I'm developing an app to get tweets and display them on screen.
I've user RecyclerView and it works fine.
The thing is that when I get to the last item, I'm swapping the adapter in order to get new items, but the previous items get deleted and I can't scroll back to view them.
How can I implement endless scrolling without losing my previous values ?
The answer is here:
All I've had to do is add items to the list of items that's already in the adapter and then use "notifyItemInserted(position)".
Same idea for removal.
I am using xcode 8.3.3, swift, and XCTest. I am wondering what the best approach to handle scrolling is when you plan to run your tests against multiple simulators and have a list displayed. Since the screen size may change based on the simulator being used, the element you want to select to scroll up on may or may not be displayed.
If I have a list with x # of elements, how do I best approach which element to use to scroll the list up to have the next set of elements displayed on the screen so that the tests will run on multiple simulators of different screen sizes?
When we do "po XCUIApplication()" we see all the elements in the list, so in order to know which one is the last one displayed on the screen, we would have to look through each element and do a checked like isDisplayed or something to find the last element currently displayed ... but I was hoping there is a better approach?
If the element you want to use is displayed when you do po XCUIApplication() then you should just be able to tap() it without having to scroll it into view. The framework will handle the scrolling automatically if it can find the element.
Here is an article I wrote discussing how to use SBTUITestTunnel for scrolling:
I want to loop Items in a list when scrolling so that will give the feeling of infinite scrolling.
In another way I mean I want if I reach the last Item of a list by scrolling down, the first Item will be under the last one so that the scrolling be like infinite.. any solutions ?
I have an audio recording application for Windows Phone. It consists of a pivot control with two pivot items. One is for recording control, and another one is for reviewing and listening the recorded items.
When the recording is taking place, I need the way to prevent the user from navigating away from the current pivot item, but to retain the feel that an entire pivot item moves, but doesn't flip to the next item, as if there is none.
I know I could use GestureListener from Silverlight Toolkit, but using it I will need to implement a simulation of pivot movement myself.
Is there a build-in way to prevent pivot navigation?
If no, can you point me to an example on how I can animate control movement on gesture flipping?
Is it mandatory that the user has to remain on the one PivotItem?. If not, you could just disable the second PivotItem so that the user knows that it's there, but can't actually interact with it.
secondPivotItem.IsEnabled = false;
Alternatively, you could dynamically insert the second PivotItem when you want it and remove it when you don't. For example, when recording:
then when you want the second PivotItem to appear:
The only "problem" with this is that when you only have one PivotItem on screen, the user can't scroll. However, this is how a Pivot control is supposed to function.
If you really want the user to scroll back to itself, you could create a blank PivotItem (with no header). Then, handle the Pivot's LoadingPivotItem event. Check if the item that it about to be loaded is the blank one. If so, then use Pivot.SelectedItem = recordingPivotItem to navigate back to the recording PivotItem. You can then use the above method to dynamically add the second PivotItem when the recording is over. This isn't the normal UX for pivots, but should do what you're trying to achieve.
Seems to me that the best solution is making the pivot control invisible to hit test altogether. I simply set PivotMain.IsHitTestVisible = false and set it back to true whenever I am done recording.
There is a good attached property approach on how to make a particular element hit test visible, while casting an entire panorama or pivot item hit test invisible:
Here is the link to a blog post of an author with the source code:
Works for me until the dynamic loading and removing of the pivot items with textblock header will be added to the SDK's pivot control.
The down side of locking a person into a pivotitem or disabling one so that a person cannot navigate is that you are going to frustrate the user. PivotItems are meant to be flicked to and from, and writing an app that has behavior different than this is going to take away from the user experience, because the app is not going to behave the way they expect it to.
Personally, if you are going to lock them into one pivot item, I think you should go ahead and create another page without a Pivot control and navigate to it. Also, whether you choose to do it this way or not, you need to keep in mind that regardless of whether they are locked into a certain pivotitem or they are navigated to another page, the back button must work as expected, or the app won't pass certification.
I'm having trouble implementing a dynamic pivot control.
What I would like to do, is create an image gallery using the pivot, where you could change the image by swiping.
This works natively with the pivot control by binding it's itemsource on my observable collection to display one image on each pivotitem.
The thing is that this solution takes a lot of memory when my gallery contains more than 10 pictures, as it creates an equal number of pivotitems.
What I tried is initializing my collection with 3 items, the currently displayed one, the previous and the next one, and when the user swipes, I updated my list.
I tried this using the "SelectionChanged" event and also with the gesture listener.. without success so far.
Has anyone ever tried to do this? And if yes, how can I implement it?
I do something similar, but don't use a Pivot control. Download the Silverlight toolkit (http://silverlight.codeplex.com/) and use a GestureListener to catch the swipe action:
<toolkit:GestureListener DragCompleted="OnDrag"/>
Then in code, you have an event handler that catches the swipe event, and updates the image accordingly. Here is the event handler that I use to change my page:
private void OnDrag(object sender, DragCompletedGestureEventArgs e)
if (e.Direction == System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal)
if (e.HorizontalChange < 0)
If you update the items in your list your binding will be lost, so this will probably not work very well.
What might work is the following (but I have not tested it):
Start with an initial collection with five items.
Make sure you display the third item in the list so that the visible item is in the middle of the list.
When changing the visible page the SelectionChanged event is raised.
If you move to the right the selected index is changed to the fourth element. In this case you remove the first element in the list and add a new fifth element.
If you move to the left you do the opposite and remove the last element in the list.
This should ensure that you always can move back and forth while not removing or adding any visible items.
I am not sure if this will work, but it is worth a try. :-)
Don't do this. Lots of people have tried and it doesn't scale to large numbers of images.
Although it would be really nice if it was possible to use the pivot control to create a simple image navigation control it just isn't practical. You'll need to go the more complicated route of doing this yourself with a different method. (Lots of people have tried different ways. Go with what's best for your needs/experience/preferences.)
I'm implementing a custom status bar menu, which has a custom view with NSSearchField. I'm updating number of menu items according to search results. The number of menu items is changed as user types in the NSSearchField. I've noticed, that if number of results stays the same, items titles are not updated (redrawn). How do I force them to redraw?
In the function, that rebuilds the menu I remove first all items and then create new items according to the search results.
I could achieve it by following approach: When the number of search results is the same, i don't recreate them, just change the title and call itemChanged:. When the count is different I recreate menu items. This works anyway. But I was advised anyway to get back from using menu for this purposes.
on the menu set menuChangedMessagesEnabled to YES when you want to update the menu:
[menu setMenuChangedMessagesEnabled:NO];
// change the menu
[menu setMenuChangedMessagesEnabled:YES];
The second invocation causes the menu to apply changes. The first one is so that you can batch a group of changes together.
That said, Apple guidelines discourages changing menus while they're open as users are not used to this and can be confusing. If it's feasible try to redesign your app so you can use something else, say a table or matrix, instead of a menu.