Chrome app for Windows in the background, using hooks - windows

I want to write an application for Windows that will work in the background and track some hooks, but as yet are not familiar with this development environment would like to know whether it is possible implementation of these tasks into the chrome app. Why chrome app? -Because, the application will interact with the application for android, it's simply easier to develop ...
So my questions are:
1. Chrome app in the background?
2. Chrome app and windows hooks?
If possible please bring a small example, or a manual on the implementation of the goals ...
P.S. Thank you very much for your participation and apologies for mistakes and awkwardness of speech (English is not my native language)!

I am pretty sure you will be unable to use global keyboard hooks in a chrome app. It would allow key loggers and other "bad thing"...
You can read this for more information :!topic/chromium-extensions/yPGeRn9y7Dc


is it possible to track processes in windows with electron js?

I want to build a windows app using ElectronJS framework. The main feature is to monitor user's process list in Windows. For example, if app finds example.exe it will make api request on my server. Now i can't find any specific information how exactly it is possible to do with Electron. Can anybody please tell does it make sense at all to start working with Electron in this case?
Now i can't find any specific information how exactly it is possible to do with Electron.
That's because you don't need an Electron-specific solution. Electron helps you build desktop applications using Node.js by providing abstractions on top of all sorts of APIs like Chromium for the rendering and execution of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or system-specific APIs (for displaying notifications, showing dialogs, etc.).
Electron, for the most part, does not force you to use its APIs and you're free to use any of Node.js's core APIs and other packages from npm. That means if you don't find an Electron-specific way to solve a certain problem, just search for a way to solve the problem using Node.js and it will most likely work.
The real question, therefore, is: Is there even any reason to use Electron in this case?
The main feature is to monitor user's process list in Windows. For example, if app finds example.exe it will make api request on my server.
For this feature alone you don't need Electron. You don't need a graphical user interface.
But when it comes to displaying the processes (on the computer your application is running on) – maybe in a Task Manager-like GUI – Electron would be a good fit because it allows you to create windows. "Pure" Node.js application, on the other hand, run only inside the terminal which is sometimes enough.

Nativescript detect other Apps

Is there a way in Nativescript to detect when another App opens and if so then close it based on a setting flag?
I found a plugin that will list all apps on the phone
NativeScript does not provide such a logic, neither internally nor as a plugin, afaik.
For the Android side you could realize this behavior by writing a background Service which is started at system boot time and periodically checks if apps have been started. Here is an link to an example on SO.
For the iOS side I think this is not possible, imho (correct me if am wrong).

Can I check if a Windows process is running from a Google Chrome extension?

I'm trying to develop a server-side tracker for a video game that runs against an API to update the player's performance, but I only want to track the player's activity when he is playing the game. Since there's no way to know that just from the API, nor any other service, I'm looking at other ways to tell the tracker to update when the user is running the game's process.
I'm trying to rule out desktop applications and a Chrome extension seems like a good compromise. However, I'm aware of the security implications that this has and I know Chrome has some concerns on browser-OS communications. Is there a way to safely achieve this in the scope of a Chrome extension?
Chrome extensions API does not provide any methods to get the process info other than that of the browser process. You can try using the native client as a part of the chrome extension.

Been asked to use Selenium to test Windows desktop application UI--how is this possible?

A company I applied to had sent me a "test", which I had to decline, due to it not making a lot of sense: They asked me to use Selenium to test a Win desktop app GUI and produce bug reports in the table form. They claimed that they're using Selenium to test Win desktop applications in their company, but they wouldn't tell how.
I did some research, and my understanding is that Selenium works with web browsers only, as it's been specifically designed for this. How can it connect to Windows desktop app? I just don't see any way possible for this. I found a claim that some integrate it with another open source tool to do this, but this "test" was supposed to take 1 hour of my time and installing some other framework, configuring, integrating with Selenium, etc, etc definitely wouldn't fall into one hour time frame. I had heard from another company too, that they wanted me to use Selenium to automate non-browser stuff if they hired me... Still have no clue about this--is this even possible? -- or is it something simply wrong?
You can't. Selenium can only automate web browsers, and even then, only certain browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and occasionally Safari). It interacts with them at a very deep level, very specific to the browser in question, in ways that don't apply to other Windows applications.
Selenium is meant for GUI tests of web applications and nothing else. But you can include Sikuli in webdriver code and can test the any of the applications either desktop or web applications, since it uses Image recognition.
else if you want to test the desktop application using Selenium thne u need to import Autoit and can test those as well

hosted app for firefox os similar to:, is it possible?

I'm currently working at a project to develop an App for firefox os similar to:
So it's basicly a hosted app, where you can choose a 3D-character. Then you have to make a picture for the background and record your voice on the phone. A Video will be rendered then and the 3d-character will speak the recorded message for you!
So my generell question is: Does anybody know, if its possible to develop such complex app for firefox os at this stage?
I've read, that all the APIs required for the project, like camera API and so on are already working.
I would implement the data-flow between server and client with node.js.
I would be greatful for any evaluations, tips and help.
There is no sound recording API yet, so I fear you will have to wait for it to be implemented for this kind of app to be possible. You can track the work on this API at
