How to get the next hash element from hash? - ruby

I have this hash:
HASH = {
'x' => { :amount => 0 },
'c' => { :amount => 5 },
'q' => { :amount => 10 },
'y' => { :amount => 20 },
'n' => { :amount => 50 }
How can I get the key with the next highest amount from the hash?
For example, if I supply x, it should return c. If there is no higher amount, then the key with the lowest amount should be returned. That means when I supply n, then x would be returned.
Can anybody help?

I'd use something like this:
def next_higher(key)
amount = HASH[key][:amount]
sorted = HASH.sort_by { |_, v| v[:amount] }
sorted.find(sorted.method(:first)) { |_, v| v[:amount] > amount }.first
next_higher "x" #=> "c"
next_higher "n" #=> "x"

I'd do something like this:
def find_next_by_amount(hash, key)
sorted = hash.sort_by { |_, v| v[:amount] }
index_of_next = sorted.index { |k, _| k == key }.next
sorted.fetch(index_of_next, sorted.first).first
find_next_by_amount(HASH, 'x')
# => "c"
find_next_by_amount(HASH, 'n')
# => "x"

Something like that:
def next(key)
amount = HASH[key][:amount]
kv_pairs ={ |k, v| v[:amount] > amount }
result = kv_pairs.empty? ? HASH.first.first : kv_pairs.min_by{ |k, v| v}.first
I'm curious, why would you want something like that? Maybe there is better solution to underlying task.
EDIT: Realized that hash isn't necessary sorted by amount, adapted code for unsorted hashes.

One way:
A = HASH.sort_by { |_,h| h[:amount] }.map(&:first)
#=> ['x', 'c', 'q', 'y', 'n']
(If HASH's keys are already in the correct order, this is is just A = HASH.keys.)
def next_one(x)
next_one 'x' #=> 'c'
next_one 'q' #=> 'y'
next_one 'n' #=> 'x'
Alternatively, you could create a hash instead of a method:
e = A.cycle
#=> #<Enumerator: ["x", "c", "q", "y", "n"]:cycle>
g = A.size.times.with_object({}) { |_,g| g.update(>e.peek) }
#=> {"x"=>"c", "c"=>"q", "q"=>"y", "y"=>"n", "n"=>"x"}


How to find the largest value of a hash in an array of hashes

In my array, I'm trying to retrieve the key with the largest value of "value_2", so in this case, "B":
myArray = [
"A" => {
"value_1" => 30,
"value_2" => 240
"B" => {
"value_1" => 40,
"value_2" => 250
"C" => {
"value_1" => 18,
"value_2" => 60
myArray.each do |array_hash|
array_hash.each do |key, value|
if value["value_2"] == array_hash.values.max
puts key
I get the error:
"comparison of Hash with Hash failed (ArgumentError)".
What am I missing?
Though equivalent, the array given in the question is generally written:
arr = [{ "A" => { "value_1" => 30, "value_2" => 240 } },
{ "B" => { "value_1" => 40, "value_2" => 250 } },
{ "C" => { "value_1" => 18, "value_2" => 60 } }]
We can find the desired key as follows:
arr.max_by { |h| h.values.first["value_2"] }.keys.first
#=> "B"
See Enumerable#max_by. The steps are:
g = arr.max_by { |h| h.values.first["value_2"] }
#=> {"B"=>{"value_1"=>40, "value_2"=>250}}
a = g.keys
#=> ["B"]
#=> "B"
In calculating g, for
h = arr[0]
#=> {"A"=>{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}}
the block calculation is
a = h.values
#=> [{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}]
b = a.first
#=> {"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}
#=> 240
Suppose now arr is as follows:
arr << { "D" => { "value_1" => 23, "value_2" => 250 } }
#=> [{"A"=>{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}},
# {"B"=>{"value_1"=>40, "value_2"=>250}},
# {"C"=>{"value_1"=>18, "value_2"=>60}},
# {"D"=>{"value_1"=>23, "value_2"=>250}}]
and we wish to return an array of all keys for which the value of "value_2" is maximum (["B", "D"]). We can obtain that as follows.
max_val = { |h| h.values.first["value_2"] }.max
#=> 250 { |h| h.values.first["value_2"] == max_val }.flat_map(&:keys)
#=> ["B", "D"]
flat_map(&:keys) is shorthand for:
flat_map { |h| h.keys }
which returns the same array as:
map { |h| h.keys.first }
See Enumerable#flat_map.
p myArray.pop.max_by{|k,v|v["value_2"]}.first
I'd use:
my_array = [
"A" => {
"value_1" => 30,
"value_2" => 240
"B" => {
"value_1" => 40,
"value_2" => 250
"C" => {
"value_1" => 18,
"value_2" => 60
h = Hash[*my_array]
# => {"A"=>{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240},
# "B"=>{"value_1"=>40, "value_2"=>250},
# "C"=>{"value_1"=>18, "value_2"=>60}}
k = h.max_by { |k, v| v['value_2'] }.first # => "B"
Hash[*my_array] takes the array of hashes and turns it into a single hash. Then max_by will iterate each key/value pair, returning an array containing the key value "B" and the sub-hash, making it easy to grab the key using first:
k = h.max_by { |k, v| v['value_2'] } # => ["B", {"value_1"=>40, "value_2"=>250}]
I guess the idea of your solution is looping through each hash element and compare the found minimum value with hash["value_2"].
But you are getting an error at
if value["value_2"] == array_hash.values.max
Because the array_hash.values is still a hash
{"A"=>{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}}.values.max
#=> {"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}
It should be like this:
max = nil
max_key = ""
myArray.each do |array_hash|
array_hash.each do |key, value|
if max.nil? || value.values.max > max
max = value.values.max
max_key = key
# max_key #=> "B"
Another solution:{ |h| h.transform_values{ |v| v["value_2"] } }.max_by{ |k| k.values }.keys.first
You asked "What am I missing?".
I think you are missing a proper understanding of the data structures that you are using. I suggest that you try printing the data structures and take a careful look at the results.
The simplest way is p myArray which gives:
[{"A"=>{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}, "B"=>{"value_1"=>40, "value_2"=>250}, "C"=>{"value_1"=>18, "value_2"=>60}}]
You can get prettier results using pp:
require 'pp'
pp myArray
[{"A"=>{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240},
"B"=>{"value_1"=>40, "value_2"=>250},
"C"=>{"value_1"=>18, "value_2"=>60}}]
This helps you to see that myArray has only one element, a Hash.
You could also look at the expression array_hash.values.max inside the loop:
myArray.each do |array_hash|
p array_hash.values
[{"value_1"=>30, "value_2"=>240}, {"value_1"=>40, "value_2"=>250}, {"value_1"=>18, "value_2"=>60}]
Not what you expected? :-)
Given this, what would you expect to be returned by array_hash.values.max in the above loop?
Use p and/or pp liberally in your ruby code to help understand what's going on.

Implement merge method in ruby

I'm trying to implement merge method in my code.
A = { "a" => 200, "b" => 100 }
B = { "b" => 100, "c" => 300 }
So when I call A.merge_method(B) in my main function, it should return
A.merge_method(B) #=> {"a"=>200, "b"=>200, "c"=>300}
How can I implement without using merge method?
Here is the general idea: collect all the keys of any hashes to be merged, then for each of the keys, collect the values in all the hashes that have that key, and sum them.
module HashWithMergeReduce
refine Hash do
def merge_reduce(*others, &op)
hashes = [self, *others]
hash_keys =, &:+)
hash_keys.each do |key|
hashes_with_key = { |hash| hash.has_key?(key) }
self[key] = { |hash| hash[key] }.reduce(&op)
module TestHashWithMergeReduce
using HashWithMergeReduce
a = { "a" => 200, "b" => 100 }
b = { "b" => 100, "c" => 300 }
puts a.merge_reduce(b, &:+)
# => {"a"=>200, "b"=>200, "c"=>300}
I can't bring myself to add the method merge_method to the class Hash, not only because it contaminates a core class, but also because it's only applicable to a small subset of hashes, ones for which all values are numeric.
One could refine Hash, as #Amadan has done, but I think it makes more sense to simply create a method similar to module methods that behave as functions (e.g, Math::sqrt), that takes all hashes as arguments.
def sum_values_by_key(*hashes)
hashes.each_with_object( { |g,h| g.each { |k,v| h[k] += v } }
sum_values_by_key({ "a" => 200, "b" => 100 }, { "b" => 100, "c" => 300 })
#=> {"a"=>200, "b"=>200, "c"=>300}
sum_values_by_key({ "a" => 200, "b" => 100 }, { "b" => 100, "c" => 300 },
{ "a" => 150, "c" => 250 })
#=> {"a"=>350, "b"=>200, "c"=>550}
This uses the form of Hash::new that defines a default value, which here is zero. The expression:
h[k] += v
expands to:
h[k] = h[k] + v
If this hash has been defined h = and h has a key k, h[k] on the right of the equality is evaluated to return the value of k. If, however, h does not have a key k, h[k] on the right returns the default value, zero, to become:
h[k] = 0 + v
I've also changed the method name to make it more meaningful.

Add values of an array inside a hash

I created a hash that has an array as a value.
I want the sum of all values in each array. I expect to have such output as:
I do not know how to proceed from here. Any pointers are thankful.
I would do something like this:
hash = { "0" => [0,14,0,14], "1" => [0,14], "7" => [] }
hash.each { |k, v| hash[k] = Array(v.reduce(:+)) }
# => { "0" => [28], "1" => [14], "7" => [] }
For hash object you as this one.
hash = {"0"=>[0,14,0,14],"1"=>[0,14],"2"=>[0,11,0,12],"3"=>[0,11,0,12],"4"=>[0,10,0,13,0,11],"5"=>[0,10,0,14,0,0,0,11,12,0],"6"=>[0,0,12],"7"=>[],"8"=>[0,14,0,12],"9"=>[0,14,0,0,11,14],"10"=>[0,11,0,12],"11"=>[0,13,0,14]}
You could change value of each k => v pair
hash.each_pair do |k, v|
hash[k] = [v.reduce(0, :+)]
will resolve in
hash = {"0"=>[28], "1"=>[14], "2"=>[23], "3"=>[23], "4"=>[34], "5"=>[47], "6"=>[12], "7"=>[0], "8"=>[26], "9"=>[39], "10"=>[23], "11"=>[27]}
If your string is just like you mentioned you can parse it using JSON, or jump that step if you have already an Hash.
You can check the documentation of inject here
require 'json'
json_string = '
hash = JSON.parse json_string
result =
hash.each do |key, value|
result[key] = value.inject(:+)
puts result.inspect
and the result:
{"0"=>28, "1"=>14, "2"=>23, "3"=>23, "4"=>34, "5"=>47, "6"=>12, "7"=>nil, "8"=>26, "9"=>39, "10"=>23, "11"=>27}
Classic example for map/reduce. You need to iterate on the hash keys and values (map {|k,v|}), and for each value count the sum using reduce(0) {|acc, x| acc+x}
h = {1 => [1,2,3], 2 => [3,4,5], 7 => []} #example
a = {|k,v| [k ,v.reduce(0) {|acc, x| acc+x}] }
=> [[1, 6], [2, 12], [7, 0]]
=> {1=>6, 2=>12, 7=>0}

Ruby: Link two arrays of objects by attribute value

I'm pretty new in Ruby programming. In Ruby there are plenty ways to write elegant code. Is there any elegant way to link two arrays with objects of the same type by attribute value?
It's hard to explain. Let's look at the next example:
a = [ { :id => 1, :value => 1 }, { :id => 2, :value => 2 }, { :id => 3, :value => 3 } ]
b = [ { :id => 1, :value => 2 }, { :id => 3, :value => 4 } ]
c = link a, b
# Result structure after linkage.
c = {
"1" => {
:a => { :id => 1, :value => 1 },
:b => { :id => 1, :value => 1 }
"3" => {
:a => { :id => 3, :value => 3 },
:b => { :id => 3, :value => 4 }
So the basic idea is to get pairs of objects from different arrays by their common ID and construct a hash, which will give this pair by ID.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to take an adventure through Enumerable, you could say this:
( { |h| [:a, h] } + { |h| [:b, h] })
.group_by { |_, h| h[:id] }
.select { |_, a| a.length == 2 }
.inject({}) { |h, (n, v)| h.update(n => Hash[v]) }
And if you really want the keys to be strings, say n.to_s => Hash[v] instead of n => Hash[v].
The logic works like this:
We need to know where everything comes from we decorate the little hashes with :a and :b symbols to track their origins.
Then add the decorated arrays together into one list so that...
group_by can group things into almost-the-final-format.
Then find the groups of size two since those groups contain the entries that appeared in both a and b. Groups of size one only appeared in one of a or b so we throw those away.
Then a little injection to rearrange things into their final format. Note that the arrays we built in (1) just somehow happen to be in the format that Hash[] is looking for.
If you wanted to do this in a link method then you'd need to say things like:
link :a => a, :b => b
so that the method will know what to call a and b. This hypothetical link method also easily generalizes to more arrays:
def link(input) { |k, v| { |h| [k, h] } }
.group_by { |_, h| h[:id] }
.select { |_, a| a.length == input.length }
.inject({}) { |h, (n, v)| h.update(n => Hash[v]) }
link :a => [...], :b => [...], :c => [...]
I assume that, for any two elements h1 and h2 of a (or of b), h1[:id] != h2[:id].
I would do this:
def convert(arr) Hash[ {|h| [h[:id], h]}] end
ah, bh = convert(a), convert(b)
c = ah.keys.each_with_object({}) {|k,h|h[k]={a: ah[k], b: bh[k]} if bh.key?(k)}
# => {1=>{:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}},
# 3=>{:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}}
Note that:
ah = convert(a)
# => {1=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, 2=>{:id=>2, :value=>2}, 3=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}}
bh = convert(b)
# => {1=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}, 3=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}
Here's a second approach. I don't like it as well, but it represents a different way of looking at the problem.
def sort_by_id(a) a.sort_by {|h| h[:id]} end
c = Hash[*sort_by_id( {|ha| b.find {|hb| hb[:id] == ha[:id]}})
.map {|ha,hb| [ha[:id], {a: ha, b: hb}]}
Here's what's happening. The first step is to select only the elements ha of a for which there is an element hb of b for which ha[:id] = hb[id]. Then we sort both (what's left of) a and b on h[:id], zip them together and then make the hash c.
r1 = {|ha| b.find {|hb| hb[:id] == ha[:id]}}
# => [{:id=>1, :value=>1}, {:id=>3, :value=>3}]
r2 = sort_by_id(r1)
# => [{:id=>1, :value=>1}, {:id=>3, :value=>3}]
r3 = sort_by_id(b)
# => [{:id=>1, :value=>2}, {:id=>3, :value=>4}]
r4 =
# => [[{:id=>1, :value=>1}, {:id=>1, :value=>2}],
# [{:id=>3, :value=>3}, {:id=>3, :value=>4}]]
r5 = {|ha,hb| [ha[:id], {a: ha, b: hb}]}
# => [[1, {:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}}],
# [3, {:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}]]
r6 = r5.flatten
# => [1, {:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}},
# 3, {:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}]
c = Hash[*r6]
# => {1=>{:a=>{:id=>1, :value=>1}, :b=>{:id=>1, :value=>2}},
# 3=>{:a=>{:id=>3, :value=>3}, :b=>{:id=>3, :value=>4}}}
Ok, I've found the answer by myself. Here is a quite short line of code, which should do the trick:
.select { |pair| pair[0][:id] == pair[1][:id] }
.map { |pair| [pair[0][:id], { :a => pair[0], :b => pair[1] }] }]
The product method gives us all possible pairs, then we filter them by equal IDs of pair elements. And then we map pairs to the special form, which will produce a Hash we are looking for.
So Hash[["key1", "value1"], ["key2", "value2"]] returns { "key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2" }. And I use this to get the answer on my question.
P.S.: you can use pair.first instead of pair[0] and pair.last instead of pair[1] for better readability.
As Cary pointed out, it is better to replace |pair| with |ha, hb| to avoid these ugly indices:
.select { |ha, hb| ha[:id] == hb[:id] }
.map { |ha, hb| [ha[:id], { :a => ha, :b => hb }] }]

How do I convert a Ruby hash so that all of its keys are symbols?

I have a Ruby hash which looks like:
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }
I would like to convert it to:
{ :id => "123", :name => "test" }
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
Hash[{ |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }]
#=> {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
#mu is too short: Didn't see word "recursive", but if you insist (along with protection against non-existent to_sym, just want to remind that in Ruby 1.8 1.to_sym == nil, so playing with some key types can be misleading):
hash = {"a" => {"b" => "c"}, "d" => "e", => "g"}
s2s =
lambda do |h|
Hash === h ?
Hash[ do |k, v|
[k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k, s2s[v]]
] : h
s2s[hash] #=> {:d=>"e", #<Object:0x100396ee8>=>"g", :a=>{:b=>"c"}}
If you happen to be in Rails then you'll have symbolize_keys:
Return a new hash with all keys converted to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym.
and symbolize_keys! which does the same but operates in-place. So, if you're in Rails, you could:
If you want to recursively symbolize inner hashes then I think you'd have to do it yourself but with something like this:
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.keys.each do |k|
ks = k.to_sym
h[ks] = h.delete k
symbolize_keys_deep! h[ks] if h[ks].kind_of? Hash
You might want to play with the kind_of? Hash to match your specific circumstances; using respond_to? :keys might make more sense. And if you want to allow for keys that don't understand to_sym, then:
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.keys.each do |k|
ks = k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k
h[ks] = h.delete k # Preserve order even when k == ks
symbolize_keys_deep! h[ks] if h[ks].kind_of? Hash
Note that h[ks] = h.delete k doesn't change the content of the Hash when k == ks but it will preserve the order when you're using Ruby 1.9+. You could also use the [(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] approach that Rails uses in their symbolize_keys! but I think that's an abuse of the exception handling system.
The second symbolize_keys_deep! turns this:
{ 'a' => 'b', 'c' => { 'd' => { 'e' => 'f' }, 'g' => 'h' }, ['i'] => 'j' }
into this:
{ :a => 'b', :c => { :d => { :e => 'f' }, :g => 'h' }, ['i'] => 'j' }
You could monkey patch either version of symbolize_keys_deep! into Hash if you really wanted to but I generally stay away from monkey patching unless I have very good reasons to do it.
If you are using Rails >= 4 you can use:
Just in case you are parsing JSON, from the JSON docs you can add the option to symbolize the keys upon parsing:
hash = JSON.parse(json_data, symbolize_names: true)
Victor Moroz provided a lovely answer for the simple recursive case, but it won't process hashes that are nested within nested arrays:
hash = { "a" => [{ "b" => "c" }] }
s2s[hash] #=> {:a=>[{"b"=>"c"}]}
If you need to support hashes within arrays within hashes, you'll want something more like this:
def recursive_symbolize_keys(h)
case h
when Hash
Hash[ do |k, v|
[ k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k, recursive_symbolize_keys(v) ]
when Enumerable { |v| recursive_symbolize_keys(v) }
Try this:
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
# => {"apple"=>"banana", "coconut"=>"domino"}
hash.tap do |h|
h.keys.each { |k| h[k.to_sym] = h.delete(k) }
# => {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
This iterates over the keys, and for each one, it deletes the stringified key and assigns its value to the symbolized key.
If you're using Rails (or just Active Support):
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }.symbolize_keys
Starting with Ruby 2.5 you can use the transform_key method.
So in your case it would be:
h = { "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }
h.transform_keys!(&:to_sym) #=> {:id=>"123", :name=>"test"}
Note: the same methods are also available on Ruby on Rails.
Here's a Ruby one-liner that is faster than the chosen answer:
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
#=> {"apple"=>"banana", "coconut"=>"domino"}
hash.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h[k.intern] = v; h}
#=> {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
Benchmark results:
n = 100000 do |bm| { n.times { hash.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h[k.intern] = v; h} } } { n.times { Hash[{ |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] } }
# => user system total real
# => 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.107940)
# => 0.120000 0.010000 0.130000 ( 0.137966)
I'm partial to:
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 > hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
"apple" => "banana",
"coconut" => "domino"
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > hash.inject({}){ |h, (n,v)| h[n.to_sym] = v; h }
:apple => "banana",
:coconut => "domino"
This works because we're iterating over the hash and building a new one on the fly. It isn't recursive, but you could figure that out from looking at some of the other answers.
hash.inject({}){ |h, (n,v)| h[n.to_sym] = v; h }
You can also extend core Hash ruby class placing a /lib/hash.rb file :
class Hash
def symbolize_keys_deep!
new_hash = {}
keys.each do |k|
ks = k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k
if values_at(k).first.kind_of? Hash or values_at(k).first.kind_of? Array
new_hash[ks] = values_at(k).first.send(:symbolize_keys_deep!)
new_hash[ks] = values_at(k).first
If you want to make sure keys of any hash wrapped into arrays inside your parent hash are symbolized, you need to extend also array class creating a "array.rb" file with that code :
class Array
def symbolize_keys_deep!
new_ar = []
self.each do |value|
new_value = value
if value.is_a? Hash or value.is_a? Array
new_value = value.symbolize_keys_deep!
new_ar << new_value
This allows to call "symbolize_keys_deep!" on any hash variable like this :
def symbolize_keys(hash)
new={} do |key,value|
if value.is_a?(Hash)
value = symbolize_keys(value)
return new
puts symbolize_keys("c"=>{"a"=>2,"k"=>{"e"=>9}})
#{:c=>{:a=>2, :k=>{:e=>9}}}
Here's my two cents,
my version of symbolize_keys_deep! uses the original symbolize_keys! provided by rails and just makes a simple recursive call to Symbolize sub hashes.
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.each do |k, v|
symbolize_keys_deep!(v) if v.is_a? Hash
Facets' Hash#rekey is also a worth mentioning.
require 'facets/hash/rekey'
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }.deep_rekey
=> {:id=>"123", :name=>"test"}
There is also a recursive version:
require 'facets/hash/deep_rekey'
{ "id" => "123", "name" => {"first" => "John", "last" => "Doe" } }.deep_rekey
=> {:id=>"123", :name=>{:first=>"John", :last=>"Doe"}}
Here's a little recursive function to do a deep symbolization of the keys:
def symbolize_keys(hash)
Hash[{|k,v| v.is_a?(Hash) ? [k.to_sym, symbolize_keys(v)] : [k.to_sym, v] }]
