How to add project to my portfolio on Behance? - behance-api

I want to add projects on Behance. But I am not able to add any projects. I dont understand which format I supposed to add.
I am new to stack-overflow. Please help me to these problem. If i am not clear my question please post comments , i will edit my question. And I am sorry, I am not able to add any screenshot,because I need reputation add images.
I really need your help.

Select the Projects tab. In the left hand column, you'll notice that “Your Behance Projects” are listed at the top. Drag whichever project you’d like to add to ProSite down into the “Gallery” section.
Behance help


VS2019 addin/extensions How do enable/disable menu item

I am learning how to write VS2019 addin/extensions and searching for some good resource on specific questions like...
I am looking for some answers like,
How to i enable my menu item, only when a specific type of project is open or selected in a solution. ?
How do i iterate through files in a solution, How do i add files in a solution?
Is there any dom object available through which i can access items i need from XAML files.
Any good easy article answering above would be helpful.
To enable/disable your menu items/commands, take a look at the BeforeQuesryStatus event. See my answer from here for more details
To iterate through the file, you need to use the DTE interface. From there, you can access the solution from where you can get all the projects, all the projects file, or the selected files if this is what you want.
I didn't work with XAML files in a VSIX yet, but if anybody did it, please feel free to edit this answer in order to provide better response for the community. I would be curious too :)
Here is also a playlist of new videos from Microsoft:
I think you will get better responses to your questions in the future if you will post a single question/issue in one post and not a series of questions.

PayPal Express Review Order Page In Magento - Where I can edit code for design layout

My magento template is forcing me to have a final REVIEW ORDER page when checking out. I want to be able to edit the design of that page, but I cannot find what file the code is in. UGGH. Can someone help me? See screenshot.
I want to be able to change the font size of the words "REVIEW ORDER" to make it stand out more.
The file you are looking for resides on
But before making changes to it,its good practice of overwriting it to you theme and making changes there.
Hope, this is what you are looking for.

Is it possible to add image to drop-down menu

My friend wants me to add images to her drop-down menu as seen in this WP website: see procedures and photo gallery.
I have never done or seen this before and don't even know where to start. Could just tell her I can't do it but now I am intrigued and want to see if we can do it. Is anyone able to point us in the right direction? We are working on the site which is

Where is menu item in Joomla 1.5?

OK, I'm new to Joomla. Making updates for someone still using 1.5, plan to get them upgraded to v3...
I need to add a new article and menu item. I've figured out where to do that in the backend, but my menu item isn't showing up in the navigation. I went to menu manager, where I added the new link to a menu called mymenu. I see the actual module in the template is titled myleftmenu, and I have the menu item selected there with the others from mymenu that appear throughout the site.
I've researched this and see maybe there were some bugs in 1.5, even some weird conflict with php 5.3, but none of this makes sense. I don't have spaces or special characters in the menu alias (or wherever that had been an issue for some people). I'm really stumped here because this really makes no sense. I don't seem to have anywhere else to look in the backend to update or change this, so what's the issue?
I would check:
1- check if you are placing your mymenu in the right module position. To do that put that /index.php?tp=1 at the end of your url (eg: it will give you the position.
2- check if your menu is published (you need to click on "published")
3- if you are trying to make a drop down menu : know that it is not supporter by native joomla so you need to download module such as this one.
4- maybe your menu works but is not display because of overflow:hidden
I tried to modify other menu items in the backend and nothing was updating. I finally went searching for a php file that could have been hand-coded and modified and found that in my modules directory. Not being familiar with Joomla, and not sure if this menu had even been set up correctly, I then had to figure out how to get the right blog and item ID numbers for the hyperlink. Ugh! I feel like someone went about building this in a way that just made it more difficult for everyone who has to update the site in the future. Now I'm really wondering what a version upgrade is going to do to this!

How would i edit this vertical navigation menu - MAGENTO

Ok. all i am trying todo now is add an image to the top of the navigation bar.
I photoshopped a picture of what i have now and what i am trying to achieve.
here is my site
and here is a link to the naviation module in magento
Thanks guys you are always helpful here!
I find this question a bit specific, because it's related to specific plugin.
I suggest you to use template path hints to find out what file you have to edit. You could enable template path hints for specific store view in System/Configuration/Developer/Debug/Template Path Hints. This option will appear only when you enable specific store view in Current Configuration Scope on the top of left column. It will display hints around blocks on frontend.
You might also find useful official magento design guide:
