Issues with setting up Magento from command line tool - magento

Please help me to setup magento via command line tool. Here are the errors:
Xpress#Xpress-PC /cygdrive/c/xampp/htdocs/magento2
$ ./mage mage-setup
Running initial setup...
./mage: line 50: exec: php: not found
./mage: line 50: exec: php: not found
./mage: line 50: exec: php: not found

The problem is that it cannot find the PHP command. This is most probably because of the missing path to your PHP directory. As you are using cygdrive on windows this is more probable. Try to add this line:
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/xampp/php
in the bash.bashrc file (you can find it inside the folder where you installed cygwin. Should be here: C:\cygwin64\etc\bash.bashrc); this code will add the PHP (installed in: C:\xampp\php) to your path


start hadoop failed with

I tried to start hadoop, but it failed with nothing started. Following the console log.
Mac:sbin lqs2$ sh
/Users/lqs2/Library/hadoop-3.1.1/libexec/ line 398:
syntax error near unexpected token `<'
/Users/lqs2/Library/hadoop-3.1.1/libexec/ line 398:
`done < <(for text in "${input[#]}"; do'
/Users/lqs2/Library/hadoop-3.1.1/libexec/ line 70:
hadoop_deprecate_envvar: command not found
/Users/lqs2/Library/hadoop-3.1.1/libexec/ line 87:
hadoop_bootstrap: command not found
/Users/lqs2/Library/hadoop-3.1.1/libexec/ line 104:
hadoop_parse_args: command not found
/Users/lqs2/Library/hadoop-3.1.1/libexec/ line 105:
shift: : numeric argument required
WARNING: Attempting to start all Apache Hadoop daemons as lqs2 in 10
WARNING: This is not a recommended production deployment configuration.
WARNING: Use CTRL-C to abort.
I have tried any ways to solve it but nothing woked. Even I reinstalled the latest version. But the error is the same. It almost drives me mad.
Any answer is helpful. Thanks.
Hadoop scripts require bash, not sh
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Though I would suggest starting HDFS and YARN separately so that you can isolate other issues
You also need to downgrade Hadoop to at least the latest 2.7 release for Spark to work
In my case, I was seeing this error in OSX after installing Hadoop using HomeBrew. The solution was to do a fresh install after downloading the Hadoop (3.2.1) binary directly from the official website. While installing, I had set HADOOP_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables.
A word of caution: I found that the issue can occur if the following environment variables are defined in :
export HDFS_NAMENODE_USER="root"
export HDFS_DATANODE_USER="root"
I had initially added these variables while trying to fix the issue. Ultimately I removed them and the error disappeared.
Note, I executed all the Hadoop commands and scripts as non-root user, and also upgraded bash to version 5.0.17.

Zeppelin Errors

I am trying to install Zeppelin on windows 10, but getting errors while running the command - bash start. I have configured JAVA_HOME and SPARK_HOME manually by going to the properties of my_computer (not by cmd or shell commands), can that be the reason for the errors?
Below are the errors I am getting -
/cygdrive/c/Users/Harneet/zeppelin-0.6.0-bin-all/conf/ line 18:
$'\r': command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Harneet/zeppelin-0.6.0-bin-all/conf/ line 20:
': not a valid identifier
Please help?

laravel 4 install issue when using composer install

When I run
composer.phar install
I get this error almost at the end of the installation, any ideas?
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/belendez/public_html/laravel/artisan on line 46
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/belendez/public_html/laravel/artisan on line 46
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-install-cmd event returned with an error
I look into the suggested link and it appears that somehow in the middle of the installation it changes from 5.3 to 5.2! If I try to start installation using 5.2 it returns right a way: class 'Phar' not found. Any ideas?
It seems that issuing only a php command will pick up another version of the interpreter. Try to change all the references to php in your composer.phar file to the one you want actually to be executed (in your case it seems /opt/php53/bin/php).
You can confirm that by simply launching a php -v directly from the command line to see what version your server will pick up

PHPUnit instllation broken since Mountain Lion upgrade

I upgraded my Mac from Lion to Mountain Lion a few months ago.
I previously had PHPUnit working with my Zend Framework 1.11 without issue but had not used it much.
I now have Zend Framewoprk 2 running on a Quick Start website but I simply cannot gwet PHPUnit to work.
I've searched numerous questions related to this on Stackoverflow and tried reinstalls and path changes to php.ini without success.
I have also checked that my PEAR install is working fine, which it is but the error is the same when I try "phpunit --version"
PHP Warning: require(/usr/lib/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/bin/phpunit on line 43
Warning: require(/usr/lib/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/bin/phpunit on line 43
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/usr/lib/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php' (include_path='.:/Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear/PEAR:/Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear:/usr/bin/phpunit:/Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit:/usr/bin/phpunit:/Users/johnadmin/pear/bin/pear') in /usr/bin/phpunit on line 43
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/usr/lib/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php' (include_path='.:/Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear/PEAR:/Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear:/usr/bin/phpunit:/Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit:/usr/bin/phpunit:/Users/johnadmin/pear/bin/pear') in /usr/bin/phpunit on line 43
Attempts to reinstall phpunit results in me been told phpunit is already installed and its version current.
$ sudo pear install phpunit/PHPUnit
phpunit/PHPUnit is already installed and is the same as the released version 3.7.10
install failed
Trying to uninstall fails as phpunit is a dependancy in other items/applications.
Is there anyway I can fix this or completely remove it and reinstall fresh?
include_path in my php.ini is:
Additional info in case its relevant:
> which phpunit
> which pear
> which php
Autoload.php is located in
Additionally, the folder '/usr/lib/php/' exists but the PHPUnit directory is not under that, it is under /Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit
bash_profile content/paths
# Your previous /Users/johnadmin/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/johnadmin/.bash_$
# MacPorts Installer addition on 2012-04-17_at_08:37:29: adding an appropriate PATH variable$
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.
# Your previous /Users/johnadmin/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/johnadmin/.bash_$
# MacPorts Installer addition on 2012-10-09_at_16:09:32: adding an appropriate PATH variable$
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.
# Your previous /Users/johnadmin/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/johnadmin/.bash_$
# MacPorts Installer addition on 2012-12-06_at_13:40:25: adding an appropriate PATH variable$
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.
At my wits end as I do not know what else to check frankly and any help would be a big help. Ta
Nevermind after hours of trying various solutions I found that creating a simlink to the PHPUnit folder worked.
Command I used was
sudo ln -s /Users/johnadmin/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit /usr/lib/php/PHPUnit
Seriously, this helped me a lot:
Install Composer (
composer require phpunit/phpunit 3.7.*
composer update
Three simple steps to pull PHPUnit source, and binary to your project.

Install external package in Google Go

I was trying to install external packages in GO language. I've found many external packages at
I am working on windows system.
I tried this command to install go-router package.
This resulted in following error....
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe: === cd c:\go\src\pkg\\svn\trunk;
bash gomake -f- install
/cygdrive/c/go/bin/gomake: line 3: exec: make: not found
--- exit status 127
goinstall: install: running bash: exit status 127
I am unable to find out the reason for the error and the meaning of status code. I've read the goinstall command description but no luck..
It seems make command is missing. Make sure it's installed and that PATH variable is defined correctly.
