why surefire plugin is skipped in the given maven profile? - maven

I was reading through this profile configuration.
<delete file="${project.build.outputDirectory}/environment.properties"/>
<copy file="src/main/resources/environment.test.properties"
.. Other profiles go here ..
why maven-surefire-plugin is configured skip here. I don't see any phase it is bound to?
And according to the antrun configuartion, the artifact would end up with environment.test.properties (renamed as environment.properties). But that is not expected correct?


SonarQube doesn't show any results

I don't know why sonarqube isn't showing any resuls while running sonar-scanner and even mvn clean verify sonar:sonar and everything is successfully but with no results.
this is my configuration:
<property environment="env" />
<echoproperties prefix="env." />
This is how it looks like on sonarqube dashboard:

Maven plugins via profile are not executed in specified phase

My requirement to execute testng.xml file to run the automation scripts and send the mail once execution is completed. I'll define like what tests to run from testng.xml file.
So I've decided to use maven profiles concept for running the testng.xml file and for sending execution reports as below. When i run the command using
"mvn test -P Code_Compile,Run_Tests,Mail_Reports", below mentioned profiles are not executed. Please let me know what I'm missing here.
<id>send a mail</id>
<subject>Latest Automation Report...</subject>
<htmlMessage><![CDATA[<p>Hi, Please find enclosed latest Automation reports.</p>]]></htmlMessage>
I've tried to include only plugins inside build tag instead of profiles by setting the phase as "test" for each plugin as shown below and tried to run "mvn test" command.As you can see below I've included test in each plugin.This try also didn't pick the execution of plugins. Please help me in solving this problem either via profiles or via plugins.
<id>send a mail</id>
<subject>Latest Automation Report...</subject>
<htmlMessage><![CDATA[<p>Hi, Please find enclosed latest Automation reports.</p>]]></htmlMessage>
If you run mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:1.3:list -P Code_Compile,Run_Tests,Mail_Reportsthis will output the plugins maven is executing and their execution ids, You might see from the output of the command that your executions are probably not overriding the default executions (as these have different ids).
Instead of defining your Code_Compile profile use the default properties defined here: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/examples/set-compiler-source-and-target.html
Also if you want to use a specific version of the compiler use pluginManagement to define that.

maven toolchain in profile

If I define toolchain plugin in activated by default profile it's not working for some plugin such as maven-javadoc-plugin(for maven-compiler-plugin it is working) :
In other case it work perfect for all plugin:
Why is this happening?
you have to bind the execution of your plugin into validate phase:

Maven and emma plugin

How to configure maven build to fail if some of bundles to instrument are misspelled or no target/coverage/coverage.xml file report is generated?
I did not check, try:

Copying files from my project in Maven

Is it possible to copy folders from my project to a certain location during some Maven phase? Does anybody know how?
The Maven way of doing this would be using the copy-resources goal in maven-resources-plugin
From http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/examples/copy-resources.html
<!-- here the phase you need -->
Take a look at the maven-antrun plugin. You can copy a file in any maven phase like this:
<copy file="myFileSource" tofile="MyFileDest"/>
A solution similar to #mort's one with maven-antrun-plugin 1.8:
<copy file="sourceFile" tofile="targetFile"/>
Note that <tasks> node is deprecated in favor of <target> node as of maven-antrun-plugin 1.5.
