op_ici_install() function call within RTI callback causing OPNET to crash - opnet

I use Opnet in conjunction with other simulators for co-simulation under High Level Architecture.
Upon receiving co-simulation messages from other simulators (interaction-receive / attribute update), the callback routine attempts to schedule remote interrupt with ICI installed.
However, the op_ici_install() function call within the callback routine always result in fatal crash, with error Access Violation Exception, hence I suspect that op_ici_install function
cannot be used from within RTI callback.
Please suggest probable causes and work around solutions.

More experiments confirmed that op_ici_install() would not work on an RTI callback. Work around solution is to use another process communication mechanism op_ev_state_install(), which can achieve pretty much the same function.

Yes, right, Don't use the ICI with an interrupt. Event state will provide what you want to do.


Why is WebViewControlProcess.CreateWebViewControlAsync() never completing?

I’m trying to write some Rust code that uses Windows.Web.UI.Interop.WebViewControl (which is a Universal Windows Platform out-of-process wrapper expressly designed so Win32 apps can use EdgeHTML), and it’s all compiling, but not working properly at runtime.
The relevant code boils down to this, using the winit, winapi and winrt crates:
use winit::os::windows::WindowExt;
use winit::{EventsLoop, WindowBuilder};
use winapi::winrt::roapi::{RoInitialize, RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED};
use winapi::shared::winerror::S_OK;
use winrt::{RtDefaultConstructible, RtAsyncOperation};
use winrt::windows::foundation::Rect;
use winrt::windows::web::ui::interop::WebViewControlProcess;
fn main() {
assert!(unsafe { RoInitialize(RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED) } == S_OK);
let mut events_loop = EventsLoop::new();
let window = WindowBuilder::new()
window.get_hwnd() as usize as i64,
Rect {
X: 0.0,
Y: 0.0,
Width: 800.0,
Height: 600.0,
.expect("Creation call failed")
.expect("Creation async task failed")
.expect("Creation produced None");
The WebViewControlProcess instantiation works, and the CreateWebViewControlAsync function does seem to care about the value it received as host_window_handle (pass it 0, or one off from the actual HWND value, and it complains). Yet the IAsyncOperation stays determinedly at AsyncStatus.Started (0), and so the blocking_get() call hangs indefinitely.
A full, runnable demonstration of the issue (with a bit more instrumentation).
I get the feeling that the WebViewControlProcess is at fault: its ProcessId is stuck at 0, and it doesn’t look to have spawned any subprocess. The ProcessExited event does not seem to be being fired (I attached something to it immediately after instantiation, is there opportunity for it to be fired before that?). Calling Terminate() fails as one might expect in such a situation, E_FAIL.
Have I missed some sort of initialization for using Windows.Web.UI.Interop? Or is there some other reason why it’s not working?
It turned out that the problem was threading-related: the winit crate was doing its event loop in a different thread, and I did not realise this; I had erroneously assumed winit to be a harmless abstraction, which it turned out not quite to be.
I discovered this when I tried minimising and porting a known-functioning C++ example, this time doing all the Win32 API calls manually rather than using winit, so that the translation was correct. I got it to work, and discovered this:
The IAsyncOperation is fulfilled in the event loop, deep inside a DispatchMessageW call. That is when the Completion handler is called. Thus, for the operation to complete, you must run an event loop on the same thread. (An event loop on another thread doesn’t do anything.) Otherwise, it stays in the Started state.
Fortunately, winit is already moving to a new event loop which operates in the same thread, with the Windows implementation having landed a few days ago; when I migrated my code to use the eventloop-2.0 branch of winit, and to using the Completed handler instead of blocking_get(), it all started working.
I shall clarify about the winrt crate’s blocking_get() call which would normally be the obvious solution while prototyping: you can’t use it in this case because it causes deadlock, since it blocks until the IAsyncOperation completes, but the IAsyncOperation will not complete until you process messages in the event loop (DispatchMessageW), which will never happen because you’re blocking the thread.
Try to initialize WebViewProcessControl with winrt::init_apartment(); And it may needs a single-threaded apartment(according to the this answer).
More attention on Microsoft Edge Developer Guide:
Lastly, power users might notice the apppearance of the Desktop App
Web Viewer (previously named Win32WebViewHost), an internal system app
representing the Win32 WebView, in the following places:
● In the Windows 10 Action Center. The source of these notifications
should be understood as from a WebView hosted from a Win32 app.
● In the device access settings UI
(Settings->Privacy->Camera/Location/Microphone). Disabling any of
these settings denies access from all WebViews hosted in Win32 apps.

catch SIGKILL in MacOS driver

I'm currently debugging my daemon that supposedly die due to SIGKILL.
I'd like to catch that signal that is intended for my process and add a printout that this process got .
I'm aware that SIGKILL cannot be caught in process level signal handler, so I've decided to use kext.
I've looked in xnu source code and saw that psignal is the method that passes the signal to the target process. However, so I've tried to use trampoline to patch it, but this method is only calls another static method named psignal_internal that is static, and it's probably eliminated by compiler optimization.
perhaps there are other ways to get some sort of mechanism that may help catching this event of sigkill and maybe provide option to set a proper callback function in this case?

Is it safe to call getrawmonotonic() in Linux interrupt handler?

I did some research online, and people suggest using getrawmonotonic to get timestamp in kernel. Now I need to get time stamp in ISR, just wondering if it's safe. The Linux kernel version is 2.6.34.
Yes, it is safe to use getrawmonotonic in interrupt handler.
Implementation of that function (in kernel/time/timekeeping.c) uses seqlock functionality(read_seqbegin(), read_seqretry calls), which is interrupt-safe, and timespec_add_ns() call, which is just arithmetic operation.

BUG: Scheduling while atomic .... using sysfs_notify()

I have a kernel module that uses hrtimers to notify userspace when the timer has fired. I understand I can just use userspace timers, but it is emulating a driver that will actually talk to hardware in the future. Every once in a while I get a BUG: Scheduling while atomic. After doing some research I am assuming that the hrtimer.function that I register as a callback, is being called from an interrupt routine by the kernel internals (making my callback function in an "Atomic Context"). Then when I call sysfs_notify() within the callback, I get the kernel bug, because sysfs_notify() acquires a mutex.
1) Is this a correct assumption?
If this is correct, I have seen that there is a function called sys_notify_dirent() that I can use to notify userspace from an atomic context. But according to this source:
It can only be called from a "process" context, and not an interrupt context (due to the spinlock).
2) Could someone explain the difference between process, interrupt, and atomic context?
3) If this cannot be used in an interrupt context, what is an alternative to notifying userspace in this context?
Correct, sysfs_notify() cannot be called from atomic context. And yes, sysfs_notify_dirent() appears to be safe to call from atomic context. The source you cite is a bug report that notices in an old kernel version that statement wasn't actually true, along with a patch to fix it. It now appears to be safe to call.
Follow the source code in gpiolib_sysfs.c, and you'll notice that sysfs_notify_dirent() eventually calls schedule_work(), which defers the actual call to sysfs_notify(), which is exactly what the comments to your question are advising you to do. It's just wrapped inside the convenience function.

Difference Between Probe and resume functions in Linux

I am a newbie to Linux. Can some one Please explain me about the differences between this functions. and the sequence of execution.
I had a look # this query.
Probe method device drivers
and got some idea about probe.
I have understanding the resume function is called after suspend. Please guide me in understanding the functionality.
Both are different in perspect:
Will get called when you are registering your device to for the first time.(Gets called (a). during device boot or (b). calling insmod/modprob).
It is a handler function routine part of the driver, you may supply function for the handler or leav(depends on your driver implementation).
So in simple words - Probe gets called only once (During registration of driver)
- Resume gets called depending on
(a) whether you have supplied function routine for handler
(b) If so then on suspend it gets called. (so n times it will get called for n times it gets suspended)
I guess there is enough information in a thread that you're mentioned. But I'll try to explain in other words.
Probe function is a part of initialization sequence of linux device driver. Usually, an Init function contains some sort of driver registration calls, and one of linux layers would call probe() later. But only driver's author can decide what part of code should be executed in init() or probe() : it depends on your device hardware specifications and corresponding linux layer (PCI, SPI, etc) features. By the way, in your driver you're not obliged to use any existing layer, so it is not mandatory to have probe().
Conserning suspend-resume: this pair of functions should take a place only when you're want to implement any energy-saving features of your device. Suspend() tells that you can switch off something (if have any) to preserve energy. Resume() tells that you should switch in on again. Have no such options? Do not implement suspend-resume.
