How to automate login in a shell script? - bash

I've got a shell script that I use to configure my Ubuntu instance upon instantiation. One of the things I need to do is login to my account so I can pull docker images from my private registry. Kinda like so:
docker login -u 'myUserName' -p 'myPassword' -e ''
docker run
The above script works just fine when logging in to Dockerhub, but when I try to use it to login to it produces prompts for the various arguments (-u, -p, -e) when it should automatically fill those from the arguments provided in the command.
How do I go about automating login for
I should note that I've already tried logging in, copying the contents of the ~/.dockercfg file and then trying to echo the resulting string into a new .dockercfg file in the script but there must be a machine id or something in the auth token that's produced and placed in the .dockercfg file so the resulting login from one machine cannot be used on a new instance (which is probably a good thing).

Doi. You need to put the host argument at the end, like illustrated in their docs:
docker login -u 'myUserName' -p 'myPassword' -e ''
docker run
Hopefully that'll help someone else save some time.


Running a script that's requires password in between

I'm running a script that copies files from another server.... It's prompting for a password of that server... Every time I need to enter the password manually... So s there any way to automate this?
scp root#ip:file_location destination
Note for security purposes I was not supposed to use password less login, or ssh
You can try to use sshpass which takes the password from an evironment variable named "SSHPASS" if switch -e is provided. So you can use something like:
export SSHPASS=<yourpw>
sshpass -e scp <sourcefile> user#ip:<targetpath/filename>
But of course it still uses ssh underneath, like Sergiy explained in the comment.

Jenkins: how would i bash script the initialAdminPassword set up for a dockerfile as opposed to pasting into the browser

Is it possible to bash script the setup process of jenkins, for example i have jenkins container set-up on my local machine, i would like to complete jenkins set-up entirely on bash for the purpose of scripting this entirely from a dockerfile.
I need to be able to pass initialAdminPassword without the use of a browser and just from the terminal.
Is it possible to complete the set-up from the terminal?
Yes it is possible to skip the manual setup.
I don't know your particular setup, but let's assume you retrieve the password from jenkins instance :
cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
docker exec "myjenkinscontainer" bash -c 'cat $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/initialAdminPassword'
You could then connect to Jenkins as admin, using that password.
curl --silent -u "admin:$mypassword" http://localhost:8080/manage
If you've configured Jenkins Security to not allow API calls, then you might require to generate first a crumb token that you would use in every request, instead of the password. To issue a crumb token, you might do something similar :
curl -s 'http://admin:$mypassword#localhost:8080/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,\":\",//crumb)'
Then you might need pass this crumb value instead of password in further requests.
Depending on your situation / Jenkins configuration, I might provide more details.

How can I automate entering input for a command in a bash script that runs on AWS EC2 launch?

For example: upon launching my EC2 instance, I would like to automatically run
docker login
so I can pull a private image from dockerhub and run it. To login to dockerhub I need to input a username and password, and this is what I would like to automate but haven't been able to figure out how.
I do know that you can pass in a script to be ran on launch via User Data. The issue is that my script expects input and I would like to automate entering that input.
Thanks in advance!
If just entering a password for docker login is your problem then I would suggest searching for a manual for docker login. 30 secs on Google gave me this link:
It suggests something of the form
docker login --username foo --password-stdin < ~/my_password.txt
Which will read the password from a file my_password.txt in the current users home directory.
Seems like the easiest solution for you here is to modify your script to accept command line parameters, and pass those in with the UserData string.
Keep in mind that this will require you to change your launch configs every time your password changes.
The better solution here is to store your containers in ECS, and let AWS handle the authentication for you (as far as pulling the correct containers from a repo).
Your UserData then turns into something along:
mkdir -p /etc/ecs
rm -f /etc/ecs/ecs.config # cleans up any old files on this instance
echo ECS_LOGFILE=/log/ecs-agent.log >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
echo ECS_LOGLEVEL=info >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
echo ECS_DATADIR=/data >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
echo ECS_CONTAINER_STOP_TIMEOUT=5m >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
echo ECS_CLUSTER=<your-cluster-goes-here> >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
docker pull amazon/amazon-ecs-agent
docker run --name ecs-agent --detach=true --restart=on-failure:10 --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume=/var/log/ecs/:/log --volume=/var/lib/ecs/data:/data --volume=/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --volume=/var/run/docker/execdriver/native:/var/lib/docker/execdriver/native:ro --publish= --env-file=/etc/ecs/ecs.config amazon/amazon-ecs-agent:latest
You may or may not need all the volumes specified above.
This setup lets the AWS ecs-agent handle your container orchestration for you.
Below is what I could suggest at this moment -
Create a S3 bucket i.e mybucket.
Put a text file(doc_pass.txt) with your password into that S3 bucket
Create a IAM policy which has GET access to just that particular S3 bucket & add this policy to the EC2 instance role.
Put below script in you user data -
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/doc_pass.txt doc_pass.txt
cat doc_pass.txt | docker login --username=YOUR_USERNAME --password-stdin
This way you just need to make your S3 bucket secure, no secrets gets displayed in the user data.

How can I interact with a Vagrant shell provisioning script?

I have a shell provisioning script that invokes a command that requires user input - but when I run vagrant provision, the process hangs at that point in the script, as the command is waiting for my input, but there is nowhere to give it. Is there any way around this - i.e. to force the script to run in some interactive mode?
The specifics are that I creating a clean Ubuntu VM, and then invoking the Heroku CLI to download a database backup (this is in my provisioning script):
curl -o /tmp/db.backup `heroku pgbackups:url -a myapp`
However, because this is a clean VM, and therefore this is the first time that I have run an Heroku CLI command, I am prompted for my login credentials. Because the script is being managed by Vagrant, there is no interactive shell attached, and so the script just hangs there.
If you want to pass temporary input or variables to a Vagrant script, you can have them enter their credentials as temporary environment variables for that command by placing them first on the same line:
username=x password=x vagrant provision
and access them from within Vagrantfile as
$u = ENV['username']
$p = ENV['password']
Then you can pass them as an argument to your bash script:
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
s.inline: "echo username: $1, password: $2"
s.args: [$u, $p]
You can install something like expect in the vm to handle passing those variables to the curl command.
I'm assuming you don't want to hard code your credentials in plain text thus trying to force an interactive mode.
Thing is just as you I don't see such option in vagrant provision doc ( ) so one way or another you need to embed the authentication within your script.
Have you thought about using something like getting a token and use the heroku REST Api instead of the CLI?

Running interactive Bash commands over ssh

I am trying to automate my server provisioning process using chef. Since I don't want to run chef as root, I need a chef/deployer user. But I don't want to create this user manually. Instead, I want to automate this step. So I took a shot at scripting it but ran into an issue:
The problem is that if I run
>ssh root#123.345.345.567 '/bin/bash -e' < ./
where add_user contains
//..if the username doesnt exist already
adduser $USERNAME --gecos ''
I never see the output or the prompts of the command.
Is there a way to run interactive commands in this way?
Is there a better way to add users in an automated fashion?
Try this:
ssh -t root#<ipaddress> adduser $USERNAME --gecos
Not sure why you have a $ in the IP address in your original example - that's likely to cause ssh to fail to connect, but since you didn't indicate that sort of failure, I'm assuming that's just a typo.
Since is just a simple command, there's no need for the added complexity of explicitly running bash or the redirection, just run the adduser command via ssh.
And lastly, since $USERNAME is likely defined on the local end, and not on the remote end, even if you could get your original command to "do what you said", you'd end up running adduser --gecos on the remote end, which isn't what you intended.
Try using :
ssh -t root#$123.345.345.567 '/bin/bash -e' < ./
