Colored Vignette Shader (the outer part) - LIBGDX - opengl-es

I've seen lots of tutorials on vignette shaders just like these but none of them say how to change the color of the vignette, they only talk about applying sepia or grey shaders to the whole composite image.
For example the video above gives the below code for the vignette shader. How do I change the color of the vignette ? So it's not black but red or orange and the part of the image in the interior of the vignette remains unmodified.
const float outerRadius = .65, innerRadius = .4, intensity = .6;
void main(){
vec4 color = texture2D(u_sampler2D, v_texCoord0) * v_color;
vec2 relativePosition = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_resolution - .5;
relativePosition.y *= u_resolution.x / u_resolution.y;
float len = length(relativePosition);
float vignette = smoothstep(outerRadius, innerRadius, len);
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, color.rgb * vignette, intensity);
gl_FragColor = color;

In the shader you posted, it looks like the vignette value is basically a darkness value that's blended over the image, so in the line with the mix function, it's just multiplied by the texture color.
So to modify this to work with arbitrary color, you need to change it to an opacity value (invert it). And now that it's opacity, you can multiply it by intensity to simplify the next calculation. And finally, you can blend to the vignette color you choose.
So first declare the color you want before the main function.
const vec3 vignetteColor = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); //red
//this could be a uniform if you want to dynamically change it.
Then your second-to-last two lines change to the following.
float vignetteOpacity = smoothstep(innerRadius, outerRadius, len) * intensity; //note inner and outer swapped to switch darkness to opacity
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, vignetteColor, vignetteOpacity);
By the way, "intensity = .6f" will cause the shader not to compile on mobile, so remove the f. (Unless you target OpenGL ES 3.0, but that's not fully supported by libgdx yet.)


Drawing a perfect horizontal line at a specific position with a fragment shader

is it possible to draw a perfect horizontal line of a single pixel height at any chosen position on the vertical axis with a fragment shader applied to a screen aligned quad?
I have found many solutions with smoothstep or more complex functions but i am looking for an elegant and fast way of doing this.
A solution i have made is by using an exponential function and making it steeper but it have many shortcomings that i don't want (the line is not really one pixel height due to the exponential function and it is rather tricky to get one right), here is the GLSL code :
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
// a centered horizontal line
float v = pow(uv.y - 0.5, 2.);
// make it steeper
v *= 100000.;
// make it white on a black background
v = clamp(1. - v, 0., 1.);
fragColor = vec4(v);
Here is the shadertoy code which execute this:
What i would like :
a perfect horizontal line drawn to a specific Y position in pixels units or normalized
its intensity limited to [0, 1] range without clamping
a fast way of doing it
If you just want to:
draw a perfect horizontal line of a single pixel height at any chosen
position on the vertical axis with a fragment shader applied to a
screen aligned quad
, then maybe:
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
int iPosition = 250; // the y coord in pixels
int iThickness = 10; // the thickness in pixels
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
float v = float( iPosition ) / iResolution.y;
float vHalfHeight = ( float( iThickness ) / ( iResolution.y ) ) / 2.;
if ( uv.y > v - vHalfHeight && uv.y < v + vHalfHeight )
fragColor = vec4(1.,1.,1.,1.); // or whatever color
Here is a neat solution without branching. I don't know if it is really faster than with branching though.
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
float py = iMouse.y/iResolution.y;
float hh = 1./iResolution.y;
// can also be replace with step(0., hh-abs(uv.y-py))
float v = sign(hh-abs(uv.y-py));
fragColor = vec4(v);
I know the question was answered properly before me, but in case someone is looking for a way to render a textured line in a pixel perfect way I wrote an article with some examples.
It's about pixel perfect UI in general, but using it for a line is just a matter of clamping/repeating texture sampling. Also I'm using Unity, but there is no reason the method would be exclusive to it.

WebGL: Change color saturation or luminosity in fragment shader

i found this great page hls picker, and i'm wondering if there is possibility to achieve similar effect in WebGL. I'm passing to my fragment shader some color, for example #FF7400, what is the easiest way to convert it to hsl and change its luminosity, or to have smooth transition to black color (luminosity equel 0). I want to make clouds in my page that have different color(luminosity) depends how far they are from sun. Thanks in advance for any help.
thanks for geat links but i think that i found much simplier way to made easy color transition, all i need is to use webGL method T mix(T x, T y, float a) - linear blend of x and y.
This code i use in shadertoy editor:
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
vec4 orange = vec4(0.533, 0.25, 0.145, 1.0);
vec4 blue = vec4(0.18, 0.23, 0.27, 1.0);
vec4 black = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 white = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
float ratio = iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
float PI = 3.14159265359;
vec4 mixC = mix(orange, blue, sin(ratio * uv.y));
mixC = mix(mixC, black, cos(2.0 * PI * uv.x) / ratio);
mixC = mix(mixC, black, cos(2.0 * PI * uv.y) / ratio);
mixC = mix(mixC, white, 0.1);
fragColor = mixC;
As you can see there, i've made transition between of four colors with just couple lines of code and the results looks like this:
I think about fragment shader as a little photoshop. Every photoshop operation should be possible with WebGL.
If we are talking about 2D image where sun position is relative and you want to just use some basic image processing, you can use functions from this answer rgb2hsv and hsv2rgb. I think it should work with GLSL 1.
Then you can multiply Sat, Lum or Hue and then transfer it back to RGB.
If it doesnt, you might have to reimplement it from common formula, use wiki or this link:
If you want to do some more image processing, when neighbour pixels are needed, I suggest this great tutorial where you can easy do some edge sharpening, blur etc.:
original image
Hi guys, i think i found a unorthodox but easy way to desaturate an RGB image, we just need to find the average color for the pixel,
average _color = (R+G+B)/3 keeping the Alpha...
vec4(average_color,average_color,average_color, Alpha);
void main()
//write a color of the current fragment to a variable
lowp vec4 color_of_pixel = texture2D(texture_sampler, var_texcoord0.xy);
//Find the average among red, green and blue and it keeps the "force" of the color...
float average_color = ((color_of_pixel.r + color_of_pixel.g + color_of_pixel.b)/3);
lowp vec4 color_of_pixel_final = vec4(average_color,average_color,average_color,color_of_pixel.a);
gl_FragColor = color_of_pixel_final; // write the color_of_pixel to the output gl_FragColor
Desaturated image

Three js 2d matrix visualization

I am trying to visualize 2d matrices using Three js. These matrices are the states of the neurons in a neural network. The matrices are not huge (64 x 32) The values in these matrices will change and I want those new values to be displayed in the visualization.
For the 2d matrix I want a plane of neurons.
I have tried creating a particle system using a plane geometry with as many vertices as neurons in the data matrix.
var width = 32;
var height = 64;
var planeGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( width, height, width - 1 , height - 1 );
var particlePlane = new THREE.ParticleSystem( planeGeometry, shaderMaterial );
In the fragment shader each particle is given a base texture (a white circle)
gl_FragColor = texture2D(baseTexture, gl_PointCoord);
And then I use a second texture containing the data matrix values (greyscale pixel values) to modify each base texture.
// Sets particle texture to desired color
// vertexPosition is a vec2 in coordinates local to the plane
gl_FragColor = gl_FragColor * texture2D( dataTexture, vertexPosition );
To calculate vertexPosition in the vertex share I do the following (irrelevant lines ommitted):
uniform float width;
uniform float height;
varying vec2 vertexPosition;
void main()
vertexPosition = vec2( position.x / width, position.y / height );
This is where I'm getting caught up. The vertexPosition does not seem to be mapping properly to the dataTexture pixels. I want a one to one correspondence between particles and pixels.
How do I properly map from the location of particles/vertexes on a plane to equivalent pixel locations in a texture?
I am new to three js, so please feel free to tell me my approach is totally off.
To get texture coordinates, there are ready to use projection matrix in glsl, here is what I would use as a vertex shader
varying vec2 vertexPosition;
void main() {
vertexPosition = uv;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
Then you have the xy position to use in the fragment in the varying vertexPosition.

Get position from depth texture

Im trying to reduce the number of post process textures I have to draw in my scene. The end goal is to support an SSAO shader. The shader requires depth, postion and normal data. Currently I am storing the depth and normals in 1 float texture and the position in another.
I've been doing some reading, and it seems possible that you can get the position by simply using the depth stored in the normal texture. You have to unproject the x and y and multiply it by the depth value. I can't seem to get this right however and its probably due to my lack of understanding...
So currently my positions are drawn to a position texture. This is what it looks like (this is currently working correctly)
So is my new method. I pass the normal texture that stores the normal x,y and z in the RGB channels and the depth in the w. In the SSAO shader I need to get the position and so this is how im doing it:
//viewport is a vec2 of the viewport width and height
//invProj is a mat4 using camera.projectionMatrixInverse (camera.projectionMatrixInverse.getInverse( camera.projectionMatrix );)
vec3 get_eye_normal()
vec2 frag_coord = gl_FragCoord.xy/viewport;
frag_coord = (frag_coord-0.5)*2.0;
vec4 device_normal = vec4(frag_coord, 0.0, 1.0);
return normalize((invProj * device_normal).xyz);
float srcDepth = texture2D(tNormalsTex, vUv).w;
vec3 eye_ray = get_eye_normal();
vec3 srcPosition = vec3( eye_ray.x * srcDepth , eye_ray.y * srcDepth , eye_ray.z * srcDepth );
//Previously was doing this:
//vec3 srcPosition = texture2D(tPositionTex, vUv).xyz;
However when I render out the positions it looks like this:
The SSAO looks very messed up using the new method. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to find a solution to this. You need to multiply the ray normal by the camera far - near (I was using the normalized depth value - but you need the world depth value.)
I created a function to extract the position from the normal/depth texture like so:
First in the depth capture pass (fragment shader)
float ld = length(vPosition) / linearDepth; //linearDepth is cam.far - cam.near
gl_FragColor = vec4( normalize( vNormal ).xyz, ld );
And now in the shader trying to extract the position...
/// <summary>
/// This function will get the 3d world position from the Normal texture containing depth in its w component
/// <summary>
vec3 get_world_pos( vec2 uv )
vec2 frag_coord = uv;
float depth = texture2D(tNormals, frag_coord).w;
float unprojDepth = depth * linearDepth - 1.0;
frag_coord = (frag_coord-0.5)*2.0;
vec4 device_normal = vec4(frag_coord, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 eye_ray = normalize((invProj * device_normal).xyz);
vec3 pos = vec3( eye_ray.x * unprojDepth, eye_ray.y * unprojDepth, eye_ray.z * unprojDepth );
return pos;

What is OpenGL ES 2 Shader language analog for HYDRA (pixel bender) sampleLinear?

So I look onto OpenGL ES shader specs but do not see such...
For example - I created simple "pinch to zoon" and "rotate to turn around" and "move to move center" HYDRA pixel bender filter. it can be executed in flash. It is based on default pixel bender twirl example and this:
<languageVersion: 1.0;>
kernel zoomandrotate
< namespace : "Pixel Bender Samples";
vendor : "Kabumbus";
version : 3;
description : "rotate and zoom an image around"; >
// define PI for the degrees to radians calculation
const float PI = 3.14159265;
// An input parameter to specify the center of the twirl effect.
// As above, we're using metadata to indicate the minimum,
// maximum, and default values, so that the tools can set the values
// in the correctly in the UI for the filter.
parameter float2 center
minValue:float2(0.0, 0.0);
maxValue:float2(2048.0, 2048.0);
defaultValue:float2(256.0, 256.0);
// An input parameter to specify the angle that we would like to twirl.
// For this parameter, we're using metadata to indicate the minimum,
// maximum, and default values, so that the tools can set the values
// in the correctly in the UI for the filter.
parameter float twirlAngle
parameter float zoomAmount
// An input parameter that indicates how we want to vary the twirling
// within the radius. We've added support to modulate by one of two
// functions, a gaussian or a sinc function. Since Flash does not support
// bool parameters, we instead are using this as an int with two possible
// values. Setting this parameter to be 1 will
// cause the gaussian function to be used, unchecking it will cause
// the sinc function to be used.
parameter int gaussOrSinc
input image4 oImage;
output float4 outputColor;
// evaluatePixel(): The function of the filter that actually does the
// processing of the image. This function is called once
// for each pixel of the output image.
// convert the angle to radians
float twirlAngleRadians = radians(twirlAngle);
// calculate where we are relative to the center of the twirl
float2 relativePos = outCoord() - center;
// calculate the absolute distance from the center normalized
// by the twirl radius.
float distFromCenter = length( relativePos );
distFromCenter = 1.0;
// modulate the angle based on either a gaussian or a sync.
float adjustedRadians;
// precalculate either the gaussian or the sinc weight
float sincWeight = sin( distFromCenter ) * twirlAngleRadians / ( distFromCenter );
float gaussWeight = exp( -1.0 * distFromCenter * distFromCenter ) * twirlAngleRadians;
// protect the algorithm from a 1 / 0 error
adjustedRadians = (distFromCenter == 0.0) ? twirlAngleRadians : sincWeight;
// switch between a gaussian falloff or a sinc fallof
adjustedRadians = (gaussOrSinc == 1) ? adjustedRadians : gaussWeight;
// rotate the pixel sample location.
float cosAngle = cos( adjustedRadians );
float sinAngle = sin( adjustedRadians );
float2x2 rotationMat = float2x2(
cosAngle, sinAngle,
-sinAngle, cosAngle
relativePos = rotationMat * relativePos;
float scale = zoomAmount;
// sample and set as the output color. since relativePos
// is related to the center location, we need to add it back in.
// We use linear sampling to smooth out some of the pixelation.
outputColor = sampleLinear( oImage, relativePos/scale + center );
So now I want to port it into OpenGL ES shader. math and parameters are convertable into OpenGL ES shader language, but what to do with sampleLinear? what is analog for it in openGL ES shader languge?
So I had created something similar to my HYDRA filter... compatable with webGL and OpenGL ES shaders...
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
void main(void)
vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0 * gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
// a rotozoom
vec2 cst = vec2( cos(.5*time), sin(.5*time) );
mat2 rot = 0.5*cst.x*mat2(cst.x,-cst.y,cst.y,cst.x);
vec3 col = texture2D(tex0,0.5*rot*p+sin(0.1*time)).xyz;
gl_FragColor = vec4(col,1.0);
To see how it works get modern browser, navigate to shadertoy provide it with one texture ( for example), paste my code into editable text aeria and hit ... Have fun. So.. now I have another problem... I want to have one image and black around it not copies of that same image... Any one knows how to do that?
Per Adobe's Pixel Blender Reference, sampleLinear "Handles coordinates not at pixel centers by performing bilinear interpolation on the adjacent pixel values."
The correct way to achieve that in OpenGL is to use texture2D, as you already are, but to set the texture environment for linear filtering via glTexParameter.
You can use the step function and multiply by its result to get black for out-of-bounds pixels, or give your texture a single pixel black border and switch to clamping rather than repeat, also via glTexParameter.
If you want to do it in code, try:
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
void main(void)
vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0 * gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
// a rotozoom
vec2 cst = vec2( cos(.5*time), sin(.5*time) );
mat2 rot = 0.5*cst.x*mat2(cst.x,-cst.y,cst.y,cst.x);
vec2 samplePos = 0.5*rot*p+sin(0.1*time);
float mask = step(samplePos.x, 0.0) * step(samplePos.y, 0.0) * (1.0 - step(samplePos.x, 1.0)) * (1.0 - step(samplePos.y, 1.0));
vec3 col = texture2D(tex0,samplePos).xyz;
gl_FragColor = vec4(col*mask,1.0);
That'd restrict colours to coming from the box from (0, 0) to (1, 1), but it looks like the shader heads off to some significantly askew places, so I'm not sure exactly what you want.
