I'm trying to write a script on a Mac which should access a router via telnet. This is to enhance the router's power, which cannot be done via web.
The problem is that the telnet channel is blocked, and in order to unlock it I need to run the following instruction:
/users/shared/telnetenable - 200CC8132A36 admin password >/dev/udp/
Now, I can open a telnet connection, but in order to send commands to the router I need to do all that with expect. So, my file begins with:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
and all instructions are preceded by spawn, e.g.
spawn telnet
while the command sent to the router is:
send "wl -a wl0 txpwr 100\n"
My problem is that I do not know how to run via spawn the instruction that unlocks telnet on the router. Can anybody help me?
You don't have to use spawn to run a non-interactive command. Tcl's exec command is enough. For example:
# the ``/dev/udp/host/port'' syntax is bash specific
exec bash -c "/users/shared/telnetenable - 200CC8132A36 \
admin password > /dev/udp/"
spawn telnet
... ...
Expect also has a system command so you can also
system "/users/shared/telnetenable - 200CC8132A36 \
admin password > /dev/udp/"
I'm actually working on vi and I want to make a script which connects me to a vpnc (and automatically enters the password), and then, connects me to a ssh distant server.
I made this, but it's not working:
#! /usr/bin/
set force_conservative 1;
set timeout 2
spawn sudo vpnc
expect "password: $"
send "xxx"
spawn ssh marpic#192.xxx.xxx.xxx
expect "password: $"
send "xxx"
I want to implement this so I can later add my copyfiles.sh script which copies the files on the ssh server to my PC.
check your first line.
make sure you invoke the shell correctly.
#!/usr/bin/bash is the path correct?
I'm trying to make a script connecting via an SSH connection to a server and executing some commands. The first part works:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh address
expect "password:"
send "password\r"
but after that I want to execute some more commands, e.g cd to directory, launch some more scripts etc. Is there any way to implement these things ?
try following:
set login "any_user"
set addr "some_address"
set pw "any_pwd"
spawn ssh -t $login#$addr
expect "$login#$addr\'s password:"
send "$pw\r"
expect "~" ; # put here string from your server prompt
send "mkdir some_dir\r"
This is one of the command, you could try other commands like cd, any other scripts too in it and let us know if any queries.
I want to run some commands on another machine after I logged in through ssh. I have automated login using expect. I don't know much about bash and expect. Please help me out.
Here is what i have written:
spawn ssh user#ip
expect "password:" { send "mypassword\n"}
echo yes
If you just want to execute a single command on the remote server, you can send the command in single quotes like: ssh user#ip 'echo "yes"'
But if you want multiple commands to be run, then its better to use telnet than ssh.
I'm trying to write a shell script (Bash) to log into a SonicWall firewall device and issue a command to perform automated backups of the devices ruleset. I prefer to do this in Bash but I will accept a python, perl, except, or applescript solution. If it cannot be done in bash please mention that.
1.) SSH server on firewall is custom, a user name and password has to be specified after issuing a
$ ssh server.com
so no matter what username you issue e.g.
$ ssh admin#server.com
the SSH server still presents a username and password box after
2.) The SSH server is minimal and I cannot use public-keys
I tried using a here-document but it isn't working and it results in an immediate "connection closed by remote host".
The command I need to execute takes the form of this:
export preferences ftp "ftp.server.com" "user1" "mypassword" "output.exp"
Connecting gives me this:
$ ssh admin#server.com
Copyright (c) 2010 SonicWALL, Inc.
After a username is issued it brings up the password prompt:
I tried a here-document to no avail.
$ ssh server <<+
export preferences ftp "ftp.server.com" "user1" "mypassword" "output.exp"
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Connection to closed by remote host.
I tried using echo to pipe in commands too but that doesn't work either.
Typing the commands in manually works just fine.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
As others have suggested, expect is probably what you want to use here.
Here's a short example of how to work with it from bash to get you started:
# +whatever variables you need to use
# Run the expect script from bash
expect_sh=$(expect -c "
spawn ssh $login#$IP
expect \"password:\"
send \"$password\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"cd $dest_dir\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"chmod +x $server_side_script $other_script\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"./$device_side_script\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"cat results_file\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"exit\r\"
# Output or do something with the results
echo "$expect_sh"
You can automate the ssh session using the original expect, here is a nice article discussing it in detail: http://solar1.net/drupal/automating%20SSH%20with%20expect or the Python module pexepect: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/346/python-how-to-access-ssh-with-pexpect/
I'm not a BASH expert but i had to do something where interactive password prompts was causing me a problem.
Basically your script needs to wait to be asked to enter login credentials, and pass them when prompted in order to login, once logged in you can issue the command.
I recommend looking at spawning "expect" sessions. Basically in your script you use expect to basically say "i expect to see password: in the response, when i do, i need to pass in the following data".
Here's the wiki page which helps explain it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expect
and if you google around you will find lots of help.
that didn't work for me.
I had to pass the variables to the script at launch.
Example launch script login2.sh, with three arguments:
-bash-4.1$ ./login2.sh Jan2**** HIE_SUPER
I realize this question has been asked a few times but I could not find a relevant answer anywhere in my searching.
I am working in a development environment where security is not an issue and anyone could just guess the password if the thought for a few seconds.
What I am trying to do is simple. I have created an alias function in my local .bashrc file and I would like this function to automatically log into a machine with a default password.
My current implementation looks something like this:
function s () {
ssh root#192.168.1.$1
When I run it I get something like this:
~]s 122
ssh root#
root#'s password:
Using Bash, and not using RSA keys I would like to get this to use the default password 'password'.
I've tried the following where IP and User have already been set.
Do=$(expect -c "
spawn ssh $User#${IP[0]}.${IP[1]}.${IP[2]}.${IP[3]}
expect \"yes/no\"
send \"yes\r\"
expect \"assword\" send \"password\"")
echo $Do
It gives the follwing error:
Connecting and logging into server using expect
usage: send [args] string
while executing
invoked from within
"expect "assword" send "password""
Administrator#'s password:
bash: spawn: command not found...
Using the following command I am able to connect a machine. If I remove the interact it just runs the uptime command and closes the connection. With the interact command I am unable to see what I am typing or actually interact with the machine. Any ideas?
Do=$(expect -c "spawn ssh $User#${IP[0]}.${IP[1]}.${IP[2]}.${IP[3]}; set timeout 4; expect \"assword\"; send \"password\n\"; expect \"test\"; send \"uptime\n\"; interact;");echo $Do;
You can do this with the expect tool: http://expect.sourceforge.net/
It's widely available, so depending on your system, the equivalent of sudo apt-get install expect or yum install expect will install it.
Here's an example of an expect script with ssh. This logs you in and gives you control of the interactive prompt:
set login "root"
set addr ""
set pw "password"
spawn ssh $login#$addr
expect "$login#$addr\'s password:"
send "$pw\r"
expect "#"
send "cd /developer\r"
Here's an example of how to use expect as part of a bash script. This logs in with ssh, cd to /var, runs a script, then exits the ssh session.
login_via_ssh_and_do_stuff() {
# build the expect script in bash
expect_sh=$(expect -c "
spawn ssh root#
expect \"password:\"
send \"password\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"cd /var\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"chmod +x my_script.sh\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"./my_script.sh\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"exit\r\"
# run the expect script
echo "$expect_sh"
You can leave these snippets in a script on your local system, and then just alias to the scripts.
Also: I know you said security isn't an issue, but I'd like to just note, again, that the "proper" way to ssh without using a password is to use a ssh key-pair =)
Use sshpass which is available in package repositories on major Linux-es.
For example, when password is in password.txt file:
sshpass -fpassword.txt ssh username#hostname
sshpass runs ssh in a dedicated tty, fooling it into thinking it is
getting the password from an interactive user.