volumes. On uninstalling I did use /Force and removed several folders manually.
Microsoft ASP.NET 5 RC Update 1 is also installed, but repairing this did not solve the issue. Also installing Asp.Net Web Framework tools 2015 didn't change anything. I copied templates to all template folders I could find (perhaps an issue with installing on multiple volumes?), ran devenv.exe with different parameters and deleted the '14' folder in my profile. None of this worked. Finally I installed .NET Core 1.0.0.

How possibly did IntelliTrace become available on my Visual Studio Professional installation?

As described in some other Q/As like this and this, IntelliTrace is a Visual Studio Ultimate feature only. But for some reason I have Visual Studio Professional 2013 (Version 12.0.30723.00 Update 3) and I have IntelliTrace on it. I don't know how it got there but it shows up in Quick Launch (Ctrl+Q) and is enabled from View -> Toolbars -> IntelliTrace. I told my colleague to use it and he didn't have it on his VS Pro! Do you have any clues why IntelliTrace is available on my VS 2013 Pro installation? I see comments from other people, such as #doglin here that he has the same.
I remember I had VS Ultimate trial installed before I installed VS Pro but can it be from there?
I have the same, it looks like a bug in Visual Studio. Installing Ultimate Trial add IntelliTrace feature to Professional edition.
see UPDATE below before you try this
I can confirm that I added IntelliTrace to VS2012 Pro by doing the following:
VS2012 installed with latest SP plus addins.
Install VS2012 Ultimate 30 day trial (about 30 minutes)
{not sure if I was forced to reboot here - If I was asked I rebooted}
Started VS2012 Ultimate (about 10 minutes)
Opened one of my projects and confirmed that IntelliTrace was working.
Uninstalled VS2012 Ultimate.
Rebooted as suggested by the uninstaller.
Started VS2012. It reverted back to Pro, with Intellitrace still present, add ins working. Only the changes I made to the IDE were lost (window positions, toolbars etc)
I now have IntelliTrace in VS2012 :)
--- UPDATE ---
I tried this and initially it appeared to work. But...
I could not longer create test projects and I had some test projects that failed to load. I tried many things and Googled the hell out of it. In the end, to restore VS 2012 to a working state, I uninstalled VS and reinstalled it.
I did not get IntelliTrace for free :(

Resharper 8.0 in Visual Studio 2013

I've been using Resharper (v8.0.14.856) with VS2012 for some time now, but I've recently installed VS2013. However, Resharper does not appear in the menus for VS2013, or in the options (under Tools->Options).
I've re-run the installer, and selected VS2013. As far as the
installer is concerned, it is installed for VS 2013.
I've tried repairing the install.
I've tried deleting the
%AppData%Roaming\JetBrains folder (as suggested elsewhere).
I've read this:
http://resharper-support.jetbrains.com/entries/21204867-ReSharper-is-not-available-in-Visual-Studio-after-installation and I've tried running Visual Studio with /resetskippkgs command line
I am an administrator, so I've run the installer as administrator, and I run VS2013 as administrator.
I've tried running in Compatibility mode for Windows 7
I've also tried contacting JetBrains, but have yet to receive a reply
Note. I don't have an "\Common7\IDE\Extensions" folder, but I don't have one for my VS2012 install either, and Resharper works just fine there.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
You need 8.1 to work with VS2013.
This is also marked with a small "8.1" image on this page:
I had the same issue. I Googled around and found a blog post explaining how to add a previously installed Resharper to various newly installed versions of Visual Studio on your machine via the Windows Control Panel.
The article outlines these steps...
Go to 'Control Panel' and select 'Programs and Features'.
Select 'JetBrains ReSharper' and click on 'Change'.
The ReSharper Setup main dialog will appear, here click on 'Change'.
The ReSharper Setup integration options dialog will appear, check the Visual Studio version that that you wish to enable ReSharper in. Click 'Install'.
Here is the original blog post...

Recommended Post-SP1 Visual Studio 2008 Hotfixes

Today I had to reinstall. I used to have some hotfixes installed for VS2008 but no longer have them and can't remember why they were necessary. I'm expecting any security-related hotfixes to come through Microsoft Update, but I'm interested in VS bug fixes.
Does anyone have a list of hotfixes that they recommend installing for Visual Studio 2008 SP1?
You can find them all here:
Look for the ones with a "FIX" prefix.
Update: This is another good source of information about VS2008 updates.
Suggested hotfixes (links updated 4/2015):
KB957912 - Update for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Debugging and Breakpoints
KB958502 - JScript Editor support for “-vsdoc.js” IntelliSense doc. files
KB960075 - VS Dev Environment crash after undocking windows or changing layouts
If connecting to TFS 2010:
KB974558 - Forward Compatibility Update
KB980216 - Error message when running unit tests with Forward Compatibility Update installed
Complete list of VS 2008 hotfixes (including TFS).
I recently rebuilt my machine. After installing Visual Studio 2008 and SP1 I was wondering about the same thing. In the end I used Windows update to check for updates and it found the following updates:
Screen shot:
All the VS2008 hotfixes are posted in the MSDN Code Gallery. You can search for tags "Visual Studio 2008" and "Hotfixes". You should only install the ones for problems you are actually having. Read through them and decide which ones you need. I would sort them by release date and install from older ones first. Also notice that some are included in other updates, such are the WPF designer hotfix included with the Silverlight tools.
I'm using Microsoft Connect - Visual Studio and .NET Framework as a source of updates for:
.NET 2.0+
I generally go with the ones that are pushed though Microsoft Update.
I thought that you can get bug fixes though Microsoft Update too.
If they don't come down automatically go to the site and look through the "Software, Optional" ones (or in the "Developer Tools" section).
Select Custom at the first screen and then wait a few minutes while it does it's scan.
However, there aren't any showing for me at the moment so I can't say for sure.
