C#/MVC can I manually append multiple Enum Flags in a foreach loop? - model-view-controller

I've seen ways of using HTML Helpers and such to deal with enums in MVC. I've taken a different approach in that I pass a string[] of the checked boxes back to the controller. I am doing this:
foreach (string svf in property.SiteVisibilityFlags)
Enums.SiteVisibilityFlags flagTester;
if (Enum.TryParse<Enums.SiteVisibilityFlags>(svf, out flagTester))
// add to domainProperty
domainProperty.SiteVisibilityFlags = flagTester; <--Here is where I mean
Now, I know that normally, with a flagged enum you do something like:
domainProperty.SiteVisibilityFlags = Enums.SiteVisibilityFlags.Corporate | Enums.SiteVisibilityFlags.Properties;
So, if/how can I accomplish the '|'... in this methodology?

You could use the [FlagAttribute] explained here.
From there you can simply use the bit-or (|) operator as follows
domainProperty.SiteVisibilityFlags |= flagTester;
Also there is a really good explanation with examples on stackoverflow about attribute

figured it out. Any enum that has [Flags] as an attribute can be solved by summing up the values of all checked items like this:
// Site Visibility Flags
int SiteVisibilityTotalValue = 0;
foreach (string svf in property.SiteVisibilityFlags)
Enums.SiteVisibilityFlags flagTester;
if (Enum.TryParse<Enums.SiteVisibilityFlags>(svf, out flagTester))
// sum up values to get total to them convert to enum
SiteVisibilityTotalValue += (int)flagTester;
// convert total to Enum
domainProperty.SiteVisibilityFlags = (Enums.SiteVisibilityFlags)SiteVisibilityTotalValue;


How to distribute a large range of values over a smaller range of values [duplicate]

UserList is a list of dictionaries, like:
RowColorList is a list of colors: [#bcf,#fc0]
The new UserList should contain one RowColor for every name, taken in sequence from RowColorList:
I tried the following code:
UserList.Zip(RowColorList,(user,color) => user.Add("RowColor",color))
With this code, the new UserList will only contain as many entries as are in RowColorList. I would like him to start from the beginning of RowColorList again, whenever the available colors are used up. How?
You can create a function to return an infinite enumerable of Color / string (or whatever the type of RowColor is), by using yield return as a lazy generator:
public IEnumerable<Color> InfiniteColors()
while (true)
foreach (var color in RowColors)
yield return color;
This can then be used with any of the Linq IEnumerable extension methods such as Zip.
UserList.Zip(InfiniteColors(),(user,color) => user.Add("RowColor",color))
Edit - Explanation
The reason why InfiniteColors doesn't hang is because the state machine will yield back to the caller after each result, and Zip will terminate on the first enumerable to complete, which is because the other collection being zipped is finite (i.e. UserList)
Obviously you shouldn't try and Zip the InfiniteColors enumerable with itself, nor should you try and materialize InfiniteColors, i.e. don't call InfiniteColors.ToList() or such :-):
Something like this should do the trick:
var i = 0;
var l = RowColorList.Count;
UserList.ForEach(user => user.Add("RowColor", RowColorList[(i++) % l]));
The % operator will guarantee "cyclic" access to the RowColorList.

Dynamic JavaFX buttons action [duplicate]

I want to be able to do something like this:
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//if any button in the array is pressed, disable it.
button[i].setOnAction( ae -> { button[i].setDisable(true) } );
However, I get a error saying "local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final". How might I still do something like the code above (if it is even possible)? If it can't be done, what should be done instead to get a similar result?
As the error message says, local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final ("effectively final" meaning the compiler can make it final for you).
Simple workaround:
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
final int ii = i;
button[i].setOnAction( ae -> { button[ii].setDisable(true) } );
Since you are using lambdas, you can benefit also from other features of Java 8, like streams.
For instance, IntStream:
A sequence of primitive int-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations. This is the int primitive specialization of Stream.
can be used to replace the for loop:
so now you have an index that can be used to your purpose:
Also you can generate a stream from an array:
In this case you won't have an index, so as #shmosel suggests, you can use the source of the event:
As #James_D suggests, there's no need of downcasting here:
In both cases, you can also benefit from parallel operations:
Use the Event to get the source Node.
for(int i = 0; i < button.length; i++)
button[i].setOnAction(event ->{
Lambda expressions are effectively like an annonymous method which works on stream. In order to avoid any unsafe operations, Java has made that no external variables which can be modified, can be accessed in a lambda expression.
In order to work around it,
final int index=button[i];
And use index instead of i inside your lambda expression.
You say If the button is pressed, but in your example all the buttons in the list will be disabled. Try to associate a listener to each button rather than just disable it.
For the logic, do you mean something like that :
button -> button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
I Also like Sedrick's answer but you have to add an action listener inside the loop .

How do you cycle through items in a Relationship?

This is the current code:
Class %Utcov.Test Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod listClasses(ns As %String, projectName As %String)
// Switch namespaces to the new one
new $namespace
set $namespace = ns
// Grab our project, by name; fail otherwise
// TODO: failing is CRUDE at this point...
#dim project as %Studio.Project
#dim status as %Status
// TODO: note sure what the "concurrency" parameter is; leave the default
// which is -1
set project = ##class(%Studio.Project).%OpenId(projectName, /* default */, .status)
if ('status) {
write "Argh; failed to load", !
halt // meh... Ugly, f*ing ugly
w project.Items
ClassMethod main()
do ..listClasses("USER", "cache-tort-git")
First things first: I know that the code sucks... But that's the learning curve, I will eventually do better... The problem I want to solve here is this line:
w project.Items
At the console, it currently prints:
but what I'd like to do is of course to cycle through these objects, which, according to the documentation, are "instances" of %Studio.ProjectItem.
How do I cycle through these? WRITE doesn't cut it, and in fact I surmised from the start that it would not... I just cannot figure out how this is done in ObjectScript :/
When your writed object with w project.Items, you got such string 2#%Library.RelationshiptObject, this string may help in understanding what the object we got, and in this case it is an object of class %Library.RelationshiptObject, when you open this class in documentation, you may find some methods which could help you.
Here you can find some examples, how to work with relationships, in objects way and with sql.
Set tKey = ""
For {
;tItem will be the first item in your list which will be ordered by OREF
Set tItem = project.Items.GetNext(.tKey)
Quit:(tKey = "")
;Do whatever you want with tItem

How can I reuse code between Javascript macros and minimize work done within the macros?

I currently have two macros that are part of a (very limited-audience) plugin I'm developing, that both look basically like:
exports.name = "name";
exports.params = [
{name: "value"}
function get(tiddler) {
// return some contents of some tiddler fields according to some rule
function parse(data) {
// convert string to some kind of useful object
function logic(x, y) {
// determine whether the two objects correspond in some way
function format(data, title) {
// produce WikiText for a link with some additional decoration
exports.run = function(value) {
value = parse(value);
var result = [];
this.wiki.each(function(tiddler, title) {
var data = get(tiddler);
if (data !== undefined && logic(value, parse(data))) {
result.push(format(data, title));
return result.join(" | ");
So they're already fairly neatly factored when considered individually; the problem is that only the core logic is really different between the two macros. How can I share the functions get, logic and format between the macros? I tried just putting them in a separate tiddler, but that doesn't work; when the macros run, TW raises an error claiming that the functions are "not defined". Wrapping each function as its own javascript macro in a separate tiddler, e.g.
exports.name = "get";
exports.params = [
{name: "tiddler"}
exports.run = function(tiddler) {
// return some contents of some tiddler fields according to some rule
also didn't help.
I'd also like to set this up to be more modular/flexible, by turning the main get/parse/logic/format process into a custom filter, then letting a normal filter expression take care of the iteration and using e.g. the widget or <> macro to display the items. How exactly do I set this up? The documentation tells me
If the provided filter operators are not enough, a developer can add
new filters by adding a module with the filteroperator type
but I can't find any documentation of the API for this, nor any examples.
How can I share the functions get, logic and format between the macros?
You can use the Common/JS standard require('<tiddler title>') syntax to access the exports of another tiddler. The target tiddler should be set up as a JS module (ie, the type field set to application/javascript and the module-type field set to library). You can see an example here:
I'd also like to set this up to be more modular/flexible, by turning the main get/parse/logic/format process into a custom filter, then letting a normal filter expression take care of the iteration and using e.g. the widget or <> macro to display the items. How exactly do I set this up?
The API for writing filter operators isn't currently documented, but there are many examples to look at:

Accessing public static final field using JoSQL

I've been using JoSQL for quite a few months now and today I came across a problem I am not sure how to solve. I probably could solve it by binding variables/placeholders, but I'd like to include the fields in the query.
SELECT * FROM ...MyObject WHERE getType != com.mypackage.myclass.TYPE_A
This is the query that I have. TYPE_A is a public static final int attribute in "myclass" class. Accessing methods (such as getType) is easy, because getType is expected to be a method from MyObject - just that I do not write round brackets after it (this is how JoSQL works as far as I know).
Does anyone happen to have an idea how to access a public static final field?
JoSQL uses gentlyweb-utils; it seems to be some sort of Accessor/Getter/Setter framework. I'd love to access that attribute without having to bind variables, but I haven't been able to do so.
Thanks for your help in advance! I really appreciate it.
I think I have figured something out. First: it seems not possible to access the static variables for whatever reason. I've used the following approach to solve my issue:
create a method, which picks up a given JoSQL-statement
mark the constants, which you want to replace, by say "{?FULL_PACKAGE_AND$CONSTANT}"
use reflections to determine the column as well as the column (and value) from the field
iteratively replace the statement until no "{?"-values are available
JoSQL-statement looks like this:
(isWeapon = TRUE AND getItem.getType2 = {?com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.items.L2Item$TYPE2_WEAPON})
Method using the query-object:
final Query query = DataLayer.createJoSqlQuery(joSql);
Method (pre)processing the JoSQL-statement:
final Query query = new Query();
int variableColumn = 0;
while (joSql.indexOf("{?") > -1) {
final int startIndex = joSql.indexOf("{?");
final int endIndex = joSql.indexOf("}", startIndex);
final String value = joSql.substring(startIndex + 2, endIndex);
try {
final Object variableValue = Class.forName(value.split("\\$")[0]).getField(value.split("\\$")[1]).get(null);
query.setVariable(variableColumn, variableValue);
joSql = joSql.replace("{?" + value + "}", "?");
catch (...) {
return query;
The JoSQL-statement preprocessing method bascially iterates through a given JoSQL-statement and sees whether it contains the string "{?". If it does, it does some copy and paste (note the dollar-symbol right in front of the constant name).
Finally it creates the objects and sets them using something similar to prepared statements "setObject"-method. In the end it just replaces the values within the JoSQL-statement with question marks ("?") and sets a corresponding object in the newly created Query-object, which is later used to retrieve information.
