How to improve the performance of needleman -wunsch algorithm in CUDA - algorithm

I need an advice on how optimizing my implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm in CUDA.
I want to optimize my code to fill the DP matrix in CUDA. Due to the data dependence between matrix elements (each next element depends on the other ones - left to it, up to it, and left-up to it), I'm filling anti-diagonal matrix elements in parallel as follows:
__global__ void alignment_kernel(int *T, char *A, char *B, int t_M, int t_N, int d) {
int row = BLOCK_SIZE_Y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
int col = BLOCK_SIZE_X * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
// Check if we are inside the table boundaries.
if (!(row < t_M && col < t_N)) {
// Check if current thread is on the current diagonal
if (row + col != d) {
int v1;
int v2;
int v3;
int v4;
v1 = v2 = v3 = v4 = INT_MIN;
if (row > 0 && col > 0) {
v1 = T[t_N * (row - 1) + (col - 1)] + score_matrix_read(A[row - 1], B[col - 1]);
if (row > 0 && col >= 0) {
v2 = T[t_N * (row - 1) + col] + gap;
if (row >= 0 && col > 0) {
v3 = T[t_N * row + (col - 1)] + gap;
if (row == 0 && col == 0) {
v4 = 0;
// Synchronize (ensure all the data is available)
T[t_N * row + col] = mmax(v1, v2, v3, v4);
Nevertheless, one obvious problem of my code is that I do multiple kernel calls (code bellow). Until now, I don't know how to use threads to process the anti-diagonal synchronously without doing that. I think this is a major problem to reach a better performance.
// Invoke kernel.
for (int d = 0; d < t_M + t_N - 1; d++) {
alignment_kernel<<< gridDim, blockDim >>>(d_T, d_A, d_B, t_M, t_N, d);
How can I process the anti-diagonal in parallel and, maybe, using shared memory to increase the speedup?
Beyond this problem, is there any way to do the back trace step of the needleman-wunsch algorithm in parallel?

I am currently working on a parallel implementation of the Needleman Wunsch algorithm as well (to use in a genome mapper). Depending on how many alignments you will be doing, it may be more efficient to do a single alignment per thread.
However, here is a publication that performs a single alignment in parallel (on a GPU). The novelty of their approach is that it does not generate the matrix sequentially, by rather diagonally. They don't talk about how they backtrack in their publication. They send the matrix back to the host after it is generated, then they perform the backtrack using a CPU. I think that backtracking on the GPU would be terribly inefficient due to branching.


Matrix multiplication via std::vector is 10 times slower than numpy

Although it is known that using nested std::vector to represent matrices is a bad idea, let's use it for now since it is flexible and many existing functions can handle std::vector.
I thought, in small cases, the speed difference can be ignored. But it turned out that vector<vector<double>> is 10+ times slower than
Let A and B be matrices whose size is sizexsize. Assuming square matrices is just for simplicity. (We don't intend to limit discussion to the square matrices case.) We initialize each matrix in a deterministic way, and finally calculate C = A * B.
We define "calculation time" as the time elapsed just to calculate C = A * B. In other words, various overheads are not included.
Python3 code
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print("Pass `size` as an argument.", file = sys.stderr);
size = int(sys.argv[1]);
A = np.ndarray((size, size));
B = np.ndarray((size, size));
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
A[i][j] = i * 3.14 + j
B[i][j] = i * 3.14 - j
start = time.time()
C =, B);
print("{:.3e}".format(time.time() - start), file = sys.stderr);
C++ code
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "Pass `size` as an argument.\n";
return 1;
const unsigned size = atoi(argv[1]);
vector<vector<double>> A(size, vector<double>(size));
vector<vector<double>> B(size, vector<double>(size));
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
A[i][j] = i * 3.14 + j;
B[i][j] = i * 3.14 - j;
auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();
vector<vector<double>> C(size, vector<double>(size, /* initial_value = */ 0));
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
cerr << scientific;
cerr << chrono::duration<double>(chrono::system_clock::now() - start).count() << "\n";
C++ code (multithreaded)
We also wrote a multithreaded version of C++ code since is automatically calculated in parallel.
You can get all the codes from GitHub.
C++ version is 10+ times slower than Python 3 (with numpy) version.
matrix_size: 200x200
--------------- Time in seconds ---------------
C++ (not multithreaded): 8.45e-03
C++ (1 thread): 8.66e-03
C++ (2 threads): 4.68e-03
C++ (3 threads): 3.14e-03
C++ (4 threads): 2.43e-03
Python 3: 4.07e-04
matrix_size: 400x400
--------------- Time in seconds ---------------
C++ (not multithreaded): 7.011e-02
C++ (1 thread): 6.985e-02
C++ (2 threads): 3.647e-02
C++ (3 threads): 2.462e-02
C++ (4 threads): 1.915e-02
Python 3: 1.466e-03
Is there any way to make the C++ implementation faster?
Optimizations I Tried
swap calculation order -> at most 3.5 times faster (not than numpy code but than C++ code)
optimization 1 plus partial unroll -> at most 4.5 times faster, but this can be done only when size is known in advance No. As pointed out in this comment, size is not needed to be known. We can just limit the max value of loop variables of unrolled loops and process remaining elements with normal loops. See my implementation for example.
optimization 2, plus minimizing the call of C[i][j] by introducing a simple variable sum -> at most 5.2 times faster. The implementation is here. This result implies std::vector::operator[] is un-ignorably slow.
optimization 3, plus g++ -march=native flag -> at most 6.2 times faster (By the way, we use -O3 of course.)
Optimization 3, plus reducing the call of operator [] by introducing a pointer to an element of A since A's elements are sequentially accessed in the unrolled loop. -> At most 6.2 times faster, and a little little bit faster than Optimization 4. The code is shown below.
g++ -funroll-loops flag to unroll for loops -> no change
g++ #pragma GCC unroll n -> no change
g++ -flto flag to turn on link time optimizations -> no change
Block Algorithm -> no change
transpose B to avoid cache miss -> no change
long linear std::vector instead of nested std::vector<std::vector>, swap calculation order, block algorithm, and partial unroll -> at most 2.2 times faster
Optimization 1, plus PGO(profile-guided optimization) -> 4.7 times faster
Optimization 3, plus PGO -> same as Optimization 3
Optimization 3, plus g++ specific __builtin_prefetch() -> same as Optimization 3
Current Status
(originally) 13.06 times slower -> (currently) 2.10 times slower
Again, you can get all the codes on GitHub. But let us cite some codes, all of which are functions called from the multithreaded version of C++ code.
Original Code (GitHub)
void f(const vector<vector<double>> &A, const vector<vector<double>> &B, vector<vector<double>> &C, unsigned row_start, unsigned row_end) {
const unsigned j_max = B[0].size();
const unsigned k_max = B.size();
for (int i = row_start; i < row_end; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < j_max; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < k_max; ++k) {
C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
Current Best Code (GitHub)
This is the implementation of the Optimization 5 above.
void f(const vector<vector<double>> &A, const vector<vector<double>> &B, vector<vector<double>> &C, unsigned row_start, unsigned row_end) {
static const unsigned num_unroll = 5;
const unsigned j_max = B[0].size();
const unsigned k_max_for_unrolled_loop = B.size() / num_unroll * num_unroll;
const unsigned k_max = B.size();
for (int i = row_start; i < row_end; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < k_max_for_unrolled_loop; k += num_unroll) {
for (int j = 0; j < j_max; ++j) {
const double *p = A[i].data() + k;
double sum;
sum = *p++ * B[k][j];
sum += *p++ * B[k+1][j];
sum += *p++ * B[k+2][j];
sum += *p++ * B[k+3][j];
sum += *p++ * B[k+4][j];
C[i][j] += sum;
for (int k = k_max_for_unrolled_loop; k < k_max; ++k) {
const double a = A[i][k];
for (int j = 0; j < j_max; ++j) {
C[i][j] += a * B[k][j];
We've tried many optimizations since we first posted this question. We spent whole two days struggling with this problem, and finally reached the point where we have no more idea how to optimize the current best code. We doubt more complex algorithms like Strassen's will do it better since cases we handle are not large and each operation on std::vector is so expensive that, as we've seen, just reducing the call of [] improved the performance well.
We (want to) believe we can make it better, though.
Matrix multiplication is relativly easy to optimize. However if you want to get to decent cpu utilization it becomes tricky because you need deep knowledge of the hardware you are using. The steps to implement a fast matmul kernel are the following:
Use SIMDInstructions
Use Register Blocking and fetch multiple data at once
Optimize for your chache lines (mainly L2 and L3)
Parallelize your code to use multiple threads
Under this linke is a very good ressource, that explains all the nasty details:
If you want more indepth advise leave a comment.

copy an one eigen matrix of vectors

I have
A(matrix of vectors with length = depth) is 5x5 (5 rows and 5 cols).
depth = 3 (it is the length of vector of any cell of matrix A).
B(matrix of single values) is 75 x Any (5*5*3 rows and Any cols).
x_size_kernel = 5.
block_idx is the index, here for example we have made it equal 0 (for one column of matrix B only)
The task of this simple and strict example is to copy all vectors of matrix A to one (first column) of matrix B.
Now I solve the problem like this (it is concrete example with precise data)
Eigen::MatrixXf B;
B = Eigen::MatrixXf(x_size_kernel * y_size_kernel * depth, 100).setZero();
Eigen::Matrix<Eigen::VectorXf, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> A;
A.resize(5, 5);
auto depth = 3;
for (auto yy = 0; yy < A.rows(); yy++) {
for (auto xx = 0; xx < A.cols(); xx++) {
A(yy, xx).resize(depth);
auto block_idx = 0;
// and here are all copy for one column of matrix B
for (auto my = 0; my < x_size_kernel; my++) {
for (auto mx = 0; mx < x_size_kernel; mx++) {
// add the next column of block data
segment(mx * depth + my * x_size_kernel * depth, depth).noalias() =
A(my, mx);
But the above code is very slow, so I need more fast code. Maybe somebody know how to copy data in such way using only Eigen one pass.
Thank you for helping.

Improving the Efficiency of Compact/Scatter in CUDA

Any ideas about how to further improve upon the basic scatter operation in CUDA? Especially if one knows it will only be used to compact a larger array into a smaller one? or why the below methods of vectorizing memory ops and shared memory didn't work? I feel like there may be something fundamental I am missing and any help would be appreciated.
EDIT 03/09/15: So I found this Parallel For All Blog post "Optimized Filtering with Warp-Aggregated Atomics". I had assumed atomics would be intrinsically slower for this purpose, however I was wrong - especially since I don't think I care about maintaining element order in the array during my simulation. I'll have to think about it some more and then implement it to see what happens!
EDIT 01/04/16: I realized I never wrote about my results. Unfortunately in that Parallel for All Blog post they compared the global atomic method for compact to the Thrust prefix-sum compact method, which is actually quite slow. CUB's Device::IF is much faster than Thrust's - as is the prefix-sum version I wrote using CUB's Device::Scan + custom code. The warp-aggregrate global atomic method is still faster by about 5-10%, but nowhere near the 3-4x faster I had been hoping for based on the results in the blog. I'm still using the prefix-sum method as while maintaining element order is not necessary, I prefer the consistency of the prefix-sum results and the advantage from the atomics is not very big. I still try various methods to improve compact, but so far only marginal improvements (2%) at best for dramatically increased code complexity.
I am writing a simulation in CUDA where I compact out elements I am no longer interested in simulating every 40-60 time steps. From profiling it seems that the scatter op takes up the most amount of time when compacting - more so than the filter kernel or the prefix sum. Right now I use a pretty basic scatter function:
__global__ void scatter_arrays(float * new_freq, const float * const freq, const int * const flag, const int * const scan_Index, const int freq_Index){
int myID = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for(int id = myID; id < freq_Index; id+= blockDim.x*gridDim.x){
new_freq[scan_Index[id]] = freq[id];
freq_Index is the number of elements in the old array. The flag array is the result from the filter. Scan_ID is the result from the prefix sum on the flag array.
Attempts I've made to improve it are to read the flagged frequencies into shared memory first and then write from shared memory to global memory - the idea being that the writes to global memory would be more coalesced amongst the warps (e.g. instead of thread 0 writing to position 0 and thread 128 writing to position 1, thread 0 would write to 0 and thread 1 would write to 1). I also tried vectorizing the reads and the writes - instead of reading and writing floats/ints I read/wrote float4/int4 from the global arrays when possible, so four numbers at a time. This I thought might speed up the scatter by having fewer memory ops transferring larger amounts of memory. The "kitchen sink" code with both vectorized memory loads/stores and shared memory is below:
const int compact_threads = 256;
__global__ void scatter_arrays2(float * new_freq, const float * const freq, const int * const flag, const int * const scan_Index, const int freq_Index){
int gID = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; //global ID
int tID = threadIdx.x; //thread ID within block
__shared__ float row[4*compact_threads];
__shared__ int start_index[1];
__shared__ int end_index[1];
float4 myResult;
int st_index;
int4 myFlag;
int4 index;
for(int id = gID; id < freq_Index/4; id+= blockDim.x*gridDim.x){
if(tID == 0){
index = reinterpret_cast<const int4*>(scan_Index)[id];
myFlag = reinterpret_cast<const int4*>(flag)[id];
start_index[0] = index.x;
st_index = index.x;
myResult = reinterpret_cast<const float4*>(freq)[id];
if(myFlag.x){ row[0] = myResult.x; }
if(myFlag.y){ row[index.y-st_index] = myResult.y; }
if(myFlag.z){ row[index.z-st_index] = myResult.z; }
if(myFlag.w){ row[index.w-st_index] = myResult.w; }
if(tID > 0){
myFlag = reinterpret_cast<const int4*>(flag)[id];
st_index = start_index[0];
index = reinterpret_cast<const int4*>(scan_Index)[id];
myResult = reinterpret_cast<const float4*>(freq)[id];
if(myFlag.x){ row[index.x-st_index] = myResult.x; }
if(myFlag.y){ row[index.y-st_index] = myResult.y; }
if(myFlag.z){ row[index.z-st_index] = myResult.z; }
if(myFlag.w){ row[index.w-st_index] = myResult.w; }
if(tID == blockDim.x -1 || gID == mutations_Index/4 - 1){ end_index[0] = index.w + myFlag.w; }
int count = end_index[0] - st_index;
int rem = st_index & 0x3; //equivalent to modulo 4
int offset = 0;
if(rem){ offset = 4 - rem; }
if(tID < offset && tID < count){
new_mutations_freq[population*new_array_Length+st_index+tID] = row[tID];
int tempID = 4*tID+offset;
if((tempID+3) < count){
reinterpret_cast<float4*>(new_freq)[tID] = make_float4(row[tempID],row[tempID+1],row[tempID+2],row[tempID+3]);
tempID = tID + offset + (count-offset)/4*4;
if(tempID < count){ new_freq[st_index+tempID] = row[tempID]; }
int id = gID + freq_Index/4 * 4;
if(id < freq_Index){
new_freq[scan_Index[id]] = freq[id];
Obviously it gets a bit more complicated. :) While the above kernel seems stable when there are hundreds of thousands of elements in the array, I've noticed a race condition when the array numbers in the tens of millions. I'm still trying to track the bug down.
But regardless, neither method (shared memory or vectorization) together or alone improved performance. I was especially surprised by the lack of benefit from vectorizing the memory ops. It had helped in other functions I had written, though now I am wondering if maybe it helped because it increased Instruction-Level-Parallelism in the calculation steps of those other functions rather than the fewer memory ops.
I found the algorithm mentioned in this poster (similar algorithm also discussed in this paper) works pretty well, especially for compacting large arrays. It uses less memory to do it and is slightly faster than my previous method (5-10%). I put in a few tweaks to the poster's algorithm: 1) eliminating the final warp shuffle reduction in phase 1, can simply sum the elements as they are calculated, 2) giving the function the ability to work over more than just arrays sized as a multiple of 1024 + adding grid-strided loops, and 3) allowing each thread to load their registers simultaneously in phase 3 instead of one at a time. I also use CUB instead of Thrust for Inclusive sum for faster scans. There may be more tweaks I can make, but for now this is good.
//kernel phase 1
int myID = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
//padded_length is nearest multiple of 1024 > true_length
for(int id = myID; id < (padded_length >> 5); id+= blockDim.x*gridDim.x){
int lnID = threadIdx.x % warp_size;
int warpID = id >> 5;
unsigned int mask;
unsigned int cnt=0;//;//
for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++){
int index = (warpID<<10)+(j<<5)+lnID;
bool pred;
if(index > true_length) pred = false;
else pred = predicate(input[index]);
mask = __ballot(pred);
if(lnID == 0) {
flag[(warpID<<5)+j] = mask;
cnt += __popc(mask);
if(lnID == 0) counter[warpID] = cnt; //store sum
//kernel phase 2 -> CUB Inclusive sum transforms counter array to scan_Index array
//kernel phase 3
int myID = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for(int id = myID; id < (padded_length >> 5); id+= blockDim.x*gridDim.x){
int lnID = threadIdx.x % warp_size;
int warpID = id >> 5;
unsigned int predmask;
unsigned int cnt;
predmask = flag[(warpID<<5)+lnID];
cnt = __popc(predmask);
//parallel prefix sum
#pragma unroll
for(int offset = 1; offset < 32; offset<<=1){
unsigned int n = __shfl_up(cnt, offset);
if(lnID >= offset) cnt += n;
unsigned int global_index = 0;
if(warpID > 0) global_index = scan_Index[warpID - 1];
for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++){
unsigned int mask = __shfl(predmask, i); //broadcast from thread i
unsigned int sub_group_index = 0;
if(i > 0) sub_group_index = __shfl(cnt, i-1);
if(mask & (1 << lnID)){
compacted_array[global_index + sub_group_index + __popc(mask & ((1 << lnID) - 1))] = input[(warpID<<10)+(i<<5)+lnID];
EDIT: There is a newer article by a subset of the poster authors where they examine a faster variation of compact than what is written above. However, their new version is not order preserving, so not useful for myself and I haven't implemented it to test it out. That said, if your project doesn't rely on object order, their newer compact version can probably speed up your algorithm.

Which way to order a shared 2D/3D array for parallel reduction over 1 dimension in CUDA/OpenCL?

Overall goal
I have several reductions to make on a bipartite graph, represented by two dense arrays for vertices and a dense array specifying whether an edge is present b/w the two. Say, two arrays are a0[] and a1[], and all edges go like e[i0][i1] (that is, from elements in a0 to elements in a1).
There are ~100+100 vertices, and ~100*100 edges, so each thread is responsible for one edge.
Task 1 : max reduction
For each vertex in a0 I want to find the maximum of all vertices (in a1) connected to it, and then the same in reverse: having assigned the result to an array b0, for each vertex in a1, I want to find the maximum b0[i0] of the connected vertices.
To do this, I:
1) load into shared memory
#define DC_NUM_TO_SHARED 16
__global__ void max_reduce_down(
Value* value1
, Value* max_value_in_connected
, int r0_size, int r1_size
, bool** connected
int id_from;
id_from = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
id_to = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
bool within_bounds = (id_from < r0_size) && (id_to < r1_size);
//load into shared memory
__shared__ Value value[DC_NUM_TO_SHARED][DC_NUM_FROM_SHARED]; //FROM is the inner (consecutive) dimension
value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = connected[id_to][id_from]? value1[id_to] : 0;
value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
2) reduce
for(int stride = DC_NUM_TO_SHARED/2; threadIdx.y < stride; stride >>= 1)
value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = max(value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x], dc[threadIdx.y + stride][threadIdx.x]);
3) write back
max_value_connected[id_from] = value[0][threadIdx.x];
Task 2 : best k
Similar problem, but reduction is only in for vertices in a0, I need to find the k best candidates are chosen from connected in a1 (k is ~5).
1) I initialize the shared array with zero elements except for the 1st place
int id_from, id_to;
id_from = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
id_to = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
__shared Value* values[MAX_CHAMPS * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED]; //champion overlaps
__shared int* champs[MAX_CHAMPS * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED]; // overlap champions
bool within_bounds = (id_from < r0_size) && (id_to < r1_size);
int i = threadIdx.y * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED + threadIdx.x;
values[i] = connected[id_to][id_from] * values1[id_to];
champs[i] = connected[id_to][id_from] ? id_to : -1;
values[i] = 0;
champs[i] = -1;
for(int place = 1; place < CHAMP_COUNT; place++)
i = (place * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED + threadIdx.y) * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED + threadIdx.x;
values[i] = 0;
champs[i] = -1;
if(! within_bounds)
2) reduce it
for(int stride = CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED/2; threadIdx.y < stride; stride >>= 1)
merge_2_champs(values, champs, CHAMP_COUNT, id_from, id_to, id_to + stride);
3) write the results back
for(int place = 0; place < LOCAL_DESIRED_ACTIVITY; place++)
champs0[place][id_from] = champs[place * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED + threadIdx.x];
How do I order (transpose) the elements in the shared array, so that memory access uses the cache better?
Does it matter at this point, or there is much more I can gain from other optimizations?
Would it be better to transpose the edge matrix if I needed to optimize for Task 2? (as far as I understood, there is a symmetry in Task 1, so it doesn't matter).
I have delayed unrolling loops and doing the first reduction iteration while loading, since I thought it is too complicated to do before I have explored simpler ways.
For Task 2, it would be nice to not load zero elements, since the array would never need to grow, and only start shrinking once log k steps have been made. This would make it k times more compact in shared memory! But I dread the resulting index math.
Syntax and Correctness
The unusual types are just typedef'ed ints/chars/etc - AFAIK, in GPUs, it makes sense to compactify those as much as possible. I have not run the code yet, no need to check for indexing errors.
Also, I am using CUDA, but I am interested in an OpenCL perspective as well, since I think the best solution should be the same, and I will be using OpenCL in the future anyway.
OK, I think I figured this out.
The two alternatives that I am considering are to have reductions work on the y dimension, and independent on the x dimension, or vice versa (x dimension being the contiguous one). In any case, the scheduler is able to assemble threads into warps along the x dimension, so some coherence is guaranteed. However, having coherence extend beyond a warp would be great. Also, due to the 2D/3D nature of the shared arrays, one would have to limit the dimensions to 16 or even 8.
To ensure coalescence within a warp, the scheduler has to assemble warps along the x dimension.
If reducing over x dimension, after each iteration, the number of active threads in a warp will halve. However, if reducing over y dimension, it is the number of active warps that will halve.
So, I need to reduce over y.
Unless the transpose (load) is the slowest, which is an abnormal case.
Coalesced buffer reads really matter; kernels can be 32x slower if you don't do them. It can be worth doing a re-arrangement pass if it means being able to do them (of course, the re-arrangement pass needs to be coalesced as well, but you can often leverage shared local memory to do this).

Calculate the Hilbert value of a point for use in a Hilbert R-Tree?

I have an application where a Hilbert R-Tree (wikipedia) (citeseer) would seem to be an appropriate data structure. Specifically, it requires reasonably fast spatial queries over a data set that will experience a lot of updates.
However, as far as I can see, none of the descriptions of the algorithms for this data structure even mention how to actually calculate the requisite Hilbert Value; which is the distance along a Hilbert Curve to the point.
So any suggestions for how to go about calculating this?
Fun question!
I did a bit of googling, and the good news is, I've found an implementation of Hilbert Value.
The potentially bad news is, it's in Haskell...
It also proposes a Lebesgue distance metric you might be able to compute more easily.
Below is my java code adapted from C code in the paper "Encoding and decoding the Hilbert order" by Xian Lu and Gunther Schrack, published in Software: Practice and Experience Vol. 26 pp 1335-46 (1996).
Hope this helps. Improvements welcome !
* Find the Hilbert order (=vertex index) for the given grid cell
* coordinates.
* #param x cell column (from 0)
* #param y cell row (from 0)
* #param r resolution of Hilbert curve (grid will have Math.pow(2,r)
* rows and cols)
* #return Hilbert order
public static int encode(int x, int y, int r) {
int mask = (1 << r) - 1;
int hodd = 0;
int heven = x ^ y;
int notx = ~x & mask;
int noty = ~y & mask;
int temp = notx ^ y;
int v0 = 0, v1 = 0;
for (int k = 1; k < r; k++) {
v1 = ((v1 & heven) | ((v0 ^ noty) & temp)) >> 1;
v0 = ((v0 & (v1 ^ notx)) | (~v0 & (v1 ^ noty))) >> 1;
hodd = (~v0 & (v1 ^ x)) | (v0 & (v1 ^ noty));
return interleaveBits(hodd, heven);
* Interleave the bits from two input integer values
* #param odd integer holding bit values for odd bit positions
* #param even integer holding bit values for even bit positions
* #return the integer that results from interleaving the input bits
* #todo: I'm sure there's a more elegant way of doing this !
private static int interleaveBits(int odd, int even) {
int val = 0;
// Replaced this line with the improved code provided by Tuska
// int n = Math.max(Integer.highestOneBit(odd), Integer.highestOneBit(even));
int max = Math.max(odd, even);
int n = 0;
while (max > 0) {
max >>= 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int bitMask = 1 << i;
int a = (even & bitMask) > 0 ? (1 << (2*i)) : 0;
int b = (odd & bitMask) > 0 ? (1 << (2*i+1)) : 0;
val += a + b;
return val;
See uzaygezen.
The code and java code above are fine for 2D data points. But for higher dimensions you may need to look at Jonathan Lawder's paper: J.K.Lawder. Calculation of Mappings Between One and n-dimensional Values Using the Hilbert Space-filling Curve.
I figured out a slightly more efficient way to interleave bits. It can be found at the Stanford Graphics Website. I included a version that I created that can interleave two 32 bit integers into one 64 bit long.
public static long spreadBits32(int y) {
long[] B = new long[] {
int[] S = new int[] { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 };
long x = y;
x = (x | (x << S[5])) & B[5];
x = (x | (x << S[4])) & B[4];
x = (x | (x << S[3])) & B[3];
x = (x | (x << S[2])) & B[2];
x = (x | (x << S[1])) & B[1];
x = (x | (x << S[0])) & B[0];
return x;
public static long interleave64(int x, int y) {
return spreadBits32(x) | (spreadBits32(y) << 1);
Obviously, the B and S local variables should be class constants but it was left this way for simplicity.
thanks for your Java code! I tested it and it seems to work fine, but I noticed that the bit-interleaving function overflows at recursion level 7 (at least in my tests, but I used long values), because the "n"-value is calculated using highestOneBit()-function, which returns the value and not the position of the highest one bit; so the loop does unnecessarily many interleavings.
I just changed it to the following snippet, and after that it worked fine.
int max = Math.max(odd, even);
int n = 0;
while (max > 0) {
max >>= 1;
If you need a spatial index with fast delete/insert capabilities, have a look at the PH-tree. It partly based on quadtrees but faster and more space efficient. Internally it uses a Z-curve which has slightly worse spatial properties than an H-curve but is much easier to calculate.
Java implementation:
Another option is the X-tree, which is also available here:
Suggestion: A good simple efficient data structure for spatial queries is a multidimensional binary tree.
In a traditional binary tree, there is one "discriminant"; the value that's used to determine whether you take the left branch or the right branch. This can be considered to be the one-dimensional case.
In a multidimensional binary tree, you have multiple discriminants; consecutive levels use different discriminants. For example, for two dimensional spacial data, you could use the X and Y coordinates as discriminants. Consecutive levels would use X, Y, X, Y...
For spatial queries (for example finding all nodes within a rectangle) you do a depth-first search of the tree starting at the root, and you use the discriminant at each level to avoid searching down branches that contain no nodes in the given rectangle.
This allows you to potentially cut the search space in half at each level, making it very efficient for finding small regions in a massive data set. (BTW, this data structure is also useful for partial-match queries, i.e. queries that omit one or more discriminants. You just search down both branches at levels with an omitted discriminant.)
A good paper on this data structure:
This article has good diagrams and algorithm descriptions:
