I'm having an issue with "Source Not Available" when trying to run the HLSL debugger. Is there a way of attaching a hlsl source? If not is there a special location where the source file needs to be in?
The big problem is that I'm not getting anything drawn and as far as I can see is that after the vertex shader everything is discarded.
I am learning DirectX11 but can't get around this problem when compiling the project:
Error 1 error MSB6006: "fxc.exe" exited with code 1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 1126 5 DirectX
I am using Visual Studio 2013, DirectX 11, and the Effects framework.
I've searched the internet and did every single thing that they suggested such as properly setting the HLSL Compiler with fx as shader type and 5_0 as shader model. The include, lib and bin directories are properly set. There is a question on the topic here but it's not answered properly so I figured someone could explain how to overcome it now.
Thank you in advance.
You should configure HLSL file correctly. It means shader model(3.0, 4.0, 5.0), shader types(PS, VS, GS, or general just FX(with entry point if u got it) ....). fxc.exe is HLSL compiler which compiles your shader code, but it seems entire compiler is not targeted on right shader file(s). As well error says to you that compiler execution had been exited with result 1 , now you should click on shader(s) file with right mouse button and configure your shader that's it.
Hope this helps.
P.S. Oh and which version of Windows do you use ? because it's matter how would you talking with DirectX SDK ? This is important.
I am trying to test some code that has recently passed into my responsibilities. While the CUDA projects passed onto me work, I can't seem to get a [new Project] inside the VS13 [Solution] to work.
I've created a CUDA 6.5 runtime project. I've also added the dependencies needed for my own code.
Upon compiling, I receive several [error C2061: Syntax error : Identifier 'surface'] or 'texture'.
I'm currently at a loss as to what I am missing. I would guess there is some dependency I need to add to the project, but it is hard to find any relevant resources online when looking for this error message. I've already added "compute_30,sm_30" in the correct place (i.e. the same place as in the projects that compile).
EDIT: Relevant is that the file throwing errors is #included in someClass.h which is included in the main function.
As is pointed out below, the problem is that CUDA-specific files are included in the visual compiler.
As discussed in the cross-posting here, the root cause of this problem is that the code that involves surface and texture keywords is in a .h file that is ultimately being included in a .cpp file
In a VS CUDA project, by default, .cpp files get compiled by cl.exe, the windows host code compiler. .cu files get compiled by nvcc, the NVIDIA GPU compiler/driver.
cl.exe does not understand the surface or texture keywords, and so throws the mentioned syntax errors.
The only solution is to arrange your project such that those constructs only appear in, or get included in, files that will be process by nvcc, which is the compiler that understands surface and texture (and other CUDA) keywords.
For reference, there are various CUDA sample codes (such as this one) that use surface and texture constructs, and also have project code partitioned between .cpp and .cu files. You can study these if you wish for examples of how such projects might be organized.
I'm trying to debug my shaders in Directx 11 SDK application using graphics diagnostics tool in VS2012, however when I click Start Debugging on one of the shaders in Graphics Pixel History panel I'm getting Pixel Shader.pdb not loaded and I'm not able to find the pdb file anywhere.
I tried compiling shaders at runtime using D3DX11CompileFromFile with D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG flag as well as using the HLSL compiler with debugging information turned on (/Od /Zi) but none of these options is producing the pdb file I could use in graphics diagnostics tool.
How do I generate these files?
I think this "Pixel Shader.pdb not loaded" message is misleading. The is no any .pdb files generated by HLSL-compiler. All debug info are integrated into binary (either memory blob or .cso file).
Does your shader file named "Pixel Shader"? Maybe it says not about a shader, but some kind of Visual Studio's internal source files (shader debugger in VS2012 was somewhat unstable sometimes)
Some ideas that, probably, can help you to solve issue:
Make sure that your debug and release output binaries are not messed up. Check both debug and release configuration of project's properties and each shader's properties.
Make sure that you are loading right shader file. Check ten times all file paths.
Clean your project, eliminate all binaries by hand. Rebuild again.
IIRC, in graphics debugger you can only debug shaders, compiled offline (i.e. not by D3DX11CompileFromFile).
Try to compile using fxc.exe directly.
Use filenames that does not contains spaces and special characters.
Make sure your test shader is simple enough, so debugger will not crash. Thy to use default template.
If it's still doesn't works, write a minimal example project, check that it doesn't works, post it here so we can test it.
Try VS2013
Try your videocard vendor's debugging tool (such as NVIDIA nsight or AMD GPU PerfStudio), to see if it is problem with Microsoft tools or not.
Hope it helps somehow.
I don't know if many of you tried the new excellent feature of Visual Studio 2012 to debug Direct3D based apps.
I successfully capture a frame of my app, then I want to debug the execution of a Vertex Shader:
I click on the green triangle to debug a given vertex, but I got a "No Symbol Found" message which prevent me to debug it.
Someone knows what to do for Visual Studio to find the symbols?
You need to compile your shaders with debug information. And in order to reliably debug, you likely will want to disable optimizations as well. Depending on how you compile your shaders, this will be one of two ways:
D3DCompile / D3DCompileFromFile: Pass the D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG and D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION flags to D3DCompile. Note that depending on D3D version and whether you are using D3DX, these flags might have different prefixes.
fxc.exe: The compile flags have switch equivalents. For D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG, pass /Zi to fxc. For D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION, pass /Od.
Visual Studio 2012 is fairly smart about finding the source for your shaders based on the embedded debug information, but should it fail to do this, it will prompt you to point to the appropriate file.
From msdn:
It's not possible to debug an app and its shader code at the same time. However, you can alternate between them
It's possible that you are debugging the application and trying to debug shader at the same time.
When using SlimDX you can pass ShaderFlags to the shader compiler. Passing ShaderFlags.Debug causes debug symbols to be included.
var bytecode = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile("shader.fx", "VShader", "vs_4_0", ShaderFlags.Debug, EffectFlags.None)
Hopefully it is something similar in native Direct3D.
I was able to debug shaders in VS2012.
I used this command line:
fxc /TTargetProfile /EShaderMainFunctionName /Od /Zi /FdMyShader.pdb MyShaderFile
In code, I used:
D3DX11CompileFromFile(filename, NULL, NULL, "ShaderMainFunctionName, "TargetProfile", D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG | D3D10_SHADER_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION, ...);
TargetProfile is something like vs_5_0 or ps_5_0.
I'm pretty sure it would work with D3DCompile.
When I forgot to put D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG | D3D10_SHADER_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION, and I tried to load the pdb file manually, it said the symbols didn't match.
When I got it right, the Pixel Shader in the Pixel History view was a blue link. When I clicked it, it automatically loaded the correct file and I could start debugging it.
I couldn't find an in-code equivalend to /Fd that generated the pdb file, which is why I had to go through command line.
I am currently trying to calculate rigid transformation between two point sets so I tried to use the code given by the tutorial on pointclouds.org:
For my case I only changed the part where the data is randomly generated to something that loads the point data I want to analyze. Everything else is exactly like in the tutorial...
(I also tried testing exactly the tutorial code with the random data, in case I had somethign wrong with reading my input data)
Since I work with Qt I integrated the PCL library, Eigen library and FLANN library to my project. It finds all headers and successfully compiles with MSVC 2008...
Unfortunately I always get a runtime error at
Debug Assertion failed! Program:
...MSVC2008_Qt_SDK_Release\release\Project.exe File: c:\Program
Files\Microsoft VIsual Studio 10.0\CV\include\vector Line: 1200
Expression: vector erase iterator outside range
[..] ... check documentation ... [..]
Does anybody know what that means? The input clouds both have the same size and have filled values.
I would be thankful for any help!
The error message shows some file path for MSVC 2010 (10.0) ... So I tried to uninstall Visual Studio 2010 since I don't really need it. But still, if I compile in Debug mode, it shows me an error message, but with Expression: vector iterators incompatible instead... If I now run it in Release mode, it just crashes at runtime (at the same line), but doesn't show that error message.
This seems so be a problem with the library you use. Assuming you have done a clean build, checked your PATH variable and everything and that Visual Studio 2010 is removed, this might be a problem with the library itself. Are you you using the right one?
The current Qt SDK has MSVC2008 in it, so I guess it takes everything from where it needs. But either the compiler in Qt or one of the libraries you use that might want the 2010 version...
Hope it helps!