Is there anyway to use startWith in LeftJoin Laravel? - laravel

I have the following code:
$get_order = DB::table('orders')
->leftJoin('postcodes', 'orders.postcode', '=', 'postcodes.postcode')
->where('order_ref', '=', $order_ref)
What I am trying to achieve, is do a left join if postcodes.postcode starts with orders.postcode . Is there any way to make this?
Thanks in advance.

$get_order = DB::table('orders')
->leftJoin('postcodes', 'postcodes.postcode','LIKE', DB::raw( "CONCAT(orders.postcode, '%')" ))
->where('order_ref', '=', $order_ref)

Try This
->leftJoin('postcodes', function($join) {
$join->on('postcodes.postcode', '=', 'orders.postcode')
->on('postcodes.postcode', 'LIKE', "startWith%"));


Where clause wtih double OR operator in laravel 8 controller

I need to lookin' for data that the where clause have 3 condition, so its need OR operator twice, here is the code in my controller, I use laravel 8
$salesTransactions = SalesTransaction::when($request->keyword, function ($query) use ($request) {
->where('tanggal_transaksi', 'like', "%{$request->keyword}%")
->orWhere('name', 'like', "%{$request->keyword}%")
->orWhere('status', 'like', "%{$request->keyword}%");
})->join('distributors', '', '=', 'sales_transactions.distributor_id')
->join('users', '', '=', 'distributors.user_id')
->select('sales_transactions.*', '')
->orderBy('tanggal_transaksi', 'DESC')->latest('')->paginate(25);
I got the error, but dont know how to solve, the problem is I cant use OR operator twice, any idea ? Thanks
If you need to group an "or" condition within parentheses, you may pass a closure as the first argument to the orWhere method. Like:
$users = DB::table('users')
->where('votes', '>', 100)
->orWhere(function($query) {
$query->where('name', 'Abigail')
->where('votes', '>', 50);

how laravel join three tables with advance join clause using variable

Larvel have a question about inner joins with multiple tables and on values. I did build my code like this in laravel.
$clients = clients::leftjoin('clients_payment_type','clients_topup', function($join) {
$join->on('clients_payment_type.user_id', '=', '') AND
$join->on('clients_topup.user_id', '=', '');
Try this :
$clients = clients::leftjoin('clients_payment_type','clients_topup')
->join('clients','clients_payment_type.user_id', '=', '')
->join('client_toup','', '=', 'clients_topup.user_id')
Working Answer
$clients1 = DB::table('clients')
->leftjoin('clients_payment_type','clients_payment_type.user_id', '=', '')
->leftjoin('clients_topup', 'clients_topup.user_id', '=', '')

Laravel 5.2 : How to write query builder with 2 ON in this right join

I have this sql syntax
SELECT vehicles.license_plate, vehicles.year, vehicles.status, vehicles.zone_id, vehicles.car_class_id, harga_sewa.value, harga_sewa.description
FROM `vehicles`
RIGHT JOIN `harga_sewa` ON vehicles.zone_id = harga_sewa.zone_id
AND vehicles.car_class_id = harga_sewa.car_class_id
How I can write something like this?
->rightJoin('harga_sewa', 'vehicles.zone_id', '=', 'harga_sewa.zone_id', AND vehicles.car_class_id = harga_sewa.car_class_id)
Try below code
->rightJoin('harga_sewa', function ($join) {
$join->on('vehicles.zone_id', '=', 'harga_sewa.zone_id');
$join->on('vehicles.car_class_id', '=', 'harga_sewa.car_class_id');
On mobile, so can't test, but from memory this should work:
->rightJoin('harga_sewa', 'vehicles.zone_id', '=', 'harga_sewa.zone_id')
->rightJoin('harga_sewa', 'vehicles.car_class_id', '=', 'harga_sewa.car_class_id')

laravel join query is not working

I have the next query and I want to get the but is not returned:
$projects = Project::with('projectsTask')
' as name_type'
->where('client_id', $client->id)
->join('price_types', 'tasks.type_list', '=', '')
Here an image query is retrievng
This on picture "type_list" must be string text
Maybe somebody can help me.
Many thanks!
Try this:
$projects = Project::with('projectsTask')
->where('client_id', $client->id)
->join('price_types', 'tasks.type_list', '=', '')
' as name_type'']);
get method receive as parameter an array with fields that you want.
$projects = Project::join('tasks', '', '=', 'tasks.project_id')
' as name_type',
' as name_status'
->where([['client_id', $client->id], ['tasks.status_type', '!=', 2]])
->join('price_types', 'tasks.type_list', '=', '')
->join('statuses', 'tasks.status_type', '=', 'statuses.type')
->orderBy('', 'DESC')

Laravel Clear Model Queries

I have this code but I am not sure if is possible be more compact or I´m not sure if this is the way should looks this type of queries in laravel.
public function getRoleTransactionNameByID($id)
$role_transaction= $this->model->select(
' as role_id',
->join('roles', 'roles_transactions.role_id', '=', '')
->join('transactions', 'roles_transactions.transaction_id', '=', '')
->join('transaction_actions', 'roles_transactions.transaction_action_id', '=', '' )
->leftjoin('modules','transactions.module_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', $id)
->where('roles_transactions.deleted_at','=', null)
->orderby('roles.role_name', 'ASC')
->orderby('modules.module_name', 'ASC')
->orderby('transactions.transaction_name', 'ASC')
return $role_transaction;
Thank you for the help.
