got yet another query from my still hodgepodge learning of ruby + watir.
The CMS i'm writing automation for creates an item and assigns an id to it at which point i execute the code below to collect and store the id as this is used for other actions against the item.
##grabprodvarelement = $browser.hidden(:name, "shopProductVariantHeadingID")
##prodvarid = ##grabprodvarelement.value
Once created there are then two buttons that control if the item is in stock or out of stock and published or unpublished.
Normally the code i use to update the publish status is
form_element = $browser.hidden(:name => 'shopProductVariantHeadingID', :value => "#{##prodvarid}").parent
form_element.button(:value => 'Change').click
However, in this instance when run against the html below, it is updating the stock flag, not the published status (I assume this is because it is the first instance of this 'change' value).
<span class="label label-important">Out of Stock</span>
<form action method='post' class='pull-right'>
<input type='submit' name='inStockChange' value='Change' class='btn btn-mini btn-secondary' style='float:right'>
<input type='hidden' name='shopProductVariantHeadingID' id='14' value ='14'>
<input type='hidden' name='stockChange' id='No' value ='No'>
<span class="label">Un-Published</span>
<form action method='post' class='pull-right'>
<input type='submit' name='publish' value='Change' class='btn btn-mini btn-secondary' style='float:right'>
<input type='hidden' name='shopProductVariantHeadingID' id='14' value ='14'>
<input type='hidden' name='published' id='No' value ='No'>
I've tried updating the code i use to;
form_element = $browser.hidden(:name => 'shopProductVariantHeadingID', :value => "#{##prodvarid}").parent
form_element.button(:name => 'publish').click
I thought this was enough to identify the the correct entry to click however, i get the error;
Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: unable to locate element, using (:name=>"publish", :tag_name=>"button")
any help would be appreciated.
The problem is actually with the way the form_element is located rather than how the button is clicked.
The line:
form_element = $browser.hidden(:name => 'shopProductVariantHeadingID', :value => "#{##prodvarid}").parent
Will always return the Out of Stock form; never then Un-Published form. This is because Watir will find the first matching hidden element, which is the one in the Out of Stock form. That causes form_element.button(:value => 'Change') to click the first change button and form_element.button(:name => 'publish') to not exist.
The form element will need to be located based on having the shopProductVariantHeadingID as well as the published button:
form_element = $browser.forms.find do |form|
form.hidden(:name => 'shopProductVariantHeadingID', :value => "#{##prodvarid}").exists? &&
form.button(:name => 'publish').exists?
form_element.button(:value => 'Change').click
I've finally made my app in angular 2. Everything is solved, except one thing. When I add item into my table or edited it, I can't see the change until I refresh page or click for example next page button (I have implemented pagination). I included:
<script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system-polyfills.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular2/bundles/angular2-polyfills.js"></script>
in this order. My method for adding item is very simple:
.subscribe(departments => this.department = departments.json());
Whhen I add item, and put breakpoint on get method, It is called correctly and I get right information from my DB, but I don't know why view isn't refreshed then. Do you have any idea why is it happened? Thanks for suggestions!
EDIT: department is just department: Department, where Department is interface with properties (departmentNo, departmentName, departmentLocation). The view for adding item looks like:
<form [ngFormModel]="myForm"
(ngSubmit)="addDepartment(newItem); showAddView=false" [hidden]="!showAddView" align="center">
<label for="editAbrv">Department name:</label><br>
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="newItem.departmentName" [ngFormControl]="myForm.controls['departmentName']" >
<div *ngIf="myForm.controls['departmentName'].hasError('required')" class="ui error message"><b style="color:red;">Name is required</b></div>
<label for="editAbrv">Department Location:</label><br>
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="newItem.departmentLocation" [ngFormControl]="myForm.controls['departmentLocation']" >
<div *ngIf="myForm.controls['departmentLocation'].hasError('required')" class="ui error message"><b style="color:red;">Location is required</b></div>
<button type="submit" [disabled]="!myForm.valid" class="ui button">Add item</button>
<button><a href="javascript:void(0);" (click)="showHide($event)" >
and my department table is:
<table align="center">
<td><strong>Department Location</strong></td>
<tr *ngFor="#department of departments | searchString:filter.value ; #i = index">
<td>{{i + 1}}.</td>
<td> {{department.departmentName}}</td>
<button class="btnEdit" (click)="showEdit(department)">Edit</button>
<button class="btnDelete" (click)="deleteDepartment(department)" >Delete</button>
With this code, you don't wait for the response of the addDepartment request and execute the getAll request directly.
.subscribe(departments => this.department = departments.json());
You should move the call to getAll within the callback registered in subscribe. At this moment, the addDepartment is actually done and you can reload the list...
The code could be refactored like this (it's a guess since I haven't the content of addDepartment and getAll methods):
.subscribe(addedDepartment => {
this.department = this.getAll();
This issue occurs because of the way you're using departmant and how change detection works. When you use *ngFor="#department of departments", angular change detection looks for a object reference on departments array. When you update/change one of the items in this array object reference to the array itself doesn't change, so angular doesn't run change detection.
You have few options:
1) change reference of the array by replacing it with new array with updated values
2) tell angular explicitly to run change detection (which I think is easier in your case):
constructor(private _cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef) {...}
.subscribe(departments => this.department = departments.json());
I have viewmodel that i use for 'add' form. On that form i have 1 textbox called 'description'.
First time user enter some text in that field. Whan user press cancel( on the same form ) and then press Add again the form appearing with entered value in the 'description' field.
I want to create new view model and unbind all model with wrong value. But when i do that:
kendo.bind($("#notes-dialog"), notesWindowModel);
the old value persist in the description textbox.
notesWindowModel = kendo.observable(
text: '2'
kendo.bind($("#notes-dialog"), notesWindowModel);
var notesWindowModel2 = kendo.observable(
text: '4'
kendo.bind($("#notes-dialog"), notesWindowModel2);
Why does my field equal 2?
If i add
notesWindowModel.set('text', 'aaaa');
at the end my value equals 'aaaa'. It means that element is binded to first model. What is wrong here?
I found the problem:
<div id="notes-dialog">
<div id="notes-dialog-window" data-role="window" data-width="410" data-height="510" data-actions="" data-modal="true" data-title="false" style="display: none;">
<div id="notes-new-item">
<span>Note</span> <span>Is Delay?</span><span><input data-bind="value: model.Entity.IsDelay" class='k-input notes-checkbox' type='checkbox' /></span>
<textarea class="k-input utility-analysis-textarea notes-textarea" data-bind="value: text"></textarea>
The problem was that i have kendo window inside that element and when i open that window first time it replaces HTML and binding was wrong.
Old thread but I've recently faced the same issue.
In my case I've just had to destroy all kendo elements:
I'm trying to mechanize the select devices part of the Apple Dev Portal "Edit iOS Provisioning Profile", which can be found here (if you're logged in).
The source looks like this:
<form name="profileEdit" method="get" action="" successURL="/account/ios/profile/profileDownload.action?provisioningProfileId=">
<input type="hidden" name="distributionType" value='store'/>
<input type="hidden" name="returnFullObjects" value="false"/>
<div class="nameSection">
<dt class="selectDevices">Devices:</dt>
<dd class="selectDevices">
<div class="table">
<div class="rows">
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="8T8RG7HX" id="devices-6" ><span class="title">iPhone 4 - JC</span></div>
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="7Y9F8N47" id="devices-7" ><span class="title">iPhone 5 - DP</span></div>
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="ZNES97W7" id="devices-8" checked><span class="title">iPhone 5 - JC</span></div>
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="CRDSL7S5" id="devices-9" checked><span class="title">iPod 4 inch</span></div>
<dd class="form-error deviceIds hidden">Please select a Device</dd>
<div class="bottom-buttons">
<a class="button small left cancel"><span>Cancel</span></a>
<a class="button small blue right submit"><span>Generate</span></a>
What I want to do is check all boxes:
form = page.form_with(:name => 'profileEdit') or raise UnexpectedContentError
form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').each do |checkbox|
puts checkbox["id"] # prints correct value of devices-6...
form.method = 'GET'
I get no run time errors, however when I refresh the actual page, not all checkboxes are checked as I intended. Am I missing something?
For this:
form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').each do |checkbox|
puts checkbox["id"] # prints correct value of devices-6...
What do these result in:
tmp1 = form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').map { |cb| cb.check }
tmp2 = form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').map { |cb| cb.checked? }
I would expect [true, true, true, true] for both. If not, something is clearing those out. The check() method is implemented in RadioButton which does clear the checked state of all buttons of the same name, but it should be limited to radiobutton types. The checked attribute is writable by itself, so you could try directly writing it:
form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').each do |cb|
cb.checked = true
And avoid what may be a bug or inconsistency in that page/mechanize/whatever. Just a guess, but something to try.
As for as I have understood, your issue is that you are visiting the actual page after setting checkboxes which will not work. But if you inspect the results returned after submit you will realize that Mechanize has set the check boxes and returned the response.
If you want to visually see that in an actual browser, you may need to use Watir / Webdriver etc.
I'm using this tutorial at the moment.
(I believe my issue is related to strongly typed collections... by what I've been seeing on the internet, but I could be wrong)
Please bear with me. :)
I've been having this issue which I asked in another question, the answer seemed fine, but after tinkering with the code a bit more I realized that the issue is that the fields that make use of my custom partial view, don't get a prefix added to them like the fields that use a TextBoxFor html helper, for example. EG. When I click on add a new item, it adds it, but with the same ID as an item that's been added before, then my Javascript fails because there's two items with the same id.
Some code to try and clarify the issue
Partial View
#model Portal.ViewModels.Micros
#using Portal.Helpers
<div class="editorRow" style="padding-left:5px">
#using (Html.BeginCollectionItem("micros"))
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Lab_T_ID)
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Lab_SD_ID)
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Result)
<input type="button" class="deleteRow" title="Delete" value="Delete" />
The TextBoxFor (Result) gets rendered as
<input id="micros_5e14bae5-df1b-4c42-9e96-573a8e52f8b2__Result" name="micros[5e14bae5-df1b-4c42-9e96-573a8e52f8b2].Result" type="text" value="">
Editor For get rendered as
<select id="Lab_SD_ID" multiple="multiple" style="width: 300px; display: none; " >
<option value="5" selected="selected">Taken at Packing 1</option>
<option value="6">Taken at Packing 2</option>
<option value="7">Taken at Packing 3</option>
<button type="button" class="ui-multiselect ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="0" style="width: 300px; ">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-2-n-s"></span><span>Taken at Packing (Winc 4/5-25d)</span></button>
I can include more code if its needed, there is a helper class as well (BeginCollectionItem), that I used which is located in the demo project in the tutorial as well.
I basically need to find out how "micros[5e14bae5-df1b-4c42-9e96-573a8e52f8b2]." gets appended to the input boxes as far as I can see, but have been stumped by it so far :/
The reason this works with TextBoxFor and not your custom EditorFor is because the TextBoxFor helper respects the template navigational context whereas in your editor template you have simply hardcoded a <select> element that doesn't even have a name. I would recommend you to use HTML helpers when generating input fields:
So replace your hardcoded select in the custom template with:
#model int?
var values = ViewData.ModelMetadata.AdditionalValues;
new {
multiple = "multiple",
style = "width:" + values["comboboxWidth"] + "px",
data_url = Url.Action((string)values["action"], (string)values["controller"]),
data_noneselectedtext = values["noneSelectedText"],
data_value = values["id"],
data_text = values["description"]
Something's wrong with the PUT action here, the form gets processed but the updated field is not being saved.
I've did what Sinatra users are doing, by adding in "_method" for Sinatra to recognise that's its a HTTP PUT action. Could anyone spot any mistake here?
# edit
get '/entries/*/:id/edit' do
#entry = Entries.get(params[:id])
#title = "edit"
erb :edit, :layout => :edit_layout
# update
put '/entries/:id' do
#entry = Entries.get(params[:id])
redirect "/entries/id=#{}"
redirect "/enewsletters"
<!-- Edit form -->
<form action="/enewsletters/edit/<%= %>" method="post">
<input name="_method" value="put" type="hidden"/>
<input type="text" name="entry[title]" value="<%= #enew.title %>">
<input type="submit" name="commit" value="update">
You don't seem to be doing any update to the #entry, you're just fetching the specific entry with the id from params. Are you using ActiveRecord? If so, instead of, try #entry.update_attributes(params[:entry]).
Edit: I'm guessing you're not using AR since I just noticed the .get call. Whatever ORM you are using must have an easy way to update the attributes and then save the record.