Cleaning up massive amount of PageObject elements - ruby

Each of our page objects has around 80-100 PageObject elements defined. This is a byproduct of a very data centric application and I don't see that changing any time soon. We have many text fields, select lists, buttons, and menus. I want to clean up these somehow and put them somewhere, but the things I've thought about don't seem very clean.
Move elements for each PageObject into a corresponding module and include that module into a single PageObject only
create a YAML config file, with the mapping of element_type => element_name => element_id and then call the corresponding element methods using metaprogramming
Utilize the upcoming PageObject sections feature to create different "panels" within each page and then include those Panels into the page.
The first solution has the problem that each module can be included in other classes if somebody doesn't pay attention. It's not restricted to the single class
The second solution seems slow and not very "rubular", along with being confusing to update elements for those new to the project
The third solution seems like the best, but like the first solution, you could potentially include Sections into a class that they don't belong in.
What other way can I move the definition of these elements out of the class so that our class is cleaner, shorter, easier to read, and defined to Ruby Specifications (i.e. the Ruby Style Guide). They really just seem like config data rather than ruby code, so I feel like they don't belong in the class. Especially when we have 80+ elements in each class.

I don't see why you wouldn't keep the elements in the page object class. That's kind of the point of the class, right? If they're shared across multiple pages, then I understand putting them in a module and mixing in. But why abstract the unique elements on that page away from the page class?
But if you're absolutely going to do this, I'd think this is the best option:
Move elements for each PageObject into a corresponding module and include that module into a single PageObject only
There are ways you could ensure these modules are included only in the classes you expect. I have Module#included in mind. Something like:
module MyPageElements
def self.included cls
raise "Expected to be included on MyPage, got: #{cls}" unless cls == MyPage
# ... elements ...
create a YAML config file, with the mapping of element_type => element_name => element_id and then call the corresponding element methods using metaprogramming
Seems like this would be a headache to bring new, unfamiliar people up to speed on the code. Ultimately, I agree that it's just too un-Ruby like.
Utilize the upcoming PageObject sections feature to create different "panels" within each page and then include those Panels into the page.
Since I've just barely looked at this (thanks for linking me to the PR), I don't feel like I can speak to its efficacy.


Using Module#prepend to interrogate a str_enum

I have a Rails model, which is using the str_enum gem.
I'm building a generator which reads the models and creates pages for them, and so I'd like to be able to understand what str_enums are attached to a model.
For example
class User < ApplicationRecord
str_enum :email_frequency, %i[every daily weekly], default: 'every'
Ideally, I'd like to be able to query the User model and understand there is a str_enum attached to email_frequency, with values of every, daily & weekly.
Once I can understand there is a str_enum attached to a given field, I can pluralize the field and get the values:
irb(main):004:0> User.email_frequencies
=> ["every", "daily", "weekly"]
The question has also be asked over here and the suggestion is to use Module#prepend. I'm familiar with prepend to conditionally insert methods into a model.
How can I use it for this problem?
This is quite simple with validations, for example: get validations from model
If I understand your question correctly is that you wanna get all column that has attached with enum string. If so you can override the gem method like this
# lib/extenstions/str_enum.rb
module Extensions
module StrEnum
module ClassMethods
def str_enum(column, *args)
self.str_enums << column.to_s.pluralize
def self.prepended(base)
class << base
mattr_accessor :str_enums
self.str_enums = []
prepend ClassMethods
In the User model
prepend Extensions::StrEnum
Now you can use
to list all columns has attached with str enum.
Make sure you have add lib directory into load path.
So for starters, you could, of course, use the approach that Ninh Le has described and monkeypatch your desired behavior into the gem. In fact, I'm fairly confident that it would work, since your use case is currently relatively easy and you really just need to keep track of all the times the str_enum method gets called.
I would, however, encourage you to consider doing one of two things:
If you plan to do more complex stuff with your enums, consider using one of the more heavy-duty enum gems like enumerize, enumerate_it or active_enum. All of these are packages that have been around for a decade (give or take) and still receive support and all of them have been built with a certain degree of extensibility and introspection in mind (albeit with different approaches).
Have a look at the gem and consider building your own little macro on top of it. IMO one of multiple of Andrew Kane's libraries' biggest weaknesses is arguably their kind of hacky/scripty approach which, while making the libraries hard to extend, makes them inherently easy to understand and thus use as a basis for your own stuff (whereas the gems with a better/more elaborate approach are harder to understand and adapt beyond the means the author has intended to).
Either way, you'll be fine with both of my suggestions as well as Ninh Le's.

Is it unconventional to define a subclass within it's parent class?

Is it conventional to define a subclass under it's parent class like below?
class Element
class Div < Element
class Paragraph < Element
Or is it more appropriate to make a module to contain the subclasses?
class Element
module Elements
class Div < Element
class Paragraph < Element
Or to create a "base" class in a module and define the subclasses within the same module?
module Element
class Base
class Div < Base
class Paragraph < Base
Or is it better to force a naming convention?
class Element
class DivElement < Element
class ParagraphElement < Element
It seems every library chooses a different namespacing/naming convention.
Which is the best to use?
What are the pros and cons of each?
TL;DR: The most conventional and best way to do this is with a module containing a base class and its subclasses. But let's go over everything.
There aren't many official sources on this; however, it is the style to use modules to contain libraries, code, and groups of classes.
Subclasses in Superclass
Self-contained: The entire class system is contained under one name
Unnatural: Who would think to look inside a superclass for a subclass?
Having the subclasses in a superclass really depends on situation. However, any benefits of this method are also achieved by the module method. But in practice, this just isn't done. Classes are here to contain methods, instance variables, class methods, etc. But classes can be thought of as a last level of nesting -- you don't have a class in a class unless it's a very specific circumstance.
The one case where I can think of this making sense is a case where the only way subclasses are used is through the superclass, for example a Formatter class that has internal subclassses like XML, PDF, etc. Let's say that you only use these classes by doing things like But if we're doing this, the subclasses should be private and not accessible to the outside world anyway. And at that point, inheritance is a very C++y way and not Rubyish at all.
Base class outside module, subclasses within
I can't think of any
Implies Non-conected: If Element is not in the same namespace as its children, what, beyond the name tells me that it's even related?
This method is very unnatural. It makes it look as if Element has nothing to do with it's children, or if looked at differently, that it's children are internal implementation details that aren't to be dealt with. Either way it looks like shabby, sloppy naming and bad code structure planning. If I were reading code using this, I'd have to look at the contents of the Elements module to see that Element was subclassed at all -- and this isn't the most natural thing to do.
Class and subclasses in module (best solution)
Contained: The superclass and all the Element classes are contained in one namespace, allowing them to be easily imported, required, iterated, etc. Also assists metaprogramming.
Includable: The classes can be easily includeed into any code.
Clear: There is an obvious association between Element and the subclasses. They are obviously a bundle of functionality.
Encourages lazy naming: This does encourage you to name classes things like Base that are very ambiguous.
This is the best approach. It makes the classes a neat bundle, while still showing an obvious association and an obvious "Here, use my Div class" (as opposed to the subclasses-in-class strategy). Also, this is really helpful for metaprogramming, where having everything in a module is crucial to make things work. Finally, this works well with constructs like autoload, require_relative, include, etc. Those show that this is the way the language was designed to be used.
Force a naming convention
Simple: No complexity here.
Removes ambiguity: Removes ambiguity from short names like Div or Para by turning them into DivElement and ParaElement.
Archaic: Naming conventions to group classes or methods should only exist in languages that don't have a better way to do it, like C or Objective-C. C++ dropped it as soon as it got namespaces.
No programatic grouping: These naming conventions, while clear to humans, make the class structure very cloudy to metaprograming code, and make it impossible for the program to deal with the classes as a group
Pollutes global namespace: This creates many, many names in the global namespace, which is always a bad idea.
This is a very, VERY bad solution. It encorages writing sloppy, C-style code with little organization and little sense. These kinds of naming conventions should only be used in languages where there is no better solution, and Ruby has plenty of better solutions. Even defining all the classes in an array is better than a naming convention.
Note: However, if you really want to, you can define a naming convention on short names like Div or Para as long as you still keep them in a module, so that it's Elements::DivElement. However, this violates DRY, and I wouldn't suggest it.
So, you really have two options. Just put everything in a module:
module Elements
class Element; end
class Div < Element; end
Or, put everything in a module with a naming convention:
module Elements
class Element; end
class DivElement < Element; end
I sugest the former for clarity, use of standard methods, and metaprogramming reasons.
This is a problem I have faced many times - you have some shared functionality and a few different implementation classes that use it - it's natural for the shared functionality and the namespace for the implementation classes to have the same name.
I have never had a problem defining a subclass under its parent class as in your first example - except for the fact that it has sometimes confused other developers on my team. So depending on who you are working with and what their preferences are I don't think there's any problem with this approach.
I would still prefer the second approach, with a different name for the namespace, if there was a name that made sense. If there isn't, I'd use the first approach.
I would avoid using names like Base, as in my opinion this sort of generic name encourages you to just throw any old stuff in there, whereas a name that describes what the class does will (hopefully) make you think each time you add a method if it really belongs there.
And I'm really not a fan of compound names as in your naming convention example, which I justify to myself with a sort of vague feeling that it's like database normalisation - each field (or class name) should contain only one piece of information.
Anyway, I hope this helps you. I can't really draw from any sources other than my own experience (it's for you to decide if you think that's 'credible'), as I do think there's no absolute answer to this question. It is in a large part subjective.
Name space and inheritance are for different purposes. Use name space to encapsule a module within another. Use inheritance to define a module using the methods/variables/constants of another as a default.
It could happen in principle that you may want a module to both be within the name space of and inherit from the same single module, but that depends on your use case. Without discussing over a particular use case, it cannot be decided which way among the ones you presented is the best.

Applying how ActiveRecord uses modules to other Ruby projects

I decided to dig into the ActiveRecord code for Rails to try and figure out how some of it works, and was surprised to see it comprised of many modules, which all seem to get included into ActiveRecord::Base.
I know Ruby Modules provide a means of grouping related and reusable methods that can be mixed into other classes to extend their functionality.
However, most of the ActiveRecord modules seem highly specific to ActiveRecord. There seems to be references to instance variables in some modules, suggesting the modules are aware of the internals of the overall ActiveRecord class and other modules.
This got me wondering about how ActiveRecord is designed and how this logic could or should be applied to other Ruby applications.
It is a common 'design pattern' to split large classes into modules that are not really reusable elsewhere simply to split up the class file? Is it seen as good or bad design when modules make use of instance variables that are perhaps defined by a different module or part of the class?
In cases where a class can have many methods and it would become cumbersome to have them all defined in one file, would it make as much sense to simply reopen the class in other files and define more methods in there?
In a command line application I am working on, I have a few classes that do various functions, but I have a top level class that provides an API for the overall application - what I found is that class is becoming bogged down with a lot of methods that really hand off work to other class, and is like the glues that holds the pieces of the application together. I guess I am wondering if it would make sense for me to split out some of the related methods into modules, or re-open the class in different code files? Or is there something else I am not thinking of?
I've created quite a few modules that I didn't intend to be highly reusable. It makes it easier to test a group of related methods in isolation, and classes are more readable if they're only a few hundred lines long rather than thousands. As always, there's a balance to be struck.
I've also created modules that expect the including class to define instance methods so that methods defined on the module can use them. I wouldn't say it's terribly elegant, but it's feasible if you're only sharing code between a couple of classes and you document it well. You could also raise an exception if the class doesn't define the methods you want:
module Aggregator
def aggregate
unless respond_to?(:collection)
raise"Classes including #{self} must define #collection")
# ...
I'd be a lot more hesitant to depend on shared instance variables.
The biggest problem I see with re-opening classes is simply managing your source code. Would you end up with multiple copies of aggregator.rb in different directories? Is the load order of those files determinate, and does that affect overriding or calling methods in the class? At least with modules, the include order is explicit in the source.
Update: In a comment, Stephen asked about testing a module that's meant to be included in a class.
RSpec offers shared_examples as a convenient way to test shared behavior. You can define the module's behaviors in a shared context, and then declare that each of the including classes should also exhibit that behavior:
# spec/shared_examples/aggregator_examples.rb
shared_examples_for 'Aggregator' do
describe 'when aggregating records' do
it 'should accumulate values' do
# ...
# spec/models/model_spec.rb
describe Model
it_should_behave_like 'Aggregator'
Even if you aren't using RSpec, you can still create a simple stub class that includes your module and then write the tests against instances of that class:
# test/unit/aggregator_test.rb
class AggregatorTester
attr_accessor :collection
def initialize(collection)
self.collection = collection
include Aggregator
def test_aggregation
assert_equal 6,[1, 2, 3]).aggregate

Ruby modules that use some common method:where to put this method?

Given some Uploader Class, I have three modules included in it.
They have each their own distinctive uses and that's why I divided them into three modules. But, as it turns out, there is one method that all three modules need.
So, it is so far obvious to me that there must be a better way than defining this method in each of these three modules. Should I make a fourth module and put this method in it, and have these original three modules include this fourth module? Or is there a better way?
Yes, it sounds like you should have a fourth module. But it sounds like you might actually need a class hierarchy rather than independent, flat modules. Apply the 'is a' test - can you say an UploaderA instance is an Uploader? If so, you should have
class Uploader
include FourthModule # with shared functionality for all uploaders
# or just go ahead and put the shared functionality right in the Uploader class here.
class UploaderA < Uploader

What are some good examples of Mixins and or Traits?

I was reading up on Ruby, and learned about its mixins pattern, but couldn't think of many useful mixin functionality (because I'm not used to thinking that way most likely). So I was wondering what would be good examples of useful Mixin functionality?
Edit: A bit of background. I'm Coming from C++, and other Object languages, but my doubt here is that Ruby says it's not inheriting mixins, but I keep seeing mixins as Multiple inheritance, so I fear I'm trying to categorize them too soon into my comfort zone, and not really grok what a mixin is.
They are usually used to add some form of standard functionality to a class, without having to redefine it all. You can probably think of them a bit like interfaces in Java, but instead of just defining a list of methods that need to be implemented, many of them will actually be implemented by including the module.
There are a few examples in the standard library:
Singleton - A module that can be mixed into any class to make it a singleton. The initialize method is made private, and an instance method added, which ensures that there is only ever one instance of that class in your application.
Comparable - If you include this module in a class, defining the <=> method, which compares the current instance with another object and says which is greater, is enough to provide <, <=, ==, >=, >, and between? methods.
Enumerable - By mixing in this module, and defining an each method, you get support for all the other related methods such as collect, inject, select, and reject. If it's also got the <=> method, then it will also support sort, min, and max.
DataMapper is also an interesting example of what can be done with a simple include statement, taking a standard class, and adding the ability to persist it to a data store.
Well the usual example I think is Persistence
module Persistence
def load sFileName
puts "load code to read #{sFileName} contents into my_data"
def save sFileName
puts "Uber code to persist #{#my_data} to #{sFileName}"
class BrandNewClass
include Persistence
attr :my_data
def data=(someData)
#my_data = someData
b = = "My pwd" "MyFile.secret"
b.load "MyFile.secret"
Imagine the module is written by a Ruby ninja, which persists the state of your class to a file.
Now suppose I write a brand new class, I can reuse the functionality of persistence by mixing it in by saying include ModuleILike. You can even include modules at runtime. I get load and save methods for free by just mixing it in. These methods are just like the ones that you wrote yourself for your class. Code/Behavior/Functionality-reuse without inheritance!
So what you're doing is including methods to the method table for your class (not literally correct but close).
In ruby, the reason that Mixins aren't multiple-inheritance is that combining mixin methods is a one time thing. This wouldn't be such a big issue, except that Ruby's modules and classes are open to modification. This means that if you mixin a module to your class, then add a method to the module, the method will not be available to your class; where if you did it in the opposite order, it would.
It's like ordering an ice-cream cone. If you get chocolate sprinkles and toffee bits as your mixins, and walk away with your cone, what kind of ice cream cone you have won't change if someone adds multicolored sprinkles to the chocolate sprinkles bin back at the ice-cream shop. Your class, the ice cream cone, isn't modified when the mixin module, the bin of sprinkles is. The next person to use that mixin module will see the changes.
When you include a module in ruby, it calls Module#append_features on that module, which add a copy of that module's methods to the includer one time.
Multiple inheritance, as I understand it, is more like delegation. If your class doesn't know how to do something, it asks its parents. In an open-class environment, a class's parents may have been modified after the class was created.
It's like a RL parent-child relationship. Your mother might have learned how to juggle after you were born, but if someone asks you to juggle and you ask her to either: show you how (copy it when you need it) or do it for you (pure delegation), then she'll be able at that point, even though you were created before her ability to juggle was.
It's possible that you could modify a ruby module 'include' to act more like multiple inheritance by modifying Module#append_features to keep a list of includers, and then to update them using the method_added callback, but this would be a big shift from standard Ruby, and could cause major issues when working with others code. You might be better creating a Module#inherit method that called include and handled delegation as well.
As for a real world example, Enumerable is awesome. If you define #each and include Enumerable in your class, then that gives you access to a whole host of iterators, without you having to code each and every one.
It is largely used as one might use multiple inheritance in C++ or implementing interfaces in Java/C#. I'm not sure where your experience lies, but if you have done those things before, mixins are how you would do them in Ruby. It's a systemized way of injecting functionality into classes.
